"Another Miracle Baby"

New baby protagonist book is out! Read "I Always Become a Baby!" Noww!!



Ainsley did say that she wouldn't disappoint Elliana's trust in her, but after a few days, the baby plopped to the floor with a dazed look.

Damn it. Why can't I achieve a perfect bond with that cat?!

Ainsley puffed her cheeks as she looked at Code-C, who was chasing its own tail. That dumb cat is adorable, even if it resembled a dog.

But well, no matter how cute it was, Ainsley never managed to open his heart for her. They did become best friends real quick, but that's it. There seemed to be a wall separating them if she wanted to dig deeper!

"Fwuuu…" Ainsley sighed. Her head throbbed again for the n-th time. She didn't count it anymore.

What to do?

The baby laid on her back and looked up. She bit her thumb as she closed her eyes in agony.