Six: Awkward

Aurora nods and mutters thanks as my parents exit the room, Anthony trailing sleepily behind them. When the door shuts behind them I look over at need it and help with any problems that arise." Her tone was indifferent.Aurora her face is unreadable but her eyes bore into me, a blush rising to my cheeks. Get a grip, Izzy. I shake my head and smile at her. "So you're staying here?" I ask trying to be as casual as possible.

Closing her eyes the female vamp nods. "Your father and I agreed that while you are still adjusting to this lifestyle I should stay close. To advise you when you

"Hmm," I murmur.

An uncomfortable silence falls over us and I find myself fidgeting with my shirt nervously. She makes me anxious, the way she looked at me was like a meal; prey she could easily take. No. Matter how close we got though she always pushed away, never giving up too much about herself. I barely knew my savor and sire after spending a month with her. The vampire always guarded, keeping me at arm's length.

"Well, I'm beat," I say getting to my feet. "My bed is calling my name. If you want you can follow me so you don't get lost looking for your room later."

With a sigh, Aurora stands "Alright, lead the way."

There it is again, the distant attitude but I don't let it get to me. Instead, I start walking to my bedroom remembering my father saying her room was on the same floor. For the last month, Aurora had shared a bedroom with me, staying close if I needed anything, so I took small comfort in knowing she'll still be close. Gods, I'm going crazy if I find comfort in this hot-cold vampire. I make my way out of the common room and up the stairs, Aurora following slowly behind me taking in the decor.

"Here we are," I say lamely when we make it to the second floor where my room was.

There were about a dozen other doors beside mine it would take a while to find the right one. I go to help her look when Aurora bypasses me and walks straight into my room. My mouth drops open in frustration and shock, quickly recovering I follow her shutting the door behind me.

"Umm...this is my room." Idiot, she already knows that.

"I'm too tired to waste my time looking for my room." My sire explains evenly not looking at me. "If it's alright I'll stay here tonight."

Trying not to blush I quickly reassure her. "T-that's fine. Uh, make yourself comfortable. I'm going to go take a bath."

She mutters something under her breath that I can't hear and turns her back to me picking up an object off my desk. I snatch up some clothes while Aurora's back is turned, a cami and PJ shorts then hurry off to my bathroom. I turn the hot water valve in my tub and undress thinking of the last month.

So much has happened and even though I felt overwhelmed with everything I was at peace; the truth easing the tugging in my chest. Every part of me had always been like this, letting things take its course no matter the consequences or how it affected me. Yet I was still surprised at where my path has taken me, I'm surprised at my attitude about my Fate-perhaps it was just because of Aurora. She seemed to always put me at ease, her very presence calming and comforting. Making me feel like anything would be easy if she was there to guide me.

The tub was now full and the steam rose off the water in light puffs. I turn off the water and grab my soap before sinking into the deep bath. Deep red eyes flash in my mind bringing goosebumps to my skin. Why does she make me feel like this? I dunk my head under the water hoping it would wash my thoughts away. I've always been a flirt but I have only ever been romantically involved with the opposite sex. Sure I liked to make a girl blush now and then for the fun of it but when I played along with Aurora's little games it felt different. It felt too intimate to be fake, too real. Nothing like the string of one time lovers I've had before.

My sire was always keeping me on my toes, testing my resolve and seeing how far she could push me. Aurora knew all my buttons, taking the last month to probe and poke me relentlessly. Maybe that was what I was attracted to. The constant games and power play for control, a wild dance where we never actually touch. Then again she'd never hurt me, Aurora may be aggressive at times but she was always mindful of my feelings. Aurora could be kind and gentle when she felt like it.

"Ah! Stop that." I chide myself.

Do not think about her at all. I mentally repeat it in my head as I scrub my body clean. I focus on planning my welcome home party instead, Anthony and Jason suggested it tonight and I couldn't say no. This was better though, something simple and straightforward to think about. I make a list in my head of what we need knowing exactly what I want to do. I'll invite Lang and Ellie, the two heathens that I missed terribly. Of course, it wouldn't be a party without them causing mayhem. Music would be the hardest, too many choices, I love practically every genre.

Once I am clean I drain the tub and step out to dry off and get dressed. Stepping out into my bedroom the cool air blows in from the open patio doors, Aurora must've opened them. I look around the room for her and find her perched at my desk with a thick book in her hands. Warmth floods me at the sight of her, long legs stretched out across my desk as she leaned on the back legs of my chair and her midnight black hair falling into her face. The title of the book in her hands read: "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe. It was one of the books from the shelf by my door.

Garnet eyes peer over the top of the book with a perfect brow raised. "I never took you for a romantic."

I snort and go to pull the covers down on my bed. Sitting with my legs crossed under me I start combing through my wet hair. Jason had tangled my hair up pretty badly. "And how did you come to that conclusion?"

With an elegant hand, Aurora gestures around the room at the packed shelves and bookcases I had. "For one, your books are all poetry or classics." Her nose crinkles adorably. " Second, the pictures you have. All friends and family but not a single one with a partner."

So she can tell that by my books and photos? I smirk at her "Well aren't you the modern-day Sherlock Holmes."

Aurora chuckles settling the book down and coming to join me on the bed. The bed dips under her weight, Aurora busies herself with her heels while I try to calm down. Relax, just relax Lizabeth. Pretend it's a sleepover with Ellie, not this goddess. The vampire stretches out slowly reminding me of a lazy cat in the sun, her eyes lidded with exhaustion. Just when I think she fell asleep she speaks.

"You don't want to marry this...Finnick fellow?"

The subject throws me off but I answer honestly after a long pause. "No, I don't."

Aurora opens her eyes to look at me with open curiosity. "So why did you agree to it?"

It was a simple question but still, it makes my mouth go dry and my eyes start to itch. Patiently waiting for my answer she holds my gaze, there was no judgment in her eyes just curiosity.

"My brothers are too young to understand the politics of our world. Anthony would take the responsibility in a heartbeat if he knew how I truly felt but I also know he would rather have nothing to do with it." I run my fingers through my freshly brushed hair letting out a heavy sigh. "Jason is only 10 and is still innocent to the harshness of reality. I fear that people would manipulate him for their own gain. As firstborn it's my responsibility, the burden on my shoulders before I could even take my first breath. Besides, it may help me put an end to this war. After all, it is my Fate."

The words taste bitter in my mouth I look away from Aurora and the pity in her eyes. A cool hand grabs mine tightly and my sire speaks softly. "I'm sorry, this seems to be a heavy weight on your shoulders. I have a feeling though that you will make it out ok, you are strong Lizabeth."

I smile at that, feeling slightly lighter when my name passes her lips. "Thanks."

Letting go of me Aurora gets under the covers turning over murmuring goodnight. When she turns over on her side I take several deep breaths and do the same. At her apartment she slept across from me but in her own twin bed.Being this close to her in the dark had me going crazy already, I could reach out and hold her. I groan internally knowing I won't sleep tonight.