"Sacrifice For The Abyss Tunnel?" 

Ainsley was usually not a sharp person and was quite dull regarding emotions. 

However, this time, she keenly captured Axelle's avoidance of his return, and her intuition clamored to interrogate this elf until he spilled out whatever he was planning to do!

Ainsley squinted her eyes and 'looked' at Axelle's image in her mind with eyes full of suspicion. 

[Axelle, you didn't answer my question. When will you return? I don't care about the world union and so on. Anyway, indeed, they will not bother us anymore if their goal is only about the abyss tunnel.] 

[I'm just worried that you don't have time to escape before your domain completely explodes, which will be dangerous. So, when will you return? Someone here calculated that your domain will completely explode in several minutes.] 

As they talked, the countdown to total destruction kept going, and yet Ainsley didn't feel Axelle's urgency to return to the real world.