Three: Blood is thicker than Venom

Frustration coating her words Aurora pushes the cup across the table. "Drink. It. Now. Before I hold you down and force it down your throat." The threat comes out in a growl.

To hide how much the thought of her on top of me excites me I cross my arms and look away indignantly, defiantly saying. "No."

With an irritated noise, Aurora throws her hands up and sits back in her chair across from me to glare and I return it with stubbornness, refusing to back down like some dog. Sensing I wasn't going to go down without a fight the angry vampire snaps at me white teeth flashing through red lipstick. "If you don't feed and complete the transition you will die Lizabeth." She narrows her red eyes "Painfully." The last part added for fear and it nearly works, my stomach twisting at the thought.

Instead of relenting, I gulp down my fears and retort. "I will not be drinking anything that smells like this," I push the cup of blood back across the table red liquid spilling out onto the wood. "It's disgusting."

Aurora blinks in surprise before it's replaced with alarm. "What?"

So that wasn't normal? I look down feeling an odd wave of shame wash over me, not liking the look in my sire's eyes "It smells like sulfur, I don't want to drink it." I say honestly.

When I look back up I can see the wheels turning in her head, long ink-black hair cascading down her back, I wanted to reach out and wrap my fingers in it. I blush and clear my throat, Aurora's attention snapping back to me.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask looking into her wine-colored eyes, she waves a long-fingered hand through the air for me to proceed.

I look out the window to see the night sky twinkle with lights and stars in the distance, gathering the courage to ask my question. Avoiding her eyes afraid to see what lies in them I ask. "Am I the first person you've ever..."I trail losing my confidence and blush feeling like what I was asking was extremely personal.

Grunting with acknowledgment Aurora cross her legs "I knew you would ask this sooner or later."

Curiosity gets the better of my embarrassment and I steal a glance at her only to find the female vampire staring me down with an intense look in her slanted eyes. They hold me there captivated by the color, I'm unable to look away as I feel a heat tingle up my neck.

"Yes, you are the first person I've ever turned." She leans forward still holding my gaze. "This is as new for me as it is for your pet." Aurora's tone was light like it wasn't a big deal or how inexperienced we both were to this.

It only piled more questions on top of the ones I already had, my head felt ready to burst with them all. I rub my forehead to ease the pounding inside my skull. It still amazed me that she saved me in the first place. Most vampires won't give you a second glance unless they are hungry, being threatened, or for the darker one's temporary playthings. Yet casually sitting across from me was the exotic goddess who saved my life, not once but twice.

Her foreign accent tears me from my thoughts. "If you refuse to drink it you still need something in your stomach."

I shrug "I suppose you're right." The glare she tossed my way showed how much she disliked how nonchalant I was being so I look away.

Before I can blink Aurora is in front of me hands on my shoulders pushing me back into the chair, forcing me to look into her fierce gaze. Again heat crawls up my neck and I try to avert my eyes but cold fingers grip my chin tightly holding me in place. The smell of citrus and incense floats around me making me feel fuzzy, I inhale it deeply finding the smell incredibly calming and all at the same time entirely sexy.

"Do you not wish to live?" Her voice containing slight traces of rage, fingers pinching my skin tightly. "Do you wish I left you to that beast, left you to be torn into by it?"

I shiver at the thought my hands sweating, I felt exposed to her right at this moment, those eyes stripping me to the core, seeing all of me. "No," I whispered fearing if I spoke louder my voice would show how scared I was. Tears threatened to spring to my eyes but I blink them back not wanting her to see me cry. "This is all just too much. I don't know what to do."

Red eyes soften and so does Aurora's grip on my shoulders at my confession. I gasp when she leans down to nuzzle her face in the crook of my neck inhaling deeply, the contact shocking but not unpleasant either. She stays very still for a moment before her lips brush over my pulse; a ghost of a touch. Goosebumps rise to the surface of my skin and I'm unsure if it's from her cool temperature or how good her touch feels.

"Life is hard," she mumbles pulling away from me walking to the door. "But dying isn't as easy as you think either. Fight."

Then Aurora exits as I am left to try to calm my thumping heart, once again wondering what the hell is happening to me.


