Vol 0 - Chapter 2: Character Drop - Whose my Main?!


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}


Just as the ashes which had riddled the throne room within the realm of blood and darkness had appeared.

Those very same were that were of the 'Hero.'

One whom was supposed to save a world from evil.


This hero was dubbed as...



However... A breeze came... and swept up the ashes... Twisting and twirled as they were taken and lifted by the sudden air which then shifted til it had if someone had grabbed the ashes.


Released them.

Sending them off into the vast unknown of this [Domain] who belonged to the twisted goddess from early.

The one who had struck fear within the 'Hero' that she'd meant to summon but rather... Performed a Reincarnation upon him.


This was a strange ritual.

As the ashes flew off to the farthest corners of this wide and horrible world.


An orb appeared... The very-same orb from that endless void.


What it truly was.


It had been a soul.

Whose soul?


Well - The only person who had seemed to be destroyed within the next-couple of seconds.


The [Quad Winner]'s soul.


His soul was a simple speck of light in this darkness.


And it's raw power was evident; condensed into a powerful source... In a matter of seconds.


It vanished... It may've been drifting off into the darkness... But it wasn't within purpose.

This Hero's Soul... had begun it's journey.


And as it flew... It's speed was beyond light and reality - Spilt realm after realm, flying pass stars and suns at speeds which couldn't be matched.


Til it came upon a one, place.


Another world.


It was a giant... A massive world which if one could compare to another.


It had to be roughly 10 times the size of the Earth in all-accounts...

But it wasn't just bigger... It seemed... identical in appearance as well.

The very strange and unqiue image... If one could imagine.


They could see massive lands; each differed from one and another based around the climate and position upon the world... Other parts would be the countless oceans, rivers and lakes... Even more fathomless than the mysterious sea upon Earth.


It was strange... Just as strange as this tale was to be begin with.


For this was the world of... [Grimoire.]

A land of equal-parts magic... and equal-parts science.

Bizarre as it could be.


That soul which flew for so long yet so fast was hurtled off towards the planet of [Grimoire.]

And upon reach it's atmosphere, it then... vanished in a fading display of light.

Which release a speckle of stardust on the world.


This soul had it's purpose etched within it... The [Reincarnation Spell] had done this... It had forced upon the soul... To be reincarnated.


To transferred the memories, personality and desires of the Hero's Soul to an inhabitant of this world.


In particular... A newly-born infant whose life-force would accept the soul.


And in these these massive and impossible to understand lands.


Such a task was easy as the soul's essence found what it'd been looking for.


As a child had been born this day.


This... Very... Day.


It was strange...

As if destined to happen.


This hero would live a second-life.


Shall we see?

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





Eyes had been shut tightly... Felt... so...weak.


Felt so... small.


A natural reaction occurred... Fear.


And suddenly... a small, toothless mouth opened... and release a whining and loud cry... Which rang out within a strange and dark place.

The face... unseen had begun to develop tears which pooled on the face and fell; tiny limbs flailed whilst feet had curled up and tiny hands clenched into puny fists.

Shaking about in their current position of unease as this crying had got louder and went on longer for each breath...

This event continued for a minute on end.

With no-end in sight.


It was an infant... A newborn whom was resting in their crib - A set of rustle could be heard when a door opened... The sounds of soft, shoes that just so suddenly fell upon a floorboard symbolized by the creaking and squeaking.

"Oh... He's awake..." The soft and matronly voice filled the room as the crying paused for a sudden... As if the child calmed down upon hearing such a familar noise... But continued afterwards when the voice hadn't continued.


*Sissh.* A sound developed... As if something was rubbed hard against another object... *Fwoosh.* What had happened to be the image of an elongated match - It was strange in design as the flame burned... blue.


It was placed within a container and what had followed... It appeared as if a lamp was lit.

A soft, blue glow come from the ornately-shape head similar to a bunny which the ears gently flopped when the one holding this lamp moved. It had served it's purpose and had successful brighten up the room...

And reveal some more details of what it might've been or what it was.

Inside appeared to be simple in design - Nothing standing out in terms of color or patterns.



