Vol 0 - Chapter 3: Character Entrance, Baby!


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}

As the strange figure from beforehand whom had most likely awakened... They were currently snacking on a rather, delicious fruit which was placed on their nightstand by their massive bed. They had company in the form of a pair of rodents (A cute mouse and A rugged rat.)

The current atmosphere was being enjoyed as an imagery-scene akin to a flower-guard appeared in all of their minds as they were currently snacking. The largest member was the true-owner of this room... And these pair happened to actually be frequent and welcomed vistors... In a way... Sort of like a pair of lovable but still freeloading roommates.

After all... This group contained a person and a pair of beasts... happened to be located in a room... or rather... an entire section at the very, bottom of the cathedral-like church.


Locked away for an unknown reason.


This cathedral-like church seemed so... 'Evil' by appearance alone. It was easy to assume such things... and the [Deity] in which it followed was also strange.

Having been dedicated to an odd, almost two-faced [Deity] or in this... The Goddess known by her whole title as...

[Gilra; Great Queen Of Darkness.]


It was strange... That somewhat long and over-dramatic title... It almost painted an entirely wrong image of her.

As one would assume that she favored the likes of...

[Pitch-Black Magics] used for occultist reasons.

[The Daemons Race] who have often being seen attached to nearly every war.

Or even; [Law-Breaking Alchemy] which was stated to go against creation itself.

If one was simply ignored her Religion... Her history... Or was ignorant, misinformed or openly express displeasure in the Dark-Goddess.

You'd assume that her methods of worship were just as dark as her title...

[Blood Sacrifices] that'd level cities.

[War] that'd search over hundreds of lands.

[Death] in the purest and most-unholy sense of the word.


But you are mistaken.

Simply assume or refuse to listen is a foolish thing... When attached to anyone... Especially... A [Deity.]

For the Great Queen happened to bear two-faces.

One of evil...


One of good...

It was strange... But it was much welcome by her followers

She sought...

[Profit] - Profit could come from good or evil.

[Success] - Success could be obtained in multiply ways.

[Expansion] - Expansion could be earn... or taken.

All of these traits and desires; these 'Methods' of worship... All of them were greatly attributed to the likeness and lifestyle brought forth by living with [The Greater Southern Bell] or as it's nickname for those who didn't know it's name... [Land of Traders.]

Just as it was strange as this world... To be a being of seemingly two-faced desires and paths... It made being valued... even more impressive.


Hmmm... This land was fill of surprises... Isn't it?

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}





Just as the massive land's history and lore wrapped in newfound mysteries; practically awaiting to be uncovered.


And such mysterious could be attached to one of it's many settlements that could be found within the many [Routes.]

This seemingly, harmless small town which had tiny-buildings... to massive buildings.

The small town which lived it's life since it's creation with freedom... Named after the couple who founded it... After their last-names.



As this small piece of civilization surrounded by overwhelmingly amounts of prairies coating wide-spread girths of red-bladed grass - It emphasized the [Routes] nickname of [The Road Of Gilra] had finally transitioned into the lattermost times of it's current day.

The massive clocktower that was located near the center of town had changed from what it once was, displaying it as...

[1:15.57. Setting. Sun.]

The moons' were out as a three of them appeared in the cloudless, blacken night-sky. All of them changed their coloration depending on the season... As this current season had made it shined a soft, yellowish hue over the town. It was a great as it blended well with the blues that could be seen.

A grand display of nature at full effect on the world of [Grimoire.]

At street-level - Next-to-no shops were opened at this absolutely, late time of day. Overhead at quite a ways upward at almost every street-corner; there appeared to street-lights. Rather than large, white electrical bulbs brighten the street that was on the Planet [Earth.]

Equally-sized streetlamps hung which burned endlessly with a blue-flame that happened to be hanging from chains bolted into the metal rods as they swayed at the breeze which came and went at the moment.

All of them boldly lit the streets given their size allowing for people who may be out of their homes to see but the intensity was lower as to not blind anyone...

Given that these lamps could be more powerful.

In a way... It was good as to not be overpowered in current senses.


At the moment; the townsfolk had gone to sleep in their comfortable beds in fully-furnished homes that had just so happened to be the various stores located all-over the town.


But there were some members of this bustling community that were still awake.... Or rather... A fair portion of them were spend these time at the Saloon... In particular... The [May's Saloon.]

Having been packed to the brim with all-kinds... From the labors... to the vendors who were spending their time unwinding from the previous day.

A lot of them... had drunk off their stupid asses... An event that seemingly happened far too much... and almost every-night despite the Owners' warnings.

A majority of them would still be here until they closed at mid-day... To reopen on the next day.


One particular event that was noteworthy happened to be one of the customers' flipping the skirt of a waitress who was scared of this... That said-waitress was considered the 'Flower of the Saloon...' What happened is that the drunken man was surrounded by a gang of fellow drunkards who were pissed at the action and laid down the 'law' in the form of a large, beatdown.


It made one of the bartenders sigh as the waitress simply ignored this scene... The said-cause of this tilted her head in confusion as she was pulled away by one of her seniors.


Sadly... Just as interesting as that could've been, our tale doesn't come into contact with that wonderful place... In actuality; it doesn't come in contact with the seemingly robust culture belonging to the [Town of Jazz.]

It's lively, respectful and morally ambiguous people, the seemingly endless array of stores which sells multiple kinds of different and unqiue items and lastly; the wafting sense of life which oozed from every pore of this place.



No, No, No.

This quant little town isn't our focus.

At least... Not today.


As we placed our attention directly back on to the Cathedral-Like Church.

Traveling back there was very, important.


Far, more important as certain events would come to pass.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}





Now; the Church at this moment...

It had been quiet... It had been quiet for good-reason.


As the majority of it's members were asleep; the younger-ages had been put to bed in rather; largely-sized rooms which they shared in vast number as their beds were prepared which snores and sleeping, murmurs could be heard from within.

The slightly-older children had been sleeping as well but there was a difference in comparison to the young-ones. These children had slightly smaller rooms which contained less of them in total however there were far, more spread out on the level which the children resided on.


The teenagers were a mixed-bunch; some were sleep whilst others were awake but that didn't last too long as they also retired to rest. Divided into genders unlike the children considered that their bodies and personalities were developing into Adults - As a result; the boys had one-side and the girls had another-side - Opposite to each-other as three teenagers shared a room with each-other.

All of them had different kinds of embellishments for the teens who had personal interests in different things whilst others shared common hobbies that was expressed in the room's uniqueness which was fine considered the level which the teenagers lived upon.

In particular at the ends of the hall-way on this level... It contained two different rooms.

On the boys' side; it had the strange young-man who was with the old Pastor that had returned. His room had neatly-hung pictures of art which displayed snow-covered lands and even a stature in a snow-flake that rested on a desk.

He was reading some kind of book that held no title as he was laying in bed; his lower-half underneath milk-white sheets as his pillows were arranged for him to lean on. He rubbed his chin in thought as he muttered to himself under his breath.

"Interesting... But how will she react to see her rival take her love-interest?" Flipping a page as he continued to read only to gasp where he raised a hand to his mouth; covering it as his eyes went white with shock.

On the girls'; it had the strange young-woman whom like her opposite had returned as well. Her room did not contain pictures but rather; it had trophies upon trophies with some of them having medals dangling from necklaces alongside ribbons to be seen from all-kinds of things.

She was sleeping with a childish smile on her where her arms were wrapped on around a fluffy, teddy-bear. Her sheets were bulky, large black-sheets with pink-bunnies and clouds on them; a bit of drool pooled from the corner of her small-mouth as she snuggled up to her teddy-bear as the back of her head was buried into a mountain of pillows.

Lastly; on the second-most highest level resided the adults whom were a mixed bag. Many hadn't actually gone to sleep as they perform tasks at the moment - Clean, preparing food for the next or patrolling the halls or levels to make sure that everyone was safe or sleep which opening a door after hearing some giggling or whispering was followed by the ruffling of sheets, pillows and hurried breathes.

The ones who did sleep were relaxing as much as possible. The male-members of the Church were sleeping by themselves in their own personal rooms whilst the woman-members of the Church had to share their rooms with another.

There was nearly double the amount of woman which lead to such an event as the ones who were sleep were deep into it as a majority of them had bags under their eyes from a hard days work or staying up-late.


Strangely enough however... It seemed so quiet.

Absurdly quiet.


Maybe even.




Aside from two-points within this note-worthy structure.


At the very-top... The uppermost level and the very-bottom... the deepest level.

These particular points even had nicknames for their unqiue reason unlike the previous levels.


First... Upward.

By ascending up within this Cathedral-Like Church - They would come across the level in which housed and held the space where the two, most important figures - the very Heads of the Church resided, lived and did their most private business.

