Vol 0 - Chapter 4: Arcade Mode On Normal, Son! - Part 2


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)

(One thing of note - This chapter is multi-parted - This is meant to inform the Reader beforehand.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}

[For the following moment; I recommend the following song for You - The Reader to listen to...

Madworld OST 01 - Get It Up! (Full Version)

If you do not care for this...

Ignore this.]

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Hundreds of bullets over bullets were launched from the numerous guns... Yet it didn't seem to do... Anything.


Everything was snapping which gun-triggers were being clenched with iron-clasp grips - Adrenaline was pumping at full-throttle throughout [The Slaughters] that were engaging in the firefight.

The numerous amounts of massively, armed criminals felt in their very hearts... If they didn't destroy it before it returned to an animated-state... It'll as their name foretold... Would slaughter them.

[The Half-Orcen] didn't wish to take any secondary chances as his men were unleashing as much firepower at the damn thing...

However - They weren't make a dent!

As the noises from a distance... Akin to ricocheting bullets or something fast smashed against something extremely durable.

*Pik. Pik. Pik.*

Ringing out countless times in rapid succession from the distance which the 'Hero' seemed unfazed by all of this - The 'skin' seemed to be like armor as well whilst the clothing was extremely resistant to the damage caused by the numerous bullets being fired off.

"HOLD FIRE! HOLD YOUR DAMN FIRE!" Barking out which the boss of [The Slaughters] yelled out; his keen eyes noticed that all of the shots weren't doing anything... If anything... They were simply doing fuck all in terms of damage.

The men were sent in a stunned or fearful state - their revealed faces looking off as they relaxed from the grimacing and snarling visages to natural looks only to realize... They had done absolutely nothing; a collective state of shock came over them...

[Patch Notes: 0.5 - Downloading - 45%]

Remnants of the purple lightning that was once exploded out of the 'Hero' had return caused some of [The Slaughters] to flinch at the noise or sight - The [Half-Orcen]clenched his jaw; feeling his teeth grins against one and another only to let out a shout.

"BIGGER BULLETS! MORE GUNS! PUMP IT FULL OF LEAD!" A deafening command roused the mind from their states of shock at what was going on whilst they did as they commanded.

*Klick. Clack. Brruuu.* The shifting as the guns at the ready were being adjusted - Swapping out to large, more damaging rounds or bring out the 'big guns.'


At the moment; [The Slaughters] had access to quite a few options. [The Ringer Handgun] which was a monster of a handgun require two-hand in order to properly use as it's recoil was high which is was converted into a single-shot firearm - a beefy and wide weapon in contrast to the 'longarm' being [The Deadman Longsnipe] that was a large, single-shot, bolt-action rifle which was as long as a fully grown woman which such a large rifle had the bullets to match. The medium-ranged weapon of this arsenal happened to be an 'assault' rifle; a compact, rapid-firing, magazine-fitted gun which didn't have the raw kick of the hard-hitting options... But they were meant for suppressive fire given the bright flashes and array of bullets... This weapon was dubbed as [The Sprinter Gun.] Lastly; the heavy artillery and explosive tool that was used to immobilize [The Burns Twins] - The combination of an advanced launcher typed gun and a heavier than normal crossbow - [The Miniature Ballista.] All of it's ammo was customizable as the heavy-spiked canisters were have different styles-heads or loaded with different kinds of explosives.

At the command of their leader; [The Slaughters] were loading up. Exchange the current ammo for 'heavy-types' with the intention of causing far more damage which they would


Afterall; these weapons were considered to be...

[Grade 1 Weapons Of Science]

[Weapons of Sciences] were graded in terms of power, complexity, effectiveness, consistency and usage of the powers of [Sciences.]

For a group of firearms such as this; the power of [Science] could be seen as an enhancer or the source of a [Weapon of Science.] Through the usage of [Science]; a wielder could supplement themselves as an external source for the weapon's firing-trigger, alter some bits and mechanisms within the gun or enhance the shots fired with bonus effects.