It appeared as if there was multiple cribs including the one with the crying infant as this room must've been for young child.

... But something was strange about this.


The crying infant was the only one here...

As the blue-flame burned upon a lit wick belonging to the candle inside of the lamp - The match was shaken til it's flame disappeared as smoke vapors came off the once-burning piece of wood. The lamp was used to light the room with a soft glow in comparison to a harsh flame.

*Ca-lick.* It was then placed down using it's stand; gently atop of a had been moved til it found itself on a singular night-stand which was somewhat close towards the crib with the crying infant.

Following this... A pair of soft hands reached down and picked up the infant. Gentle as they could which the infant ceased their cry and cradled around the session of warmth coming from the one who had lift them up. Small sniffles was the sounds that they made.


Who appeared was a mature lady; somewhat later in her years but a graceful beauty lingered upon her. The development of lines had crossed over segments of her face which seemed very nice in shape; her features were overpowering one and the other... It was an absolutely perfect balance.


Her attire suited this sensation that she brought forth... A nun's attire was draped onto them as she hadn't lost any beauty from her purpose aging or lifestyle however she wasn't cold... She was kind

The little one may've been crying for a reason... Beckoning attention from someone, safety from danger... Or perhaps it was frightened by something.

Regardless of the reason... She had brought them closer to her chest, their small head came upon it and they stilled... As their head rested against the clothed-form.

The infant felt something which was right in their core.

[Ba-Bump.] A heartbeat... A relaxing... natural... heartbeat.

The infant found their small form then rocked, gently from one side...to the next.


A song then came... In the form of soft-toned hums, it made everything... So... Relaxing... So... Peaceful.

The infant's sniffles after a moment... Suddenly... Ceased... As they latched on woman's dress with those tiny hands.

In this lightly illuminated room; she had clean him off. It seemed as if they weren't feeling good at the moment which to their distress and crying from early on.

Possibly sicken as their temperature seemed higher than normal... Or what it previously was.

A soft-fabric was wipe across that face, removing snot and tears whilst another was gently dapper in a bowl of water that was obtained during this clean-up process.

After the child was full, clean and calm... She had lifted up the child to look at that adorable face... Yet a sight made her freeze... As if turning her blood cold.


A pair of emerald-like eyes opened up one but the other... Then upon looking at her... Broke off in a complete a state... As if examining her rather than look at her.


Her voice was as equal bit beautiful... As it was confused. "Those eyes... Why did they change color? H-how can this be?" She questioned as if trying to understand when her head tilted to one-side... And the infant's eyes followed her...then tilted far off to the other-side and like before... They'd follow after her.


A strange feeling dug itself up in her core... Why did those eyes... Seem so... Deep.

her mind twisted as she felt like her body was submerged in the ocean, glancing up the surface as sunlight reflected and grant the ocean's coloration.

As attempting to breath... She couldn't... An array of bubbles came from her nose and lips where she begun to sink... Down... And... Down.

Til she vanished.

*Aaaaaugh.* A long, tired yawn interrupted that sight which the woman blinked... Slightly and looked down, the infant was beginning to nod off so suddenly.

Which she adjusted her hold on them and raise their little body upwards to take a firm look at their face.

Those eyes took one last glance... But ended up closing.


She'd never seen such radiant eyes before.


In that final moment; the child return the land of sleep where the woman held them gently... Before placing them back into the crib.


Examine the details of their face which was hidden in the shadows... A hand moved to chest as a sadden expression appeared on it.

Laying down before they were tucked underneath a set of soft-sheets; this child was unique... That much was certain... But how unique... That would discovered later on.


As if to not interrupt the newly-gained sleep, the woman's head shifted and she lowered herself.

Her lips pressed against each-other before placing a small peck of the forehead which caused the sleeping baby to coo adorable in respond.


Lifting her and taking hold of the lamp from early... She whispered aloud... Speaking forth...

"Good Dreams... Little-One."

The soft steps that occured again and the door of this room was released, opening up a crack which she slide through and closed it behind her Returning the room to it's previous state of darkness and quiet.


