"Purple-blue Fishtail" 

There were no strange elements when Ainsley became a mermaid and someone who didn't know Ainsley was a human might think that she was a mermaid if they looked at her like this. 

The baby's upper body still had her white shirt and other clothes, so it looked a bit abrupt, but it didn't affect the baby's cuteness by too much. 

Maybe because Ainsley was still a child, even if she was already five years old and generally, a five-year-old girl couldn't be as tiny as a chibi in anime, but with the addition of the huge and long fishtail... 

Ainsley did look a bit like a cute chibi from anime. 

The contestants, including the mermaid who transformed Ainsley, all secretly squealed in their hearts. 

If not for them not wanting to destroy their 'image' as experts in front of their future students and colleagues who were watching the live stream, they would have swarmed up to approach the beautiful baby.