Vol 0 - Chapter 0: This Announcer Is Trash!


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}

"OH!/NO WAY!/OH-OH-OH!/THE DAMAGE! HE'S COOKING NOW!/OOOOOOOOH/THE BEARHUGGGGG! HOLY SH-" As the announcers spoke - Their voices coming crystal clear for the near-millions of viewers who were currently watching the sponsored and broadcasted stream.


Chat was going nuts. The whole stadium was in uproar... Everyone expected a one sided beatdown... But not like this.


At the moment - Two men were seated opposite of each-other. Playing a 'Video-Game' against each other... Such a thing shouldn't have garnered such attention.


Unless... you did realize what this was!




The game that was played was known as 'Island Clashers' - It was a simple fighting-game; two fighters with various attacks and special attacks. Matches were done in the best of 2/3 - Victors were determined if a character's health bar reaches zero or the one with the highest health is still standing after the match-clock reaches zero.


But they had a roster of 12 characters to choose from... Who did they pick?


The supposed 'favorite' who had an excellent 'Kendel.' The character known as 'Kendel' was the 'Devil' of 'Island Clashers' - Reigning at the top of all tier-lists for what she could provide in exchange for lacking weaknesses.

Her regular attacks had good range, speed and damage - Granting her nice combos... if she hadn't had special attacks which were top-of-line gap-closers, projectiles and reversal-based attacks - She even had an inescapable throw-attack.

Her only weakness had to be her below-average health... Which was just a couple segments smaller than the 'all-rounder' of the game whom was the baseline for other characters.

The 'Female Kickboxing Goddess' was a tyrant.

In the hands of the 'favorite.'


An overlord of unmatchable.


The 'underdog' however choose the undebatable weakest character in the game of 'Islander Clashers.'


M. - Who was M. - That may be what some would ask?

He was a large; masked-man with no marks or unique features aside from a massive jacket and trousers which covered his body well. He was supposed to be 'Island Crashers' original 'Grappler-Archetype.'


But the developers fear what they had created... and 'NERFED HIM.'

His body was more likely to be damaged in exchanges - His almighty-slams which came from his powerful throw was limited in terms of range and damage - His ability to perform combos was lacking as he had less tools for it - Lastly... He had no reversal move.


All of these were suicide for a character whose weakness were somewhat larger than his strengths.

Within the video-game's supposed promotion - M. was supposedly... The 'Final-Boss'


However - He was a 'dummy-character.' A joke.


Anyone whom had some knowledge of games alongside knowledge of 'Island Crashers' would put their money on the favorite.


That was foolish!


Every round of that match-up... was a steam-roll. Hidden information came from M. came to light - His grab's range can be extended... If you purposely missed a normal attack!

The range extension granted the 'underdog' an offense which couldn't be halted... and with the final move - A bone-cracking bearhug.

The 'underdog' raised his hands... Two fists pumping upward and a scream.


Everyone within a large stadium... More akin to a massive field-sweeping athletic event but it was filled by passionate people - Onlookers, competitors, supporters and developers.


None expected this.


M. was the victor... and just as his hidden ending after going through the hardest difficulty of 'Island Crashers' Arcade Mode revealed... He was truly the master and ruler of the universe.


And so his wielder... 'The Underdog.'


Or rather; his true title as he was coined before the match in an interview.




For he had not one fighting-game tournament... not two tournaments... or even three... But Four!

It was Astounding... Jaw-Dropping... Eye-Watering...Amazing.


And as the noise died down... and respect was shown by both sides... The awards ceremony was done.

But... This event... wasn't as hopefully as it could've.


For a sudden blast came - An 'Explosion' if you would.


To this day... It was an awful event which had shaken the video-game world... and the fighting-gaming loving communities.


Just as the 'Quad-Winner's rise to fame was as swift as it could've been... It ended as he was the only person... killed in the 'Explosion.'










{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}

The story that was being told... stopped; the voice was throttled by something... Which the images from before shifted til it came full-circle.

Within a sort of highriser - The 'Narrator' suddenly appeared in a office... At the moment... A stack of paper and envelopes slapped against his face which some rebound and others stayed on his face... This lead to him being knocked off his swivel seat with a crash. This had knocked hundreds of things of a nice, finely-made white-wood desk.

Hundreds of things littered a carpeted floor as a groan came out.

Something however floated down... and conveniently landed on the surface of the table - It appeared to one of those many envelopes... But it had restricted-tape alongside words in black to contrast the yellow-background as well.


A numbering amount times... However a thin-fingered hand came down on the envelope followed by someone pulling themselves to their feet.


The person appeared as a mature male - Possible in their thirties but the large of amount of greys in their dirty-blonde old-school styled pompadour could lead to some thinking otherwise. A defined face with balance features yet lines were forming on that visage - It was finished off by what appeared to be a tuff of under-the-lip hair.

