"Raphael's Hidden Intention"

Ainsley immediately furrowed her eyebrows at Grandpa Yofan's words. What did he say? Someone from the Aretha Family came? 

The Aretha Family had just sent troops to participate in raiding Pandora Island! 

Ainsley suppressed the urge to teleport to her mansion and slap whoever came to their family's mansion. 

She took a deep breath and spoke, "Who came? What's their business?" 

Grandpa Yofan fell silent for a few seconds before replying, "The guest...is the heir of the Aretha Family, first young master Raphael." 

! Raphael? 

Ainsley remembered some things related to the Aretha Family's sudden attack on their family back then. 

For the family to respond to Blair's wildfulness and suddenly attack their family like that...Raphael should be involved, right? 

Ainsley also vaguely remembered the mysterious person who tried to steal her rare potions...after some investigations, she found a lead.