Vol 0 - Chapter 4: Arcade Mode On Normal, Son! - Part 1


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)

(One thing of note - This chapter is multi-parted - This is meant to inform the Reader beforehand.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}

[Starting Off from the previous Chapter; I advise you - The Reader to Listen to...

Guilty Gear Strive: Society (Full Version) [Potemkin's Theme Song]

If you do not care for this...

Ignore it.}


This being... or in this circumstance - We shall dub this [Demi-Human] who was infused with Metal, [Magic] & [Science.]


As in this slight case... 'Hero.' That is what she shall call this nameless monolith who had ripped through the wreckage of the [Macha Cart.]


That appearance... It'd bestowed an image upon it... One of an otherworldly warrior who shall bring forth a grand punishment towards those who had done wrong...


But it also seemed one for flare considering the absolute showstopper of an entrance that it performed... It's presence exuded danger; a wildness untamed by it's connection to the [Science] that it was using in the form of it's previously mechanical arm only amplified by the gauntlets.

Those gauntlets seemed to bring forth a new reservoir of power which grew larger and larger by the second... As if comparing a insignificant puddle on the road to a raging tidal wave.... But the energies of [Science] wasn't only the source for this extreme-power which came from this creature.


For the 'Hero' not only had [Science...] They had [Magic] as well... It was the cause for the wind pressure that blew outward - It was the mysterious force which caused the shattered stone, dirt and rocks to float upward - It was the bolts of purple lightning that blasted from it or came down upon it from the sky which had become cloudy.


This [Magic] was concentrated into one key point that being whatever was within it's helmet - It was the source of it as it flowed throughout the body like a network of energy unlike [Science] which was completely concentrated on the massive gauntlets that it was now wearing.

In that moment... This 'Hero' was an absolute sight... One that none had witness before or seen anything possibly like. to be a one of a kind sight to behold. A force to be reckoned with and image of nigh-unachievable power.


Yet this display of might wasn't over... As an intense sensation of [Spirit] could be felt within everyone... in this case... [Fighting Spirit.] Manifesting as a deep fog of purple and red which coated the figure in a darkening shadow that nearly masquerade them in the darkest.


*Fa-foom! *Kiiash!* Which had been halted by the roar of thunder from the sky above whilst a stray bolt of the purple lightning slammed down behind the overwhelming force turned humanoid. As it's stance was suddenly emblazed into the minds of the onlookers.


The frightened and once terrifying [Slaughters.]


The stunned and beaten [Burns Twins.]


And the [Half-Orcen Blood] boss of the criminals.


All of the three had become wordless spectators when the 'Hero' had - None of the would-be gun-wielding [Slaughters] made an attempt to fire upon him... They had been shocked to the upmost degree by this 'Aura.'


This trio of power that was so concentrated to the point that all of it was flared out... Shifting until it formed a mirage... A waft force meant to represent it's power... but intent of violence.


Shifting and mixing as the three energies meld into a singular form... Become a massive creature... In a way... It was a 'Dragon...' In other ways... It was a 'Chimera...' If one was knowledge... It would bare the most resemble to the mythical creature known as a... 'Tarasque.' A land-dwell behemoth with numerous different traits of multiple animals.


That utterly horrifying creature in concept would seem mundane... Until the 'Aura' had taken shape and appeared as such - As a massive and terrifying creature condensed from pure energy and willpower... It brought forth a significant panic.

"WAAAAAH!/WHAT IS THAT?!/RUN AWAY!" The horde of once-fearsome goons had turned into pissing infants - Their boots began to swiftly stomping down whilst some were running off towards the distance...

[The Burn Twins] grumbled from their previous positions... And they took advantage of the situation...

[Mokcreast Burns] who was in the midst of almost being killed off happened to rise towards his feet whilst the panicking grunts ran past him... Breathing heavily where he noticed that [The Slaughters] who had began to pile up on him were close. Leaping forward - His body carrying through the air as his leg muscles exploded; his eye darted towards the member who had stabbed!


[Malhkreast Burns] wasn't as kind or needing of a breath like her brother... The men whom had restrained her early on... Were scrambling to their feet alongside the countless others who were around them... Suddenly; a foot from the young woman snapped upward with a swift-snap!

