"Hunting A Mother Monster"

The capital was a heaven for the monster tamers to look for monsters of all types and levels. 

With just one simple outing, they could tame tons of monsters as long as they could afford it and could make a contract with it. 

After all, monsters were like a one-man dog that would only obey the person who tamed them. 

Thus, unlike beast tamers that could buy beasts from the market, the monster tamers had to do it by themselves. 

At the moment, Ainsley, who wanted to hunt the best monster to be used as collateral, walked out of the casino with only Jevon and Elliana next to her. 

The others waited at the casino since the baby said that she wanted to tame monsters. 

The baby had just walked out of the casino's territory when she saw a couple of low-level monsters lurking here and there, aiming to attack the pedestrians. 

Ainsley's eyes instantly lit up.