It tilted as the [Heaven Level] for two reasons which would make sense in their own little ways... One being it was the closest to the sky itself within the building and Two as it was the upmost place and the closest to the statuette of the Goddess [Gilra] within the entire being.


It was also; one of the largest spaces in the Church as it had many, rooms and even a staircase which went up or down...

The [Heaven Level] had many particular purposes that some didn't even know about... It was very, very strange... But it was required of the Church to have this level.

This particular Church only had two Heads that commanded everything that went on within the building - As a result of this... Only two people were allowed entrance within the [Heaven Level] unless... they permitted others to enter aside from themselves...

For whatever reason that they commanded... It was very, very important if one was commanded to come upon this place.


But aside that; One room which had it's wooden-doors' closed and presumably locked closed at the moment which had a sign attached to it which stated...

[Pastor. Muray's Office.]

He... happened to be one of the Heads.

That very strange, old-man with boundless energy... was riddled with work at the moment which had be taking him hours to complete... But he wasn't complaining... Instead... It seemed as if he was filled by joy upon performing these tasks were required of him.

His office as it seemed was packed.

Having many, metal cabinets & a pair of chairs seated before his desk whilst almost everything else appeared to coated in stacks upon stacks of paperwork.

The desk seemed to be massive in size as it was quite tall and wide... Seemingly as large as a predator-beast by estimate if one would take a glance at it.

His large seat was filled by him as he hunkered over some paper; scribbling something down with a chuckle at the end as he examined his work. [Pastor. Muray] giggled like a kid before putting that particular sheet of paper to the side and grabbing his writing tool.

A metal-tipped and blue-feathered quill as he kept writing and writing for what seemed to be hours on end.


But he stopped as he read one piece of paper.

His smile faded away as he looked at it - a sigh came out as he begun to scratch the back of his head before he opened a drawer within his desk.

Taking out what appeared to a blank sheet of paper and letter envelope - His scribblings from before were gone as he wrote excellently as his writing begun to shift into a language... A language unlike our own as symbols mixed and match to form 'Letters' that later become 'Words' as this Letter was adjusted to someone in the [Far-Western Language.]

In a moment... A set of paragraphs had completely covered the paper - Written down without falter as the same passionate smile grew onto his features once more.

The letter was folded up and placed within the envelope - It was closed and a wax-seal was pressed to close it tightly.

On it's front... It was then adjusted to a particular location.

[The Greatest Church Of Gilra]

Directed towards someone.

[Father. Deimos.]

After he was completed... He said.

"Break-Time~." His singing-goofy tone alongside a chibi version of himself begun to rummaged underneath his desk as he pulled it out.

An ornately-design pipe that rested on a special holder which had various-tools and items that were attached to the holder. Opening up another drawer which was far-more special than the others as it had attached to it... A golden-handle. Inside; it had numerous pouches that were labeled with numerous words by small pieces of paper in various different-kinds of writing... [Pastor. Murary] looked them over before he grabbed a pouch with a grin.

Taking out the pouch out completely before closing that special drawer shut once more. Untying the pouch as he pulled out a set of ball-shaped and purplish-blue in colors seeds that belonged to some, unknown plant; two of them were shuffled into a roundish-contraption with it's lid open to receive the seeds before it was closed.

As it was closed - The sounds akin to a tiny-blender was heard that happened for a couple seconds followed by a subtle dinging noise to occur; opening it up as it appeared as the seeds were grinded into a powder.

Picking up the pipe from it's holder as it was filled up by powder-turned seeds whilst three of the seeds were placed on top of the powder. The pipe was then lifted up as the Pastor then placed his lips upon the mouth-piece.

Keeping a hand on it as the entire piece happened to be on the heavier side which his other hand had pulled out a box which happened to carry elongated matches which the box was titled as 'Silvers.' Managing to pull out a singular match but the neatly-stacked pile within the container; it was then pressed against surface of the desk which wasn't covered and paper.

Striking backwards as it flicked; turning it over as he saw a small blue-flame appear from the very-tip of the match.

Directing it to the holder as the seeds and powder begun to burn suddenly. [Pastor. Muray] then then blew some air through the mouth-piece to feed the holder some more oxygen as the seeds and powder begun to burn stronger.

Smiling around the mouth-piece before he begun to inhale the fumes that the mixture a powder and seeds were producing.


His lungs filled up and new sensations arouse which he ceased his inhaling; pulling his head away and a smile formed as his pressed-lips then parted to exhale - A thick cloud of blue and purple smoke was bellow out from his lip as his cheeks deflated whilst he exhaled the smoke.

"Finally... A smoke break without interruptions.~" Cheering him up immensely as his face contorted into a gleeful, eye-closed and larger smile face.

This smoke-break would take up plenty of hours as he simply smoked away - He was lucky that he wasn't at a larger Church.


Simple put - [Pastor. Muray] happened to be a rebel in certain senses... For example... Despite being a man of the cloth and preacher of his Goddess... He openly smoked... And smoked with her Church. Such actions were forbidden since it's creation... If he was reported to this figure known as [Father. Deimos.]


His punishment could very-well be exiled from the Church of [Gilra] and possibly kicked out of [The Greater Southern Bell.]


A wild-man indeed.


But somehow; he was never caught... Or rather; the one who always caught him and reprimanded him... They were... a mystery... And at the moment; Away on their own duties.


Opposite of the Pastor's office... Revealed a door that appeared to be scratched by beastly-claws... It had a sign but the name was scratched away.


But who was opposite to them?


Well - The ones The ones' whom dwelled at the bottom of the Church... The ones that the Heads only knew about.


Residing in the lowest-level... Was a weapon.


But their level was dubbed by the Heads of the Church as...

[The Forbidden Locker.]


It held this name firmly as it was completely surrounded in so many secrets that none knew of what it was... and rumors which traveled from adult to adult, teenager to teenager or child to child.


It had gotten to a point that no one knows... And no-one dares to approach it's doors.


Only... The Heads of the Church... and a specially-selected members were allowed to enter... Under special circumstances.


In the darkest points of the church... Before [The Forbidden Locker] was it's intimidating entrance.

The huge-metal door that was five-times' taller than an [Human] male... Presented firmly on massive hinges.

It was barred with hundreds of different-sized locks all-over it's surface and dozens of chains of various sizes' that had bind it shut to the point that no air seemed to come through.

That pair of massive to the point of being ridiculous metal doors seemed to be fashioned from an ore that glisten in the night. Almost pitch-black in coloration from the years' having been exposed to air but it's supposed quality hadn't waned in the least... Rather... It became sturdier.

This was absolutely required for it's purpose.

To keep it close... or keep something in.

Upon one side which was facing the upper-parts... Towards the Heavens was covered in rugged studs all-over and it's handles were small... But gold. A speck of light that contrast this darkness.


Upon one side which was facing the lower-parts... Towards the Forbidden Place was a door coated...in enlarged, sharpen spikes... Aside from two-places. A pair of silver-panels intended to push the door open.


Yet... An energy seemed to come from within... A wafting... dark presence.


Even though; much of it had been blocked by the door... A purple-fog developed from the edges of the massive door whilst an ominous feeling could be felt from within.


If one was there to witness this.


But none was there.


Even the patrolling adults knew better than to come by.


At night.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





[The Next Day]

*Ca-Cro-Kacooooock!* An animals call had been summoned as a creature had traveled up to the highest point of the Church... It's cry was a strange sound in and of itself.

It happened to be a wild-mixture of two animals that meddled into one.

The blistering, ear-ringing sound of a bird's loud cawing. Similar to mixing the rooster's early-morning crowing.

Combined with the gurgle, deep-croaking of a toad or frog that rumbled from the animals' depths in the pits of it's stomach.

As this sound had come from the top of the Church itself... It was loud... Very loud.

Which it then echoed throughout the Church... Sadly.

Traveling downward as it touched every hallway, staircase... It seemed to even go through the walls in a way.

Later on... Every singular room heard this noise.




"COME ON!!!" A scream happened to come from one of the male teenagers who was roused by this bothersome noise.


He wasn't the only one as numerous groans started to be released by those who wanted to enjoy their sleep still. Shouts from those who still couldn't stand the creature's morning calls and lastly; complaining cries from those who didn't want to wake up.


Alas... Everyone had been summoned from the peaceful lands of dreams and sleep to the reality of conscious and life.


That particular call happened to belong towards the popular-kept creature known as the [Frosger.] An four-legged, slightly-tubby and in it's own way cute, flying creature that was well known for it's slimy skin, somewhat hard beak that held a stretchy-tongue inside of their strange-looking maw.