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Yet these [Slaughters] hadn't the ability of [Science] amongst their number which meant that they were forced to user 'weaker' versions of their weapons. external source such as a firing-trigger to function as the weapons' firing mechanism or the internal [Science] within the wielder which produced a much, more powerful blast.


"God... *A feminine groan.* Damn... *Annoyed Huff.* CHAINS!" The only female who was also a young-woman: [Malhkreast Burns] was still fight as she rolled back and forth where some of [The Slaughters] sweat dropped at this - They got very, very lucky that she wasn't at full power when the criminals had her earlier.

Looking up as the still, bleeding and angry brother; [Mokcreast Burns] glanced upward where he had been coldly stared at members of [The Slaughters.]


The pair were still trying to break free but these magical chains had been so...damn...strong. All of their fighting against the seemingly unbreakable chains had been naught... They did stop suddenly... As an idea came to mind.

'A distraction.' The two thought amongst one and another; this [Spell] appeared to be a [Focus-Type.] If something would happened to the burly, [Half-Orcen...] They'd be free from it's effects... To wreak havoc as they would instantly starting free if such a chance would happen.

The pair had become quiet as [Malhkreast Burns] ceased her struggling and [Mokcreast Burns] had calmed to a pained-expression but not firing daggers at those around the pair.


As appearing aggressive may only end up receive a bullet to the head... So they had calmed... Awaiting their chance... Yet this was both an opportunity... [The Burns Twins] felt the energy of the 'Hero.'


Both were stunned if anything could be placed into words considered the quiet, slake-jawed faces that they were wearing.


If one possess the powers of [Science] or [Magic] .... Or even this term of... [Spirit.]


Having access to those in any higher Grade granted some beneficial bonuses... One being that you could sense the energy that you were attuned with from other things... Ranging from insignificant such as a harmless child or a simple device to tell time... All the way up to a 'monster' or a item/relic of unparalleled power.


The siblings noticed that this... 'Hero' as they had thought to mental call it had some of the purest forms of [Magic] or [Science] that they had every felt.


And they didn't know why... Why couldn't they sense it early however?


This... 'Hero?' was on the [Macha Cart] as they were... Yet... That strange container... The very same with that note from the Old Pastor... Was it being suppressed?

If so... How mighty was that container... To suppress such a power to a degree that it couldn't felt from two that were merely feet away.


Was this 'Hero...' Really a Hero?

Meant to save them... Or did it awaken to destroy?

Alas... They weren't the best position to communicate between one and another; as the numerous firing lines were prepared... The two turned their heads to one and another... And nodded... Wordlessly spread their message between one and another.


As soon as these [Slaughters] bastards placed their attention elsewhere and as soon as The [Half-Orcen] dropped the focus for this [Iron Chains Restraints] [Spell.]


[The Burns Twins] would unleash Hell on Earth.


Back at the 'Hero' - Whose eyes began to twitch.. Flexing as the body began to sway one one side to the next... As if regain it's control over itself... Then...

It's body began to quake!

Swift and strange robotic movements and sudden explosive jerks as the purple lightning that it as producing blasted from within itself as several strikes from the sky came down upon it...


A pair of the bolts had struck arm as if to supercharge it's gauntlet arms... Before an even large bolt from the clouds came down - Coating the 'Hero' in it's electrical energies...



[The Slaughters] didn't know if it was a good idea to fire... or hold...


[Patch Notes: 0.5 - Downloading - 100%.]

[Patch Notes: 0.5 - Downloaded & Installed.]

The huge and beefy engine which had been built into the enhanced left-arm roared to life where some smoke came out of the many exhaust ports; shaking from the power which resided within the machine... Evident that...








It's the bear-trap-like mouth opened slightly as if to inhale a 'pint' of air... Before slamming shut causing sparks' to appear from the metal scratching against the very-same metal of the other part which belonged to this 'jaw.'