The infant rolled up, taking the sheets on their small body and getting cozy as the mixture of warmth and comfort was sublime to this child.


And everything.

Was at peace once again.


But unknown to all.


The ethereal image of a man... Or rather in this case...

The [Quad-Winner] floated above the crib... Above the infant as he appeared to be in a state of sleep.


A small rustle came when the child moved... And the man performed the exact same movement.




Our tale began with mysterious but let's bring forth a greater understanding of this world.


For those who do not understand it's latent principles.

It was developed by two powers that were foreign in origins compared to one and another but sisters in purpose.

The power of [Science] & [Magic.]

Such things were spread throughout hundreds of lands. Certain folks favored one over the other but none denounced the either for how beneficial they seemed to be.

And just as these two powers were key parts of life - They had been spread all over the world.

Overall; the world held an array of landmass which would be considered as [Continents.]

These landmasses were classified under titles that were adopted by their inhabitants.

The [Far-West], [Mid-West] & [Far-East.]

Geographical differences aside - Cultural traditions and other such things separated those who lived within such lands.


Aside from Racial Differences.

For you see... The peoples' of [Grimoire] weren't only... [Humans.]

No, no, no.

There was 5 other races.

[The Alves]





Mingled throughout the lands... This brought changes in history which were drastically different than the likes of the Planet: Earth for example.


This world was so fantastical yet bound with a realm of reality that'd be impossible to understand at a glance.

Alas... The world of [Grimoire] wasn't always at peace.

Conflicts happened within the territories in the [Continents] that ended with many awful things.

Raids, pillage and other such things.

Why this may have been important?

Well... That infant from beforehand... Was a [War-Orphan] A child whose parents were either killed or fell in battle.

Such occurrences could happen during times of conflict.

He would died... If it wasn't for a pair that happened to be a traveling Pastor and His Assistant; a devoted Nun.

The two would venture out - Aiding the wounded or sick that could be found... Bring them back to their church for healing or shelter before letting those found either join or go on their lives.


It was said that the infant was found with a pendent-bearing necklace around his little-neck and wrapped in a ripped, blood-stain cloth.


The pendent was the image of the [Deity] that the two followed... It was seen as a sign.

A sign that this child was meant to be found.

It also seemed strange.

The child was different... That was scene when he was brought back to delivered to the Church... It was said that in the night... He broke out into a fit of crying in the mid of the night.

One of the elder-Nuns visited him and noticed that he opened his eyes... By himself.


It was an interesting tale on the next day.


And the rest of the Churches' inhabitants noticed how unqiue he seemed.


He had boundless energy, was always exploring... and always attempting to learn about something.


The years went by... and he grew older.


And older.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





[Timeskip - 15 Years Later]


Just as the world was large and numerous... It had many places.


Upon the Continent known as [The Far-West.] The land better known for it's abundance of [Science], Dangerous Monsters & Countless Cultures which blended together or collided violently.

A particular territory - Part of a two-named land which was titled as [Southern Bell.]

For it's chartered territory being the shape that mirror a bell to the lasting image.

It'd been divided into two parts: The much, larger, less advanced and less-wealthily part called [The Greater Southern Bell] & it's much smaller but revolutionary technologically-rich part called [The Lesser Southern Bell.]

Alas - We shall focus on [The Greater Southern Bell]

Unlike it's smaller but more rich, cousin - It garnered it's reputation as the [Land Of Traders.]

Having allowed for numerous trades from accessories to essential goods; it allowed for the most poor person to being a wealthy one... if they played their cards right... and had a talent in something.


To be 'Talentless' in this land... Where goods that could be sold for profit, skills could be hired and money could be lost or earn in droves.


It was a death-sentence to be 'Talentless.'

Which those whom were hermits... Wanderer all over til they either died or lived to see another day.

One could see a 'Talentless' often if they traveled on a massive road... The road called [The Traveler's Gift.]

A fitting title which this massive road was constructed by a woman unlike any other - She put her life into give her homeland a chance to thrive... and she succeeded.

It granted routes or ways to travel for anyone on foot or cart... From the smallest, rural hut in the boonies to a massive, metropolis that was brimming with civilization.

