"The Real Mermaid" 

No wonder the Merfolk race rarely went to the land and interacted with the land's people. 

Maybe their various fish scales were so precious, and they were afraid of being cheated, hunted down and skinned, so only a strong Merfolk race would go to the land. 

For example, this mermaid in front of Ainsley was definitely strong and she should not only have various innate abilities and just one unique ability to give people some fishtails. 

The scales of this mermaid's tail were really tough and it was no problem to resist a bullet at all. 

The mermaids and the mermen couldn't be underestimated at all! 

As for whether her tears would become pearls or whether all sorts of legends about the mermaids in the story were true or not, Ainsley didn't want to test it for now. 

After Ainsley became the 'guinea pig', everyone who would dive into the lake were also transformed into temporary mermaids and mermen one by one.