In unison; the siblings drove their limbs into [The Slaughters] whom had been the source of such painful and cruel event... Or atleast... The ones who stood out in particular...

With the male; the one who had taunted and stabbing profusely - His masked-face was so suddenly smashed in; the metal dented at the impact whilst blood splatters appeared in the glass of the googles before pushing this criminal down; sitting on his chest - Moving a hand over the now-injury mans' throat and preparing to slam home another 'grandslam.'

Ignoring the cries that came out as as hands traveled upward - Hands waved around as if to beg for mercy which the still-open eye of [Mokcreast Burns] was... well... It was burning.

"Mercy! Mercy! Don't Kill M-"

With the female; her foot which swung like a warhammer had found itself suddenly buried into the nether regions of would-be 'rapist-to be' whose voice went up hundreds of octaves in the fraction of a second which series of sounds akin to a nuts crunching, something wet or fleshy falling to the ground in a heap and a body crumbling to the ground.

She screamed whilst the lithe frame of the woman shifted about on the ground - Squeezing and maneuver her way underneath her captor whose holds' had weaken from their now-lax sense of concentration and effort in maintain control her; Throwing them off with easy as her rage fueled her...

Later on - A mound of bodies that appeared to be crippled [Slaughters] whilst the girl was holding a blade... Preparing to drive her blade into the head of a now-defenseless criminal who was aiming to torment her early on. Gurgles and grunts came from a damaged throat as this man couldn't speak... or rather... he could no longer.


[Abstract Magic - Chain Magic: Grade 2 - Iron Chain Restraints!]

A deep voice roared aloud as [The Slaughters] had stopped... and [The Burns Twins] were as well - Suddenly... A series of thin, silver chains linked to one and another but seemingly without an end appeared.

"HAHAHA! SO YOU ARE MONSTERS! ONE MISSTEP AND YOU ALMOST KILLED MY BOYS!" The Large, [Half-Orcen] leader had shouted out with a cocky, arrogantly and seemingly villainous to a tee voice - It was much more than before as he was getting arrogant at this moment. What he had done... was placed his arms; stretching far from his body and pointed towards them at the two siblings.

His hands were open which in the very center of the palms...Appeared to be a gashes of red-light that glowed softly... Which was the source of this [Magic.] As if attacking and constricting serpents; they shifted swiftly to bent around the forms of the young-adults who felt their bodies' lock up uncomfortable lock up - Their limbs were either pushed against their bodies at odd angles or tripping them up causing one of them to feel as if they would fall over if not for good balance.

[Mokcreast Burns] exclaimed by saying...

"DAMN IT! I'LL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT! YOU WILL PAY!" Directing his words as [The Slaughters] around him - His fury had caused a majority to back away where they looked towards the man who was torturing him early only to see her wheezes and soft crying from within the gas-masked, helmet-wearing head.

[Malhkreast Burns] wasn't nearly as 'calm' as her brother...

"I WILL KILL YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AN-!" Her head as she felt her body snapped upward around as she screamed to those that were around and still standing; some fearfully stepped away as she looked and screamed at particular members of [The Slaughters] - None expected for her to utterly beat down these men in her current state... let alone so faster and violently as convulsing bodies and unconscious underlings were all-around her, aiming her threating screams towards any of them who were in sight.

"Jeez... You haven't used your powers yet but you did this much? We caught you at a bad-time, huh?!" The [Half-Orcen] exclaimed where he approached the two siblings... However... With every step that he made... The chains began to thicken... and grow larger - Digging into the two's clothes before etching into the flesh itself that was found underneath.

[Mokcreast Burns] found a chains wrapping all-over where one snaked it's way upon his neck; choking him suddenly whilst small spike-like serrations cut the flesh as it squeezed and bite down into the skin... Moments later... He was completely floored as his screams of anger and pain meddled together which the young-adult tumbled over onto himself.

[Malhkreast Burns] didn't have as many chains... But a firm concentration was placed on her core; wrapping around her stomach to immobilized her more explosive movements before she founded herself forced onto her her knees as more and more weight gathered upon her.

