Nine: Jealous

After hours of sitting and talking with Finnick, he offers to get me a drink before he has to go, now I leaned up against a pillar near the entrance of the ballroom taking a second to relax. Finnick was nice enough and we had a common goal. The entire night we just talked, sharing little tidbits about ourselves and our childhoods; we grew up in nearly the same way. He was easy to talk to and Finnick never crossed a line with me. Even though I still couldn't figure out that odd look in his eyes I chose to trust him...for now.

He's nothing like Aurora.

My thoughts startle me. I didn't even mean to compare the two but I couldn't help it. Aurora made me feel like a raging wildfire when I was with her but she never gave me what I wanted, backing out at the last second. My sire toyed with me like a cat with a ball of yarn; never truly being honest with me always finding a way to distract me. Whereas Finnick had been upfront from the gate, telling me what he wanted and let me have a choice. In the few hours that I have known him, I didn't feel on edge or like he might do something unpredictable. Finnick was safe and Aurora.....Aurora was not.

A tumbler full of dark liquid is put under my nose, the smell of liquor frying my nose hairs. Finnick laughs at the face I make as I take the glass from him. Standing next to him I can see how much taller he is, I only come up to his elbow.

"Do you tend to space out a lot?" Finnick asks with amusement.

I blush a little covering it up with a laugh. "Yeah, I'm kinda ditzy, my friends are always making fun of me."

He chuckles a deep bass in his chest. "I'll get used to it." Looking down at his glass with a grin Finnick says "I should've figured you were a little out there."

Jokingly punching him in the arm I pretend to look offended. "How rude, I am not." When he gives me a doubtful look I give in. "Ok, you win." Gods, am I flirting with him?!

"Ha! I knew I had you figured out." Triumphant Finnick downs his drink and looks down at me kindly. His teal eyes twinkle in the lights. "I'm glad you finally agreed to meet me, Lizabeth."

I look up at him with a smirk. "I'm sure you are."

Barking laughter Finnick says his goodbyes and walks away, I watch him until the doors slam shut behind him. As soon as they do I slump down in the nearest chair exhaustion taking over after all that fake niceties. I take a sip of the whiskey in my hand as I look out to the crowd of people in my house, the party seemed like a terrible idea now. I just wanted to take a nice bath and go to bed, maybe have Aurora read me to sleep. Her voice was soothing to me, like a warm cup of tea.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the person on my mind, she was leaned up against the railing outside looking at me with that intense gaze of hers. My eyes wander away from her eyes to her dress, my mouth going dry. A wine red dress clung to every curve of Aurora's body, long dark hair fell around her shoulders and onto her ample breasts. I swallow hard as I meet her gaze again, a smug look in her eyes basically saying: LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?

Good gods yes, yes I do like.

Before I can make my way over to her I'm bombarded by Lang and Ellie asking a million questions about Finnick. I watch as Aurora slips into the night a sharp pang going through me when she does. I don't see her at the party for the rest of the night. Many people I didn't know came up to me tonight suddenly interested in me. It was a weird situation but I thought I handled it well. My mother herds everyone out after 12 including Lang and Ellie who pout the whole way out. My parents and brothers hug me and say goodnight before going to bed.

I make my way up to my room with heavy feet yawning the whole way. When I open the door I am pleased to see Aurora in one of her now usual spots at my desk with a book and her legs kicked up. To my disappointment, she had changed out of her dress and back into her signature tight pants and bare feet. Holy Hotpocket even her feet were sexy. Her ruby eyes slide over to me and she sets the book down.

"Have fun?" Her tone casual.

I nod and flop on the bed. "I'm about to pass out but yeah I had fun I guess." Yanking a pillow down I hug it closer and close my eyes.

Aurora makes a noise of displeasure coming to the bed. "You can't sleep in heels, you'll get blisters." She chides softly.

Electricity shoots through my leg when her icy fingers grip my ankle undoing my heels. There she goes doing the unexpected. I bite my lip to hide my gasp at her touch. Calm down Izzy, she's taking your shoes off. Aurora's touch was surprisingly gentle, just whispers of actual touch that felt all too intimate. She knelt at my feet with a serious look in her eye. My left shoe drops to the floor with a thud and her chilly hands glide over my legs causing my gasp to slip out of my mouth.

She looks up at me with a smirk her fingers deftly unbuckling my shoe and pulling it off. "Relax pet,"

I look away from her blushing crimson and take several deep breaths as the gorgeous vampire takes my shoes and places them next to the door before getting on the bed. The bed dips with her weight and I keep my eyes off of her knowing if I stare any longer I might blow a fuse so instead I look at the flowers in a vase. I clear the lump in my throat loudly and I cringe. Smooth Iz, real smooth.

