Vol 0 - Chapter 4: Arcade Mode On Normal, Son! - Part 4


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)

(One thing of note - This chapter is multi-parted - This is meant to inform the Reader beforehand.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}

[For the following moment; I recommend the following song for You - The Reader to listen to...

Fatal Fury - C62 Shirokuni (Arranged) ((Full Version)) [Ryuji Yamazaki Theme Song]

If you do not care for this...

Ignore this.]


As that blasting shout came out... All of [The Slaughters] whom were near suddenly felt their bodies tense up...

All watched as this monstrous and half-metallic [Demi-Human] whose arms shifted up; it's legs widen whilst one went before the other followed by their posture straightening up tightly.

Clenching those massive gauntleted fists; the fingers flexed in moment where those tensing fingers turned to into a pair of huge, metal fists... It's 'eyes' flashed for a moment as it's body faltered... Some of [The Slaughters] noticed this and attempted to attack - Many had opted for range weapons despite the closer range which some fired off those guns.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

A set of shots rang out from a pair of [Sprinter Guns] which flew at unreactable speeds; slamming into the body of the 'Hero' who faltered... Some of these criminals had went to grasp their melee weapons - Average-sized blades only to suddenly glow with a purple-glow upon the edge and dashing forward - Raising them above their heads and preparing to attack.

Following as the a majority of the bullets missed however some struck; driving the 'Hero' backwards and appearing to leave it open to struck... Only stopping itself from completely falling over... Yet a flash of green sparked from it's 'eyes.'

[Command Input: Down - 2 (2x)]

That had activated another [Combat Skill] for the 'Hero' - This was one of the unqiue forms of 'movement' or 'control.'

[Combat Skill Activated - Crouch: By lowering ones' base; they could enter a 'crouch' which opens plenty of new options in terms of both offensive and defensive options - Remaining the 'Crouch' or 'Crouching' will cause all movement to cease meaning that if one is 'Crouching' that means they cannot move in any direction until they break the 'Crouch.' Activated by inputting [Down] rapidly after one and another; it can be held to continue the effect. Whilst the 'Crouch' may appear useless and inflexible... One shouldn't underestimate the changes in height or position which could be afford by such maneuver - The addition of possible new moves and options can be considered incredible.]

The frame belonging to the 'Hero' had stabilized mid-fall - Driving a fist into the ground where it's body slide into position... Taking on a low-stance where it's knees had bent. Causing a shuffling shift in both balance and in particular level change; appearing far lower which it's head had caught the smallest edge of a [Magi-Tech Bullet] only to ricochet off.

Raising it's arms, slamming it's arms against the one and another followed by it suddenly activating the [Combat Skill: Block.]

The numerous blades slammed down against the orange-colored barrier caused by this [Combat Skill]

How was this possible?


[Defense/Blocking Gauge - Full-Restored! - Full]

*Pank! Bunk! Book!*

The blades wielded by [The Slaughters] found an iron-wall like resistance in the form of that barrier made by the 'Hero.' Feeling their weapons smash against the smashed against whilst their weapons rang heavily in their hands; causing some to back up whilst the blades' shook violently.

Some grimaced whilst others yelled out; they should've atleast landed but this damn beast wasn't down!

Rather... They watched as it's fists' clenched tight... It's frame snapped upward til it was standing once more yet it's knuckles were prepared... Prepared to be thrown.


[Command Input: {Lesser/Weak Punch: Button - 1}]

It's body had then answered and it's fist was launched forth - Directed at one of those 'poor' men who watched as that torso-sized fist came his way.


It had been a simple-looking [Human] who had a small tear well up in the corner of an eye and a nervous smile...

He was terrified... And it was justified.

Watching as that straightly-aimed 'jab' had been launched from one of those monstrously huge fist had been directed at the fool with vicious intentions as the left-arm extended out rapidly to meet.


All around the source-point of this punches' impact had involuntarily flinch and grimace as they watched the man's body shake as he was sent hurtling off. Eyes completely white; most of his face distorted in a brutal as blood poured out of multiple marks whilst parts had been shattered. All watched as he was sent flying... and flying... and flying off til he hit the ground.