The two looked at the owner of these chains.


That was [Abstract Magic] - [Magic] which didn't fall the common principles of such a study... They were varied... flexible... and dangerous in the right hands.


"Enough! You all are scramble like a bunch of cocks with their heads chopped off!" His booming scream forced all of the fleeing members of [The Slaughters] to freeze with instinct; obeying the commanding tone of their leader. Some of the collective men had their minds take as they had imagined the image of a headless bird that was bumbling randomly on a butcher in a somewhat large coup.


The thought made some scratch their heads in embarrassment at these actions.

Clenching his hands into fists; the source of the chains used to restrain [The Burns Twins] would've ceased in function... If this [Spell] was a lesser Grade. Rather than vanish away... The chains shifted as if they were being controlled by unforeseen being. Wrapping as however they suddenly shifted as if they were still controlled throwing the two about.

[Mokcreast Burns] watched as the chains which was digging into his neck loosen... Alongside the rest of them; a brief face of shock appear only to contort into a further form of shock as the chains speed up - Wrapping him up as his wrists were tied together alongside his ankles whilst covering up a majority of his upper body and core; preventing any further movements.

[Malhkreast Burns] wasn't better off than her brother but instead of wrapping her upper-body; it was focused on her lower-half which she fought and fought however these chains seemed to dig more and more into as she did; causing her to gasp out in pain.

"It's not real, Morons. Take another look!" Watching as their leader's hand shifted upward and began to point towards the strange abomination of nature... Only to notice... It wasn't as concentrated as it had been before. If anything... It was starting to fade away.

Many of [The Slaughters] were outraged at this, yelling curses and insulting the half flesh n' machine warrior who was standing there as he once was... However some witness as the shoulders along with torso shuffled up and down... In a way that is similar to a quiet, wordless laughter... The cute, mouse was squeaking and hollering where it was rolling around crying... The ugly, rat was slapping it's knee as it was currently upright where it also seemed to be laughing as well.


'Are... They... Fucking...Laughing...At...The...[Slaughters.]' Those were the thoughts which were now within the minds of these armed men... [The Burns Twins] if they were restrained by those chains infused with [Magic], weakened by both injury and exhaustion or in a calm mental state - They'd join in but the two were snarling at [The Slaughters] who had no desire to come closer.

"We'll kill you!/Bastard!/You'll pay for that!" They weren't known for their intelligence as they choose to make crude, insulting gestures with their hands or screaming profanity at the 'Hero.'


*Ba-Boom.... Ka-Thoom...* Blitzing bolts of the very-same purple lightning blasted forth - Arching as it would strike out!


And it did by strike against one of the many, full-grown trees which had been framing [Route: 4311] which began to flicker whilst small embers appeared on the tree... It however didn't hold as the impact from the seemingly-magical lightning had fractured causing it to spilt before collapsing to the ground.

*Kreeek... Aaaaaugh... Thoom.* Looking off as the lightning-struck tree began to break abruptly. As it continued to break before groaning as a great oak would before it came down - Two pieces falling in opposite directions where one fell back into the woods whilst the other slammed into the road.


The 'Hero' posture change... Glancing down at the broken or in this case; fallen tree. Relaxing from it's stance before the strange being started to travel forward til at it's feet was the tree which had fallen into the road.

"What is it doing?" One of [The Slaughters] spoke aloud as if trying to obtain an answer from one of his allies - He was located at the rear of the horde as he didn't have a good visual of the 'Hero.'


"Whoa... Whoa... Whoa!" Someone near him exclaimed as he gestured for others to move... However noticed as a looming shadow appeared over head - Looking up dumbly... His field of view was covered as he was crushed underneath very same tree that was once near the 'Hero.'

With ease had grasped the tree and toss it with a care for what it would happen as it was sent hurtling quite a distance into the air... And gravity was soon demanding that it'd come... And it only came down hard.

[Mokcreast Burns'] noticed that the cries of pain and wood shattering; turning towards the source... His eyes went wide at the sight of a bouncing tree which violently crushed or rolled whatever could be seen... Forcing his seemingly injured form to move; suddenly turned from his position of being completely on front to his knees as he launched out of the way.

