Vol 0 - Chapter 4: Arcade Mode On Normal, Son! - Part 3


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)

(One thing of note - This chapter is multi-parted - This is meant to inform the Reader beforehand.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}

[For the following moment; I recommend the following song for You - The Reader to listen to...

Guilty Gear Strive: Let Me Carve Your Way (Full Version) [Zato-1 Theme Song]

If you do not care for this...

Ignore this.]

A shot had caught it's attention... Watching as a flash of blue came forth only for it's body to be stop - Launched backwards but managed to prevent itself from completely falling over - Swinging it's two massive arms down to drive those fingers into the earth; sliding back so feet.

It'd been shocked... What was that?

The cute, mouse was completely stunned whilst some of it's fur had become somewhat texture than normal where the ugly, rat looked... Before it's jaw dropped to the 'ground' which it figuratively snatched it's jaw up in a cartoonish fashion.


Dozen sounds came all around which the 'Hero' was forced to respond in tone with the [Combat Skill: Block.]

Wrapping it's large arms around itself as it hunkered down to brace whilst it's barrier reappeared as it had early... *Buuk! Buuk! Bukk!* The impacts caused by weapons were to be respected!

As the 'Hero's was starting to be pushed backwards as these shots had some 'oomph' to them as one would put it... These [Magi-Tech Rounds] weren't in the slightest bit... A joke!

[Defense/Blocking Gauge - Fu- Hi- Mediu- Medi - Rapidly Decreasing!]

[Combat Skill: Block] was fading swiftly... Perhaps [Combat Skill: Stamping Rage] could be done - A blast of steam traveled between the cracks of it's bear-trap 'jaws' where it's moved one of it's hands towards it's legs to aid in lifting it up!

*Thooomp! Weeeeeeeeeeary!*

Overhead... In the distance as the currently-blocking 'Hero' hadn't notice given the situation... The ugly, rat made a loud squeak as one of the forelimbs shifted up as a digit proceeded to point up making the two gestured to look up!

*Bonk!* One of the [Heavy Bombs] had suddenly bounced off the helmed head of the 'Hero...' Knocking it out of the [Combat Skill: Stamping Rage] whilst the trio slowly turned around to look.


It was one of the [Heavy Bombs...] Followed by another... then another... then another for inconveniences' stake...

The fuses at the edges proceeded to fizzle out.


Was it.... A du-

Only for a spark to occur out of them all which caused the projectiles' casing to suddenly flash as the metal was heated til it took on a bright-orange hue.





The blast that had swallowed up a great deal of the area suddenly!


[Defense/Blocking Gauge - Destroyed! - Let It Regenerate!]

Sadly... That hadn't mattered as the 'Hero' was launched high into the sky from the blast before coming down hard as well without a word or peep... However some of it's body had been singed profusely where the crater it landed within was still aflame.

The rodents were squeaking and hollering as they tried to evade the flames; complaining and moaning in pain as their furs were ruined.


But that stopped when the pair noticed that the ears' and 'dreadlocks' had spiked up.


The 'Hero' was pissed off... OH SHI-

"KEEP FIRING! LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND!" Exclaiming once more had been [The Slaughters] boss who still had an eye on this beast!

It had to be tougher than one of the [Boss's Pets] by far!

Following was more 'artillery' strikes from the [Heavy Bombs] came down in high, high number as those who were wielding the much, more powerful [Miniature Ballista] let loose!

In support was [The Sprinter Gun] with it's rapid-fire whilst the single-shot 'cannons' being [The Ringer Handgun] & [The Deadman Longsnipe] were launching accurate blasts towards the 'Hero.'


Taking on all of this damage as it was laying on it's back... Currently unable to get back up for a strange reason... it's hands was clenching as the huge body was absorbed the countless explosions and shots in vast number.