The impact had actually caused bits of fire to blast from within the 'jaw' which dimmed out after some moments... This had caused an intimating display where it's head snapped over to begin glaring at [The Slaughters] over in the distance - Large pairs of practically, burning emerald 'eyes' shined bright like the sun in the visor-helmet.

It was frightening... It was a frightening thing to look at.. As it was completely ready for the onslaught that would be this 'fight.'

To combat these foul criminals - The words that had roused it from a somewhat deep slumber... For [The Burns Twins.]


Lastly... It'd be enjoyable to rip them all a figurative 'new' one... It's little 'pals' were ready to aid their 'master.' This duo of an mouse and rat - One cute in it's visuals... and the other ugly in how it acted and appeared... The pair had been posing dramatically in their own ways - Standing on the armored shoulders of the 'Hero.'

They'd been unfazed by the 'weaker' and less-dense energy which naturally pooled of the 'Hero.' It's utterly overflowing 'Aura' that seemed to pool off of the strange creature hadn't decreased which caused a slight flowing affected causing the three's respective furs to flow as if a nice wind was catch them which enhanced their appearance.


These two viewed the 'Hero' as their 'master', 'commander' and 'lord' whom if needed... Would beckon for their power... Given how 'over-the-top' that the 'Hero' was... It would probably happen but they'll see if such an occurrence will happen.



A moments' pause came between the two forces...

"FIRE!" The [Half-Orcen] screamed; waving an arm as a bullets were firing and the sounds of gunfire pooled forward.

[Command Input: Forward - 6]

The 'Hero' stomped forward to meet the hell of bullets!

Head On!

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





[For the following moment; I recommend the following song for You - The Reader to listen to...

Guilty Gear Strive: Hellfire (Full Version) [Leo Whitefang's Theme Song]

If you do not care for this...

Ignore this.]

This air... It was thick... With tension...And Gunsmoke as hundreds of guns blasted off - The various bullets or ammunition was launched in a great deals; aiming towards the 'Hero.'

Sadly... His 'skin' was resistant or even bulletproof which [The Slaughters] bullet-based weapons weren't as effective...

*Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik. Pik.*

All of the quantity bullets and the power of guns couldn't cause a sense of danger in the slightest. Rather; the 'Hero' was marching forward - Intensely as his small sparks and scratches caused by them wasn't nearly as effective...

Sadly; the pair of rodents had somehow managed to evade everything which they darted on the huge shoulders in an abnormal cartoony fashion... As the bullets ceased... The pair made their taunts at [The Slaughters.]


But stopped when they heard a strange sound.



Noticing as a couple of canisters with smoke-blasting out of the back forced a difference in it's advance... Looking up... Those emerald 'eyes' from the 'Hero' flashed in realization... Noticing that these weren't simple bullets...

They were explosive-charged stakes!


Lifting up it's arms as it took a defensive posture - The two huge-gauntlets were raised to protect it's huge body where the pair of rodents were freaking out...

[Command Input: Back - 4]

In a matter of seconds; a dozen of 'stakes' came from the sky with heavy *Thuks! Thaks!* As the metal-spikes were either driven into the ground near the 'Hero' or bounced off the iron-clad body and it's massive metal-covered arms.


It wasn't done as the smoke puffing out of the rear had suddenly flickered out... *Ssssssssssssss-Kilk!* A small sizzling noise had begun for half a second or so... Then a spark of flame burst and in a flash of light...


The explosives had gone off!

Causing a roaring blast to surround the 'Hero' who hadn't changed from their defensive position; the sphere of fire enveloped him whilst the pair of animals were swallowed up in the fire as well.


What appeared in it's place and the two rodents on it's shoulders... Was a blackening cloud of smoke which welled upward into the sky whilst small flickering flames of fire burned within a crater.



From the distance; the [Half-Orcen] yelled out...