Bouncing off the ground as he moved out of the obstacle which was rolling death... But notice that his sister was still fighting against her binds and in the way of tree!

"Sister!" Beckoning out at [Malhkreast Burns] whose focus had been entirely based around breaking free turned to see the rolling tree... Causing her somewhat shocked face to twist in a haunting visage; crumbling and crashing forward however before it had hit her... It was ducked as the female [Burns] had completely dropped to her back... Coiling her bound legs and spring them upward.

*Ka-bak!* Her feet slammed into the wood which sent it hurtling high into the sky and seemingly beginning to disappear off into the distance.


*Tham.* The booming noise of the tree had fallen deep into the woods... and from far away; it was heavy as birds flew away had began to suddenly fly away... Cawing out as they flew off - Intended to flee from the firing as it was getting more and more intense.

The [Half-Orcen] boss looked off in the distances towards the 'Hero.'


Clenching his massive gauntleted fist... Within the helmet... The emerald, glowing orbs flashed suddenly where a far, more intense power was brought forth.


Bigger and larger arcs of lightning blasted from the sky which either struck the 'Hero' who was unharmed or blasting the ground, scorching it as it glowed before becoming dim. Torrents of sharp wind pooled out as it sliced the earth like a large knife was being swung about. Lastly; an unknown force began to push against the earth beneath the 'Hero' - Causing it to break before floating up... Returning to the combative, fighting stance where he stamped a booted foot down which made the floating rocks launch out in all directions.


*Bik... Bik... Bik!!!* A reading was displayed as [The Slaughters] gas-masked, google-eyed helmets were going off the charts.

Built-in [Energy Readers] had automatically activated as a result of sensing this power... It'd responded in such a manner when it felt the presence of a someone or something which could be labeled as a... [Grade 3.]

But it was shaking... It was shaking bad as [The Slaughters] felt their helmets beginning to strain as the the durability was greater for such fragile devices... As well... These models placed within the helmets were less advanced... They had a definitive limit of [Grade 3] but the 'Hero' might be over that!

All of these forces which was being summoned from the 'Hero' had stressed them to the brink and not before long... That brink had placed down a fitting punishment for such pitiful [Science!]

*Ba-kish... Ba-kish... Ba-kish... Ba-kish...*

The [Energy Reader] founded with the numerous, numerous helmets had shattered which upon being so integrated in the remaining piece of the helmet like the first to fall had caused the entirety of the helmet to shattered - the frightening amount of feedback caused shouts of surprise...

"Ugh!/What the Hell?/Fuck!" Various roars of anger came as these men were caught off by this event which many watched as their helmets were now... a collective piles of metal, glass, wiring and leather which fell to the earth below whilst some were resulting that this being was stronger enough to force the [Energy Reader] to automatically activate... But also break itself... Shocking those as they weren't able to gain a proper reading on the figure who was causing this...

Many of [The Slaughters] had began to wordlessly look around... As their faces were revealed to be seen...

Appeared to be a mixed band of fiends given their previous actions and the crimes that the organization was widely known for... Among them was all known Races of this fantastical, sci-fi-like mishmash world that was... [Grimoire.] For Adaptable [Humans] appearing as they did with various shapes and sizes stood alongside villainous sub-species of [Alves] who were sharper and less gentle in appearance than humans, [Small-Folk] which those particular sub-species within this group were dagger-tooth and ugly that looked up at the [Elementals] which were stone-skin and aggressive & finally; the bestial and furred [Demi-Humans] gazed upon the unholy [Daemons] who had abnormal skin and more than a few features such as amore fingers and third eye amongst them.


Many had been focusing towards the 'Hero' or taking pot glances directed towards [The Burns Twins] who managed to get out of the way... Or rather; the girl who sent that massive tree disappearing off into the distance.



A helmet had shattered... Like the others... It was a much larger in size compared to the grunts underneath his command which it shattering was akin to a something exploding instead. As it all began to clatter onto the ground beneath him... A momentary pause was all that came from everyone - [The Burns Twins] looked hateful whilst the 'Hero's stance faltered as their head twisted to get a better look whilst the rodents on it's shoulders were doing the same.