The various roads which lead off into various places were numbered for ease... Ranging from the number... [Route: 0000] which was the border of the [The Lesser Southern Bell] meeting [The Greater Southern Bell] ... All the way up til... [Route: 5000] which was the very edges of their land which met the infamous land of [B.I.G.]

It was said that when the seasons change... One could watch as millions of carts; filled with hundreds of different things could be seen traveling towards different designations.

[The Great Salesmen] - A term to coin where these massive waves would often stop and allow for towns to explore or purchase... Akin to a festival.

Such a place was rich with stories... Adventure... And Even... Danger.

As the very center of [The Greater Southern Bell] contained an array of mountains and subterranean caverns called the [Meteorite Of Drum] - A Title affixed by the greater explore of the same name who had written long ago.

"Never go there... For there be Dragons."

That state was true which often or not... The winged, tyrants of muscle, scales and magic could be seen flying bout in the pursuit of pray or treasures for their dens.


Hell - It became well-known with [The Greater Southern Bell] of Dragon Attacks that [Draco Sirens] would send out a blaring alarm whilst a Dragon was within range.


[The Greater Southern Bell] was an interesting to live... Very interesting.

At one particular and interesting point... It was known as [Route: 4410] but was nick-named [The Road Of Gilra.]


*Woof* Near the massive-road; an eye-spanning prairie of red-grass appeared where a canine-like creature had barked off at a particular cart which was traveling by...

It was humbling in size - Not to large or grand in appearance; a cloth was wrapped over it with the intention of protecting it's luggage which may was stored in the back. It's rider wasn't present... Or even a seat for a driver...


Finally; It was baring a forged-seal that had been crafted into a particular shape... It was dangled from the front of the cart and appeared to be a rabbit... with a hat on it's head.

It went on it's way down the road but stirred right as the main-road spilt towards another. A heavy-thump occurred; it'd been a strange noise to say the least. It was almost like... the sound of a horse's clopping steps but... echoing... hallow?


Like heavy-metal.

The things which were pulling this cart appeared to be a pair of mechanized-stallions. Shiny-silver plates adorned these metallic-frameworks that mimicked nature in a way that they should be able to do... or even possible to perform... but they did... As they had been perform the mannerisms that a flesh-and-blood horse but in their own way. As metallic whines came from opening-metal mouths and wafts of steam were pushed out of metal-noises which they without rest or struggle continued to pulling the carts that they were attached to.


Glisten orange-eyes glowed from a visors and shiny orange fabric mirror their long-manes in addition to tails that flicked and swayed every once in while as they continued to clopped... The harden-stone transitioned into soft-dirt as the cart had been pulled onto a fork - Leading off towards a somewhat small-sized town.

This was the [Town Of Jazz.]

But at the moment... It's life was grinding to halt as the work day was beginning to end completely.

The sun was beginning to set as stores were transitioning to closing, people were heading home and in the center of a town.


A large clocktower let out a noise.

*DING... DONG...*

An interior gong had went off and it's illuminated face which revealed it's large, broad hour-hand, long, stubby minute-hand and dagger, thin second-hand all reached a particular time...

[8:00.00. Setting. Sun.]

The official end of the work-day.


Suddenly; a couple stores remained open or even opened.

The largest had a unqiue sign which was suddenly lit through the usage of a careful and nicely-placed lamps that said...

[May's Saloon.]

Crowds of busy-bodies entered or left; woman and men of all ages.


Which that Saloon was also attached to something.


The large building had a 'parking-space' which said...

[Park Carts or Wagons Here.]

An overhead flame had allowed for those to notice it given the darken-light from the setting-sun, it was rather spacious... and empty.

The horse-pulled carts did as it was told which it took a corner and entered... Following this... It lead over to a somewhat-gate which opened up suddenly as carts were pulled in and the gate closed by it.

Off in the distance...

Appeared to be some cathedral... Or rather... It was an very, large church.


Upon it's spire... It show a woman in a nightly-gown as a pair of rabbit-hairs popped out of her hair whilst she held a staff in hand.

