Five: Homecoming

*this is a long chapter guys so buckle up and enjoy.

Waves of anxiety come over as I stand on the doorstep to the Van Byrne Manor, I just stared at the door trying to calm my heart. My palms beginning to sweat as I overthink things, all scenarios flying through my head. Does my family still love me? What would happen when they saw me? A reassuring  hand lands on my shoulder and I jump, Aurora is at my side with a confident smile. My sire's cool presence beside me helping me stay calm.

"It will be ok, just walk in." Her word encouraging me.

I take a shaky breath and nod stiffly. "Okay, I can do this," I say mostly to myself.

Stepping forward I take another deep breath to steel my nerves and turning the doorknob.

Entering the manor I take in the sights familiar to me. It calms me almost instantly, the marble floors and dark oak walls comforting me, and the smell...I inhale deeply the scent of sandalwood enveloping me.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice carrying through the large manor.

Nearly seconds later I hear several hurried footsteps from upstairs. Two male voices shouting all the way down to the bottom of the stairs. A huge smile comes to my lips at the sight of my two little brothers toppling over each other to get to the door. When I get a full view of them my heart melts.

"Liza!" They both exclaim barreling into me crushing me tightly.

I chuckle and hug them both with genuine love. "Boys, take it easy."

Pulling back with matching grins my sibling's mutter apologies. Getting a good look at them I commit their faces to memory, soaking it up. Jason, the youngest had grown in the last month, his sandy blonde hair a bit longer, little curls at the nape of his neck. He looked taller, his shoulders broader, he came up to my stomach now striking greens eyes looking up at me happily. And Anthony, my 15-year-old brother looked the same as Jason except for his lanky dancer build, shoulders were thrown back proudly.

Tears spring to my eyes, emotions overwhelming me and I wrap my arms around them again. "Holy hell I've missed you."

"Oh my," my mother's voice comes from the top of the stairs, my father behind her with wet eyes.

They both looked exhausted, looking older than they were from stress. My father neatly cut black hair was salted with grey his green eyes baggy from lack of sleep. Mother was fatigued, her posture showing how tired she was, pale blue eyes heavy with emotion. Just a look at them is enough to send me over the edge,  happy tears flowing free as I rush into their arms. The reassuring touch from them was enough for me to know they loved me, all my fears and doubts going out the window.

In the midst of my reunion, I forget about Aurora; disengaging from the tangle of limbs and wiping away tears I find her bringing the last of my things in from the car, standing politely in the doorway. Catching my gaze she offers a small smile her eyes saying 'I told you so'. I roll my eyes at her but smile anyway.

My mother finally notices my sire standing there arms behind her back, mom walks over to her. "You." She breathes grabbing Aurora by the arms. Unease clouding Aurora's face but when my mother pulls her into a bear hug it quickly turns to uncomfortable surprise. I myself watch slightly shocked but say nothing as my mom's grip seems to tighten around my sire.

"Thank you," mom's voice thick with emotion. "You saved my daughter and we are forever grateful for it. We are in your debt." She lets go and steps back smiling at Aurora.

To my amusement and slight satisfaction, the female vampire shuffles her feet looking down muttering. "It was only the right thing to do ma'am." she embarrassed?!

I suppress a giggle and walk over to where she stood grabbing two of my bags. "Help me?" I tilt my head asking her.

Jerking her head in a nod Aurora gratefully accepts the escape and grabs the rest of my things following me up the stairs. I holler down to my family. "We'll meet you in the common room after I unpack."

I make my way to my bedroom, the halls and doors all look the same to anyone but me, growing up here I know every nook and cranny of the manor. I find my room easily, opening the door stepping into the familiar space, everything in the same spot I had left it. The room was spacious, a sliding glass door across from me leading to the veranda and another door to my left going to the bathroom and my glorious tub. Walls were painted a dark grey with one green accent wall. My bed was large enough to fit for three and it looked so alluring I fly onto it with a small giggle of glee, rolling around in the soft blankets.

A quiet chuckle comes from beside me, silent like the night Aurora had come to sit next to me. "I think I like that sound," she purrs playing with my hair. "It's adorable."

Her proximity and words send blood rushing to my face. Eyes the color of rubies latch on mine daring me to look away, to run. A small part of me wants to, scared of my thoughts and reaction to her. I could feel the heat building in my stomach, all I wanted to do was drag her down on top of me and kiss her. And the look in her eyes tells me to do it like always daring me to do something-anything.

I sit up abruptly forcing Aurora to back up and drop her hand, with a frustrated groan I rake my nails through my hair. "Why do you keep doing that?" I spit out.

"What?" Aurora asks innocently.

Throwing my hands up in exasperation I tip my head back to side-eye her. Her eyes were curious, waiting for me to explain. "Why do you tease me like that? Forcing a kiss on me and this nonstop flirting, it's making my head spin." Anger bubbles in me as I glare daggers at her. "Then you keep acting bipolar, these mood swings of yours are leaving me reeling. I-I can't keep track."

Aurora watches me quietly as I spew angrily her eyes gleaming with amusement and a dark grin that spikes want throughout me. You're supposed to be angry at her not turned on Lizabeth."Oh? You don't like our little games is that all?"

That only angers me more. "Yes! No! N-not exactly. I am not a plaything." I knew I sounded like a hypocrite but I was too upset to care. She was making me crazy and confused."You can't go around kissing people whenever you feel like it." I meant for it to come out fierce but it comes out weak and shaky.