The reason for the [Slaughters] being silent however... Was the [Energy Reader] within his helm was of a much high-quality and fitted with higher-settings... For it to break in any degree... It meant that this figure was powerful... Maybe... He was as powerful as... [The Boss.]


Just as it broke away... [The Half-Orcen] looked towards the men around him but directed his eyes towards the 'Hero' who was looking at him... [Mokcreast Burns] noticed something peculiar when he looked at the boss amongst these thugs whilst [Malhkreast Burns] was savagely gnawing on the metal-chains... Producing a sound akin to a metal filler on a metal bars.


Revealed to the world as a soft breeze blew by which came upon a hairless head - No a speck of facial hair, eyebrows or even hair upon the top of a large head. The face of the [Half-Orcen] was expected for this particular race of [Demi-Humans] which appeared as a brutish, green-skinned, tusked-tooth humanoids - The bosses' face was no expectation - Scars criss-crossing on the primal, flat brow however one thing stood out... A great portion of his face was burnt... or rather... It was melted... Leaving a disfiguring wound that took up the lower half... Over it... It appeared as if he saw that a mark was burnt into the flesh.


The mark of [Gilra] which was burnt into his face which appeared to be the oldest mark on his visage...

A harden pair of pure-yellow eyes went narrowed... Before widening... displacing a prideful, cocky and savage grin aimed towards the 'Hero.' A maw of teeth and tusks was revealed - Sharp to an extent but completely yellow from lack of care or perhaps a more dangerous purpose...

He was angry.


Angry at one individual that had caused such an annoyance in his day... He was wholly prepared to have fun; catching those two [Burns Twins] was beyond entertaining... Yet it was ruined... RUINED!

Matching the 'Hero' suddenly which an 'Aura' of some sort appeared... Summoned from a mysterious source like the 'Hero' as it formed a cloak around him... But unlike [The Slaughters] boss... The 'Hero' denounced with an earth-shaking stomp as it caused the [Half-Orcen] to focus on maintain his balance. Stunning him as a vein swelled on the face; appearing to have no patience for the non-sense that the leader attempted to replicate...

"YOU SONVUA BITCH!" Screaming out whilst the energy returned once more... Appearing to cloak some of his body rather than the entirety like his singular foe.

The 'Aura' appeared to come from those tree-trunk arms of this [Demi-Human] who flexed as he shouted - Attempting to appear large but it wasn't working out as much as he'd like. A wild dark-red 'fire' wafted up from the arms which caused many to flinch instinctively; some stepped away as these 'Aura' clashed.

Overwhelmingly large & wild meet condensed & equally wild; [The Slaughters] felt a full-body panic well up in them as this half-machine n' half-flesh monstrosity and their boss were facing off against one and another.

[The Slaughters] underneath their [Half-Orcen] had become as quiet as mice... In some case; the two rodents who roamed within the Church back in the [Town of Jazz.]


Some were attempting to distance themselves from this stare down... Whilst others tumbled over their own feet, breathing heavily as they witness the appearance of spectral images appearing.


A clashing 'Tiger' and a roaring 'Dragon' who opposed on and another which came from the two forces that were exuding these energies.

"So?! YA THINK THAT YA CAN TAKE US ON?!" Roaring out as his boot smashed into the rock; cracking it but not having the power or weight in comparison to the opposing warrior from him... Forcing his 'Aura' to enlarged as the [Half-Orcen] suddenly appeared to be covered in an inferno of power!

The 'Hero's stance returned to his proper stance... Yet began to deepened - Concentrating on making it more powerful but shifting it... As he slowly began to change it.


Adjusting his posture as it was more upright whilst his feet were planted but pointing forward; his lead leg and rear legs weren't too far apart as to lead to disbalance or improper weight distribution caused by the 'Hero's fitting high physical weight...

Those massive gauntleted, hands were raised upward; both hands were open and loose as awaiting for the 'mind' to change that situation in the blink of an eye.


It's 'Aura' disappeared as it was ready... Or least... 35% ready... It was calling forth something... Something required for a Fight... What was it?