One month later I have learned how to control my newfound strength and emotions due to Aurora's constant tests and extreme lessons. Over that time she got to know me well while I still knew nothing of my savior. She pressed my buttons to see how far she could go before I burst, teasing me any chance that she got. One month later I had a shit ton of feelings I didn't even want to think about for her. Luckily for me, I had something else to worry about right now.

Towering over me Aurora held a cup of blood and had me backed up against a wall, determination, and frustration burning in her eyes. I felt trapped literally and figuratively, as she sauntered closer but I didn't let it show swallowing the lump caught in my throat. Here we are once again, right where it started the first time, Aurora had spewed several threats at me and liked to add more than once that I would die if I did not feed. I had held my ground at first telling her once again that I would not be ingesting anything that smelt like rotten eggs.

With an impatient noise she said "Alright pet if you won't drink it by choice," her voice coated in venom "then you'll drink it by force."

I stared daggers at the seething goddess my jaw clenched shut. "You wouldn't dare."

Aurora's eyes had gotten this dangerous look in them as I had just invited her to a game of cat and mouse; me being the mouse and her the cat. A wild grin settled on her full tantalizing lips as she stalked towards me. "Oh? You think you know me that well?" Cool fingers wrap around my wrist and yanking me forward.

I let out a yelp as I fly through the air and land on the bed, Aurora's weight on me seconds later, warm and commanding. My face flaming up with heat when her own comes inches away, her breath on my neck, and thick black hair fell around me tickling my cheek. "Don't struggle pet," she murmurs to me in a silky voice. "You and I both know you're too weak to fight me." A long leg swings over me and the female vampire settles on my lap.

Aurora straightens, brings the cup to her smirking lips not breaking eye contact with me, a fire burning in those exotic eyes as she takes a drink from the cup. She pins me down with one firm hand on my chest the other sets the cup down on the nightstand before snaking up my back propping me up.

It was all so intense, then again when wasn't Aurora not this fervid. The thought brings a ghost of a smile to my lips just as she leans down to press her lips to mine, my mind going blank momentarily. All I can think about are how soft her lips feel as they move against mine. I involuntarily wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer, Aurora deepens the kiss exciting a moan from me and she takes advantage. She leads me, taking control of the embrace as her tongue forces its way into my mouth. A sweet warm liquid enters my mouth with her tongue and I choke on it in surprise, gagging as it slides down my throat.

Aurora sits up looking down at me with victory licking the blood off her lips and flashes me a wicked grin. I struggle to sit up as heat starts to build in my stomach. Then it engulfs me like someone dousing a match with gasoline. My throat burns with a fire so intense it leaves me screaming in pain. It felt as if I drank lava, it was burning me from the inside out. The smug and victorious look on Aurora's face slowly turns fearful and concerned as I choke on nothing, burning from the inside out. My sire jumps off my lap and holds me up fear in her eyes as they look me up in down. Her mouth is moving but I can't hear over the ringing in my head. Everything started to go dull, like I was drunk, my senses drowning in pain. Everything started to go dark and I could feel myself slipping away.....


White light fills the room blinding me and forcing my eyes shut, when it fades an old woman stood in the room, bent and crooked her cloak hiding her face. Aurora instinctively pushes me behind her; an effort to protect me.

"Who the hell are you crone?" She growls.

Ignoring her the old hag turns her head to me, eyes hooded by her ragged cloak and raises a thin jagged, claw-like finger at me, her voices a raspy whisper when she speaks. "Lizabeth Guinevere Van Byrne, grandchild of Zeus, you have sealed your Fate. Bound in blood you shall be, an eternity of glee or misery." The old woman gasps for air. "A choice that lies in your hands Prophet."

And just as she appeared the old woman disappears with a bright light, leaving no sign she was even here. I look at Aurora with wide eyes. "What the fuck is going on?" I finally find my voice.

Her face was tight and grim as she slips off the bed and grabs her coat slipping it on. "I'm not sure but I didn't like the sound of it." Aurora tosses me my jacket and opens the door. "Let's go."

Slightly weak I push myself to the edge of the bed, my head pounding. Standing up slowly I follow my sire out of the room. I push my arm through the sleeves of my jacket. "Where are we going?"

Closing the door behind her Aurora answers "To find some answers."

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