Various Gauges within the 'Hero's sight were changing after taking all of that damage from [The Slaughters] which the smoke-clouds were getting dense and dense whilst fire bellowed out from the crater which some of it had flickered off into the woods...

[Health Values: ?!?!?!?!?!?! - Decreasing Steadily]

[Stun Values: Extremely High - Unknown Number - Reaching Halfway]

[Tenacity/Heart - Low]

[Blast/Buster Gauge: 15% Full]

[Magical/Intense Attack Meter: 30/100%]

[Scientific/Explosive Attack Meter: 20/75%]

[Spirit/Supernatural Attack Meter: 5/50%]

[Grade Powers Gauge: 100/100%]

"Grrrrrrrr!" A low grumble came out of the helmet... Somehow... These rodents avoided a majority of the injury despite this chaos... The only thing happened to be their pelts getting coated in soot and grim.


The 'Hero' bellowed out with a booming roar that caused the ground to shake as one of it's hands shot upward through the smoke where it's fingers clenched into a fist...


"COME TO ME!" A temporary ceasefire had started where [The Slaughters] had felt the need to pause only to look over towards their leader; a vein throbbing on his head as he demanded...

"WHY DID YOU STOP?! FIRE EVERYTHING! IT'S NOT DEAD YET!" This was getting annoying and it was taking too long for his liking; this was suppose to be simple... NOT TAKE SO DAMN LONG!

All of them returned to firing at the 'tank' who was knocked still at the moment.


Over at the [Macha-Cart] or rather... It's wreckage... Something burst forward as it levitated... Following by suddenly changing where a rocket-like flame jutted out of a strange object as it flew off...

Not too long... It had entered through the plume of smoke as if ignoring the continuous fire from [The Slaughters.


The [Half-Orcen] had narrowed his eyes as if to get a better look at the object... but it flew by far too fast which it vanished... Disappearing with a ground-shaking bang...


From the depths of the crowd... Nearing the back... [The Burns Twins] had been extremely quiet for the majority of this time; the two were seated and leaning against one and another...

[Mokcreast Burns] felt as if his breathing come out quiet heavy; the blood was cleanly soaking through his clothes whilst those cheeks of his had started to feel light-headed... Groaning out in pain where his sister; [Malhkreast Burns] spoke to him - Worrying in her tone as she whispered...

"Bro... [Mokcreast...]" Speaking softly as the two were closer enough to whisper as to drawn attention to themselves however it was easy to not get caught for the simple reason that [The Slaughters] were still fighting.


"I am starting... Starting to...faint, Sister." Eyes widen at this response where the female of the pair looked over in the distance as she muttered.

"Freak hasn't dropped the [Spell] yet... Just hold on... Alittle bit longer." Looking over as this worry had extended towards the 'Hero.'

She might've not known much about weapons to an extent... But she knew something had changed... Drastically...

This... Tension...

Despite this... [The Slaughters] were mounting an impressive offense at the moment...

The 'ammo swapping' could be considered as a 'Grade-Change' which could make weapons appear far more powerful than they could've been normal with it's original ammunition.

Such 'Grade Changes' as one could name it could be stressful on the weapon... These criminals had more bullets than they did guns... And if this continued... They'd break... However; care over the firearms mattered little when one's life could very well be in danger...

And it was...

At the moment... All of the guns had completely overload in all aspects caused by the unqiue ammo being fed into the weapon...

If anything... They all could widely be considered as temporary [Grade 2 Weapons Of Science] - All of them were mighty... Til they may break... and rely on a possible more risky play by using their blades.


None of them were thinking about that as they kept firing off their weapons... And as those numerous shots came down upon the crater... Which contained the 'Hero' - Snarling like a wild animal as it's body was pummeled by these attacks... But also... That... 'Coffin?'


It was right beside it...

And it knew... That something had to be done...

It knew... That something had to be done...

[Command Input: {Special Ability: Button - 8}]

Moving a hand over... An arch blast of purple lightning roared from one of the gauntlets that struck the 'coffin' which had gone silent upon it's arrival within the crater...


