"Blair Is Caught" 

Thinking that the soul of their Daniel was gone forever, eaten by this alien....

The younger brother and sister screamed as they broke down to tears once more. 

"Give me back my brother! Give me back my brother! Spit out his soul! Leave his body! Maybe my brother's soul is just suppressed in the body or something..." 

"Ah— damn alien! Ah! Ah! Ah! Return my brother to me! Why did you have to come to our world? You guys should have died already! You guys robbed everything that should belong to my big brother!"

Daniel's face turned pale in an instant, and his lips quivered. 

He opened his mouth, breathless, just wanting to explain that when he came here, the real Daniel had died in that accident. 

However, his family members never let him explain, and even if Daniel explained the truth, the family members who were grieving could not believe Daniel's words at all.