That was the religious symbol dedicated to [Gilra.]


The cart continued down this path where similar imprints to the metal-horses could be seen that were practically engraved into the ground.

Coming forth and appeared in some sort of circle before the entrance of the church... A set of shouting came from the building... A series of windows that were on the second-row near the front of the church had been opening as the sounds of children could be heard shouting from within as they looked out, Nuns were present to keep the children from hurting themselves or looking after them as they looked out. The youths' looked out to gazed upon the cart which was slowing down at it's current moment til it finally stopped before a set of stairs.

"They finally back!/Yaaaaay!/What Did They Bring Back?!/I wanna know!" All of them were extremely joyful at whoever's return which caused the floor-above the younger children to light-up, a set of windows could be seen housing the teenagers who were much quieter and didn't open up their windows but alot of them peered out to see what was going.

Suddenly... The cart had it's cloth shuffled away to side; revealing an opening.

Following this a head popped out - A middle-aged men with completely gray-hair peered as his heavily, lined and stress-riddled face brighten into a smile that the children exclaimed at this.

His smile was bright and shiny with spotless, whites before his head disappeared down below.

A door swung open and he then hopped outwards with a cheer.

His attire was very similar to a pastor... On a day-off. A loose, black tunic-like shirt, a pair of beltless pants and odd-pointed shoes. On the heavier side but his arms and legs were packed with a fine-degree of muscle as he waved and yelled loudly.

"PASTOR. MURAY IS BACK!" A set of cheers could be heard from the children... Unknown to him; the teenagers groaned at this before returning back to whatever they were doing.

Following after this, a pair of older-teenagers compared to the teens who had been seen the Pastor return.

It was easy to see as they appeared very mature in their movements and figures. They were a young-man and young-woman - the man was donned in a gown that the Pastor should've been wearing whilst the girl was donned in the cloth of a nun but it was slightly shorter as it ended on her lower thighs and let her hair free than covering.

They also appeared similar with round blue-eyes, stark-black and long hair, soft features... The only difference happened to be the young-man's growing Adam's apple and square-chin.

"Talked on the way towards [Route: 4023...] Talked the way back... And now... He gonna be yelling." The girl spoke out as her face twisted into an expression of pure annoyance where she moved a hand to the ridge of her nose and pinched it. "Well... We did sell alot of our stock... And brought gifts for everyone." The boy replied to her with a small smile which the two prepared to walk forward.

Pastor. Muray had ran off in a quite of a hurry towards the entrance. Swiftly pushing open the doors with a throaty-cackle and dashing inside...

The boy had a sweat-drop develop on his temple, a nervous laughing coming out at this. The girl had a large, cartoonish tick developed on her brow whilst she began grinding her teeth at this childish attitude. "I'm gonna punch him." She growled as the two walked forward where the boy only laughed alittle bit louder as the sweatdrop became comically large.


{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





Within the cathedral-like church... Within it's darkest and lowest parts...

There was a room.


A room that was gated off... and locked.


It was pitch-black aside from the very, small crack of a window that allowed for the now-rising moon's light to shine within.

In the center... A large bed was presented as it was threatened to break in half at the moment from something.


Or perhaps.



[Direction Code = 8/Up]

A stirring groan could be heard... It seemed masculine in tone and depth.


[Direction Code = 2/Down]


The sounds akin to growl could be heard where the bed suddenly squeaked before returning to normal... Out of a small corner in the room... The sounds of squeaks could be heard... Two of them...

That was followed by what appeared to be a mouse... alongside a rat entering the - The mouse was walking with grace and energetic whilst the slightly-larger, similar creature was following afterwards with a lazy-pace but the two stopped upon entering this room.

The two were very different... The mouse was sleek, white furred, very cute as it's size wasn't freakishly large but adorable with a long, pink-hairless tail that was wrapped at the end with a small, red-bow. It's face was feminine in a way... Very... Mature if the word could describe it as it stood up and took a sniff of the air.

