Vol 0 - Chapter 1: The Alpha Dropped? No-Way?!


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}

In this large and vast universe. There were worlds... Different from one and another in their little ways.

These numerous world's were protected. Their protectors' were called {Gods} ... They do so... via the [Summoning Spell] to bring forth [Heroes] - Beings of great power who would vanquish the villainous [Demon King] and bring hope to the land.



Heroes were not simply picked... They were granted through a being known as the 'Narrator' - A great chronicler of a million stories.

He had given a powerful-hero to a Goddess - Aiming to earn her spot amongst her fellow deities, siblings and respective parents.

She was the Goddess; [Gilra; Great Queen Of Darkness.]

Under her charge... was the supposed Hero that was labeled as a 'weird-one.'

Code-Name in the contents of his file - a securely wrapped envelope.

Crowned as...



After their seemingly fateful meeting; the young goddess disappeared and return to somewhere else.

Or rather; 'her' somewhere else.

Her realm in which she ruled and controlled - otherwise known as a [Domain.]

It appeared as a small planet of red and black - Upon it's surface; it was a landless land with oceans of blood and a shroud of darkness completely covering it.

At the very top of the world - Appeared to be a floating cathedral; ornate and gothic in design which was the capital of this world Fitting for such a lady known as [The Great Queen Of Darkness.]

Her powers were etched into every part of this world. She had just reappeared in view - In what appeared to be some throne room.

Envelope in hand before snapping her empty hand's fingers. A misty shadow was summoned forth and what appeared seemed to a metallic rod with a ruby affixed to the very top.

She begun her task.

Her task off...

Saving A World.


She hated it... She hated that jerk who struck her... But alas; she had to do it.


She had to.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}

At this very moment - Our sights were upon a different space than the kingdom of death under the control of that strange, lolita goddess with daddy issues.

Rather... It appeared to be some mysterious space - Vaguely similar in a way to the vastness of space... Only condensed.

For our sight... It was filled with nothing.

Just seeming to be a dark... empty... and vast... space... Absolutely void of anything.


Void of details.


Void of life.

It was just... there.


It seemed as if... it was lonely... As if it was... always there.


But something was here... As our attention shifted slightly in the void... zooming in... then zooming in again til it came upon something... interesting.


A somewhat-soft, non-threatening and small orb... It appeared to be some energy which twisted in a rainbow-like display as sparkles danced off it before fading away. In terms of size and the space that it would take up... It was that of an apple but in this void... It was nothing.

Only seeming to float about akin to bioluminescence fish that swam gently at the bottom of the sea; it's natural environment... and this orb seemed to be within it's natural environment.

It made no noise... It hardly moved... Not with a degree of noticable speed. If it moved slightly to left... it's retired to the right... If it descended... it would soon ascend... As if forcing itself to remain within a singular-spot.


Until something occurred.

Something... interesting.


As if someone had thrown a flash-bang in an action-film or video-game. A blistering flash of light and concussive bang was seen and heard - it's source was unknown.

The orb shivered on itself when the void was disturbed suddenly. Moments; a massive series of spider-web like fractures appeared all around the darkness... particular centered around the void. In the next second and like glass; it shattered away to reveal a blinding light which made the darkness of void fade away til it be became a realm of dull palsy white.

And what was to follow happened to be as if someone removed the cork from a full-bathtub of water... The sudden suction began to swallow up the darkness which was draining away towards the light... but most importantly; the orb was being drawn in.

It couldn't fight it off and soon afterwards... It flew off towards the opening.

This vaccum effect that the void was experiencing had been immense as if a hurricane was unleashed onto the countryside... And the small bit of color disappeared in the center of the light... Seemingly becoming absorbed by it.


Nothing... The light faded away... and the orb was gone. That void had returned to what it was... An... Absolute... Void.

Empty like it once was.


Only for a laugh to rung from within... Impossible to ignore or dismiss upon hearing it.

