"Why Are You So Kind?"

After the guards and the host of the auction made sure everything was settled, the host took the previous staff' job to guide Ainsley and bowed in front of her. 

"Milady, we will open the cage...please make sure you're not too close to the case. And there is the remote to control the punishment necklace on that slave's neck." 

The host handed Ainsley a small device that only had one button to electrocute the slave.

It was even imbued with neutralising stone that could prevent someone from using their abilities. 

The owner of the slave could choose which ability they wanted to seal up. It's convenient and safe for the owner. 

However, Ainsley looked at the small remote with her eyebrows knitted together. 

Is there a need to treat that elf just like a dangerous criminal? I bet he hasn't even killed anyone but got the criminal label because of his bloodline…

Ainsley let out a soft sigh as she nodded. "Owkay. Show me the elf."