Two: New Feelings

Muffled voices come through the fog of pain and ache that flood my whole body. I couldn't move or even open my eyes to see who was talking or where I was. A male voice rings out, low and cautious. "She doesn't have long Payne, the brain damage...."

Feminine and somewhat familiar another voice snaps back "You're not listening. I want to save her," A pause then the female speaks again cautiously "I just need you to be here to keep me from falling too deep."

The fog starts to roll back in and it takes over pulling me into an abyss.


Hot pain shoots through me spreading like wildfire throughout my body lurching me awake, crying out in confusion. My arm was on fire. The pain was unbelievable, filling every muscle in me, it felt like I was being roasted on fire slowly. Distantly I can hear screaming, it's my voice yet I don't remember when I started screaming. I thrashed against whatever restrained me. It held me down tightly as I try with all my might to escape the pain but I couldn't budge. Howling as the torment keeps coming relentlessly until it took over me entirely, knowing nothing but that pain. It feels like an eternity until my eyes roll back into my head giving me a sweet release from the torture.

At some point, the pain dulls to a pulsing ache in the very back of my skull and I can sleep without yelling out in pain.


When I wake up one of the first thing I notice is the plain walls and ceiling the second is the strain in my right arm weighing it down to my side. I groan as I struggle to sit up my head pounding as I make the effort. The bed I was laying in was large and swallowed me in plush comfort, the blankets large and heavy, I kick them off of me. My body was stiff and sweaty, moving robotically. Looking around I'm in a room unfamiliar to me, a window to my left showed the night sky and a door was in front of me, the only other piece of furniture in the room was an armchair in the corner.

"This isn't my room?" I tell myself.

"Perceptive aren't you pet." I jump as a woman materialized from the corner, I hadn't seen her sitting in the chair, the room was dark. She stood and walked to the side of my bed.

Squinting I realize it's the woman from the bar last night. Was she the one who saved me?

She wore tight blue jeans hugging her bottom nicely and a dark T-shirt that pushed her breast up into clear view. Her dark hair tumbled down her front and framed her pretty face. The stilettos she wore had her towering over me, it was so intense and very hot.

I shrink at her commanding presence blushing slightly under her sharp gaze. "Where am I?"

The goddess sits down at the foot of the bed crossing those long legs of hers and says "A safe place for now," the answer vague.

"W-what happened?" I stutter.

Tilting her head slightly concern shows in her maroon eyes "A werewolf attacked you if I didn't show up..." she trails off before shaking her head "How are you feeling? Any pain?"

I shake my head slightly "Just achy..." I go to rub my neck but wince when a sharp pang goes through my arm. "Ah!" I gasp. My arm was wrapped up in gauze. "I don't remember cutting my arm..." I say.

"You didn't," the woman's exotic accented voice says "You hit your head...very badly."

Silence fills the room as I put the pieces together; her red eyes, that attractive pull to else could she have saved me from a werewolf? My throat goes dry and my ears start ringing loudly as I come to my conclusion. "You're a vampire." It wasn't a question but she nods anyway. "And you turned...?" My voice shook as tears threatened to come.

The female vampire looks down with guilt and pain in her eyes as I began to cry. Emotions got the better of me and once they came I couldn't stop it, she doesn't say a word just sat there quietly. The feeling of hurt, anger, and confusion crashing into me. When my tears run out and I'm able to control my breathing again she whispers "I am sorry." Her voice low "I tried to save you without having to turn you but medicine was no help at all. I was left with a choice to let you die or save you."

I feel my body going cold as the realization hits me and I let out a gasp "My family, they must be worried about me-"

Holding up a hand to cut me off she says "Your phone had your family name and address in it, when I made my decision I wrote to your parents a letter explaining everything. They wrote back that they were grateful for my help and accept my terms."

I jerk my head up at her "What terms?"

"You're a newly turned vampire with no idea what to do, don't you think it smart to be taught how to adjust to the lifestyle?" She asks me with a raised brow.

Embarrassed for not thinking of that I cross my arms "So you'll be my teacher I assume?" Tone coating my words.

The vampire smirks and spreads her arms wide "Who better to teach you than your very own sire?"

Taking a deep breath to calm down I ask in a small voice. "What am I supposed to do now?"

Going quiet for a long time the woman ponders the thought, I didn't expect an answer but the one she gives surprises me. "You live, and fight tooth and nail to live the life you want."

I shake my head in disbelief at the whole situation. I couldn't believe I almost died, that I will die soon if I don't feed. Everything was spinning with the news just thrown at me, my senses going numb to everything except the fact that I was sitting in a room with the vampire who saved my life and in the same action ended it. I felt sick as if I just chugged a gallon of sick liquid, my mouth dry and rough. Would my family still look at me the same when I come home? Shit. My stomach churned at the thought, can I go home? Will they take me back now that I'm...different? As if reading my mind the woman reaches out and grabs my hand, her eyes turning gentle and soft so did her voice like she was speaking to a caged wild animal. The cool touch of her hand on mine felt like balm for a burn helping me focus a little.

"They will come to terms with this sudden change and the new you, and they want you home as soon as you are able." A pause "When I spoke with your parents I could tell they loved you, that they were glad you were safe."

A nice sentiment, the vampire who put me in this predicament trying to comfort me and my fears.

That brings another question to mind, I look up at her. " Why?"

She blinks, confused. "Why what?"

"Why save me?" I ask bluntly. "Why did you turn me? Why go through all this trouble of helping me when it wasn't your problem when you didn't have to help?"

Her eyes show a curious shine in them as she cocks her head to the side, black hair falling into her face. "I couldn't just let you die. You're young, you have a full life ahead of you."

I scoff. "Yeah, an eternity now."

A sigh comes from the female sitting next to me. "I am truly sorry." She stands and walks over to the door. "As your sire, I will help you and show you how to live this kind of life." Pausing with her hand on the handle she speaks in a low tone. "Names Aurora pet, get used to seeing a lot of me."

With that she exits the room, the door clicking shut behind her as I'm left alone to reel from it all.


I wake up to a scorching heat climbing from my heart to the rest of my body. Air leaves my lungs as my pain increases I throw my hands out clutching the cotton sheets, eyes flying wide open frantically looking around the room. There was a excruciating pain flooding my veins, like an unknown force twisting my nerves into bundles of pain. I don't remember when I started screaming but the door bangs open with Aurora flying in. Relief washes over me as she comes to my side pulling my up eyes searching for injury. Although the worry and fear in her exotic eyes did nothing but cause me to panic more.

"What's wrong?" She questions me but no words come from me, the remaining air I have exits me in another shout of pain.

I try my hardest but no words come from me only gurgles of noise and cries. Clutching Aurora by the shirt I stare into her eyes hoping she can see what was wrong. I watch her frantically look around the room for the cause of my pain to find nothing. My sire's expression keeps shifting to angry, worried, and pained in a matter of a few moments. Not knowing what else to do she wraps her solid arms tightly around me her accented voice hushing me with soothing words into my ear. Aurora stays like this with me until I'm not shaking still holding me close, petting my hair gently. At some point during the night, the pain resides to a dull pang and I pass out, my sire with me the entire time; an anchor against the pummeling waves inside me. With my back pressed up against her chest, I enter the dream state feeling at peace in the middle of a painful storm.

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