A twisted, laugh belong to a girl who was crazed and wicked in her way.


Let's hope that orb wouldn't suffer...

Shall we?

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}


Our setting had differed from the early one.. it was much more full, life.

Inside of massive stadium - There was a circle of stone tiles, assembled in a broad-pattern giving a particularly large space of hard but smooth land.

On two-sides - The far-right and the far-left which a step o stairs were attached. Possible for those whom could approach and walk up

this stadium however... was absolutely packed to the brim!

All kinds of people were cheering and awaiting for this event to begin.

[Greatest Comes In All-Forms...] A thunderous voice came from above - the almighty announcer of this event has spoken as the stadium went dark for a moment.


A spotlight flash on towards one-sided of the circle. Focused intently on the each side of the seemingly massive circle... The area was absolutely quiet.


*Shatsh. Shatsh. Shatsh.* One side had the ruffling noise akin to bare-feet softly walked on stone.

*Click. Click. Click.* The other... side happened to be sounds of heels' snapping against the same stone.

Two figures appeared opposite of one and another.


The second figure was far-more feminine in appearance... or rather... It was a woman. Beautiful in appearance with model-like features only ascended by expertly-applied makeup; donning a blue-dress that blended well with her tan skin whilst the dancing, locks of dark-green flowed loosely down her back, a pair of black high-heels' made her seem taller and more imposing and finally; exotic silver eyes looked off.

Her face switched to a dominant look of a prideful queen where her stance changed... and she raised her hands - Boxing-gloves of a modest-size that been studded at the knuckles with golden and the wrists. It appeared somewhat similar to a kickboxer or muay-thai fighters' - The lead leg on the ground bouncing on the ground... Familiarizing in an rhythmic flow where her body swayed forward and back... her rear leg was planted; strong and the counterbalance of her current state.

Her lead arm was dangling towards her waist whilst her rear was cocked; ready to attack. A confident smile formed on her purple-lipstick that she prepared to battle.


But whom...

Who would such a woman fight?


*Thoom. Thoom. Thoom.*

The stadium shook as monstrous noises akin to a giant walking in this urban-area like a monster movie.

The light shined down; catch upon a particular figure.

A featureless, undetailed mask was attached to a mountainous frame - Large he was... As he may've been of a muscular-frame as well but how much of it was hidden away. Donning a blue-trench coat that just had to be a size or two larger than it's wearer; tightly wrapped up via several belts that been fastened tightly as it was completely-closed. A similarly colored pair of trousers which had to be just as large as the trench-coat which it had been bouncing around with every movement that his steps made.


Suddenly; his body lowered down - His hands were extended outwardly... His base was lowered... Appearing very similar to a Olympic Wrestler or Sambo-Combatant but it was a mix of the two; shifting from being flat-footed to bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Looking upon his ungloved hands and bare-feet... All of it appeared to be coated in crisscrossing nicks and scars - A pale-skin could be seen in the light which was another detail revealed by the light.


The stadium's light returned and the crowd exploded into hundreds upon hundreds of cheers - A massive jumbotron was recording them for the audience as cameras' were staged all-over.

It was a match... to surpass all matches.


The announcer's voice rumbled aloud as the Stadium cried.

[Round 1!]

The fighters' braced for the fight.


The audience cried out with their cheers.


They then exploded forth - The woman's heel-feet stabbing into the ground numerous times with a super-human grace and agility to them... whilst the large-man forced to the ground to shattered underneath a single-bound to cover the distance.

Seconds later - They were a couple feet apart... Their battle had truly began.


The woman was incredible swiftly and skillful in a deadly, dangerous bundle of attacks was strung forward. A hammering flick-jab, dagger-like front-kicks and a wild-roundhouse slammed into the man - Forcing him to skid backwards; he'd been blocked the attacks yet he was pushed away in such a manner.

Raising his arms to cradle and block his head from damage however she dipped and throw a body-hook that startled her foe. His body lifted slightly which she smiled at the successful blow.