Long since discovered - It was revealed that these were generally peaceful creatures who were swiftly domesticated into civilizations of [The Greater Southern Bell.]

These hybrid-like beasts could be found all over... Nearly on every [Route] of the [Traveler's Gift.] They found value in their meat, eggs and for some people; to start the day as they let out their calls in the morning to rouse fellow [Frosgers] or their younglings to arise.

Overall...Particular [Frosger] could be trained to awaken at specific times and let out their cries.

This [Frosger] which was own by the Church was trained to awaken the Church - It obeyed as it always had which it then let out it's infamous cry at the time of...

[7:30.25 Rising. Sun.]


In the moments to come; Everyone was lively. Hurrying along to be prepared and starting to get ready for the day to come.

The adults were long-since ready as their duties required an early-time to wake up. Some of them were drinking down from containers that contained a hot, murky liquid with energy-booster qualities.

Many of them were divided as some were heading to down to help the children get prepared and not play around. By bring a majority to a large area known as the 'Bath-Area' which held an tubs in various sizes that been filled with warm-water.

The teenagers were doing the same... Except... There was an argument...

The reason?


Who would get the 'Bath-Area,' first.

Boys were shouting that the girls took too long with al of their preparation and additional steps. Girls shouting that the boys made too much of a mess as they bathed.


This ended when the two eldest amongst them ceased the arguments. The young-man told them all that the girls would go first which got groans from the teenager boys whilst the girls cheered, hurrying inside.

"Thanks, Bro." His sister walked by with a smile... However all of the boys were gawking at her nightly-attire.


Everyone ceased when they felt an icy-fire which happened to be his stare on their backs - All of them turned around.

"Look at my Sister... You're dead." He threatened as all of them gulped in one and nodded at this command.


Some time; Everyone was completely dressed, bathed and hurrying on their ways.

Speaking about various things within their friend groups or making some small talk.

All were heading to one place at this moment... Towards one place which held a yellow-sign which read as...


If the term Cafeteria meant anything... It meant the large area where people ate their food?


Yes; everyone was heading to the Cafeteria with the sole purpose... of... getting some energy before the official day started.

And getting energy came in the best way for these Church-Inhabitants.

Some of ol' fashion - [Greater Southern Bell] Breakfast with a [Town Of Jazz] twist. [Grilled Ravyine Bratwurst], [Cogger 5-Yolk Eggs Sunny-Side Up], [A Bowl of Salted Jazzian Rice] & Lastly; [Pure Blood-Milk Juice.]

it was Yummy... Full of nutrients and was a big reason why the younger ages were hurrying to their seats for todays' Breakfast.

At the ready appeared to be dozens of foldable tables which were set by numerous table-clothes whilst certain spots happened to be readied with rounded-plates, glass-cups on small rounded patches in addition to small bundles of soft-looking but disposable clothes.

Lastly; placed gently atop of the plates was the utensils that were supposed to be used for the meal. A two-pronged fork with a spoon-like item attached underneath the prongs, a finely-serrated knife with a sturdy-wooden handle and a larger, full-sized spoon in addition to a small tea-sized spoon as well.

The children were lined in rows as they entered the 'Cafeteria.' Guided to their seats by the adult members of the Church in addition to the youthful caretakers that were aiding them.

This was difficult considering that a majority of the children were complaining and rowdy result of their hunger... It was difficult to reign in a literally horde of a hungry kids who could smell the food.

As they kept being loud - It stopped when one of the adult-woman let out a barking commanded that stated that the children would be the last to eat if they didn't settle down.


The entire hall was quiet after this... The somewhat scared teens poked their heads in but they were beckoned to their seats as well.

Lastly; the rest of the adult members appeared as well - Finely-dressed in their attires.

The men clothed as proper Pastors & woman dressed as proper Nuns.


The two older-teens from the previous day entered in addition to their seniors whilst still adorned in their somewhat-customized attire.

The young-men appeared well rest as he held a book in a hand, reading silently whilst the girl had some bags underneath her large eyes. In a cartoon-manner as well her eyes changed to tiny diamond-like shapes which was evident of her present mood being one of displeasure.

They found their seats which everyone became silent.


Last but finally; [Pastor. Muray.]

Appeared but he was dressed as he should've been upon arriving.

Wearing the a similar gown as the other pastors' but it was slightly larger and in a different coloration appearing as pure white.

The sleeves however were two-toned with the white appeared on the exterior and crimson appeared on the interior which blended finely from the elbows to the wrists as these sleeves appeared to have strange but unqiue, golden cufflinks.

His pants weren't seen at the moment but given his attire - It's highly likely that they were the same coloration and design.

Finally; a pair of scale-skin, leather shoes which was of the same color as the rest of his outfit happened to be his footwear of choice.

It seemed as if he wore whatever... A Rulebreaker if there every was one, he was.

Clothes that broke the norm but no one complained or had any particular issues with it.


It was just being him... Being himself.

Everyone felt their moods' brighten upon as they saw him; an over-dramatic and incredibly unique old-man which he leapt up into the air.

Twirling several times before gracefully landed onto one of the tables' that the adults were seated out. His shoes landed made some of them yell in surprise at his sudden arrival whilst others were begging for him not to strain himself or relax.

Take an an out-stretch stance before he screamed out... As he practically screamed out.

"GOOD-MORNING, EVERYONE!" A booming voice came from his mouth which almost every corner of the Cathedral-Like Church could feel that greeting.


Everyone responded with their own cheers and greetings... Whether it was with their voices or by waving their hands at him, nodding towards the Pastor or raise a hand in acknowledgement.

Swiftly; everyone managed to find their seats where [Pastor. Muray] walked over to a stand of somekind which was located in the middle of the 'Cafeteria.'

"Well, Everyone! It's a new day and a new challenge! Before we get some, nice food into us... We gonna do a prayer, alright?!"

Exclaiming his final point with a glistening smile; everyone had to close their eyes at the flash of light and groaned in surprise.

Blinking their eyes in surprise... Everyone cheered back; hollering and hooting after hearing his words... Preparing to listen to the Prayer; they begun to quiet down and respectful bowed slightly.


Suddenly... He clapped hands together... Interlocking his fingers.

Everyone followed suit in a rhythm.

Soon afterwards... His eyes closed and he took a breath.

Everyone did the very same action.

Lastly; he bowed his head slightly til his chin met his neck.

The eldest Pastor with the Church spoke aloud; his voice slightly echoing in the large 'Cafeteria' as it begun to echo aloud.


"Darkness of the first night. Sun of the first day. Gives us your blessing, Your Majesty. So we shall continue to draw breath. The flesh of our prey to sustenance us in times of love. The milk of our prey to nurture us in times of death. Grant us such... As your blessing demands it... Let these words touch your servants and bring forth a light.


To you; our Queen."

The hall was silent.


"Amen." Finishing the prayer as he loosen his fingers and outstretched his arms, rotating them til they were at his sides... Slowly raising his head in a singular motion.

"AMEN!" Everyone spoke at once in a singular, loud voice as they performed a similar action that he had done so as the collective sounds of ruffling clothes could be heard by them.


"WELL?! WHOSE' READY TO EAT!" Posing in a very, macho position whilst pumping a fist outward. His large smile appearing once more where everyone saw a light form within his fist; numerous yells of pleasure at those words came.

Practically wind-milling in continuous loops; [Pastor. Muray] commanded for the Cooks & Assistant Cooks to bring out the food from the kitchen.

The amazing smell... Everyone within the 'Cafeteria' felt their bellies growl at what came out.

Long and Large trollies that were coated with trays of food; the heat vapors coming off all of the food that was seen. Pitchers of the breakfast served liquid glistened in turn as the one of the adults stood up and spoke out.


"Yes! Yes! Now; In an orderly fashion; I will call the numbers tables to obtain their food. Await your turn! Now; Table 1."

As tables were cleared which those whom were seated begun to get their food which lead to another table being called... then another... then another.

As the pleasant scents of well-cooked, nicely-prepared food drove them wild... It was good to say that everyone and that meant Everyone was gonna be enjoyable their meal for the next 45-50 minutes.

It was a great-time to be alive in the world of [Grimoire.]


{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





This exact day had started off enjoyable with a quality 'feast' for the Church's inhabitants and what was to fall afterwards.


Was the basic overall day that came with living in the [Town of Jazz.]

The children and teenagers who weren't considered 'Adults' meaning that everyone underneath the Age of 16 Years had go... [The Educational] - One of the very, few but largely-sized schools within town.

They were meant to bring forth basic skills that could allow for the numerous orphans who reside in the Church alongside other towns' youths.

The widely-considered 'Adults' teenagers either went to [The Advanced Educational] to learn the more difficult things related to business or trades that could be used in the future. Others however decided that their lives were different, choosing to find work with the [Town of Jazz.] Whether it was part-time or hard-labor; they were working in order to bring back to Church.