"DON'T YOU DARE EASE OFF! KEEP FIRING!" His commands were obeyed in an instant as the overwhelming amount of firepower went through the smoke - Pumping through it as it was unloaded countlessly.

Numerous war cries were summoned as [The Slaughters] were letting everything loose in an attempt to absolutely annihilate the 'Hero!


What happened?


Was the 'Hero' gone?



As something had happened... For upon inputting the [Back] Command... It had activated...

The [Defensive Combat Skill] known as... [Block.]

[Combat Skill Activated - Block: A defensive technique with the purposes of improving one's current defenses known as 'Block' or in multiple cases/repeated attempts is 'Blocking.' Activated by inputting the [Back.] This is followed by a defensive posture being taken alongside a barrier of some sorts being summoned to aid; this will greatly reduce all damage and prevents knockdown, knockup, blowback or the crumble state if an attack would cause such things. The 'Block' will consume the Defense/Blocking Gauge by a certain amount depending on the attack. Certain attacks may ignore the 'Block.']

The massive arms of the gauntlets was followed by the 'Hero's form which was already providing a quality amount of defensive akin to a tank's armor but this was further enhanced a strange energy pooling out from this creature.

It was unknown - It could've been [Magic...] It could've been [Science...] It could even be [Spirit...] Whatever it was; this orange energy shifted til the energy was converted a...

A flat-square of orange coloration that's task was to aid it's wielder and the 'Hero' used this to repeal the blast caused by the explosive 'stakes.' The immense wind and heat were mitigated to nearly nonexistent levels...

The cute, mouse and the ugly, rat however were blown heavily which caused their pelts to become poofy at some seconds and curly in others... The larger of the two; the rat coughed out a cloud a smoke only to feel something shake beneath it's feet.

The cute, mouse noticed this as the pair watched as the defensive barrier was pelted by all kinds of bullets...

To the 'Hero' - It watched as it's Defense/Blocking Gauge was beginning to decrease steadily...

[Defense/Blocking Gauge - Still High - Fading slowly.]

This was responded by it's arms shifting backwards into it's combat stance... But it did something... In a sumo-like manner; one of those huge legs were shifted and driving hard into the ground... Causing the ground to rumble violently for quite a distance.




The earth suddenly began to shake violently causing shook and surprise within [The Slaughters.] Unprepared as they were taken aback by this occurrences...

"AAAAAGH?!/AN EARTHQUAKE?!/BRACE! BR-DAMN-IT!" Exclaiming from their location which some feel over themselves as the ground rose or fell oddly as spider-web cracks appeared all-over the terrain belonging to [Route: 4311.] The road had suddenly began to tear itself up whilst within the crater. The effects were very present as well.


At the origin point; that huge boot had cracked the ground profusely and those huge 'dreadlocks' had been flailing about - flapping and flowing with every motion whilst it's armor shifted at some points where other pieces of armor weren't present or clattered against itself at more heavily-suited points.

Radiating out of the crater caused by the [Miniature Ballista] attack... The ground had shaken in all directions... This... wasn't an attack... It might've seemed as such... Rather; It was... [Combat Skill: {Special-Taunt} Stamping Rage.]

[Command Input: Down - 2 + {Lesser/Weak Punch: Button - 1 + Intense/Medium Punch: Button - 2 + Lesser/Weak Kick: Button - 4 + Intense/Medium Kick: Button - 5}]

[Combat Skill Activated - {Special-Taunt} Stamping Rage: A special [Taunt] which has special-effects - The 'Stamping Rage' has bonus features unlike a normal taunt as it can be performed whilst 'Blocking' and having 1-solid hit of 'Armor.' Activated via inputting [Down + Weak Punch & Kick + Medium Punch & Kick.] This will lead to a long-range, non-damaging and unblockable earthquake - Those caught in range will enter a special state leaving them particularly negative in most circumstances however this can be punished given it's long startup and relatively high recovery.]

This [Combat Skill: {Special-Taunt} Stamping Rage] was used for risky yet strong set-up... And it had... As this stomp had caused a disturbance in formation; it went on the move.