That was... [Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Punch] - It wasn't even a portion of the 'Hero's full power but it had cleanly ended one of [The Slaughters] in an instant causing fear to develop within them.

[Combat Skill Activated - Lesser/Weak Punch: The weakest version of the punch attack - An extremely simple, weak and basic maneuver - It may lack in terms of damage or reach but it makes up with speed and flexible granting it a versatile role in ones' arsenal. Activated via inputting [Button - 1.] Overall; the purpose of the Lesser/Weak Punch is to pepper or prod a foes' defense whilst granting a chance to counterattack as well if the need arises.]

Shifting that same fist backwards - The 'Hero' arm swung more which meant another [Slaughter] whom appeared to be a [Daemon] as his pairs' of eyes went wide whilst changing into a rainbow, spiral of color.


A resounding sound occurred making the man's form fly off where the 'Hero' adjusted and aimed once more.

*Bang! ... Bang! ... Bang!* Seemingly driving it's fist into the surrounding melee combatants who hadn't been tough enough or strong enough to hold off the quick 'jab' strikes which had respectively knocked the respective blocks of [The Slaughters.]

"DIE FREAK!" One of [The Slaughters] managed to land a strike with his blade - The glowing purple enabled a sharp edge as it struck against the side of the 'Hero' whom had paused... The blade had punctured the skin but it was the faintness scratch which made a oily-black blood pour from the wound that dribbled slowly down the 'Hero's side.

"*Grunt!* Ha... Huh? *Grunt!* What the hell?! I can't pull out my sword!" Exclaiming his predicament where he tried to pull backwards yet it appeared as if the iron-clad flesh and underneath it; the muscles of the 'Hero' had tightened around the blade to a point that nothing could budge it.

*GROOOOOARH!" That robotic yet impactful roar came out of the 'Hero's who had spun slightly; disbalancing this particular [Slaughter] who was flung off as they couldn't keep hold over the handle of their blade - This lead to them falling over themselves and hearing...

*CRACK! Kiiisshhh...* As his eyes widened; the 'Hero' had turned in a way which caused a majority of the blades' main-component to break into multiple pieces which clattered onto the ground making the stunned [Slaughter] look up from the remnants of their weapon... Only to see darkness when a metal-covered shin had been driven his face - Crumbling it around the combination of metal, cloth that was focused at that massive shin 'bone.'

[Command Input: {Lesser/Weak Kick: Button - 4}]

As that [Command Input] was placed beforehand - It was meant by the yelp which the 'Hero's lead forward swung out and collided with the face of the currently fallen [Slaughter] whom had been an [Elemental] however they appeared to be of a weak level given the lack of an elemental presence around.

Regardless; their face was in shambles and they were knocked around - Rolling like a ragdoll which some of the Horde who had remained to fight against the 'Hero' had caught the man only to look stun at his face.


It was barely a face which had been caused by the likes of [Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Kick.] An alteration in comparison to the [Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Kick.]

[Combat Skill Activated - Lesser/Weak Kick: The weakest version of the kick attack - This kick is safer in comparison to it's stronger variants at the cost of not perform much damage which may be a wise trade-off depending on the circumstances, it deals more damage and reaches further than 'Lesser/Weak Punch' but isn't as fast nor as flexible. Activated via inputting [Button - 4.] If one would compare the two between the 'Lesser/Weak Punch' or 'Lesser/Weak Kick' - The Punch is versatile whilst the Kick is far, more focused on offense.]

"Get distance!/Fucking Damn It!/Fire Off A Damn Bomb!/Yea- Oh SHIT!" Many of the [Slaughters] had shrieking towards their comrades whom had been a distance away... Yet such words had beckoned for the 'Hero's attention whilst this half n' half creature's head snapped over to gaze them.

Shushing some as that gaze travel by whilst others' let out barks; particularly cursing at this creature only to be stopped in their tracks as a heavy-step shook the ground beneath the 'Hero' that tremored outwardly. 'Eyes' glowing within that robust helm which it adjusted, narrowing them dangerously as it shifted and started to walk forth... Starting to approach before a [Heavy Bomb] had then landed at the feet of the 'Hero' - Causing it to stop and look down in mid-stride as it looked down... 'Eyes' went wide and activated [Combat Skill: Block] once more.