Funnily enough; plenty of the teenagers worked at 'May's Saloon' during the day-time.

Most importantly in a way; the adults were spending their times at Church with Church-based things to do. Maintaining the Church for religious services that were scheduled later in the week or taking care of the youngest children who couldn't go to [The Educational] yet.

Most importantly... Alot of sweeping, moping and washing of the exterior til it was spick and span as some could say.


But something else was going on at this very moment.


The young-woman who seemed to be the big-boss of the teenage girls' - Wearing her unqiue outfit as always and walking down the halls as her slightly-heeled shoes clicked onto the tiled-floor.

Heading on her way to perform a task that required to her to go to the [Heaven Level.]

Walking through a corridor with a relaxed-look, posture was straight-forward and direct as she seemed.




She stopped mid-step as her eyes got big like saucers, sweat began to drippled down her face and her mouth suddenly changed shape in a diamond.


She noticed a white-furred mouse... with a red-bow on it's pink-tail... Walking up right like a person would... as if it was striding around like a model on a runway with a hip-swaying walk.


Suddenly as it kept on walking in such a manner... It's nose begun to twitched making it turned it's head and looked at the source of the smell... The creature's eyes blinked as it noticed the young-woman.


As the expression of the mouse changed... becoming exactly like the young-woman's own.


A similar expression appeared on it's face as the two suddenly stared at one and another.



The mouse slowly went down to all fours and in an awkward-manner begun to squeak at her as if trying to say 'Hi'


The next action from the young-woman.


Was completely justified.

*Kiyaaaaah!* A girlish scream came out which the mouse was shocked at the noise... It squeaked again but this time was louder as the young-woman suddenly lunged forth and raising a foot to stomp it only for it to evade.

She kept screaming as she tried to stomp out the vermin however the fearful creature was incredibly fast!


A flurry of multiple, consecutive stomps came down as she screamed loudly; the young-woman... disliked such things... very... very much.


However she noticed... that the rodent proceeded to disappear somewhere.


A drop of sweat developed on her temple which she shook her head-side-to-side as she asked herself aloud.

"Why do we have vermin?!" Complaining as slight-bits of tears came down from the corners' of her eyes.

Following afterwards one of the Nuns who was walk up from a staircase near the young-woman had heard her screaming and quickened her pace. Snapping upward and see her as soon as she made her way up; her face appeared coated in worry as she asked...

"Are you okay?!" Jogging over with her face slightly covered in sweat as she had practically sprinting in such difficult attire to run.

Gripping the sides of her gown and lift it up for greater-ease of movement as she approached the younger-woman.


Who happened to be frozen in place... Utterly terrified by the rodent who had fled but only answer came rambling complaints too fast for her to understand, flailing of her limbs and a tear-covered face. Punctuated her current mental state alongside demanding loudly to the older woman that she should spend her time resting in her room to avoid such an incident... once more.


This whole event... It belong in a gag-relief scene for a cartoon or something along those lines... It made the older-woman develop a large sweat-drop on the side of her head at this scene which stated...

"Will you rest? You do not come this higher often." The childish attitude vanished as the girl realized that she had something to do which made a large, blush appear on her face... Turning around as her face was turning pink in embarrassment from this situation...

She only replied by saying...

"Y-Y-Yeah! Pfft... Sorry about that, ahahahah!" Her nose pumped out whilst a sudden stutter had happened which in her downtrodden state - She proceed to stomp away with a robotic-stiffness with a strange fit of chuckling as she disappeared from sight of the Nun.


The adult woman tilted her head as she was attempting to contemplated this.



The young-man who was in charge of the teenage boys' was walking through the halls as well... Reading a book at the moment however his eyes caught something in the corners of them and to lookd towards the cause.


An abnormally, large and dirt rat was walking by... At the moment; dragging a banana behind it as it walked off like a delinquent in a cartoon.


That rodent crawled into a crack in the wall.


Shrugging his shoulders as he continued on his way.

[Back to our rodent-fearing girl!]


As soon as she managed to get out of the Nun's field of view - The young-woman sighed as she had completely embarrassed herself at the moment. Her blush deepened as her thoughts came across as.

Roughly; her thoughts came across as...

'Dang it... She probably thinks I'm still a kid... Damn it.' Her internal cursing at her actions was followed by walk traversed from a cartoon-like wide steps to get out of sight into nervous, sudden-skitters...

Her feet tipped and tapped against the tiled-floor beneath herself as she climbed up a winding, spiraling staircase.

'Well... It's time to see Ol' Ray.' A subtle-nickname for the old pastor made up by her... Every step became harder as she begun to think of her.


That oafish.




Fart of man.

Whom spends most of his time being full chuckles saying the dumb things to people & misbehavior by pranking his juniors... including her.

A sigh came out of her that was more-like-a blast of hot-air.

Her thoughts traveled back to the many things that he did to torment for the sake of 'fun.'


It was more or less torture but everyone laughed it off!

A bit of tears welled up as her fists clenched til the knuckles turned white.

"Stupid, 'Ol' Ray!'" She screamed to the high-heavens as her yell echoed throughout the Church. Touching every corridor as those who were in the building were startled at this noise and felt a slight bit of fear at the aggression in those words which echoed along repeatedly.


Some of them begun to sweat at this sensation which had so suddenly crawled up from within them


That young-woman.. could be scary...at times.



Alas... She arrived.


At the [Heaven Level's] entrance. A massive door which was a degree smaller than the one at the bottom but it was still large. Appearing as pure-gold with a pair of ornate door-knobs but something stopped her from entering right away... Someone else was there.

Her eyes widen at the one who had arrived as well.


It was the young-man who was similar to her... Read a book which he carried in one hand whilst the other happened to be stored in a front-pocket on that side... He stopped as well in stride and looked up from his book. Closing it in a singular motion and fixing his posture to look at her.

Eyes wide as well which the two said in unison...

"Sister?/Bro?" It made sense... Given their similar appearances' and the like; it was only natural to assume and one would be right in doing so.

"Why are you here?" The young-man asked as walked over to her; heading near the door as he reached over and grabbed her shoulder to speak towards her.

That made the young-woman's face tilt to a side as she appeared somewhat and spoke in a straight-forward manner.

"Cause the old-men asked for me to come... Did he ask you, too?" She responded with her question at end as she had informed her; the young-man rubbed his chin suddenly...

"He called me for a task." Her eyes widened as she said... "Same here..."

The two were surprised at this.


"... Well... It has to be important... Let's not keep him await, Sister." As the young-man spoke this towards his sister; she smiled at him who in turn did the same. Both of them proceeded to grasp towards the door-knobs and in rhythm began to turn. "Uh-huh." The young-woman responded with a caring smile and a cheerful tone.

Slowly... It proceeded to open as the large, doors creaked as they echoingly opened up to...



[Pastor. Muray] who had paused like a deer in headlights... Standing just at the entrance of the [Heaven Level...] His uniform practically thrown into a pile whilst he was changing into casual attire. There also appeared to mountains formed from bags of garbage, numerous sheets of paper had been scattered everyone and... It smell... Bad... like a damn sewer.

However... [Pastor. Muray] developed a very, very dumb expression which his lips puckered as sweat began to pool down his face... It seemed as if he was struggling to breath that had caused him to make stutter noises with his mouth as he he had paused mid-action from what he was previously doing.


He was changing... but he was currently changing his lower-body attire... which revealed to the two what he was wearing for undergarments.


It was.


Pink-hearted, white briefs.


The two thought of an angel with a bow and arrows that had heart-shaped heads.


"Pft..." A small giggle came from the young-woman who had paused as their eyes were wide.


The young-woman's composure shattered at the current state of affairs... her eyes suddenly started to water at the scene from tears... Her entire body seemingly began to shake until... her lips parted in the next moment.


This was followed by a fit of laughter at the expense of the old-man. Moving a hand and proceeding to point at the Pastor's current state.

Her brother was absolutely stunned... Stunned so much that he then collapsed with a quiet, thud. Eyes rolling over til they were completely-white and foam started to bubbled out of mouth.

"Pfthahahahahahahahaahah!" This laughing fit started and lasted for a moment.


Surprised by these two's antics which the old-man pulled up his beltless, loose pants once more which he began to clench his fist whilst his teeth began to grind against one and another... Slowly afterwards. His cheeks puffed up as his voice came yelling out - His entire head turning red as he roared at the two!



He was a prankster who couldn't handle being on the other foot, sadly.

The pair of siblings found his large, fist slamming against their heads which knocked them completely out of their previous states.

