"The Marshal's Ghost Fleet"

Why should she cooperate with the Aretha Family? Her goal is still to destroy the Aretha Family, okay? 

Since Finnie seemed to hate Blair from the Aretha Family, if she turned her back to Fin and joined hands with the Arethas, wouldn't she be a scum? 

Ainsley believed in a fairy's intuition. If Finnie hated Blair that much, it means that something is wrong with Blair and the Aretha Family! 

She didn't want to cooperate with someone who could backstab her anytime. 

Ainsley tapped her forehead for a few seconds before speaking in a heavy tone of voice. 

"Chase him out politely and say that I will discuss this matter at my birthday party later on. I will invite him to discuss negotiations, but not now." 

It means that Ainsley would release Vallan, but not now! 

If Raphael still insisted, Ainsley wouldn't be polite anymore.