Brace before the the sudden explosion came forth; knocking the hulking mass of the 'Hero' backwards as if jerking on a set of strings whilst it's feet dug into the ground beneath... Forming a set of marks into the earth. Noticing from the distance as more bellowing trails of smoke as the clicking and clattering on the earth and continuing to explode.


Despite that; the creature had managed to see off into the distance; noticing a particular group... A group which must've been functioning as a makeshift 'artillery' unit for the great portion of [The Miniature Ballista] at the moment... Caused some annoyance where those massive fists' clenched tight where it shuffled a step... Then another... Followed by it's posture lowering.

Knees bent; torso tucked as it bent down where it's hands came down - Slapping them down as the ground shook beneath it causing those around it to stumble over themselves - The [Slaughters] that were caught had been blasted apart; some were torn up whilst others' raised up their guns... Unleashing the shots where that massive body was struck... Yet... The impacts weren't as they were.

It may've been that the shots came from [Sprinters Guns] rather than the harder hitting guns which the 'Hero' seemed to be used to the impacts striking against it - Bracing as the shots slammed against it... Only to ricochet off.


It was if it was getting' tougher and tougher!

Ignoring such distractions followed by the beastly [Demi-Human] freak suddenly launched in the air; leaping high in the air like a flying beast as it glide through the air.

Defying gravity in it's wake as that gigantic, hulking form went upward... and upward - Causing many of the [Slaughters] to glance as the shadow traveling overhead. Entering a shock-state with the combination of a saucer-wide eyes, jaws that been slack and hanged down to the ground whilst some had fallen over.


Over by the 'artillery' unit, some were busy looking around at all-angles - Mainly noticed off some ways' away appeared to be the series of the fiery explosions which rang out... That was the after effects from the raging' woman that was [Malhkreast Burns] whom was going on a tear across the battlefield. Some of these men had begun to sweat from the heat that rang off in the distance where the others were busy loading up their weapons for the next strike.

"Load up... For Fuck's Sake, Hurry!/Don't rush me, Bitch!/Come on, that psycho bitch is getting closer!/What's that?/What's wh- OH SHI-" A grouping had been conversing amongst themselves where one of them spoke up to something strange... Noticing a shadow overhead made one of them speak about it which cause the [Slaughters] right beside to him to respond as his head tilted slightly upward.

Screaming out whilst he watched it come down; the 'Hero' fell forth like a monstrous beast... Akin to a feline... Such as a cat however it's abnormally-high weight and bipedal form didn't allow for maximum shock absorption. Knees bracing and bending swiftly only to responded with it's head shifted to look at the men.


That had been another [Combat Skill] amongst the many which were being utilized at the moment - That one in particular was known as [Combat Skill: Jump.]

Beforehand - It had unleashed the proper [Command Inputs] by lowering itself and suddenly launching upward...

[Command Input: Down - 2 then Up - 8]

[Combat Skill Activated - Jump: By suddenly lowering one's stance and using their legs; they may perform a 'Jump' which surpasses all jumps given it's height and distance that it can cover - This also enables the possibly for new attacks or even 'Specials.' Activated by inputting [Down] then flicking [Up] right afterwards. Amongst the movement options allowed; the 'Jump' has the dynamic and level-changing sense of movement but it can be risky in some circumstances - The new options in the form of attacks or evasion may even it out depending on the situation.]

Landing down... The only response was simple - Having enter once more into [Combat Skill: Crouch] which was followed by the 'Hero' unleashed [Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Punch] which came forth as a wide-low-angle backhand.

"Gah!/Oof!/Sonvu-" A trio of the [Slaughters] found themselves slammed; grimacing in pain as their bodies were knocked away off into the destroyed forest followed by disappearing into the night.

"YOU BASTARD!" Raising a [Miniature Ballista] in hand; one of them let out a shot - The smoke bellowing projectile was launched but met by something... The very same backhand of the 'Hero' smacking it away into the air... Before it blasted off into a ball of flame in the sky - Light up the air but granting a haunting glow above the 'Hero' who had remain still like stone.


