"Capturing Transmigrators" 

Now that the wormhole is already opened, even if aliens can't come to our world just yet, maybe it will only be a matter of time before they can enter our world!] 

[So scary...they pretend to be our relatives and loved ones while secretly devouring the souls of our loved ones.] 

[Just the fact that they caused the death of another native in this world with their existence already proved that none of these aliens is kind!]

The netizens were all clamoring for the transmigrators to be arrested, and in many places, a lot of transmigrators who were caught by the hunters were actually not caught just like that without resistance. 

However, they were actually sold out by their own relatives and loved ones, who were eager to send away those aliens who 'killed' their loved ones. 

There was one young transmigrator who transmigrated to the body of a young teenage boy. The boy was eighteen years old, and the transmigrator was actually of the same age.