At the moment... He was dressed 'down.' In comfortable clothing - baggy boxers, a dirty-white t-shirt however this was wrapped by a fuzzy bath-robe with equally fuzzy-slippers.

The outfit was completely white - A couple-shades lighter than the one whom was wearing it.

Coughing before he looked at the one opposite with a wary look - His eyes were closed for the majority of this time however sweat was forming on his brow.


This... was a tough customer... Getting into his seat with a long-sigh.

"Alright... Listen... That stuff is required... But you can't lie... It's kinda of entertain-" Trying to push his case with a small-speck of a smile... ended swiftly when a feminine-hand slammed the desk... Causing it to crack somewhat.


That smile which the 'Narrator' put out disappeared as he said...

"This was a custom-made... high-class... desk... *Long-Winded Inhale.* WELL; HOW MAY I HELP YOU." A forced-smile developed on his face; a series of ticks' appeared on his brow like volcanos as his complexation shifted to a redder-tint.


The one whom had cracked his desk... Opposite to him as they or rather; She returned to her seat.

She appeared as a teenager girl... But she wasn't some youngling. She was someone... given how mean and uptight... or so she may've seemed til you got a proper look at her.

Her attire appeared like a maid's outfit... only... Like the one that a gothic, lolita may wear with it's overdone cute-crap such as a bunny-button badge attached to the left breast of the dress and a polka-dotted top hat yet the most eye-catching of her outfit was the pure-red fabric which was used for it's entirety.

A pair of small hands lauded on her legs-crossed lap with her head tilted - her face couldn't be seen underneath the somewhat large hat. She sat on a leather-bound chair as her one of her feet raised up and down - a pair of equally-red strapped shoes glistened.


Her head lifted up as a pair of dagger-like crimson eyes looked at the 'Narrator.' It was a harden glare as a red-bang hung slightly on the right-side of her face; framing it slightly with this interesting feature but most of her hair couldn't be seen as the hat contained it all.

A loud, long and annoyed huff escaped her lips that were a firm line on her otherwise delicate face. She seemingly and suddenly complained out - gesture a hand from her lap to point at the 'Narrator' who was appearing as polite as possible.

"Oh... My... Father!" The girl spoke out with a self-important air about her, she rotated her finger around in a loop... Over and over as she continued. "So Much Boring Stuff That No One Knows Or Cares For!" Stopping this action... She gave a loud clap as her hands came together with one and another - Interlocking whilst a twisted smile appeared.

"Just Give Me The Envelope!" She shout out as a dark energy pool from her being - a ghastly figure of a demon seemed to appear around her. This otherworldly energy was evident as to what she was.

She may've appeared human... but she was not one... she wasn't in the slightest.

Alas; the 'Narrator' only garnered a bigger smile - Moving his hand and opening a drawer in the desk - What he had done... was take out a pointing stick that'd a teacher would use for a larger class.

Standing up - He then pointed back at her with that same smile on his face.

"Listen Up - 'Gilly.'" A subtle jab was directed at the named 'Gilly' whose covered-head bulged with a set of ticks as the veins pressed against the skin. Her smile was leaking on the side of shattering into a snarl, restraining herself at the mention of this possible nickname that'd been attached to her by the buffoon in front of her.

"I know that goddess your age experience a bunch of changes." This comment forced the development of a blush to well up on the girl's cheeks and coldly stare from underneath her hat as the 'Narrator' continued. "In addition to your new duties... It makes you all super nervous, right?" Give a large smile where he directed the pointing-stick to touch her button-badge only to pull away as a thunderous clap came - She attempted to break it by smacking her hands together but the younger of the two was a step slower and missed.

The 'Narrator' finished by stating with a more serious expression.

" [World-Savior Tasks'] aren't something a Goddess should be taking lightly!" Practically shouting at her as her arms folded to cross over her dressed-chest - Leaning further back into the chair that she'd been seated upon which a sneer develop on that face.

With a commanding tone - She properly announced herself. "My name isn't 'Gilly.'" After saying the 'Nickname'; the young-girl had practically spat out the word than speak it.

"I am the Goddess: [Gilra; Great Queen Of Darkness!] Say my name; properly... Unless you wish to be 'removed' from your position." Her boisterous demand simply made the "Narrator' roll his eyes... til he heard the last part.


The room began to shake... She let out a twisted giggle that grew into a villainous fit of laughter.


*Ka-Bak* She had suddenly been stopped when the pointing-stick that the 'Narrator' had been holding came down - Denting her hat and smacking against her skull with a wicked sound.

She responded with an audible yelp, holding her head with both hands when the searing pain of blow came in full-force and lastly; in a childish-manner did she say... "Ouch!"

Shaking his head as he brought the pointing-stick into the empty palm of his other hand which he shouted aloud - His head twisted down to look at her.