Only adjusting and enter it's combat stance once more where it yelled out.

"GROOOOOOAH!" That roar came out from the helm... But it had also done something... It's large 'dreadlocks' shook suddenly which caused the rodents... Whom had been hidden within it to be flung out and land on their respective shoulders; the pair shook their heads as they appeared somewhat dizzied by the movements and shaking... They had also seemed to be hiding away in their 'masters' helm unlike before.

"Die!" From behind; a [Slaughter] hadn't forgone his blade like his brethren which was ready to attack but this out-crying cause the 'Hero' to suddenly duck... Avoiding the blow by the smallest fragments where some of it's fur 'dreadlocks' had been clipped. Preparing and twisting around in a flash.

Outstretching one of it's legs into a stabbing crouching kick that snapped forth and slammed against the knee of the [Slaughters] which broke it cleanly to the point that the bone broke the skin and cloth - A loud, ear-piercing scream came out after activating the [Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Kick] which the 'Hero' rouse to it's feet before driving the knuckles directly into the face of the injured criminal, knocking them quite far in a moment.

Moments to come followed by pain-staking cries and the sound of heavy-metal slammed against flesh with some degree of force - This 'artillery' unit had been destroyed utterly. Either dead or unconscious which a gauntlet was clenched 'gently' around one of the [Slaughters'] heads, groaning as this particular fellow was tossed violently into the ground.

Walking forward... Only to come face to face with pure, raging fire... In the form of the currently enhanced [Malhkreast Burns.] Donning her so-called [Heat Suit Lv - 1] which stray sparks of fire appeared on her legs whilst the edges of her dress appeared to be in tatters to a degree - She paused and look as the two begun to stare at one and another.


The 'Hero' continued forth... Moving around as it's eyes were locked onto the burning orbs that were now in the young-woman's head whose face was blank but narrowing her eyes at the sight of that mixed-beast of machine and muscle... However she became stone-faced as soon as she noticed the pair of rodents on it's shoulders that caused her to think to herself.

'... Why the hell is that there?' Look off in particular to the cute, mouse who was squeaking in a way to give off a commanding feel but it was all for naught as one of those 'dreadlocks' suddenly slapped the mouse in it's face causing it to squeaking in pain.

The young-woman begun to walk backwards... Her feet taking her til she began to hover as a concentration of fire exploded from her shoes as the [Burns Sibling] exploded upward into the air before yelling out.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY, YOU BASTARDS!" Clenching her fist as the flames which had been summoned begun to swelled outwardly... Appearing to become a concentrated orb of fire around the gloved-fist; flying off in the air before blasting towards a part of the ruined [Route] which had a grouping of the [Slaughters] and proceeded to... For a lack of better descriptions...


Screaming out as she was surrounded by the flames but immune to them as she stated.

[Heat Science - Heat Suit Lv - 1: Grenadier Crimson!]


She was having fun in her own way.


Elsewhere and back to the 'Hero' who was currently blocking away at numerous shots... Despite taking care of that concentrated unit of 'artillery' hadn't prevent the [Slaughters] to keep firing... Utilizing the [Command Skill: Block] as much as possible given the current situation.


Raising up a leg; that caused shouts to come from the horde nearby and some instinctively began to retreat backwards all while yelling out...

"IT'S GONNA MAKE AN EARTHQUAKE!/RUN AWAY!/SOMEONE, SAVE ME!!!" Their cries were haltered by the pounding stomp in a sumo-like fashion where the [Combat Skill: {Special-Taunt} Stamping Rage] was performed once more via it's strange [Command Input.]

[Command Input: Down - 2 + {Lesser/Weak Punch: Button - 1 + Intense/Medium Punch: Button - 2 + Lesser/Weak Kick: Button - 4 + Intense/Medium Kick: Button - 5}]

And as the pounding stamp came... So did the quake as the terrain had changed as well; shifting and turning as it split and broke at several points... This had also caused for a part of the [Slaughters] to be cut off and right infront of the 'Hero.'

Returning to it's stance and looking off... 'Eyes' looked at eyes as a fearful [Short-Folk] - A green-skin, dagger-tooth man held out his blade and proclaimed...

