"Can Never Return" 

[Axelle! What are you doing? Why did you blow up your domain— ] 

Ainsley had not even finished her words when Axelle cut her off. 

[I'm sorry to make you worry, master, but I promise all this will end soon.] Axelle calmed down and acted just like his usual self in front of Ainsley, but he became more confident and not as shy as before. 

When he talked to Ainsley, he looked her straight in the eyes, not lowering his head or dodging other people's gazes like his timid self in the past. 

Seeing such a change in the elf, who had low self-esteem for a long time, Ainsley didn't know whether to be happy or sad. 

Just what kind of incident did Axelle have to go through for him to change drastically like now? Although the change looked good, Ainsley still had an ominous feeling.