"Aaaaah!/Whyyyyy?!" As the young-man groaned as he spat out the last bits of the foam with a huff as he rubbed the spot which was struck and young-woman complained as she became angry in a similar way to the Pastor.

All of their attention was focused on him as they noticed a crimson aura surround ing him which he reached forward and grabbing their ears. Violently tugging them along which a statement was placed down upon them.

"You brats... In my office!" Ignoring the pairs' apologies or complaints at their current situation.


The pair was practically dragging around until they were pulled into his office and the door slammed shut.


But moments later... A presence of red-energy slowly began to push the [Heavan Level's] entrance door.

It closed with a final... heavy... bang.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}








Within the [Heaven Level.] Inside of [Pastor Muray's] Office; the sounds similar to a wooden-bat slammed a homerun-ball out of the park rain out from within.

Upon closer inspection; it was the two siblings having their heads drilled by the elder-pastor's clenched fist.

Sizable welts developed on their heads; these lumps were earned from their previous actions but complaining that the two had done beforehand. Some smoke seemed to come off the old man's fist even as he was shaking his head. Forcing the two in a pair of spare-chairs that were located in the office before he moved over to his own seat at his desk...

These pair of youthful-adults were pains in the ass.


"You fools... Taking so long to get here." Muttering to himself as he grumbling whilst leaning back into his chair.

Following afterwards... The girl whom had heard this... In a fraction of a second... She figuratively blew her top as hot-air came out of every orifice from her face, a vein formed on her brow and temple as she shout with a booming-scream.

"SHUT...UP! THIS CHURCH IS HUGE, YOU DUMBASS!" Cursing out with a clenched fist as she stood on her chair before preparing to launch an attack at the man who suddenly parried punch and responded with a karate-like chop that knocked her right back in her seat. In addition for the Pastor to making sound-effects with his voice as well.

The young-woman was forced to reach upward and grab at her throbbing head... Another welt grew from the previous one as it became double-sized as tears came from the corners of her eyes.


A sigh came from the old man who had easily sent her back into her seat where he rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Jeez... Holding a grudge is bad for a young-lady... You may start going bald." Informing her which only made her huff at this and turned away... Ignoring this information.

The young-man had been quiet for a majority of this... His attention was focused on the welt on his head which was doubled the size of his sibling... Why was it so much bigger?!


It also stung every time that he touched the comedic injury every time he touched it; letting out a set of small gasps from the pain.


"Well... Listen up; you two!" The Pastor's demeanor shifted... It became... angry... and stern. He then said...

"[Mokcreast!]" The name... got the attention of the young-man... His eyes opened to look at the pastor with a relaxed look... He became relaxed and looked up.

"[Malhkreast!]" That name... got the attention of the girl... Her pouting, angry look vanished into a stern, serious one which was opposite of her brother.

[Mokcreast] & [Malhkreast] adopted two differentiating postures as they remained seated.

The male sibling raised a foot and placed on the edge of the chair; followed by interlocking his fingers and moved them behind his neck as he leaned backwards.

The female sibling adopted a posture which seemed far, more graceful and mature with her legs pressed against each-other, hands on her lap and sitting straight up.

Putting his elbows downward before Interlocking his fingers... Masking his face somewhat in darkness as he spoke sternly...

"The children of the Great Priest... [The Burns Twins...] We have a specific request... We are to bring [The Star Of Unending Life] to [Route: 4311.]" The two siblings responded by closed their eyes upon their last-names... But opened as they heard the name of that relic.


[The Star Of Unending Life] was said to aid in those who deserve to be sent to [Gilra's] side after death.


Their faces' showed a genuine looks of surprise.

"[The Star Of Unending Life?] ... Who'd desire that from that particular [Route?]" As the young-man questioned; he was wondering why their Church would be called to before this considering it's sides.


Moments later; the weathered hands of [Pastor. Muray] traveled and grasped an unseen cabinet on the desk and pulled out something.


A map of [The Greater Southern Bell.]


His finger pointed on the map towards a part of [Route: 4311.] It appeared as a cartoon-rabbit on the map that he had pointed at which the Pastor said...

"A [Sister-Church] was said to be destroyed by a [Grade 3: Monster Attack...] As a result; both the town and the [Greatest Church] have requested for the closest [Church of Gilra] to bring that relic to perform our sacred duties." He informed them of such a incident where the two's eyes went wide.


They felt a pangs of anger swell from within.


"That is understandable, sir." The young-woman stated as she took a small bow; tilted her frame forward... yet she opened the corner of her eyes to take a glance at her brother.


He appeared the same... except... the foot which was still on the ground was bouncing where it wasn't flat but on the ball of the foot... It was a sign that he was displeased or nervous by this information... He was trying to contain his overwhelming wraith... That was threaten to burst over.

"[The Star Of Unending Life] will be placed into the [Macha-Cart...] You will be gone for 5 weeks or so... The trip may take longer considering the roads at the time... Is that clear?" The two nodded as their minds returned to the mechanically-built horse that pulled that particular cart.


As this information registered in their minds... They stood up and were preparing to leave the room for the purposes' of getting ready...

"Good... This time... I won't be accompany you.." Their heads snapped back.

Both of them shared similar looks of shock - Appearing to open be caught off-guard by this bit of information.


"W-Why, [Pastor. Muray?]" [Malhkreast] then asked with a worried tone; her hand went over to her heart as she felt worry come over whilst her brother narrowed his eyes sharply and he sharply spoke.

"... You have other duties..." His voice was like a dagger which was aimed at the old pastor that made his sister do the same as they looked at each-other but his eyes darted back towards [Pastor. Murary.]



It was so tense.


"Yes... My duties take me elsewhere in the [Town of Jazz...] You two are skilled enough to handle this... Correct?" Asking them... His question was left unanswered by words which his old man narrowed his eyes.


Yet he relaxed afterwards at a new-sight... The two siblings had make a mark with their hands.


Drawing a cross with their index fingers over their hearts.

"Good... Now... Go. "

They nodded... and traveled out... Exiting his office and quickly exiting the [Heaven Level] in turn; each went down the different stairways which lead up it with a swiftness unlike beforehand.


A sigh came from the old-man who whispered to himself... A smile came upon as he looked at a certain picture.


It was him... In his younger years... At his side... Some of his friends... And in front... Three children.


[The Burn Twins.]


A child with emerald eyes.


He whispered to himself as a large smile formed on his face.

"Never fear... [Burns Twins...] You won't be alone in this duty... May [Gilra] bring hope to the three of you." He made the same gesture that those two had made - Nodding his head at this and putting onto a particular paper.




Within the depths of [The Forbidden Locker.]


The mystery being shifted from their previous position... Looking upward as they felt something within them stir.


They swore that they heard something.

Looking upward at the ceiling, the rumbling sound of an vehicle-engine practically screamed forth from them that seemed to be overwhelmingly terrifying as it was suddenly revved up violently with bone-rattle volume.


It's attention shifted elsewhere as it had actually been focused on watch the pair of mouse & rat fight.


And at the moment... The mouse was hitting the poor rat with the Yazuka Gishima 10 Hit Combo which it finished with a crouching, spinning uppercut that lead to a KO!

[Mid-Chapter Author's Note - The 10 Hit Combo is from a game that means 'Iron-Fist' with a Guy that happens to have a red-eye who does this.]

The sounds akin to clapping was heard at this skillful performance which the mouse bowed as the rat slammed it's fist against the ground.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





[Some Hours Later]

[Malhkreast Burns] was currently outside of the Church. Leaning against a wall whilst she was a far-bit away from the [Macha-Cart] which was currently inactive.


At the moment... She was dressed in different attire with her skirt being much, lower than it's previous form. Wearing a pair of white-fingerless gloves with the backhand had a metal-plate and wearing a white-metal band which was held tightly to her forehead from a cloth.

She'd been looking off into the distance... Pass the Church's grounds towards every, wide lands... Just looking off into the distance at the fields upon fields that could be seen... This vastness...

She seemed to get lost in it as her face had been contorted into a confused visage.


Attempting to understand and think of something...


Maybe; it was personal... or rather; it's task.

At the moment... She had went off in her own world.


Thinking of countless bits at once.

"Are you ready, Sister?" That voice broke her concentration as she was brought back into reality... Twisting her head and looking towards the one who had called her... Fixing her stance and looking up at the one whom had spoken to her.


[Mokcreast Burns] had also changed his attire as well as his sister but it was far, more significant of a change. Similar to the Old Pastor; his gown was changed to a pure-white with the sleeves becoming two-toned with red but this was a ruby-red rather than a crimson.

Lastly; he was wearing a strange cloth-holster that hung at his waist via belts and straps which seemingly holding onto four metal rods of different-sizes where a decently-sized bag appeared on the front but it was currently closed by a zipper that had an ornate, snow-flake trinket affixed to it.

