"Series Of Misfortunes"

Raphael, the oldest son of the Aretha Family, the one with the brightest mind and wits. 

Unlike the three ignorant kids, Raphael instantly knew that those oldies surrounding Ainsley at the auction were all big shots. 

One of them was the alchemist Guild master. 

It's easy for the old man to give an invisibility potion to Ainsley if he liked her a lot. 

Using the invisibility potion, Ainsley could sneak into the Aretha Castle and kill Blair and the others without alerting anyone. 

After all, the way she killed people was to cast a 'curse' on her target. They all died because they're unlucky. 

Thus, that's how Raphael made the whole family migrate just to escape from Ainsley's assassination threat! 

Raphael was definitely someone with a good vision for the future since Ainsley did come with a plan to secretly kill the Aretha Family main descendents. 

But now that they're not here...the baby was deep in thoughts to change her plan.