The opposing side being [The Slaughters] had began to hustling with their leader barking out a great deal of orders which lines over lines of men were situated as a wide-sweeping mass blocked off the road...

"GWAHAHAHAAHA!!!" A twisted laugh croaked out of the bastard being that [Half-Orcen] whose arms were crossed over his jacket-wearing torso; standing taller than his men as he was located quite a distance away from the 'Hero.'

Welling up another shout to direct a sentence... An annoying, clearly cocky and douchebag of a sense...

"TRY AND TAKE US DOWN, YOU BITCH! [THE SLAUGHTERS] WON'T BE BESTED BY THE LIKES OF YOU, FREAK!" His voice came out as a guttural scream whilst his voice came out so incredibly loud; numerous firearms were fully-loaded and aiming towards the 'Hero.'


Shuffling his feet forward where this approach took a methodical and stoic advance towards the criminals.


It ceased... It then watched as something appeared... From a black-void... A strange object suddenly began to formed from within that darkness of abnormality... As if it was teleported before it which the strange object was surrounded by a glowing light.


Visually... It appeared to be some phantasmal - Faint yet bright... To [The Slaughters...]

What appeared to be a strange light... Which was absorbed the 'Hero.' The [Half-Orcen] called that it was too risky to fire at this new-appearance as it could backfire on them.


The one who was absorbed by this strange orb... The 'Hero...' It saw something... Something attached towards a past which wasn't from... this reality... or rather; this realm.


Some would assume that this strange occurrence came from massive and [Science] powered Gauntlets that it was wearing... Their mysterious abilities were hidden as the battle hadn't ensued in a proper sense... It might've been a mysterious and wordless [Spell] which suddenly came from the 'Hero's immense [Magic.]


The two vermin only found themselves seeing what their 'master' was seeing... Which the pair became to scream and cheer at what they had seen...

For the 'Hero' bore witness to his greatest and most powerful tool!


As the space of light producing a strange square... That began to take on more accessories in the following moments...

Shifting, twisting and compacting before it took on a rectangular shape... Upon one side; appeared to be a stick with a ball or rather; a Joystick. To the other side; dozens of small buttons appeared in multiple colorations or rather; Input Buttons.


It had hundreds of bits of memorabilia from ranging in a mixing mess of various paintjobs, sticker and badges whilst also seeming to be worn out considered the numerous bits of tape and bandages that were used to keep it together.


This... Was... The... [Fight Stick.]

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}





Slowly... The 'Hero' watched as the [Fight Stick] then floated softly... Slowly... Looking downward as it's 'eyes' became dimmer until they disappeared... The phantasmal object then touched it's large, muscular, fleshy and metal chest which seemed to vanish.


Throughout it's body... It's veins were flood with power which all of them glowed so brightly that it appeared through it's attire!

An unforeseen force had been summoned causing it's muscles' to flex and spasm - The engine built-into their massive left-arm roared to life as the exhaust bellow out flames and the massive right-arm extended out the blades from the fist which were glowing red-hot!

It's 'eyes' reappeared as they flashed with a greater intensity like two roaring pits of green fire which flared out from the helmet whilst It's maw ripped open; the gnashing metal spilt so fast as it opened where a mixture of spittle and oil blasted outward - Unleashing a bestial, robotic roar!

"DORIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" It's sight was suddenly flashed with a series of messages - Bared off with ornate edges to contrast them from the real world whilst it's roar was causing the earth to shake, the trees to splitter & even skies to be come cloudy... As rain began to pour from overhead... This event had caused [The Slaughters] to lose some confidence... whilst others were blown backwards - tumbling over their feet as they were seemingly launched backwards as the [Half-Orcen's] eyes' had wide like saucers.

Raising an arm to shield himself from the sudden intensity made by the 'Hero's power. The weather was being caught into the mix and an instinctual feeling to 'fight or flight' began to well up within him... Yet he was able to contain it; calming down but as the rain fell from the sky... He felt as if this would be a true battle.


It may've been in the back of his mind... But this thing felt... Felt like [The Boss] during a rampage.