"... Always am... It's just... So strange." She spoke with a bit of doubt in her voice and looked off into the distance as she had done early.


However... She heard the sounds of a book closed and turned to look at her brother once more who smiled on his face as he looked up at her... She regained a smile before she said...

"Yes... It is." [Mokcreast Burns] walked forward and put a hand onto his sister's shoulder...[Malhkreast Burns] looked at his face and those eyes... His eyes were full of life...

A small laugh came from her which she looked again and nodded which he kept on walking - The male sibling spoke up without turning around.

"Let's go." Heading closer towards the [Macha-Cart] where he rolled one of his shoulders in preparation for the journey.

"Sure..." [Malhkreast Burns] smiled as her neck went side-to-side followed by a set of loud cracks to follow afterwards.


Moments later on as they kept moving.


A faint breeze could be felt coming which befell them but it was different... If anything... it granted them an aura of confidence unlike before, smiling as they were absolutely ready for what was to come.


Arriving at very-same [Macha-Cart...] They then proceed to examine it's inventory before they activating the steads as to be on their way.


Housing the relic for their duty... The very-rare and unique item known as [The Star Of Unending Life] - It appeared as a massive staff which was as tall as a person... One side was a sharpen-point whilst the other was a strange-cross with a ruby-crystal that held dangling beads from it.


Soon afterwards... They had entered into the Cart's cabin and activated it... This lead to orange-energy crackling as it sparked though the reigns and into the metal-horses.


Soon after this; their manes become to glow the same energy from prior alongside their tails as well. Following this; their eyes sparked and glowed which the pair proceed to neigh and standing up which signaled their activation as their heavy-hooves were ready to get to work.


[The Burns Twins] were ready... Ready to travel towards...

[Route: 4311] or rather; [The Banditer] - Where the most wild reigned.


As the steads begun to pull the cart... The twins noticed something else in their inventory... Particularly near the back of their cart's carrier space.


It appeared as a massive, robustly-shaped coffin which was black, blue and red with streaks of purple as well.


Strangely enough... It had a note attached to it which they could read which stated...

'This is a good-luck charm... If you really need it's good luck... Scream out 'Up, Down, Left, Right & Start!' Alright, Kiddies!'

The text was written blotchy, blue-ink with a goofy-drawing similar to [Pastor. Muray's] face smiling at them alongside a peace-sign with a surprisingly badly-drawn hand.


[Mokcreast Burns] sighed, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders as he focused himself on driving [The Macha-Cart.]

[Malhkreast Burns] begun to grind her teeth in annoyance as a fist raised up which was gripping quite hard.

"Are you gonna do that?" The young-woman asking to her brother with huff only to shake his head.


They both swore that the Pastor was getting crazier and crazier by the day.


They wouldn't need luck.


Just skill.


Maybe if they did need luck... They say it...

It would be only absolutely needed.


Unknown to them.


The same mouse and rat appeared as they crawled with an opening in the coffin... Which suddenly crawled back inside.

Sounds akin to automated locks were silently set off from within.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





[4 Weeks Later]

The journey to [Route: 4311] was... eventful.

To merely say that it was eventful would be an understandment.


The things that [The Burn Twins] did.


It was a massive list.


Helping out a laboring mother reach her hometown alongside aiding in delivery her child upon arrival.

Witnessing a sword-dual between two insane, bounty-hunters at all-day Saloon followed by preventing a town-wide robbery.

Stopping a dumb-kid from destroying father's life's work which had been be a skyscraper-sized stature.


And finally; helping a captured [Caniarex] Pup return to it's family... without dying... or cause it's mother from blow up the city in which that it had been captured in.




That last part wasn't fake... They actually somehow managed to not get killed by a Fully-Mature Adult Mother [Caniarex] & her many Pups.


If you are alittle bit curious... A [Caniarex] is a essential a dog from hell.

Appearing as a massive bulldog that is covered in feathers, having spear-like upper-canines which jutted out of the mouth, could breath fireballs... Oh!

It could also also reach around 19-20ft when it is fully mature.


The trip was eventful to say the least.


And they weren't even in sight of town.


A sigh came out of the [Malhkreast Burns] who was examining the map for the hundredth time as she felt like she was ready to explode.

It was early-night as the clouds were beginning to change color and the sun was almost completely set.

The road was surround by large trees from every angle which blocked out the setting sun... So for the moment; the two felt as if it was dark out.

"Almost there." [Mokcreast Burns] told her as he was busy peered out of the windows and looking around as he rolled a stiff shoulder; they'd been driving for hours and hadn't managed to get a proper sleep for some time.

If anything... They were running on fumes.


At the moment however... his sister was so bored of her mind which she choose to her insult her brother in boredom.

"Finally... Your dumb books aren't interesting." A mocking gasp came out of the male-sibling who turned towards his sister and spoke swiftly.

"I see my 'little sister' is a pitful barbarian... Woe is me!" [Malhkreast Burns'] head shot up at that in surprise at the words that her brother had just uttered which got a laugh of him before shaking his head as this... He kept on laughing profusely which made [Malhkreast Burns'] cheeks puff up at her sibling's actions.

Her cheeks had become slightly pink but her fist clenched up as she proceed... To punch him on his arm; earning a loud-yelp and stunned look at the power of the hit before he began to rub his arm at where she punched.

"You hit hard, ya know! It might even bruise." He spoke worriedly as he felt his arm throb slightly...

The only thing that he got from his sister was a sneering look and a cruel laugh.

"Yeah?~ Well; you deserve it~." Her sing-song tone made [Mokcreast Burns'] nervously sweat and giggle only to be silenced by another yet hard punch to the same arm.

His sister let out a loud huff and fixed her posture where her brother was groaning. Turning a head; he kissed his teeth at her whilst she was facing away from but stopped himself from earning a earlier grave when he saw her turn away the instant that he made those sounds.


As they returned back to the previous calm.


The two had been enjoying themselves as they went on their ways... However... Little did they know little energy that they had. That little event had managed to keep them going... As beforehand... They were beginning to doze off.


This journey... Had been enjoyable.



It wouldn't last...

For long...

Looking out of the window...

[Mokcreast Burns] had suddenly noticed something... His face was normally... Until he saw it again and took a double-take as his expression changed - Committing to fully look out of the window to see what was the cause of this with narrowed eyes and a stern expression. Head tilted slightly to the side as he tried to get a better look at the cause of this.

His sister noticed this and asked...

"What's wrong, Bro? ... Bro? ... [Mokcreast?!]" She quickly grew concern when she noticed his face change suddenly as she reached to grab his arm... Only to noticed that it wasn't there.

A sense of panic surrounded him as he wrapped himself around his sister to shield which he yelled.


"Brace, [Malhkreast!]" Wrapping her tightly which she did so as her eyes closed and she felt herself lifted and placed further away from the window.


Off in the distance... A series of flashes could be see whilst the noises' akin to rifles-rung aloud.


A set of sparkling-objects were rapidly heading towards the [Macha Cart!]

At the moment; [Mokcreast] had unlocked the door on the other side within the cabin and was ready to jump out only to hear as the windows shattered which he held his sister tightly.

"Oh No!" He screamed where [Malhkreast] felt everything... suddenly... change.


Seconds prior... The [Macha-Cart's] windows shattered were shattered.

The sparkling-objects appeared to be a set of small-canisters with a smoke bellowing out of one side and the other appeared as a sharpen-point.

[Mokcreast Burns'] whom had noticed moved quickly to protect his sister however in the seconds later on... He watch as the canisters smashed around the cabin's interior suddenly as they bounced around... One of them almost hit him in the head as he narrowly managed to evade it.

It had scrapped however it had opened up a gash on his face which blood begun to drip from the wound. Eyes widened as he begun to realize what these were.




Attempting to jump out of the cabin!


Only to find himself to late when he noticed the flash came and held even tighter.


To shield her.




The [Mach Cart] was blasted up into the air... Only to slammed down as a ball of fire which the numerous explosives blew up profusely, one after the other which sent wood and metal hurtling off in multiple directions.

This had also launched the mechanized horses high up into the air before coming down hard; smashing apart as small craters appeared from underneath their weight.

[The Burns Twins] had also been launched high up... With [Mokcreast] and [Malhkreast] both groaning in pain as they were also hit by the edges of the blast.


Their clothes were slightly singed yet their faces were covered in soot that they fell hard. Using himself as a shield; [Mokcreast] used which lead to a sickening crack that was heard from him. [Malhkreast] came down in a similar manner but it was less damage.

Regardless - The two bounced off the rock and skidded about like a pair of rocks skipping across water only to stop a distance away from where they once were.