It had began to levitate off the ground only for a new event occurring.


In a moment or so; the strange rope-like binds that were once used to contain the massive gauntlets had suddenly lunged forth... As if controlling by an unseen force... Upon these large and knotted-ended ropes had been the hundreds of hundreds of tags... All had been dirtied... ruined...tattered... All of these fluttered on the ropes which threatened to detach from those strange binds.


Possible from pummeling destructive force as [The Slaughters] modified weapons had unleashed... or maybe from another source.

One by one... The tags began to glow... crinkling and crackling as where these 'pieces of paper' began to fold on themselves...


Turning and twisting til they had seemingly contorted of their own will into a unqiue shape; diamonds which danced harshly... As if threatening to rip themselves for what they firmly attached to...

Just as those tags changed shape... They seemed to repair themselves... As grim, muck and dirt faded away revealing clear, diamond-shaped tags which glowed softly as they could.

This wasn't all... As the ropes hadn't cease where they wrapped and contorted around this 'coffin' until it was near the 'Hero' as they slowly rose to their feet... But not naturally... As if something lifted them up.

They seemed... immune to something... All of the damage that was caused by the attacks had ceased for some strange reason as if it had become immune for the time being... The pair of animals located on it's shoulder hadn't been affected as well - No longer need to dodge as they let out breaths of ease at this new situation.

Upon further inspection at this strange object - This seemingly, massive 'Coffin' which was towering piece... It had been even larger than the 'Hero' who had been plenty huge where the ropes had whipped around and began to wrap up the 'Coffin' til a great portion was bound whilst it was held up by the ropes as the golden loops upon the massive gauntlets behind the 'Hero.'

Upon it... A mixture of metal and wood yet the most odd... It may've been shaped as a 'coffin' or rather... Seemed as such... A lighter - Thick and broad as the top section appeared as such whilst the bottom was far more 'casket-like.' Upon the wood... It glow for a moment as a series of crimson marks - In a strange language appeared but just as they had... They then vanished... Followed by the wood... changing - Turning from color-black to the contrast the silver... it turned blood-red whilst the metal became gold.

This... was both an ability which the 'Hero' understood as it's one of it's [Grade Powers.] Something tied to it's numerous strengths it contained... which it had been considered as strange - This particular ability was a combination of two different magics - The pair had been known as...

[Elemental Magic: Lightning Magic | Abstract Magic: All-Metal Control Magic.]

This enable both powering it's tools via the electricity it had been producing but also maneuver through subtle gestures unseen to those who might've seen it through the smoke.


Energy; raw energy melded as both [Magic] & [Science] flowed forth from the 'Hero' and blew away the smoke in the blink of an eye where some of the shots fired had stopped mid-flight.... Only to sent off in the distance; some of them had exploded upon making contact with the vast trees framing the road which this battle was taking place upon.

[The Slaughters] watched as a strange object which hung from the flailing ropes attached to the 'Hero' was secured and dangling behind it's looming form.

Standing as it had once more returned to an upright position - within it's helm....Those 'eyes' examined the terrain around it... Looking off til it got a look at one of those [Slaughters.]


The [Half-Orcen] which it's hand shifted back as it slowly dragged a finger around it's throat; it's advance had then return with those ground-shaking steps.

A vein bulged now on the neck of [Slaughters] leader whom then stated aloud for all to hear...

"KEEP FIRING! DON'T STOP TIL THERE IS NOTHING!" Beckoning out where he waved one of his arms as the signal for those underneath his command.

All of [The Slaughters] resumed their firing position where the loaded-barrels of their guns were now upon the 'Hero.'

This had been... [Combat Skill] connected to the 'Hero's [Grade Powers] which was underneath a certain section.

It was known as...

[Combat Skill: [Unarmed] Grade 1: L.O.T.B. - Retrieval.]