"I didn't get a chance to talk to you tonight, did you enjoy yourself?"

Aurora's head bobs in a nod. "I did, your friends Ellie and Lang think the world of you."

My eyes widen. "You hung out with them all night?" The distress clear in my voice. What did they say? What did those two heathens do?

She laughs a melodic hum. "Don't worry they didn't tell me anything embarrassing. They wanted to know about me and how your training was going. They seemed to really care."

That warms my heart, those little heathens care. "Yeah, they've been around since I was 5 our families raised us together."

"Hmm." She muses black hair falling in her face but she does not attempt to move it.

Swallowing the lump stuck in my throat I gather my courage and reach out and tuck the loose strands behind her ear. When she leans into my touch instead of flinching away I let out a relieved exhale. "You looked very beautiful tonight, that dress..." I trail off with a blush.

Aurora looks over at me with amusement playing in her gemlike eyes. "You liked that pet?" Her hand snakes out gripping the back of my neck, her thumb rubbing circles. "I was hoping you'd take it off of me but you were just too busy with everybody else. Flirting with that boy the whole night." Her exotic accent held a hint of bitterness.

My mind is all fuzzy I can't think of anything else but her cool hand on me and those intoxicating eyes. "Well- I'm sorry...I mean I had to-"

I clamp my mouth shut when she swoops in closer, her scent washing over me. Her hand held me firmly not allowing me to move. Her eyelids were low having a seductive effect that made me weak, breath fanning over my lips.

"Do you have any idea how it makes me feel," Aurora bends her head down to nuzzle my neck and I hold back a gasp of pleasure. "When my Tuṇaiyai won't even give me a moment's glance?"

Even if I wanted to speak I couldn't, like always Aurora's intensity leaves me speechless. All I could do was remind myself to breathe. Aurora's nose tracing the line of my neck inhaling deeply. "Mm, do you have any idea what you do to me with that smell? How much control it takes when you're near?"

That makes me gargle up a laugh. "What I do to you?" My tone is incredulous.

My sire climbs up on top of me her body pressing into mine. She holds me down with her intense, hungry eyes. "Yes, what you do to me. Nīṅkaḷ aḻakāka irukkiṟīrkaḷ, nāṉ uṉṉai muttamiṭa virumpukiṟēṉ." She whispers to me in a strange language.

"What was that?" I breathe as she inches closer to me.

"That was Tamil pet." Her hot breath tickles my face.

"What does it mean?"

Aurora doesn't answer me but closes the distance between us roughly pinning my wrist to the bed. Unlike her hold on me, her lips were soft and uncertain, waiting for me to push her away. Instead, a small moan escapes me and I whisper for her to kiss me again. That's all the encouragement she needs to deepen the kiss, nails digging into my wrist when I return the kiss. The pain was sharp and delicious forcing another moan from me. The refreshing cold temperature of Aurora's body soothes the heat that flares up in me as I kiss my sire. Her tongue sweeps across my bottom lip asking for permission and I open my mouth to her. She has taken full control now her tongue exploring my mouth eagerly. I'm floating on clouds when she pulls away to trail gentle kisses down my neck and collarbone, her grip loosening on my wrists. My ragged breathing is the only thing that breaks the quiet as Aurora continues leaving kisses on me. All I can do is be enveloped by her and her scent gasping her name when she nips me.

When her hands trace their way down to my thighs I freeze. Not that I didn't want her but I wasn't sure that I was ready. I had no experience with a female at all. Even though all I could feel right now was how good it feels to have her skin on mine I was uncertain about the next step. It took all of my willpower to not let her take me at this very moment. Noticing I was suddenly shaking and not kissing her back my sire freeze as well. She looks down at me with worried ruby eyes. Whatever she sees in my eyes must have told all she needed to know because her hands move away from my thigh and back to my hips offering an apologetic smile. My heart swells at how well she can already read my mind. I pull her back down for a passionate kiss before I can think about it. Aurora hums pleasantly against my mouth, gently kissing me back.

Very slowly Aurora pulls back to bury her face in the crook of my neck shaking slightly and taking deep breaths. I can feel her quivering with restraint on top of me pulling her taunt. Finding my voice again it's raspy and shaking.

"Gods, what's happening?"

Aurora slides off me with a chuckle but pulls me into her chest and tucks us under the covers. "Right now? Sleep."