The goddess looked up with tears coming out of the edges of her eyes which she was overwhelmed when a Chibi-Versions of themselves appeared next-one-and-another. Leaning forward - The Chibi-'Narrator's head enlarged several times it's original size whilst his seemingly-regular teeth became like a cartoon-shark.

"I'll address you however I damn well please, Brat!" This was followed with another smack atop of her head that earned a yelp and the sounds of soft, sniffles to form. Looming over her which he screamed down at her.

"THIS IS YOUR FIRST TASK AS AN OFFICAL GODDESS, 'DADDY'S GIRL!'" Emphasize the 'Daddy's Girl part of his sentence which lead to the two returning to their normal state.

At the moment; her cheeks were puffed up profusely and a tear came down her face but the 'Narrator' wouldn't tolerate such an attitude from her. That mature and cold attitude from earlier disappeared in a flash after being screamed and struck.


If anything; She seemed more like a little-girl who was being scolded by a teacher. A stuttered developed; attempt to curse at the 'Narrator' which Gilra's voice came from her mouth...

"S-SH-!" But she couldn't finish her words.




The 'Narrator's right-eye parted slightly - An abnormal glow was something forth... That suddenly made action had silenced her as the room became brighter for a moment.


But his eye closed fully and with it; that sense or pressure as well. Gilra let out a breath of ease... Steading herself... She openly complained by saying...

"O-Okay... BUT WHY HIM?!" Asking with an exaggerated flailing of her limbs - Gesture to the envelope with numerous warnings.




A long pause came. Gilra felt her as if the answer was something intense... Looking at the man intently... and he said firmly.

"Cause it'd be funny."


"I hate you." Annoyingly uttering under her breath as the 'Narrator' had said this whilst rubbing his chin-hair in an elderly-manner - One of Gilra's eyes had been twitching quite a bit at this action.


"Listen... Your Father isn't gonna give you a revenge freak or those 'edgey' types at this stage... and that possibly won't happen. It's best to start you off with some strange early as a Goddess." Gilra only crossed her arms at this statement which forced to the 'Narrator' to continue.

"He may be a weirdo but he has high potential... What is it? Why are you quiet?" This mysterious being proceed to question the the goddess over her current state...

Her face was adorned with a sad look... As she spoke out... Her face had adopted an uncharacteristic expression.

"Those guys are dreamy~" A blush formed on her soft face whilst she suddenly begun to bite her lip in thought as if beginning to image a situation developing in her mind.

Whatever scenarios that were coming to mind... it caused her to go completely red which her hands traveled up to her face; covering it when she'd been giggling to herself in a perverted manner.


'Narrator' felt an oversized sweat-drop comically form on the side of his head as he looked at the girl who had the aura of death and roses which seemed out of place... and in place at the sad time.

Muttering to himself.

"No wonder the big-man told me to use a [Weird-One] If anything; she'd end like..." His whispers trailed off as a a thought bubble formed above his head.

It showed Gilra in a risque-dress; hearts in her eyes and completely head-over-heels for her 'Hero.'

An equally-tall, black-haired, blood-shot and serpent eyed, armored male whom was covered in blood as one hand was groping the goddess and the other held an very, cursed-looking sword. Mostly demanding things from her, speaking twisted -curses and insults at her that she brushed off as flirts.



A full-body shiver was the only natural result. Speaking to himself once more... 'Narrator' whispered.

"Too many Light Novels Before Bed." Blaming that image on the various late-readings that he spent doing when he couldn't sleep.

The goddess however snapped out of her state and glanced at the being who seemed to be in his own little world which made her develop a comically oversized sweat drop in response.

Speaking up as if to gain his attention.

"Well... He probably just di-" Speaking up with a confidence at the possible downfall of her unchosen 'Hero.' Her chest puffed up whilst her nose jutted out like a dagger however this only received a small snort.

"What?" Silence as a bit of laughter was coming from the 'Narrator.'

"Something to say?!" Asking once with a shout and a tick developed on her brow which she stood up to look angrily at him.



Waving her off... Placing down the pointing-stick... That now-unoccupied hand reached downward... Softly picking up the Envelope and reach forward...

"Well... It's best that you get to work on your [Summoning Spell.]" Speak with a smile in addition to gaining a pair of '3' eyes which made her narrow...

Looking down... The envelope had no-name attached to it... Just the warning signs... A sigh came from her as she took it without a word... Looking down... She huffed and was staring daggers at the item.

Shifting away where she was beginning to walking away... Only to be swallowed by an orb of darkness and then... All signs of [Gilra; Great Queen Of Darkness] was gone from the office.


In the next moment... The 'Narrator' sighed aloud and sat down... But he did something strange... Looking around to see if anyone was around...

He proceed to reach forward and grab something. Speaking directly towards it as he said aloud.

"Guys... She doesn't know this... But he is O.D. I mean he's flatout bro-"

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}