As the message appeared - As the vision belonging to the 'Hero' seemed to be overload with information... Yet it understood everything...

[Special Combat Skill Activated - Fight Stick: The Legendary, War-Tested and Deity-Blessed Phantasmal Controller which brings forth ones' true combat potential via a merging process.]

On it's massive chest - the face of this [Fight Stick] appeared but not in physical form only as a set of different colored lights which flashed. The joystick; a large light with a small light within had snapped in all sorts of directions and rotated seemingly dozens or so times whilst the Input Buttons flashed all sorts of colors which individuals lights flash or some flashed in combinations.

This went on til the lights became green - Sinking into the body as all of the energy unleashed had begun to calm down.

[Combat-Controller Activated: Combat-Commands are now fully available to user... Full Power can be utterly unleashed.]

[Danger! Danger! Danger!]

[High possibility of destruction and collateral damage to current surroundings & on-lookers!]

[Combat-Commands: Movement - Joy Stick... Enabled.]

[Movement Controllers - {Standard} - Neutral - 5 | Forward - 6 | Back - 4 | Up - 8 | Down - 2]

[Movement Controllers - {Non-Standard} - | Up-Forward - 9 | Up-Back - 7 | Down-Forward - 3 | Down-Back - 1]

Movement Controllers have been...Finalized.]

[Combat-Commands: Attacks Buttons...Enabled.]

[Attack Controllers - {Punch} - Lesser/Weak Punch: Button - 1 | Intense/Medium Punch: Button - 2 | Annihilating/Hard Punch: Button - 3]

[Attack Controllers - {Kick} - Lesser/Weak Kick: Button - 4 | Intense/Medium Kick: Button - 5 | Annihilating/Hard Kick: Button - 6]

[Attack Controllers {Special} - Slaughter/Weaker Strike - Button - 7 + Any Punch Button. Obliterate/Heavy Strike - Button - 7 + Any Kick Button.]

[Attack Controllers {Grade Powers} - Special Ability - Button - 8.]

[Attacks Controllers have been...Finalized.]

[Attack Commands... Uploaded...]

[Move-Set... Downloading Components...]

[Normal Attacks... Loaded.]

[Command Normal Attacks... Loaded.]

[Special Moves... Loading... Loading... Loading...]


[Command Inputs - Initialized...]

The mysterious orb which had expanded to absorb the 'Hero' began to fade away... The [Slaughters] trained their numerous arms at it; the ear-piercing roar had began to soften til they couldn't hear it... As the 'Hero' was letting out a fit of growls as that massive body flexed... Continuing to spasm as it once had done after it had absorb that 'orb' of energy.

The immense amount of information would've caused confusion as various bits of numbers and signs appeared all over whilst small and more mysterious words were shown as well.

The 'Hero's pair of his gauntlet-donning fists tightened with a heavy slam as the metallic fingers dug into those equally metallic palms... Hunkering down as the energy of the [Fight Stick] had been fully taken in...

[Unqiue Character Traits... Obtained.]

[Strike/Combo Counter...Set.]

[Blast/Buster Gauge... Readied.]

[Special Action/Super Meter...Prepared.]

[Almighty/Super Special Attacks... Locked N' Loaded.]

[Magical/Intense Attack Meter... Summoned.]

[Scientific/Explosive Attack Meter...Created.]

[Spirit/Supernatural Attack Meter...Awakened.]

[Grade Powers Gauge...Graded.]

[Overwhelmingly Charges/Power Charges... Charged.]

The 'Hero' then begun to cool down as the growls which the 'jaw' of the helm slammed shut - Drools still pooled forth from in-between the cracks of the bear-trap structure had ripped open... The beefy, engine sputtered out as the red-hot exhaust pipes had steam piping off of them; the fires from within the engine as clear smoke bellowed out... The massive blades which were once burning red hot was in a similar situation to the exhaust pipes but this then suddenly retracted back into the massive fists.


Standing up straighter as they returned to be upright - The two rodents were dizzy and panting caused the immense heat, strangest and power infusing scream had completely wiped the pair out... The ugly, rat was squeaking to their 'master' in anger which it's opposite was dramatically crying for help as if it was stranded on an small island in the middle of an ocean.


