Eight: Deal

After some gruesome schmoozing with council members, I was able to let myself relax as much as could. I watch as the last remaining councilmen say their goodbyes to my parents and shuffle out of the manor. Ellie is at my side wearing a cute little skirt with pumps her brown hair bouncing with curls. I ask her to turn up the music and she obliges me happily, a minute later the music at a nice thumping bass that shook my core pleasantly. I chug down my drink as I start to scan the room looking for two people. Neither one seemed to be here though to my immense distress, I just wanted this night over with. My shirt felt too tight around my chest the fabric confining me, I pluck nervously at the cotton.

Father had come by earlier to tell me Finnick would most likely be showing and ever since then I've been a wreck. I had several drinks hoping it will help me cope. More people than I had invited had shown up, filling the ballroom.

Lang appears at my side slinging an arm over my shoulder. "You look ready to blow chunks." his tone filled with his usual indifference although black eyes showed his concern.

A weak laugh escapes me and I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. "I just might my friend."

He gives me a look and I'm about to explain when Ellie comes back over to our table looking me over once with pursed lips. "You look awful babes," Lang shoves her and glares. "What?" She snaps at him.

I laugh as they glare at each other over my head. "Finnick is supposed to show," I tell them "and I'm so not ready."

Both Lang and Ellie groan muttering sour words about the man we've never met it made me smile, that these two would take my side even if it was childish. Ellie hugs me tightly while Lang offers me his drink. I accept both graciously.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay. You look fabulous I bet when he sees you he'll turn into a stuttering mess." Ellie hypes me up.

That makes me lighten up slightly and I let myself be dragged out onto the dance floor. Both of my friends making fools out of themselves just to make me laugh. We danced for a while laughing and twirling each other around before we make way to a table to catch our breath. I take a sip of a sweet alcoholic drink the liquid instantly warming me up.

Lang let out a low whistle as he leaned forward to look past me. "Now that's a man I would give anything to ride for a day."

Ellie mutters her agreement when she follows his gaze, both of their eyes going dreamy. Now I was curious, I want to see who can make both my besties go all gooey. I turn around in my seat and try and find who they were ogling. When my eyes land on him I understand what they mean. A tall man wearing a button-up and dark slacks stood in the entrance to the ballroom. He was very attractive, cornsilk hair combed neatly back letting his sharp features be put on display; strong jawline, high cheeks bones, and cute pink lips. His muscles were clear under his shirt even from this far away, the lean build of him reminding me of a panther.

"He is pleasing to look at," I mutter downplaying my approval.

As if hearing me speak from across the room bright captivating teal eyes snap to me, filling me with a chill. I fight back a shiver as he saunters over to our table. I felt like prey, the way he held my gaze, the depths of his eyes holding something unreadable that set me on edge.

Ellie gasps her expression turning from star-struck to shocked. "No, is that-?!"

"I do believe so." Lang breathes steering Ellie away.

The look I give him must have been so desperate because Lang gives me a glance full of pity and a thumbs up before disappearing into the rest of the guests. Traitors. I try to calm the butterflies in my stomach before Finnick makes it over to me. My eyes follow him to my table stopping just a foot away. Feeling like a deer in headlights I plaster a smile on my face hoping it doesn't come out looking like a grimace.

"Finnick?" I ask with a sweet smile. Father begged me to be nice hours before the guests even arrived and I had promised to behave.

His baritone voice is light and kind but it doesn't reach his eyes, that unreadable glint still in its depths. "In the flesh," The corners of his mouth turn up in a sly smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Gesturing for him to sit down I cross my legs and snatch a flute of champagne from a scurrying caterer. I take a sip letting the bubbles tickle the back of my throat as I try not to show how much I dreaded this moment.

"Likewise, I have been looking forward to this for a while."

A dry chuckle comes from the man sitting across the table leaning forward like he wants to tell me a secret. I can't help but lean in to, his teal eyes pulling me in. "Be honest with me Lizabeth, you hate the fact that you're here with me, you'd rather be anywhere else."

I'm a little startled by the bluntness but I push past it and decide to be honest. I cup my chin in my hand and look at him. "You're not wrong but you are also not right. I do feel like I should get to know you considering that I don't have a choice in the matter. With that said I also want to show my father I can handle the responsibility of being the next line."

That earns me a wide grin from Finnick, flashing straight white teeth. "I'm glad you said that; I have a proposition for you."

I tilt my head "And what would that be?"

He mimics my flirtatious tone with bright eyes. "I feel the same way about this whole thing, and like you said I want to show my parents that I'm ready to lead my part of the kingdom. So how about we just get this over with? We don't need to have feelings for each other but we could both benefit from an alliance."

I take a minute to consider his words, wiping the condensation off of my glass with a finger. "Like friends with benefits but instead we profit off of each other's land and resources?"

Finnick grins glad I understand. "Exactly, and who knows where things will lead from there," he shrugs " We might come to care for one another."

A blush rises to my cheeks that I hide by looking away, auburn hair falling between us. "Perhaps." I allow.

Sticking a large scarred hand out Finnick gives me a small smile. "Well, what do you say? Deal?"

I grip his offered hand firmly returning his smile. "Deal."

Finnick's smile grows big at my agreement, though I somehow feel like I just sold my sold to the devil.