The female sibling began to cough violently as she felt as if her body was fighting itself?


What was it? The gas? The fumes? The Fire?

Her eyes were watering, her lips had cracked from the heat, her mouth and throat was dry as her stomach threaten to upheaval...

A streak of drool came from the corner of her mouth which she felt extreme amounts of pain overtake as she looked off... To see something... From the direction of where those canisters came... A horde of shadowy, masked figures were marching towards [The Burns Twins.]

Pushing herself up to her feet only for her eyes to widen at who was coming.


[The Slaughters]; A gang of criminals who had access to some of the most debauched tools to commit their villainous acts.


At the moment; [Malhkreast Burns] felt like her vision was blurred before she felt her sense of balance become taken from her as a misplaced step to one-side lead to her falling over her own feet and onto her bum - As she came down; the shook had suddenly caused her to gag and cough whilst the air seemed so... thick...

[Mokcreast Burns] wasn't better as he felt something missing... Attempting to move his dominant hand...he felt it... His entire arm... was dislocated... As the pain came full force as he begun to scream in pain... It hit him... hard.

[Malhkreast Burns] tried to speak out... But her voice didn't come out... She could only cough. Reaching out to her brother with a hand as she begun to crawl over towards him who was grimacing at this moment...

Only for her vision to be covered by thick-darkness as a mask was shoved over her head and her body was pinned to the ground by someone.

"Keep those two down!" A loud, coarse voice that was masculine in nature shouted out this command.

As [Malhkreast Burns] heard the sounds of footsteps around herself as she felt weight come completely down upon her.


The last thing that she saw... Happened to be one of [The Slaughters.]


The appearance of a hooded, lightly-armored and gas-masked men who had a sheathed blade on one-side of his hip and a hand-held firearm on the other-side. A strange rifle in hand which was similar to a bolt-action model combined with a cross-bow.

One of them had a burlap-sack in hand that he used to force over the young's girls' head. Muffling her screams which more men proceeded to pin her down as well... Only to find that she was managing to fight it off!

Very suddenly... More of these [Slaughters] joined in restraining her as they pressed her further into the dirt.

[Malhkreast Burns] was able to fight off most of them... But she was still restrained as these criminals pressed them into the ground.

"Sister!" [Mokcreast Burns] had tears in his eyes at the scene which she like his sister attempted to fight them off... But there was so many.. as they already pressed him violently into the ground.

Questions reigned through his mind as he was attempting to understand everything.


How did this happen? How were they caught off guard? Why were these guys here?

His hand darted off and he attempted towards the bag on his holster!

The face of the male-sibling contorted into a snarl.

Suddenly one of these masked-men grabbed his still-functioning hand and restrained it that forced [Mokcreast Burns] to yell in effort as he tried to break free... Struggling as much as possible!


Only to have a booted-foot crashed against his head, driving it into the ground followed by a different man slamming a kick into his stomach.

[The Burn Twins] had never felt so helplessly... And as blood dripped from the male-sibling's head began to drip from his head... He felt a hand reach down... Grasping a bundle of his hair before his head was driven into the dirt... His face was smeared in as sadistic laughs could felt coming down upon... His still-functioning fist clenched in anger as his knuckles cracked at this.


"So... [The Burns Twins] can be caught off guard, Huh!?" That same voice from earlier had spoken up where the male-sibling finally managed to look at the one who was calling the shots... His eyes widened as he noticed them...

It was a similarly, dressed male but he was much, larger and taller than the others... He wore a leather-jacket which barely contained his huge upper-body which a strange object was chained to his back.

The strangest thing... happened to be... his fore-arms and hands.


They were a dark-green.


Was this a [Demi-Human] of the [Half-Orcen Blood]


Such [Demi-Humans] were far, more civilized than the [True-Orcens] but... they were no less savage... or brutal.

[Mokcreast Burns] could practically see that aura of arrogance oozing off the bastard... It was so thick that the male-sibling was just begging to unleash hell at that man for his actions!

"We heard of you two - You're going to your '[Sister-Church?]' It's only reason why you're here." [Mokcreast Burns'] wide-eyes were shocked by this... How did they know?!

"Funny... It seems that the boss's 'pets' caused more trouble than they're worth." A sudden chill aroused from the spine of [Mokcreast Burns.]

[The Slaughters] were responsible for the destruction of the [Sister Church?!]


He fought harder against his restrainers who were surprised by this sudden burst of activity and respond by attacking with their fists.


Screaming from his pinning position as he yelled...

"YOU MONSTERS! YOU KILLED HELPLESS PEOPLE! - YOU WILL PA-" Yet he was silenced when the scabbard of a sword slammed into his back. Knocking the wind from his lungs and forcing a cough-fit as one of the men slammed their foot onto his back - Knocking [Mokcreast Burns] completely onto his stomach with a booming thud and a silent-crack to all aside from him.

The young-man let out a cough and noticed that mouth tasted like... iron... Spitting out what appeared to be a glob of spit and blood.

"'Monsters?' You hear that lads?!" The horde laughed in addition to their leader as they were called such a word...


They didn't care in the slightest. [Mokcreast Burns] felt his anger boil at this evil

But why...

Why couldn't he use his [Magic?!]


[Malhkreast Burns] hadn't stopped fighting against them as soon as she was strained.

Managing to ignoring their blows that struck her as she flung some of them. Grunts of effort came roaring out as the men were stunned by this abnormal strength that resided in this young-woman who kept on trying to slam her knuckles against one and another but they hadn't allowed her to do so.


Her struggling kept on going as they began to pile more and more of them on top of her. Eventually forcing back onto the ground below which however she seemed to snap as soon as she heard her brother attack.

Screaming violently as she kept fighting... Only leading to her downfall.


Beaten down by a flurry of blows which came from metal-clubs, their respective guns' stocks and sheathed swords til she was forced back onto the ground.

A gasp escaping her when one hit her ribs that made her crumbled completely onto her side in pain... More of them kept coming to restrain which the big boss then yelled out...

"Beat them down, Now!" Yelling out as he waved his arm which the hooded, masked-men nodded... Grabbing their tools, fixing their grips and lunging forth at whichever was closer.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





[Some time late]


[The Slaughters] were still putting a beatdown on [The Burns Twins] who were defenseless... It was senseless, pure and utter torture...

Their bodies were covered in cuts, scatches, dirt and bruises


[Mokcreast Burns'] face was covered in blood as one of his eyes sealed shut from a large bruise which surround the eye as the other was blackened... His entire body was covered in remnants of dirt and he had been bleeding from an unseen-wound that had appeared on belly.


The ones surrounded him had stopped.

[Malhkreast Burns] had her face covered yet spots of black soaked through the bag... She had curled up into a ball, she felt them all keep hitting her... and she heard her brother being attacked as well... Over and over again.


She still struggled which earn her a couple of strikes but she had less fight in her than before.

"Now; they're quiet?" The boss asked which one of the masked-men nodded at this... A perverted chuckle escaped him as he said...

"That's no fun... Oi, picking up the boy... Let's put on a show!" A hollers and cheers came as they knew what was gonna happen.


Picking and forced onto his knees; [Mokcreast Burns] cough up blood as he glared up at what was before... Only for his eyes to widen at the sight of his sister being forced onto her back. Her arms were pressed downward by pairs, head and upper-body were forced as well which her legs kicked around until her ankles were gasped which lead to her legs being forced down.

"Hey... Have some fun..."


[Mokcreast Burns] as a fear welled up from within.


His eye became full of tears, his body burst into action as pain came but he ignored it as he demanded...

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Fighting against only to feel as a blade was pressing against his torso... Looking down to see that one of the men waved his fingers back and forth, muttering the words... "Naughty."

As his blade had stabbed into his stomach... Violently... Blood came forth from the new wound which [Mokcreast Burns] cough blood once more.

[Malhkreast Burns] had understood this... And kept fighting...

However... She had also regained her voice which she used to scream out helplessly...

"No! No! Stop It! [Mokcreast!] [Mokcreast,] Help Me!" Crying out in fear as one of these masked-fiends begun to unbuckle his pants in a hurry which those sounds made her fight harder but her stamina was reaching it's end.


The others had gotten grabbing at her... Groping the young-woman who fought angrily at this whilst some of the men were successful in reached downward.


Proceeded to pull-up the young-woman's dress which revealed muscle-toned & well-developed legs that were adorned by knee-high stockings.

A series of perverted laughs and whistles came as they saw the sight whilst it got louder when they saw the particularly pair of cute panties she was wearing... That appeared to be white with a little-rabbit on the front.

[Mokcreast Burns] which the blade was driven into him again but in a different place as he was forced on his knees as he had to sit through this!