Ignoring the two which 'Hero's 'eyes' reappeared as it looked down at it's right fist... Opening and closing it as if to get comfortable with it's body.

[Stamina & Stun Calculations...]

[Error! Error! Error!]

[Too High to Measure... Prepared.]


[Defense/Blocking Gauge... Armed.]

[?!?!... Unlocked.]

[?!?! Features... Readied.]

[Entire Move-List... Ready.]

[Preparations Complete.]


As a thunderous storm of information was placed forth... Belonging to a past that is unlike any other - The 'Hero's head dipped downward before looked upwards to [The Slaughters.]

Those 'eyes' were burning with a great intensity where they were much brighter in comparison to before; they stared at the [Half-Orcen] boss within the horde... Focusing on him.



A message played as the various images appeared within the 'Hero's field of view - Akin to a Hud for an action game as chains, metal and fire surrounded the dozens of things that were seen.

Lifting both of those massive arms only to slam them together where a massive burst of power welled up as it took a step forward; the energy dispersed or atleast... The energy which could be felt towards the surface.


But this wasn't a simple thing... No, No, No.


This sight of the 'Hero' had done something... To [Malhkreast Burns...] It was a similar action that she tried early on however she was weaken and restrained causing it to not happen... To [Mokcreast Burns...] It was something that he would've attempted in more dire circumstances... Which the ones' that he and his sister had been experiencing yet he was blinded by anger early on.


That stance... or posture - It was shown to the pair of siblings hundreds of times... and perform hundreds of times... In the back of their minds... They saw a familar person before the same action.

[Pastor. Muray.]


It was his Combat Prep where he took some embellishments to it but it fell underneath the same principles as the original technique...

[The Focus Of Burns] - A wide-spread technique which was meant to unleash any form of power to the surface for greater use; any hidden potential was brought forth as mental barriers were forgone. ...

The Old Pastor had stated towards the pair that it was taught to him by an old friend... The old-patriarch of the [Burns Family] which was seen as a useful move which was then spread throughout the [Churches Of Gilra.]


This thing knew it... But it also had some embellishments which [Pastor. Muray] had being the upright stance, slamming ones fists together then swinging ones' hands away and placing them at their sides.


Was this thing taught... or made by [Pastor. Muray?] Such questions couldn't be answered as battle was about to begin where they were dragged off - The pair which were kicking and screaming as loudly as possible which was alot despite their somewhat 'normal' features...


'The Hero' then fixed their stance... Returning to it.. As it was the very same... Clenching those massive and seemingly armed fists. Staring forth which the two on it's shoulders noticed that their 'master' had finally managed to re-entered their combat stance - They went from being exhausted and nearly panting heavily... This ended as they seemed to start cheering fanatically... A couple shakes of the shoulders ceased this activity.

[Health Values: ?!?!?!?!?!?!]

[Stun Values: Extremely High - Unknown Number.]

[Defense/Blocking Gauge - Full.]

[Tenacity/Heart - None.]

[Strike/Combo Counter: 00.]

[Blast/Buster Gauge: Empty.]

[Magical/Intense Attack Meter: 0%]

[Scientific/Explosive Attack Meter: 0%]

[Spirit/Supernatural Attack Meter: 0%]

[Grade Powers Gauge: 100%.]

[Overwhelmingly Charges/Power Charges: 0/12 Charges.]


It's body had frozen still as if to converse power for a moment or some last little bits unknown to some...

[Patch Notes: 0.5 - Downloading - 5%]

[The Slaughters] had their weapons stilling aiming at the 'Hero' who was still for a moment... The cute, mouse was squeaking at it's 'master' whilst the ugly, rat narrowed before looking off as it suddenly shrugged to a sightless watcher...

Following afterwards where a war-cry roared out of the throat of the [Half-Orcen] who then waved his arm as to command it...

"GET READY AND... FIRE EVERYTHING!!!!" That cacophonous scream caused action to take over... As hands tensed and fingers clenched.


Down on of the various firearms' barrels... It flashed... with all-to-familar...



{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World - Life Or Death!}