"I WILL NO DIE THIS DAY! RAAAAAAAAGH!" Charging forth as he managed to fire off a shot from a [Ringer Handgun] but release his grip before the recoil impacted - Attempting to serve as the distraction for the next move where he made a stabbing strike with his blade. Glowing purple where it was coated in oily-red; that shot served it's purpose as it had almost hit the ugly, rat which made the 'Hero's gauntleted hand reach to protect the creature which left it's body exposed.

Leading to the blade being driven in... But he didn't know... That it had done... next... to... no... damage however... It only served to anger the 'Hero' whose clenched it's gauntlet fist where a small revving noise rumbled from the engine following stepping forward and throwing a left-cross as it's stance changed from orthodox to southpaw.

Watching as it came forth... This man did the most natural thing... Closing his eyes... As the fist collided with his whole body as a meaty *thwack!* rang out from the impact; that [Slaughters'] who had chosen to stay behind him rather than back him up in any manner hadn't made any motion to possible engage or an attempted shot at this hulking creature... But all watched as their friend came flying at them with breaking-neck speed and slamming into them.

Knocking them unconscious as they flew up into the area before coming down not to long afterwards or smacking right down in a painful manner

[Command Input: Back - 4 then Forward - 6]

By using the [Combat Skill: Block] - The [Command Input] for such an action was already being held then by flicking it forth... Lowering itself only to running forward; arms swing which it's renown toughness was supercharged for some reason!

The only answer... [Combat Skill: Armored Charge] - Running forward where the 'Hero' let out a burst of steam from it's helmet which

"ANSWER ME, GOD! FUCKING WHY?! WHY WON'T THIS THING JUST DIE!" Screaming out suddenly as his shot from the rifle hadn't worked... Why?


It'd broke in his hands as it couldn't maintain itself after being undergoing such stress from the ammo change.

Remaining in that firm pose of some kind after that punch; the 'Hero's arm had relaxed where a bit of fumes came out of an exhaust pipe connected to it as the left-arm swayed back and up to it's raised mark where the 'Hero' That was simply the activation of the another aggressive [Combat Skill] which had been [Combat Skill: Intense/Medium Punch.]

[Combat Skill Activated - Intense/Medium Punch: Amongst the punches; the 'Intense/Medium Punch' is intended to set a finer balance being more damaging than it's weaker sibling but faster than it's stronger - It has it's uses in terms of damage potential but it can be unsafe depending on who can respond to it. Activated via inputting [Button - 2.] Very useful as a prodding longer-range poke and damage tool; 'Intense/Medium Punch' can be key in defeating certain opponents if the need arises.]

Pounding forth where the 'Hero' shuffled forth and perform the exact same punch via [Combat Skill: Intense/Medium Punch.] Swing out that same fist where the engine had revved up as well - It had been aimed towards a collection of stones which rose up to block off the path which now-bested [Slaughters] who were between a hard-place and a wild beast.

*Boang!* Smashing right through followed by the heavy-weight pushing through the created-opening - Tussling and rumbling around as the following walls around were suddenly beginning to violently shake only to start crashing about - More and more risen-stones begun to collapses as plume of dust from the rocks came up.


Head was turn and 'eyes' were looking which the one considered as the 'Hero' was looking through the dust, appearing to ignore the effects of the dust from the dust... The [Slaughters] were gathered around the point - The land kept getting broken, shattered and destroyed quite a bit.

As a form of make-shift improvisation, the men formed gatherings and were focused on flee away - Getting out alive was key. Orders be damn from their boss who had gone quiet - One of these groups noticed something suddenly.



One piece of the risen ground had been suddenly smashed by something followed by stomping, hammering stomps as the darken-form of the 'Hero' pushed forth.

"WHY?!/FIRE AT IT!/HELL YE-Huh?" The group was far more aggressive and willing to begin combat as they proceed to raise their guns; lifting them up but were stopped when the air felt... colder. A haunting mist of frost came down as some watched as their breath had become visible - Looking over; they would see a glacier of crude and imposing ice; smashing through the other side.