In his state of panic, worry and helplessly.


He remembered something.


The note!

His mind flashed backwards to the memory of it as he had remembered what it was written upon it...

'This is a good-luck charm... If you really need it's good luck... Scream out 'Up, Down, Left, Right & Start!' Alright, Kiddies!'

His lips parted once more... Screaming out as the pain was overwhelming... The manic with the blade then moved to stab at his legs that which made the tears' fall from his face.

"Shut Your Damn Mouth!" The masked-man demanded as he slightly twisted it...

Only for [Mokcreast Burns] to press on and scream out...

"Up!!! Down!-" Yet his words were cut-off.


A cloth-gag was forced around his mouth where he was fully wrestling into the dirt by these goons. Screaming through it all.


[Malhkreast Burns] had also remembered the note's message... Hearing the first part brought back memories of it... It was good-luck... And they needed good-luck.

She screamed out from her mask with the words coming out as...

"Left!!! Right!!!" The one goon who was preparing to take away her purity had reached forth... His gloved, grubby and disgusting hands then ripped off her undergarments... Ignoring her as he laughed to himself suddenly which he got closer... Slowly...

One of the men required to restrain her forced his hands on her mouth to aid in muffling her screams.

"'Up, Down, Left, Right?' Is that a [Spell?]... Morons! Those [Bippy-Bombs] displaced all energy in the area! The ones who were hit like you two have no powers of [Science] or [Magic!] There is nothing that will help you now! Oi; screw the fun! Kill the boy and rape the girl, now!" That boss had mocked the two by informing them of what those particular explosives were.


Highly illegal, black-market technologies... If they did have them... These [Slaughters] would be wiped out!

Upon hearing their bosses' orders; the horde of goons roared out and dash forward to added their comrades.

The men who had caught [Mokcreast Burns] had grabbed their blades' handles and begun to draw them, reveal jagged and sharp weapons which made his eyes widen - The one who had stabbed proceed to raise the blade above his head...

The men who had been restraining [Malhkreast Burns] then proceeded to force her legs open that caused her scream in pain as the one who was ready to commit this evil was inching closer. Laughing as he did this.




In unison... Ignoring this... They put their faith... In both... [Pastor. Muray] and [Gilra; Great Queen Of Darkness.]

Screaming as loudly as they could - Regardless of the muffling effects on their voice which was so loud as it could be heard throughout the woods.


They said... the finally... piece...

Of. The. Code.


"START!!!/START!!!" Everyone paused as they heard at this echoing cry... It felt as if the world had suddenly grinded to a halt.




Nothing happened... The boss who had tensed up as he heard this... begun to laugh... Followed by the man next to him... then another... then another.


Everyone begun to laugh loudly which [The Burns Twins] looked angrily from their current positions.


"What the hell was that supposed to be?! Hahahahahah!" Twisted smiles could be presumed behind their masks whilst the boss asked this question... They continued to fight on.


Within the horde as the many-laughing goons one of them were was at the pack suddenly paused as he saw something with his mask.


Inside of it... It contained an [Energy Reader] which could sense and measure the quality of magical power or scientific energies... And at the moment... The scale was going off the charts!

It's origin.


The wreckage of the [Macha-Cart] that [The Burn Twins] used to travel.



Suddenly; the [Energy Reader] shattered which then caused his entire mask to break into hundreds of pieces that fell to the ground. Revealing an average-looking face with wide-eyes and an open-mouth... Stunned.

The laughing stopped as everyone heard this.


It had gone completely quiet.


The air flow begun to change as if a massive vacuum began to suck air from all-over.

Many were scream as to what was currently going on.

Shouting at the now mask-less man who had wordlessly pointed over towards the wreckage...

{For the Following Part; I advise that you listen to...

Guilty Gear Strive: Society (Full Version) [Potemkin's Theme Song]

If you do not care for this...

Ignore it.]




*KA-VROOOOOM!* A super-charged roar akin to a beefy, oversized engine belonging to an American-Muscle Car was heard - All of [The Slaughters] felt their insides unravel at the noise aside from the boss who had never heard such a noise.


The wreckage blew apart from a bolt of purple-lightning which came slamming down from the sky itself... Sending burnt pieces of wood and metal in all-directions which many raised their arms to defend themselves from the pieces sent into their direction.


Smoking out of the hole.


It appeared to be... A monster.


One of flesh... and metal...

This absolutely massive being took an male-like figure; their body seemingly appeared to have been carved from granite which the size of their bulging, boulder-like muscles flexed with skin-tight definition... Raising up their head which was looking down at the ground... It revealed to be a strange contraption; the mixture of a knight's helm that was of glisten, golden metal... and a bronze bear-trap attached underneath which opened as air was being funneled inside of the darkness of it's mouth before snapping shut.


But it wasn't a [Human.]


It was far from [Human] as one of it's arms was completely coated in a dense mass of brown-fur which traveled down to a four-digited hand which suddenly flexed as a set of claws begun to jut out from each-finger... The other arm however... was a glisten, silver-metal - Similar in size as it was articulated yet appeared cube-like in design which consisted of the five-fingers and blocky form-arm... The upper arm was somewhat different... As it was oversized in comparison to the initially limb's size... But there was a reason for this.


As a massive engine-like device had been built into the chassis of the limb where a pulley-handle was located at the elbow whilst exhaust ports that flayed outward like wings in a set of three.


That arm however was holding something... Something that couldn't be seen from the thick fog that was developing... A thick fog of purple-smoke that oozed off it's being.

It's attire appeared as a strange mixture of things - Shirtless aside from the metal which seemed infused into it's body, baggy-pants with a massive belt whilst the legs seemed to be fully armored as well including the brown-boots dug into the ground.

Seemingly... It's head that swayed from side-to-side then stopped... As strange growths popped out of it's head with a disturbing sound.

'Dreadlocks' seemed to grow out of it's head which were coated in thick pelts of matted, dense fur which coated hundreds of different patterns that blending in a rainbow of colors to the scalp of the head... All of them were swaying at their own way... Like the tails of a wild-animal which the fur suddenly spiked up.


It took a step forward as the ground beneath itself cracked underneath it's monstrous power which caused some of [The Slaughters] to fall as they hadn't been prepared for this.

Lastly... A pair of ears popped out from it's head which jutted high... One was floppy and long... One was short and sharp.


A Rabbit's Ear and a Cat's Ear.


In the darkness of the visor... Two emerald-like spheres appeared.


A monstrous, robotic and echo came from the helmed-figure that then said...

"... It's time to fight!" The force of it's voice caused spider-web cracks to shatter the ground beneath as it's energy was immense!

All were blown back as fear began to overwhelm which the boss of this [Slaughters] felt like this... was gonna be a hell of a fight.

Unknown to all aside from this strange creature... A message of some kind appeared in it's field of view that read as...

[Combat Skill Activated - Fighting Music: The songs of battle shall play.]


It's left arm then flexed up as it showed what it had been holding early-on.

It seemed to be a gigantic pair of metal-shapes; a cylinder and a rectangle which were bound together from the series of old yet tag-covered ropes which were attached to them... and restrained.

They then proceed... to glow... As a strange, orange energy appeared within them as the shapes suddenly transformed into something else that caused numerous gasps to well up from [The Slaughters.]

The strange metal-shapes that were bound to one and another began to spilt apart as they converted into something else which wrapped around this strange being's arms in their entirety.

They took the form of two-contrasting gauntlets - The cylinder covered the right arm. It's animalistic was emphasized by the shape becoming a heavily-muscled arm with detailed-engravings etched into the metal which the hand which was similar to the flesh and blood one underneath then had two-blades that were laying side by side extend from the knuckles... Only to retract afterwards. The rectangle merely appeared as an almost identical replica of the smaller mechanical limb only large to match the other-arm... Aside from the appearance of additional exhaust ports in gold whilst the engine appeared somewhat larger as well - A metal-stamp was attached to it which said 'Turbo' in a bold, golden trim.

Both arm-covering gauntlets had golden ring-loops that which were connected to the knotted ends of the large ropes used to bind these two pieces of metal whilst the tags attached to gently flail after every movement or change in the air.



Purple-sparks of lightning traveled behind the hands as the same aura from before came back in full-force.


It spoke once more only to end it in a roar.


Entering a strange-combat stance where one of it's feet slammed into the ground in preparation; a series of rocks began to floated from the ground where a strange burst of wind came from it's being alongside more of this purple-lightning blasted out from it's form like it was a generator.


Somehow... Someway.


The two rodents from before... The cute, mouse and ugly, rat was standing on each of the living death machine's shoulders as they let out a fit of squeaks which may've been a mixture of cheers or curses.




It's time for the Real-Hero to Fight.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}