*Snatch* Her eyes widen when they just so suddenly was tightened; the massive hand of the mysterious man were his other wrapped around her form. His resistance to damage was astounding which the beautiful-woman braced severely. Pressing onward; he performed an unqiue move - An outside trip akin to a judo-throw but it was more direct and destructive like a sambo-variation. Her body bounced off against the ground - She had gagged in pain and her eyes opened up to see the image of a massive, callused foot coming down.

Rolling to the side - She evaded a stomp which cracked the ground profusely.

Continuously moving to the side that she evaded; the fighting woman suddenly launched to her feet in a single motion.

Landing softly as a smile formed on her face... The masked-man braced and launched forward as the two were more than ready!

"Hey." A feminine voice called to out from the darkness.... It was so foreign and strange that it completely interrupted the image of this glorious fight.

As if someone had touched the very-frame of time within the universe... It then slowed down... Like someone was messing with the play-button or play-speed for a video.


Slowing down to a snail's pace as the stadium became dull in color.


Slower more and more... by the very, second...

However such effects then faded away.


Cheers continued to roar from the audience whom were greatly enjoying the battle; these two warriors were the best of the best.


As her dress-danced... So did she where she had made a pivot; evade a wild-haymaker and responded with an uppercut with an lunging, jump in the forward direction.


She then begun to enter into to unleash a powerful combo; her combat abilities were truly shown where she spun mid-air and slammed the man down with an axe-kick. The strike was so powerful that his large body bounced off the ground atleast six-feet up - Her heels-came down where she performed a different sort of punch compared to early; powerful jabs which keep the masked-man from falling down to the earth only followed by a right-hook that launched him away.

Chasing afterwards with a bobbing-and-weaving dash that was followed with a chopping-overhead strike. Digging directly into the stomach of the masked-man who did not make a peep but he was bounced once more. Lower herself once more... She launched upward which she then drove her knee into the airborne man's throat; his massive neck made it an ample target, rotating mid-air with a spinning heel-kick aimed towards the liver which launched him even further away.

In an overwhelming flash of energy; a glint surrounded her gloved-fist... It was suddenly then surrounded in a boundless ball of fiery-energy... She landed onto the ground before her opponent who was still airborne and spiraling rapidly.

Her flawless legs flexed with refined, nice-built muscles which was revealed by her crouching form then launched like a rocket.

Snapping underneath and driving her fist right into the defenseless back of the man; the energy surrounded her fist proceeded to shuffle throughout til her entire body was covered in it and then... A crimson explosion enveloped the two.

Shaking the stadium several times as screams could be heard.




All watched as the clothes belonging to the trench-cloak wearing man was sent flying a distance away before he slammed into the stone-circle - Causing a crater to develop underneath his heavy-weight and a dust-cloud to blast up from where he landed.

Suddenly...The excitement of the event caused the audience to completely scream out with glee... The woman let out a soft breath.


That woman pumped her fist up then realized something.


Posing for the cameras'. She adjusted herself and posed...


Hundreds of camera flashes appeared throughout the stadium;

Once more; she shifted and posed again which got more camera flashes.

This crowd had far-too many fanboys which support the woman with a cult-like following and creepy love of her.


It was kind of... perverted.


Fools were far too eager to snap a picture at her.


Some mummers developed into the audience... One of the younger member proceeded to shout out which was heard by the gloves-wearing woman who then twisted around and looked towards the spot that had suddenly exploded from her technique.

"HE'S NOT DOWN!" Stopped one of her poses as she straight up her posture to look with wide-eyes and a somewhat surprised expression.


There he stood... His trench-coat and trousers were slightly tattered and dirtier from the dust - Within the stance once more that was just as firm like an iron-cast stature.

Her smile reappeared as the woman then smiled... but there was cracks within it...

It wasn't nearly as grand as it had been early.


They prepared to fight.

[Round 2!]