The rat... appeared like a goon... Mattered, black furred, ugly could be the only way that one would be able to describe it given it's size and unclean demeanor which a bushy, completely-furred tail with a poufy-end. It's face resembled the like of a gangster in an ambiguous anime with a mole under an eye, it's teeth flat and bared at the moment and goofy-looking eyes but it had stopped suddenly to sniff.

Their bean-like noses sniffing the air so suddenly as if trying to locate what was caused such a pleasant smell for them.

Which lead to them locking onto their target.


Their eyes widened.


On a nightstand near the strange-large bed.

There was...

An apple.


To be exact... A golden-apple with a bronze-stem with a silver-leaf still attached which resting upon an interestinly-designed, platter.

Shining underneath a crack of the moon's light giving it a more mythical appearance.

The mouses' eyes shifted into cartoon- hearts as it slightly cooed, moved it's right forelimb to it's cheek as the mouth became a smile. It then darted off with a quickness.

The rat's mouth begun to drool... Drooling so much that the content formed a puddle of drool that as it flowed out out like a waterfall... It even seemed that rainbows developed from the puddle. It's feet scampered before it launched itself forward in a hurry.

The two moved far faster than any mouse or rat would. As their furs gained jagged-patterns of energy which appeared on their coats of fur. - The mouse had red & the rat had blue.

[Direction Code = 4/Left]

This room was still dark however the chucky, heavy noise akin to metal clattering against one and another was heard... Sort of like plates of armor folding and raising against one and another...

This was ignored by the pair who felt their greed overtake them; climbing up as they attempted to win against one and another.

The first one to the top as their clawed toes of it's forelegs and hindlegs dug into the wood of the nightstand with ease as they climbed upward and onward.

[Direction Code = 6/Right]

The mouse arrived and did a little dance where the rat was a step-behind... A pout formed as a gloating dance was what it saw... It huffed and climbed up which the mouse took elegant strides towards the apple as it begun to amaze at it.

It was the largest that it had ever seen; it was far too tantalizing to not eat as it's mouth parted and it take a bite!

[Input Command: Start]


A rumble stopped the two in their tracks... The rat's eyes bulged out as it tried to find the source which the mouse looked around cautiously.



*KA-VROOOOOM!* The rumble intensified suddenly as the two felt their everything rattle... Their fur, their skin, their organs... Even their bones started to shake as did the room.

The noise for us was akin to the start-up of an American Muscle-Car's large-engine.

It originated from the bed as the air-flow changed... A vacuum of air begun to pull towards something which the pair of rodents launched onto the nightstands, claws digging in before peering over to see as the vacuum-like effect stopped.



A yawn... It was a yawn?

The room shook as did the bed squeak where someone rose up...

Groaning under their breath.


Then suddenly.


A pair of emerald, green eyes opened.


Cat-like in shape where they dilated for a moment as the iris shifted to a neon-like color... As if they were glowing in the dark.


Slowly blinking...


Slowly opening.


Eyes locked on the golden apple... the mouse... and... the rat.


The two animals let out a pair of high-pitched squeaks and watched as their vision was blanket by an oncoming hand.


And then...


{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





A couple moments later - The mouse and rat were relaxing with their backs on the platter... Their bellies were bloated as they let out a satisfied sighs... They ad the scenery of field behind them in their minds as they relaxed.

Bits of fruit-juice stained their faces and surrounded their positions on the platter... A little bit away from them appeared to be half of the golden-apple - Crudely spilt in multiple parts as some had begun to rocked from side to side.

As the wind from crack in the room became little bit breezy which made the pair cuddle up to one and another... They'd never do this beforehand but in their current state of bliss... They were relaxing as much as possible.

In a moment however... Something covered up the crack and the room fell back into it's pervious temperature that lead to the mouse kicking away the rat in their slumber which caused a series of squeaks akin to curses to come out where the two seemed to argue between one and another where they broke out of this state of bliss to begin an instinctual argument between the two.

Out of the darkness... A hand grasped one of the segmented-pieces of the apple... Then... *Chomp.* A noise akin to a bear-trap shutting occurred flowed by loud noises akin to metal-scrapping against metal.


The Hero... was... awake.

Awaken by the [Command Word.]

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}