Just as the command of these thugs had came and another step was taken... Did the many guns go off.


Hundreds upon hundreds of shots came from all around as hundreds of flashes occurred together...

As they were streaking through the air on a direct path towards the 'Hero' who didn't seem to place up a defensive barricade as it once had.


They merely returned to their combat stance with a fervor as their muscles flexed with every moment which they seemed to be bulging with power... Why?


For that [Combat Skill] was two-parts... The first being...

[Combat Skill Activated - [Unarmed] Grade 1: L.O.T.B. - Retrieval: This particular 'Combat Skill' is few in number falling under the unique category of [Unarmed] where in order to function; it will suddenly cause for the [L.O.T.B.] to be return to it's master if it is removed or disarmed which release a non-damaging shockwave that dispels attacks and pushers away attackers which leaves the wielder protected from all kinds of damage in addition to being equipped after the shockwave is done. Activated via inputting Button - 8 {Special Ability}. '[Unarmed] Grade 1: L.O.T.B. - Retrieval' is the sole method for the [L.O.T.B.] to regained if it is lost where a great deal of both offensive and defensive power is locked within the [L.O.T.B.] however... It has a long recovery period where upon the defensive bonuses provided by the move cease... One is very vulnerable to be attacked afterwards.]

Yet what was this... [L.O.T.B.] - It must've been something... And it was.

As the 'Hero' was now wearing this 'Coffin' where it has dangled from the ropes that supported but something strange occurred... Coating the exterior... Appeared to be sparks of red lightning... Greatly contrasting the purple which the 'Hero' was producing.

A message appeared which it's eyes darted over to examine it...

[Combat Skill Activated - [Armed] The L.O.T.B.: Upon equipping the L.O.T.B. or by it's true title; the 'Lighter Of The Beast' is a massive tool used to holster an arsenal of melee weaponry within itself whilst also being a colossal weapon in itself akin to a strangely-shaped flail - This may strengthen many points of ones' fighting style at the cost of speed. Activated via regaining the 'L.O.T.B.' This mysterious and strange item known only as the 'L.O.T.B.' is both an 'Install' which improves numerous factors with one's combat style; granting newfound abilities or moves at the cost of using the 'Grade Powers Gauge.']

Just as this device had be activated or atleast seemed as such which the 'Hero' knew...

This was known to it as [Combat Skill: [Armed] The L.O.T.B.] - It sparked once more... Only for a chilling blast of power to radiated from it that was launched in all directions... In a moment... Every bullet or explosive projectile... had been frozen in their current form... Many were either inches away from the 'Hero' or on their way... But all of them had been stopped regardless of how many kept coming only to slow down before turning a complete stop.


The 'Hero' looked out and proceed to stride out of the crater with heavy steps; even mighty than before as it had forgone it's combat stance for a moment where it was climbing out.

Waving a hand to scatter the frozen projectiles of metal which clink against the gauntleted arms whilst the explosives exploded upon hitting the ground afterwards whilst the bullets clinked and clattered before bursting into pulses of energy.

That was another feature provided by [Combat Skill: [Armed] The L.O.T.B.] - Access to more powers and abilities... Which was on full display right then and there... One had activated as the 'Hero' continued on walking...

[Command Input: {Special Ability: Button - 8} then {Special Ability: Button - 8} + {Special Ability: Button - 8 (Hold)}]

Another [Command Input] had been performed which had caused the top of that 'coffin' or as it was named but not spoken aloud yet... [The L.O.T.B.] had then shifted where segmented pieces of metal had started to fold upon themselves or shifted away to reveal new parts.

At this top piece; it had revealed an opening similar to a rocket ships'...well; it's rocket. A moment later on... A blast of air funneled outwardly which caused a small typhoon to surround the 'Hero' before it proceeded to expand outwardly.