Awaiting the command from the announcer who was quiet... before unleash his voice once more.


He dashed forward and ready for his own attack!

"Hey!" The scene stilled to halt... As red-lines swelled within the image.


Flickering and cause the image to fade away.

This effect ended in a second or so... Where the fight continued.

The woman had managed to block against the dashing-punch which unlike the previous attempts at offense made by the man was far-stronger and more intense.

She responded with a flurry of her own that the masked-man was able to skillful defend against... Even using that massive chest to 'parry' certain attacks - Responding with a swift jab which knocked her back.

A tick developed on her brow as nothing but pure annoyance begun to fill her mind... She then responded with a .more dangerous offense... Sending forth uppercuts rather than jabs and crosses and spinning-kicks than low-kicks or body-roundhouses. This was making usage of riskier but hard-hitting strikes that'd rattled her foe.


If he hadn't put up such a defense in tandem with his resistance to all of the damage that he'd sustain so far. Overall... She wasn't able to push him back - Yelling out when that very same energy from before begun to summon up once more.


But this was a less focused than before; a weak version but it was meant to surprise.

Her leg snapped forth akin to a powerful roundhouse which the energy was launched forward; that power was hurtled off into an orb of power that traveled swiftly.

Aimed at the masked-man who had hopped backwards and proceed to brace against the attack - His chest was struck and the orb suddenly dissipated; unable to constantly maintain it's current structure.

Her eyes snapped wide open... Only to gag in pain as her her head turned to look down... She was that his fist had slammed into her torso... Forcing her to buckle and be fall to a knee. Her vision had suddenly become blurry.

The audience all then watched as his seemingly-huge hands wrapped around her body - Grabbed her by the waist and easily hoisting her above his head that he then brought her closer to his frame and his legs' compressed - Squatted down which those muscles' bulged before loosening.

Leaping up as the cameras' followed the scene - The masked-man without a word was able to muscle his way through the air - Rotating forward which he begun to rotate in the air.

With a single rotation... He came down hard with a ground-shattering piledriver.

The incredible boom that occurred from the impact had formed a massive dust-cloud which obstructed the audience's view of the two.

Wonders and murmurs began to develop between the audience at what happened.


Suddenly afterwards... The man leapt out of the dust cloud... Coming down as he braced from the impact suddenly and re-entered his stance.


All of their bodies grow cold with anxious feelings and pangs of worry.


Would this fight be over... without the final round.


Was it a complete victory?

All were very nervous and awaited to see the current condition of his opponent... The woman; dress beautiful but had powers to kill.


The dust fluttered for a moment... before exploded away in an instant!

"HEY!" That same-voice... That same... damn... voice... More lines from early-on had formed. Appear as extremely jagged formations; almost number in the hundreds as they were attached to one and another... And they were far brighter than what could be seen beforehand. A mattering, blur had formed on image and a mess of colors that swirled around which distorted the image profusely.


The image regain it's previous state and the battle continued... The audience all gasped at what they were showed.

The dress that had been worn well... was in tatters - ripped up at several parts whilst her heels were gone... the gloves that had been adorning her hands were completely blown off aside from the large-cuffs however those details paled into what had changed.

Her face was cold... and.. demonic as a pair of bovine-like horns had grown from a bloodied-forehead... The flesh of her skin appeared far more defined and taking on a crimson-coloration... Her once-flowing hair had became jagged where the tips of it had been converted into razor-like blades, the eyes which were opened appeared to be completely yellow with other any colors present at all... and her mouth bared teeth as sharpen-fangs jutted out.


[Round 3!]

The announcer roared and the audience was just as loud... Everyone wanted to see... the very... last... round.





The woman who was more like a demon launched forth; a burst of energy surrounded her in a sickle-purple aura that she slammed into the masked-man. He'd braced but his feet skidded on the ground as her fingers... turned into claws...

Slashing away as his attire was ripped up by the numerous strikes; shredding him up with every cut in a rapid fashion... Blood even splash out after being struck by a stabbing-strike aimed at his torso.

