"Lady Blair, The Lucky Star

Ainsley recalled the thing she heard yesterday after visiting the wounded Elliana and discussing the culprit with Grandpa Yoyo.

That afternoon, Ainsley was walking back to her room when she accidentally heard the maids gossiping. With her keen hearing, she could hear the maids even when they were far away.

"Hey, hey, listen. Do you know Lady Blair of the Aretha family?" One of the younger maids giggled as she asked her friends.

They were sweeping the corridor and coincidentally, Ainslsy was about to pass by that corridor, but she halted her steps.

Lady Blair of the Aretha Family?

Ainsley raised an eyebrow. She had done her 'homework' and knew that the Aretha Family was the second most influential mafia family after the Walter Family, and those two were always on a bad term.

But the Aretha Family didn't have a daughter, though? They only had three sons. Maybe this Blair is from a branch family?