The [Half-Orcen] was also caught off guard which he'd fallen over in shock at the sudden ground-changing maneuver

"GET YOUR ASSES UP, NOW! MOVE BACK INTO POSITION!" Barking where [The Slaughters] suddenly felt something looking at them... Shifting as they all began to look off into the distance towards the impact zone.


Crawling out of the crater, the 'Hero' whose hands slammed into the ground as it proceed to pull itself out with ease.

Pressure... Unending... Pressure; guns were shaking as boots were as well - Many felt frozen by the sight...

How did it survive?!

It looked like it wasn't even damage, damnit!

Noticing this fear develop in the minds of his men; the [Half-Orcen] bellowed out!

"READY! UNLOAD THEN RELOAD! KEEP FIRING!" It had raised moral but the lack of concentrated firing-lines didn't provide nearly as much suppressive where the 'Hero' merely glanced as the bullets bounced off it's hide...

The rodents had issues with holding on after such a massive impact however they were being as annoying as every - Flicking off [The Slaughters] whilst evading stray bullets being fired however their 'master' shook it's shoulders to cease such actions... Well; the taunting.


Noticing more that 'stakes' were being fired at it... It's legs coiled where it proceed to...

[Command Input: {Double Flick} - Forward - 6}]


The 'Hero's rather; large leg-muscles relaxed as it returned back to it's previous posture - Appearing somewhat stunned where it watched as the 'stakes' continued to fly towards it!

What happened?!

[Error! Error! Error!]

An [Error?!]

What the Fuck?!

One of those gauntlets' clenched tightly... The cute, mouse began to tug on a 'dreadlock' only for it to swing off the forelimbs belonging to the rodent where it appeared nervous... The ugly, rat narrowed as it's face became bland...

[Combat Skill - The Forward Dash Is Unusable.]


Sonvua Bi-

*KA-BOOM!* An explosion rang out immediately rather than a pause compared to before... If [The Forward Dash] wasn't available... How about the opposite!

[Command Input: {Double Flick} - Back - 4}]

Just as the blast from the artillery had started to begin... The 'Hero's body was launched backwards; leaping several steps backwards whilst it's thighs expanded before release as a small leap was done.

[Combat Skill Activated - The Backwards Dash: A technique used to either escape or space; The Backwards Dash can affect a situation profusely. Activated via swiftly inputting the [Back] command twice after one and the other. The one whom performs it will suddenly leap backwards a distance or so - It does cover plenty of space but some time after the landing; one takes some to recover. A special feature of The Backwards Dash is a small part of it is invincible to all damage making it if timed; a great move but if mistimed; a cruel punishment.]

Narrowly evading the blast as it began to expand outwards where it's booted feet began to grind into the ground as it was launched backwards - A low snarling-sound came out of it; rolling a shoulder as the blast was avoid whilst more shots were being launched at it...

This was getting annoying!

[Command Input: Back - 4 then Forward - 6]

If [The Forward Dash] wasn't working... Then something had to be done in order to close this distance... Plenty of options weren't available... For some reason...

But one of them had been open!

Lowering it's body as the 'Hero's right arm came down; it's fist slammed the ground where this strange half n' half being was propelled forward.

It's feet were driven into the ground hard; causing tremors whilst it's arms shifted to keep it's balance - The impacts were also strong enough to cause numerous flashes and blasts of sparks underneath it's metallic feet whilst it began to charge forward for this was the [Combat Skill: Armored Charge.]

[Combat Skill Activated - Armored Charge: This technique takes the form of an advancing charge with various follow-ups that are exclusive to it where it could be considered as a 'Stance' for that reason - It has the Armored in it's name for being able to absorb multiple hard attacks and keep advancing. Activated via inputting [Back] then [Forward] right afterwards. The 'Armored Charge' is an extremely useful for the countless options that it provides from the innate pressure, great mix-ups & unique high-damaging Specials.]