This was overwhelming onslaught which the masked-man couldn't defend... It all got faster... and faster... Blindly so which her limbs became streaks of color...

But this was the beginning...of...the...end.

He seemed to begin parrying all of the attacks via the use of his barrel-like-chest... Absorbing every fragment of damage.

A bloodcurdling scream escaped her which was then followed by her fist cocking back... Energy pooled around and she prepared to throw it... But felt as if everything froze so suddenly...

The man's defensive posture... shifted... and he lunged forward... Grabbing her into a front headlock; swung her arm over his neck and lift up for a Pro-Wrestling Suplex... But changed it when he leaped high up into the air... And shuffled her position... Converted it into a Slam.

This was a finishing move... A monster of a maneuver that was end it all!

And as they came down...

An explosion occurred which everything quaked when her back came down underneath their body-weight.

Blood burst from her supple-lips... She then fell completely unconscious.

Slowly... that color disappeared from her skin, the horns retracted into her head and she returned to normal.


Her previous & normal state.


The man released and raised a closed fist.





No one even dared utter a word.

All were absolutely quiet...


A scream came from a member of the audience who was overjoyed by this amazing battle.

That was followed by the remaining members breaking out into cheers as well. All supported this victory...

And the masked-man rose to his feet... and simply raised a hand in victory.



[Victory! Fight Over!]

The announcer roared and the audience supported this action.

It... was... awesome.



The image blurred and faded into darkness. That sound... It was akin to the sound of something like a bat slamming against someone's skull was heard.


Wordlessly... A crowd made one of the spectators collapsed in a heap.


Everything... flashed...

That world... changed...

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}


That massive stadium then disappeared.


Somewhere else... A man appeared as he then clashed against the ground.


Landing on a pitch-block tiled-floor; he seemed... strange... strange in comparison to his surrounds that seemed to be similar to an old-castle's throne-room.


Laying down on a floor within a strange-circle of interlocking symbols and signs. Wearing a set of loose clothes. A video-game splash-art t-shirt which was somewhat tight on a decent-sized frame, a pair of loose-fitted dark-blue denim jeans and a pair of buttery-brown and red-laced boots. Hanging from his neck was a pass which read as 'Finals' Participant.'

Aside from his clothing... Next-to-no details relating to his face could be seen. The darkness of this masquerade it all... A groan came from the man who managed to sit up... and rub his eyes...

Suddenly... The sight of a pair belonging to some emerald, green orbs which one would call eyes slowly open to look at the world around him.


It was a somewhat old-place - It was Old-English Fantasy Castle to the very last inches and images... Absolutely strange where his two-hands came to the sides of his head.

"Ugh..." A louder groan made him fall backwards... His body felt so... heavy... and his eyes felt so heavy...

Blinking once where he stared up at the ceiling which was stone... like the rest of this place.


Blinking again...

His field of view had changed... It'd been so suddenly covered up by the image of an eye.

A vibrant, crimson eye that was as large as himself which stared back.


*Ba-bump.* His heart doubled in speed and his eyes snapped open; panting and hoarse breaths were coughed out of him.

Pain radiated in his chest as he forced himself to sit up... and take a finer look around.


Then... his eyes widened severely in a moment... Someone else... was here.

Upon that throne... Which was empty beforehand...

A person was seated there... She simply glared at him.




How did they know one and another...


This place was... so... strange... Nothing was coming to mind.



*KA-BOOM!* His eyes flickered wide as something came.


That blast... It... took him away.


Was he dead?


Glancing down at his hand... Open palm which gently flexed open... then clenched.

"Annoying 'Hero.'" That voice... it was similar... to something... like he'd heard it beforehand... but it was so... 'evil.' This intensity directed towards him cause to him to shuffle uncomfortably and sweat developed all-across him...

Like one would feel if they ran in a wild-beast in the woods.

