"Ain Is Scared!"

For the first time in history, the Aretha Family faced a crisis that was enough to shake their whole foundation. 

Never did they think that they would be defeated not by other families' military forces but by small things like these…

Still, those small things were

enough to threaten the family! 

While the Aretha Family was in an uproar to solve these sudden cases, Ainsley was having a nice breakfast. 

She ignored the morning news about the Aretha Family sudden scandal and calmly wiped her lips instead. 

"Fuh. I'm done, Gwandpa, Elh. Ain will go out again today! Will be back fol dwinner!" 

Ainsley grabbed her bento that Elliana prepared for her before running out of the dining hall with her usual pink uniform. 

Seeing the baby already running out to do God knows what, Grandpa Yofan and Elliana could only look at each other and sigh. 

"The news about the Aretha Family's sudden crisis...it should be the rascal's doing."