
Ainsley didn't think that there would be anyone visiting the alley to hunt the mother monster. 

After all, the mother monster raptor was quite hidden and if not for the Godfather's good eyes, they'd never find her too. 

At first, Ainsley expected the taming process to be smooth sailing since she only had to meet the monster once, and that's it. 

Her charm ability might not be able to charm a mid-level monster for now, but she's invincible among the low-level ones. 

However, life didn't always go as one planned. 

Even when the baby was lucky, luck would always have another side of it...which was misfortune. 

Well, one couldn't say whether it's misfortune or simply luck in disguise. 

Just as the trio entered the alley from the other side of the path, three teenagers wearing grandiose black robes appeared. 

The golden crest symbolising a monster and a genderless figure triumphing over it gleamed majestically on their chests.