Looking at her... he was wide-eyed at her appearance... Never before had he seen anything like her.. Not from an anime, manga, light-novel, video-game... it seemed so... real.


Like that scary, amazingly good-cosplay... But... Authentic.

For us... It was the girl from the previous chapter...

But to him...

A strange Gothic Lolita; dressed like a maid but instead of black - It was red... A red...like...blood. Affixed to her left side of her chest was a cute-badge with a pink-bunny upon it... Her legs were crossed over one and another where a pair of strapped shoes similar to that old-school movie about that girl with red shoes was donned and a somewhat, large polka-dotted top hat.


His breath was slow to come out... as if it was a struggle to breath.


Why did she called him 'Hero?'


All of these questions pummeled his brain as a headache developed - The pain pulsed numerous times where it surrounded parts of his brain that he hadn't realize existed... He wasn't able to concentrate at all.

What was happening to him?

"Well... Get Ready, Idiot." Commanding at him... The girl stood up and snapped her fingers... Suddenly a blanket-like shadow surrounded her and a cloak appeared around which was just as red as the rest of her attire.

In her hands... A metallic-rod with a bold, cut ruby. It was so shiny and perfect that it must've been by someone... Someone who was excellent.


"... Stand... Up" Her eyes sparkled underneath her hat. Looking down at the man she'd call 'Hero.'


His eyes blinked slowly as she beckoned him to stand... and his body moved... Slowly and he arouse in a moment.

His face was full of sweat and his breathing was heavy... Like he'd ran a marathon without rest from his current state.

"Aaaah." A pained, soft voice escaped his lips when he felt the legs which held him up... Threatened to buckle underneath his own body-weight... Then... so suddenly... He fell down with a thud.


Looking down... His eyes became like saucers.


His legs... were gone.


As if they'd completely disappear from what they were... And seemed to fade away... Like dust.

"... I am gonna kill that man..." The girl spoke to herself with a venomous tone... Stepping down from her throne... The man felt that same pressure come down like a such force... He felt like he couldn't do anything... but... worse... He couldn't THINK of anything.


Teeth chattered against one and another... His eyes bulged as his eyes were bloodshot...

That clicking... and clacking... of her shoes caused his head to low further and further down on the ground beneath himself...

And at the top of his vision... Those bright, red shoes appeared and his view... A delicate set of fingers reached down and gently caressed his face before tugging at him.

Lifting his face up and forced to met her own.

That sneer, that crossed look, that... hatred... It was as clear as day...

Her eyes narrowed and closed... A small giggle came up where she released her hold on the man who crashed down on his face... His body was completely limb at the moment.

That giggle developed in a cackle of a witch... Loud, Annoying, Cocky & Evil...

Her eyes became sharp... and her mouth became a demonic smile... Wicked as any creature could've been.


"Maybe... A [Reincarnation Spell] would do wonders... for you." Sneering down which the way that she said that.


His bones shivered... What did she mean?!

"It means... that... [You Die.]" The man felt the greatest free that he'd ever experience... Unlike any other...

A strange thing occurred where her hand was extended... Then one by one... She begun to close her fingers... until her index was the sole remaining digit that'd been extended.

Afterwards... A flashing orb of crimson-light appeared... Pulsing several times where the man's arms moved to reflect defend or protect himself from whatever would befall him.


It didn't work as she felt everything burn.


For he was set ablazed.

Burned alive as a hellfire enraptured his being... and he disappeared.

The only trace... was a pile of ashes...

Which a breeze begun to blow throughout this massive cathedral.


Her smile appeared once more where the cloak and rod disappeared in the shadows that formed them.


"Maybe... I can get a proper 'Hero.'" As she proceed to skip and hop herself away.

A blushing face formed as she thought herself with her dream 'Hero.'

She disappeared into a black-flash of light so suddenly...

And just as that... Life... vanished...

The ashes traveled throughout the cathedral.


Til they escaped and were spread across this world of blood and shadows.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}