A series of shouts came out from [The Slaughters] who were either stunned or surprised at this event - The [Half-Orcen] had been caught off guard as well whilst [The Burns Twins] were in a similar state.

All watched this raging wind seemingly began to get faster... and bigger... and faster... and bigger - Became nearly doubled in size before it suddenly traveled forth - A sauntering whirlwind of death that clashed into the horde.

For this was one such ability known as... [Combat Skill: [Armed] Grade 2 - Wordless Roar] which was later connected by an even stronger maneuver dubbed as [Combat Skill: [Armed] Grade 3: Hellish Hurricane.]

[Combat Skill Activated - [Armed] Grade 2 - Wordless Roar: Through a concentrated release of 'Magic' through the [L.O.T.B] as a medium - One is able to stop countlessly projectile and keep them stationary or levitated for several moments before they fall to the ground; this can allow for the user to press the action - It has the ability to cause damage initially via the release of energy but this is weak. Activated via Inputting Button - 8 {Special Ability} & Consuming 10% of Grade Powers Gauge. A great way and cost effective method of getting closer whilst being shot at in high number; it also has amongst the least expensive moves that require the 'Grade Powers Gauge' in order to be used.]

Whilst the Roar may've stopped the onslaught from [The Slaughters] - It was the following move that truly might've turn things around where the winds were sharp like razors; slashing away at stone, flesh and grass that had gone into it's way as this twister of power shifted off the path before dissipated off in the woods.


From it... A wide-spread path of devastation... Which had also caught the most of [The Slaughters.]

That... had been [Combat Skill: [Armed] Grade 3 - Hellish Hurricane] - A wide-spread and destructive attack which garnered more and more power...

[Combat Skill Activated - [Armed] Grade 3 - Hellish Hurricane: A strange developing flow of overwhelming power caused by 'Science' via the [L.O.T.B] blasted out such fierce winds; this attack has a set of levels which by holding the input with progressively increase their power and size; making it take up considerable range and being active for some time - Granting both pressure, monstrous damage and perhaps a very easy way to destroy sizable foes but this attack if wanting to reach it's true potential requires alot of 'Grade Powers Gauge.' Activated after [Combat Skill: [Armed] Grade 2: Wordless Roar] via Inputting Button - 8 {Special Ability} & Consuming 5% of Grade Powers Gauge Per Levels. Overall; the Hellish Hurricane is very easy to use with multiple uses from Damage, OTG Potential, Massive Size/Range & Mix-ups with a side pressure but this move is locked behind '[Armed] Grade 2 - Wordless Roar' alongside requiring plenty of 'Grade Powers Guage' for the stronger states.]

As that chaos caused by the [Combat Skill: [Armed] Grade 3: Hellish Hurricane] was overwhelming as the devastation was present as it could be - The path which made up [Route: 4311] had been absolutely devastated whilst some of this destruction had reach off into the forest.

Cracking it's neck as the 'Hero' walked up through the crater and looking off in all directions; seeing and examining it all. The pair of rodents were in a strange state... Both appeared to looking as if their fur was blown in the wrong sorts of directions leaving them amess but they were more interesting in see what had happened.

What the trio saw... was fitting known as 'Destruction' - Trees had been uprooted or blasted into splitters, small flames from before had spread in sweeping fires which traveled between the forest which it causes large smokes clouds to pour outward and the path had been in ruins - Unusable compared to beforehand... Absolutely in ruins to be utterly blunt about this fact.

Yet looking off... The destruction of the land hadn't mattered... [The Slaughters] were the key target... and they were; screams and cries could be seen from afar which made the 'Hero' lower their head whilst those burning emerald orbs shrunk slightly as if to obtain a clear visual.


Nothing but pain as many were either torn asunder; bleeding out or broken bones leaving them out of action... or some were dead... Naught but bloody-stains, ruined clothes and damaged gear.


Looking off in the corner of it's sight; the 'Hero' took a glance at it's [Grade Powers Gauge.]

