Ten: Training

"So what exactly are we doing in here?" I ask my sire.

Aurora had barged into my room today demanding we train. Apparently, I have been slacking off on my training. My sire had me doing an exercise routine that she developed for me. She said it was to learn control over my strengths and speed. I thought it was a waste of time. I already trained nearly daily, my father had insisted that all his children were taught how to use a weapon.

"We are here because you are slow and weak," Aurora states bluntly.

I glare at her slightly offended. "I am not."

She chuckles walks over to the rack of daggers lining the tracing room wall. Faster than my eyes can follow my sire throws a dagger across the room. It flies directly for me but I am not quick enough to dodge it. The dull blade zips by my face by inches and imbeds itself in the wall behind me. I whip my head back and forth between the dagger and Aurora. Anger boils in me. "You just tried to stab me!"

Causal as can be Aurora shrugs. "If I wanted to hit you I could have. You should've been fast enough to catch or dodge it." Her slanted red eyes cut into me. "Since you can do neither get to training pet."

I grit my teeth at the nickname but follow her directions anyhow. She was right. I was weaker than I should be as a vampire. I was still mentally stuck at human strength while the rest of my body had fast forward to super vampire strength. I begrudgingly begin the workout as I fume silently about how unfair Aurora is. She is perched on a table close by reading. Occasionally she will look up to see how I am progressing. It's slightly difficult to focus on training when that goddess of a woman is watching me.

Hours later I am exhausted and drenched in sweat. I bend over and catch my breath, heaving big gulps of air through my mouth. "Holy Hotpocket. You want me to do this every day?!" I ask her incredulous.

Not bothering to look up my sire turns the page to her book. "Until you no longer get tired from it. Yes."

I felt frustrated with her. All-day I have been training like she asked and she hasn't paid any attention to me. "This is ridiculous." I let my arm fall to my side, the sword heavy on my trip.

That gets her to look at me. Amusement play in her wine-colored eyes. "Is it now?" Her tone only irritates me more. She sounds smug almost condescending.

"Yes!" I exclaim. "I know how to fight. I know how to protect myself. I don't see why is this necessary."

With a sigh, Aurora closes her book and walks over to me. "Alright fine. Let's spar and I'll decide if you are capable."

I blink surprised. "Really?"

My sire chuckles and begins to stretch. I try not to focus too hard on her toned abs peeking under the seam of her shirt. Aurora shifts on her feet looking at me like I am prey.

"Why not, you obviously think you're ready to move on. Let's see if you are."

I look at her suspiciously. Was this another test or was she agreeing with me for once? Not putting much thought into it I bounce on my heels smiling up at the vampire. "Alright. Let's see."

Aurora smirks at my mocking tone but settles low, crouching down as she begins to circle me. I gasp in surprise when her nails sharpen and grow. They looked deadly, like Sharp daggers.

"Perks of being a vampire pet, your very hands become weapons," Aurora murmurs still circling me.

I can't help the wide grin on my face. "That is cool."

She laughs before attacking. I have no time to react. Her left arm swings out in a flash and I lean back to bring my sword between us. I look at her with wide eyes. She just grins at me, a dark grin against bright teeth.

"Pay attention. Try to knock me down."

I push her back and jump away from another strike. Ok, she was to play like that so can I. Leaping forward I fake left and dip low yanking her leg back. In a quick move that I can't follow she grabs my shoulder and flips onto my back. Aurora is light as a feather on top of me. I let out a growl of frustration and try to get her off of me.

My sire just laughs as she holds onto me. I feel like a bull at a rodeo the way she handles me and it only pisses me off more.

"Come on pet. I thought you were ready for a real fight." Aurora teases.

"Ok, that is it," I grumble.

With all of my strength, I leap off the ground and twist far enough back. As we fall I land on top of my sire with a sick thunk. Aurora groans as I roll off of her. We are being the panting and I feel exhausted. Looking at her I feel slightly bad I hurt her, she winced in pain as she sits up. The feeling is quickly replaced by smug satisfaction.

"I win," I tell her crawling over to her to grin in her face.

Her exotic eyes squint at me, a smile playing on her plush lips. "Indeed you did Aḻakāṉa." Aurora's cool fingers graze my cheek before knitting themselves in my hair, pulling me down to her.

My heart races and skips a beat when her lips press against mine. Aurora's mouth is cold like her hands framing my face. My sire holds me there as she deepens the kiss. She tasted like wine and blood, the hint of oranges on her mouth. I have to brace both hands on the floor as to not fall on top of her. Every time my sire touched me I go weak. It was a slow and passionate kiss that brought goosebumps to my skin.

When I pull away to breathe much needed oxygen I look down at Aurora. Her molten red eyes were half-lidded, shining against the sun's rays. That soft mouth that just claimed mine is curved up in a small smile.

I return it as I feel myself get lost in those eyes. "Wow."

Aurora grins and I blush not realizing I said that aloud. Cupping my cheek she pulls me back down for a soft kiss. It makes my whole body tingle. "Wow." She repeats back to me.

Leaning back to resist the urge to jump her bones I try to make a joke. "If you keep rewarding me like that I just might stop procrastinating."

She laughs and sits up with a smirk."Nice try."

This was my first time writing an action scene so if it's a little cringe I apologize...I'm working on it 💚💛💚