Leaning in close Aurora brings her face to mine her breath cold against my neck. She smelt like citrus. "You think you've been kissed by me? What I did was save your life. Again." She purrs to me snatching my chin between her fingers forcing me to meet her gleaming eyes. "Trust me pet, if I gave you a real kiss you'd be a complete mess underneath me."

My breath is uneven as she moves closer with an enticing smirk on her lips. Her chest pressed firmly to mine as Aurora leans over me. When her mouth meets mine it's cool and soft, her mouth parting slightly inviting me to reciprocate. And I do with a burning hunger, wrapping an arm around her neck pulling her closer. Her hand travels down my neck to my waist keeping me there, and I don't complain as heat fills me. Every one of my senses enveloped by all of Aurora, her touch, her scent, the very feel of her. I gasp when she nips at my bottom lips her tongue snaking out to release me of the nonexistent pain. She doesn't budge with control, forcing me to stay still as she kisses me, dominating me.

I pull her as close as I can, needing to feel the delicious weight of her on top of me. Her free hand snakes under me she fits herself in between my legs. I shiver at the feeling and resist the urge to grind against her. Instead, I deepen the kiss, her cold tongue exploring my mouth with eagerness. I moan into her mouth and gasp when she grips my waist roughly. That is when I do grind my hips against hers, desperate for friction. She lets out a shaky exhale and pecks my lips once more.

Pulling back with a smug look Aurora lets go of me and I'm pulled back from the high she just gave me, my lips pulsing still. My hand covers my mouth as I look at her in shock. My heart was hammering in my chest as Aurora smirks licking her lips and stands.

I'm left breathless and unable to move, my limbs numb. "Ho- what-"I splutter staring at her with wide eyes.

Walking to the door Aurora laughs mirthlessly at me glancing back once only to say: "Told you so pet." And with the click of the door shutting.


In the common room, I chat with Tony and Jason while Aurora fills my parents in on recent events hoping they could shed some light on the subject. Doing my best to ignore Aurora in case I turn into a blushing schoolgirl I let Jason sit on my lap and clumsily braid my hair. Anthony was asking tons of questions that I didn't know how to answer but I try to give him the best ones I could. I missed this, even if it's talking about me and my newfound living arrangements, I missed talking to him, no judgment came from him. Just love and a lot of curiosity.

"So all this time you've been holed up in an apartment? Honestly, Izzy, I was worried sick. Father wouldn't tell me anything about it until this morning." He pouts. "Here I thought you were just partying with Ellie being stubborn."

I laugh at that. "I wish but I can't complain. I wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Aurora."

Anthony sobers at that looking down at his feet with a scowl. "...yeah."

Placing a hand on his I nudge him with my elbow offering a smile. "I'm okay now, that's what matters right?"

He nods but goes quiet the scowl still in place. Jason oblivious to the mood tugs hard on my hair laughing as he tangles it together. Gods, I'm going to spend hours getting these knots out tonight.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" My brother asks softly.


Green eyes come up to meet my gaze cautiously, his hand squeezes mine for comfort. "Have you talked to dad about...your engagement? What is going to happen now that you're..." he trails off.

It was a good question and one I haven't thought about either. What was going to happen now that I'm a....half vamp half demigod? There were many interracial families and couples in our world but most of the older families who ruled the land looked down on it. Was my fiancé going to call it off because I wasn't human anymore? How would my father react if that did happen? Can I still take my father's title when the time comes? I can feel the blood drain my face as I dig myself into a deeper hole, overthinking things.

Anthony lets go of my hand to wrap an arm around me, his familiarity was comforting. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."

I give him a weak smile, the pit in my stomach making me nauseous. "It's alright. I just haven't thought about it is all."

Their conversation apparently over, my parents and Aurora come over to us. My mom and dad sit across from me and Aurora takes up the leather armchair in the corner where she could just sit and watch. Jason leaps off my lap to my mom's only to continue his tangling of hair on her.

"What are you two whispering about?" My father asks with a tired sigh.

Tony looks at me leaving the choice up to me if I want to tell or not, the gesture makes me smile gratefully at him. "We were just discussing my engagement. If Finnick is willing to changes." Aurora tense out of the corner of my eye at the mention of my fiancé.

Looking at each other in surprise and uncertainty my parents share a silent conversation before answering me. My father speaking slowly carefully thinking out the words. "Finnick has been informed of your situation and is still open to marriage." He eyes me warily. "Only if you're now willing to at least talk to him?"

I roll my eyes at him. "We both know with how things are traditionally done I didn't have much of a choice to begin with." I turn a glare on both of my parents "No promises though, if I don't like him or he is a total jerk-it's over."

Both of them nod their agreement before I can back out of the deal. I sigh inwardly, without this union I can't fulfill my role as eldest and I won't have the respect or approval of the other Lords. This would also help me with the war if I was the one who could stop it. I would need support and firepower from them. The whole situation makes my stomach queasy so I shove the thoughts aside and jump into the conversation taking place.

We spend the night talking about recent events and how school is going long into the night. Aurora is polite and respectful the entire time, only chiming in when someone asks her opinion. I began to relax when my father stands with my mother following Jason fast asleep in her arms.

"I think it's time for my wife and me to retire," He glances over at the quiet vampire sitting in the corner. "Aurora your room is on the same floor as Lizabeth's as we discussed, make yourself at home."

Wait, WHAT?!