[Grade Powers Gauge: 35/100%]


A hefty cost which the gauge did not re-change in any rapid of a fashion... It was slow and a steady increase... That meant... Such an move couldn't be accessed once more... Atleast... Not anytime soon.


Soon afterwards... The 'Hero's steps returned to be the powerful strides and just as it had started early on which it had once more perform the [Combat Skill: Armored Charge.]

*Thom! Thom! Thom!*

Those pounding, monstrously huge stomps pounded down onto the dirt as it ran forth - It was so close!

It was so, so, so close!

The joys of melee... The feel of battle... It was so, so, so close!


Off in the distance... [The Slaughters] were attempting to regroup; many were beginning to retreat whilst others couldn't provide any proper cover-fire. Looking off into the distance; the [Half-Orcen] leader had gotten caught but not nearly as bad as his men.

A gash oozed blood down his face as he yelled out!

"MOVE BACK! MOVE BACK!" The pain had limited his sense of control as fear took over many of the gathered criminals... It'd be best to retreat now... Before the chaos began...

Yet; he had forgotten of something... Now longer did the [Half-Orcen] place any 'Focus' into the [Spell] that he had performed early on... The [Spell] known as [Abstract Magic - Chain Magic: Grade 2 - Iron Chain Restraints.]

The very same [Spell] used to contain and restrain the now unweakened and angry [The Burns Twins] - The pair of young-adults who'd destroy this horde if they weren't caught off guard?



They... were... free.

As the pair had managed to get out of range from the hurricane... The pair noticed that those heavy, skin-digging and painfully-tight chains suddenly disappeared; fading away where they vanished from their bodies.


The male took a soothing breath of air whilst the female adjust herself after being in such an awkward body position... *Exhale.*

[Elemental Magic - Neutral Magic: Grade 1 - Superior Mending.]

Those words were then utter aloud - [The Slaughters] that were once around [The Burns Twins] had run off like the rest of them... Which allowed for the access to a [Spell] as a green-energy pooled off the [Mokcreast Burns'] body that then faded off towards his sister.

It was a subtle glow which appeared as a shifting form - Radiating softly which he groaned and rolled his neck around... Before his eyes widened... His face... was clean?


As a matter of fact... Everything was clean - His body was clean and he was healed... All of the damage which had befallen him was gone as well.

Looking over to his side - He looked as his sister slowly rouse; every movement came a resounding cracking noise which her joints popped that caused her to let out a sigh of relief... In a similar state; her clothing and wounds began to fix themselves as this pulse of energy was responsible.

[Malhkreast Burns] looked down at her brother only for her to flick her head; motioning for him to get up to his feet which he had wordlessly obeyed as the pair looked off...


Only for a strange burst of energy to flow out of the two that made the ground shake beneath them!

"We got saved." The male sibling responded as his fist clenched and his eyes hardened as the horde was running away from the 'Hero.'


"I want some fuckin' revenge, Bro... Ya fell me?" [Malhkreast Burns] spoke; twisting her head over to look at her brother with an even more twisted expression who tilted his own head to look at her.

"Yes... Revenge does sound pleasant... I will take the Right." [Mokcreast Burns] swiftly replied whilst cracking his fingers as he turned to head over in a methodical stride.

"Take that crap; I'll be destroy those fuckers on the Left." Spatting those words out; the female sibling turned over and took an aggressive walk to the direction.


The pair spilt off and kept going in those directions before stopping some distance away from one and another.


Off in the distance... Something clicked within the back of the mind which belonged to the likes of the [Half-Orcen] whose' eyes went wide only to exclaim and shout out to his men who was retreating...

"WATCH OUT! [THE BURNS TWINS] ARE FREEEEEE!" Screaming off violently and as loudly as possible which made eyes dart off to locate them.


A rumbling sound followed by...


A wide-spread explosion!

Mayhem was beginning as the pair had respectively awaken their powers!