*Thoom. Thoom. Thoom.* Those heavy stomping strides made many of [The Slaughters] flinch as the 'Hero's approach wasn't delicate... It was as heavy as it was large... And it was coming right for them. Following the commands of their leader; firing off plenty of rounds but nothing was slowing it down a single bit!

"Damn." The [Half-Orcen] muttered his breath where he felt the ground continuing to shake as this creature had been charging with a British yet effective approach - None of the bullet-based weapons were dealing anything whatsoever... Unless... They changed their approach slightly.

[The Slaughters] were beginning to felt progressively helpless at the hands of this creature... It's [Demi-Human] made it resilient but this was reaching absurd levels!

Watching that sole-pair of emerald 'suns' burn from it's helm whilst the 'Hero' ignored nearly everything... It was beyond discouraging as it was like trying to shot a handgun at a tank.


Not very effective.


*Bang! Bang! Bang!* As they roared; so did they spit. Some of the harder hitting weapons such as [The Ringer Handgun] or [Deadman Longsnipe] weren't effective... The [Sprinter Gun] was less so... The only time that seemed to do anything was [The Miniature Ballista...] Even then... It wasn't as effective considering the [Combat Skill: {Stance} Armored Charge] enabling the 'Hero' to simple push onward - Ignoring the explosives to next-to-no damage as it seemed.

This little event also allowed for Defensive/Blocking Gauge to start regenerating swiftly til it was completely full alongside the other gauges and meters that were within the corner of the 'Hero's sight.


It was disheartening... And a complete waste of ammo... Some had even given up; dropping to their knees, asking to whatever gods why something like this exist or turned to flee. [ The Slaughters] were on the utter edge of breaking!

"CHANGE AMMUNITION! USE [MAGI-TECH ROUNDS] AND [HEAVY BOMBS!] DESTROY THAT BASTARD!" Barking off where a hand reached over his shoulder; the [Half-Orcen] was looking at the charging warrior... With those two annoying rodents that were on it's accursed shoulders!


A collective realization came over the many men - Some unloaded the current loaded bullets or 'stakes' whilst others were loaded up on the mentioned ammunition...

The terms used for the said ammo... These [Magi-Tech Rounds] or [Heavy Bombs] were slangs that most within the [Greater Southern Bell] considered for ease of use.

The real names were... [Magical-Enhanced & Technical Application Ammunition ] for these supercharged bullets whilst those bombs were known as [Triple Weighted & Stacked, Heavy Explosives.]

Obeying the commands - the high-powered, single-shot weapons had the currently-load ammo ejected and stored away whilst the rapid-fire weapon known as [The Sprinter Gun] had the magazine swapped for the more, expensive ones.

As the [Magi-Tech Rounds] had been loaded into the bullet-based weapons... The barrels or magazines contained these special rounds had begun to glow depending on the weapon's semantics. Contained with them seemed to be the qualities of [Magic] that caused such things to happened.

The blue-collar energies poled from the bullets; causing the entire weapon to glow as if it were superheated by an intense heat but they didn't lose any structural integrity or burn the wielder - Arching burst of energy had now coated the guns whilst particles of the same energy begun to slowly fly off the weapons.

Unlike the more flash [Magi-Tech Rounds] - The bolder and much bulker alternative ammo for the sole-explosive weapon; the [Heavy Bombs] were substituting the standard 'stakes' for [The Miniature Ballista.]

They hadn't been shaped in the same way as these particular explosives did not have a spike rather; a rounded head... In exchange; they were larger and seemed to be a complete packed with whatever may've been stored inside.

"LOCKED AND LOAD!" The click and clacking of weapon-slides; magazines being clipped in or yanking cords back back happened in quick session which the several bangs and rumbles in the ground in the distance were met as every gun was pointed at it.

The 'Hero' who charging at [The Slaughters] yet it's 'eyes' had began to notice something was... off...


{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}