"Let's Meet The Goods"

Jake, who was the nearest to Ainsley, instantly asked the child. 

"Godtoddler, are you serious about wanting to buy that elf? He can be dangerous, you know…" 

Jake was a bit happy that the task entrusted to him by a certain group of elves could be done this way, but he didn't expect Ainsley to take the hot potato into her own hands…

This blue-skinned elf wasn't only dangerous but also had a complicated background that might involve several enormous forces behind him. If the Sloan Family were involved in this, it wouldn't be worth it. 

Ainsley also knew that there must be a conspiracy behind the blue-skinned elf since the guy had both royal demon and royal elf blood but became a criminal instead and was auctioned as a slave. 

It was weird since if the seller wanted to get rid of this person and turned him into a slave, they could just sell him at the slave market and not give him such a good auction hall like the Billios.