[Mokcreast Burns] was wearing a belt - Upon it was reaching towards it with one of his hands; he pulled off the second smallest of the metal rods which was revealed to be an ornate silvery-piece followed his other hand reaching towards a pouch. Unzipping it revealed to be a sky-blue crystal; perfect in shape as it was a smooth sphere.

[Malhkreast Burns] had rolled her neck severely times; following by stretching out her powers from the tips of her toes to the swaying her hair around as it bounced from side-to-side - Flowing gently upon the head only to swing it backwards before exhaling... She moved her hands near... Clenching her fists... before slamming them together.


In a blind flash belonging to the pair - Sources of both red and blue came over them as they seemed to... transform.

The male sibling seemed to become colder... His skin-tone seemed to start loosing most of it's coloration as it took on a deathly grey, his hair became ashen in color-akin to a very pale blue whilst his eyes glistened as they were sapphires which shined from their sockets.

The female sibling in contrast had begun to turn hotter... Her skin change as it took on a nearly glistening bronze color whilst her hair changed into an fiery-orange color whilst the texture changed from straight to curly; opening her eyes revealed a pair of rubies that burned within her face.


[The Slaughters] who were witness this had been shocked; they never would expect such a drastic strange in the two.


But this was their powers.

For [Mokcreast] - He bore the powers of [Magic] which was concentrated into the force of [Elemental Magic : Ice Magic] as the air around him became colder til the point of a small mist faded off him. Moving his hands together; all watched as the sphere shined only for pure-ice to form; surrounding the strange rod in handle only for it to appear as the handle for a long-sword. Easily holding it whilst his hair had suddenly completely become a block of ice shaped as his hair.

For [Malhkreast] - Her abilities bore the abilities of [Science] but what was this power? [Science?] It was the innate ability to push an object's abilities to their limits; causing them to transform - To cause ones' own body to change via unqiue powers... Her power did as it was using the [Science Type: Heat] which flickering flames came off of her body as her clothes fluttered in the flames but didn't burn away; rather... They seemed to grow which her dress became longer whilst it flowed gently... Her skin aside for her face was suddenly coated in a skin-tight 'suit' of some kind whilst her gloves and headband faded away to become black.

To the two looked at one and another - Smiling before turning their attention to the ones' who had beaten them down.



[Malhkreast] blasted forward as fire pooled off her feet where she muttered to herself...

[Burns Family Science: Heat Suit Lv - 1]

This had been the title of her power whilst she raced forward - Darting off in a blindly flash before smashing into the horde causing another explosion to ring out; screams and the blast had been the noise to fill the surroundings.


Followed by [Mokcreast] to slowly walk over to his side - Muttering underneath his breath.

[Frigid Burns - Ice Magic: Longsword Class]

Raising his ice-sword as the young-men's hands shifted as two were placed onto the metallic grip before tightening so hard that his knuckles were threatening to turn white... or rather; even lighter than they were.

In a moment - A wave of frigid, spiked-ice flashed forward in an expansive path.

Approaching forth in all of it's destructive way as it collided with the group of [Slaughters] that had been near him.


The [Half-Orcen] bellowed out - His anger reaching it's boiling point which he openly said...

"STAND AND FIGHT! STAND AND FIGHT! WE LIVE FIGHTNING OR DIE TRYING!" Numerous cries and cheers came out as the men had responded by their weapons at the ready.


Preparing themselves... To face... A three-prong assault.


From [The Burns Twins] & the 'Hero.'


But this wasn't over... As... One thing had happened.

One of [The Slaughters] felt the ground rumbled beneath his feet... His emotions on his face... His pants soiled... Looking upward - He was near the 'Hero' who had suddenly stopped.


Looking downward which this massive group all noticed just how large it was.


But a great observation came over them.


The 'Hero'







Shifting into it's stance and bellowing out... It's signature... warcry.


{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}