The opposite of the 'Hero's entrance appeared to be the male sibling of [The Burns Twins.] With a longsword of pure ice; jabbed into the huge ice block which had seemed to crash through the ground as if it was command by an unseen force. Looking off as glowing, blue eyes had been examine everything.

[Mokcreast Burns] hadn't been pleased as his harden face revealed a glowering, burning intensity unlike any other which was surprising given the glisten, pure eyes that he had at the moment.


The two warriors who wield such power had launched themselves at [The Slaughters] - Who fired off their weapons as much as possible which had either bounced off the toughen-flesh or completely missed via the usage of the [Combat Skill: Jump] as the 'Hero' made it's approach. On the other-hand - The [Burns Sibling] was fast; to a point that he threw off the aim belonging to those criminals which had been armed to a decent degree and were firing widely at the points that he was previously.

Swiftly entering melee range in their own ways... One was heavy as they slammed down like a hammer from a god; causing the earth to break before them and the other was elegant and swift... Yet violent as he drove his ice-made sword into the arm of a [Slaughters] before slamming his feet down on that same man; forcing him down til he was completely on his back whilst remain atop of him as well in a display of dominance.

Forcing him underneath his shoes which had made all become quiet for fear.



"GOOOOOOORAH!" Fists' were clenched as the Hero then struck; punches and kicks were unleashed from the combative being. Driven the bodies of those who within it's reach... Which had been quite massive given those huge gauntlets whilst it's legs weren't lacking in terms of reach as they snapped forth.

"Goddess... Forgive Me." A quiet prayer was uttered by [Mokcreast Burns] who then stomped his foot upon the face of the [Slaughter] that been used as his cushion for his fall; knocking him out before ripped the blade from the wound as the blood was frozen over... And as that blade cleaved, hewed and slashed away - It had begun to freeze more and more of the blood causing it's reach and size to grow with every successful blow.

"SUCK THIS; YOU FUCKER!" That curse come from the screaming maw as spit had been launched from a [Slaughter] who had raised his gun towards [Mokcreast] who had currently stabbed another of these criminals... Whipping around to look only for his eyes' to widen... Time slow where the young-man raised his weapon in an attempt to defend... But nothing came.

*KA-BOOSH!* Watching as a massive booted-foot had been driven to the side of the man; akin to a punting kick which drove into the ribs as the set of crackling pops echoed aloud. Yelping out in pain where the body had been suddenly lifted up from the impact as he shifted over and around the foot; an attack that seemed to be hit particularly hard as the [Command Input] went off and the 'Hero' lunged forth into action.

[Command Input: {Intense/Medium Kick: Button - 5}]

Swing the leg out had stopped which that heavy-feet slammed down; cracking the earth whilst a funnel of steam blasted through the visor of the helm. Caused by the [Combat Skill: Intense/Medium Kick] - A noticeable and destructive attack against these forces.

[Combat Skill Activated - Intense/Medium Kick: Kicks are known to be stronger than punches and this particular kick is no expectation, enabling a devastating attack which can send a foe airborne quite a height if it successful lands but it's an unsafe option. Activated via inputting [Button - 5.] A pounding, strike that knocks away plenty of foes in a destructive manner - The 'Intense/Medium Kick' is a much, more damaging tool available which can bully foes' if they aren't wise enough.]

That following attacked had single-handedly threw off the aim of the locked n' loaded [Slaughters'] whose finger squeezed the trigger that lead to the weapon firing off a bullet from it's large barrel only to scrap by the [Burns Siblings'] ice-like hair; slightly deflecting it before it flew off. Scratching the ice as the young-man's head tilted off to avoid most of the damage aside from causing a noticeable streak upon the icy, stilled locks of hair but alas; it hadn't hit it's intended target being a solid hit through the skull.

Looking off as the now-limp body then smashed into more of his allies; knocking them over til they all resembled a small heap of bodies which some had been whimpered out in pain caused by the collision. The 'Hero' once more ready itself but noticed that [Mokcreast] cause the formation of several long, icicles to appear on his none-sword hand before launched them at the humanoid.

Reflexively raising it's arms and activating [Combat Skill: Block] for this sudden attack... Only to see them race by his form.

*Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak!* A puncture sound could be heard from the behind making the 'Hero' twisted around to see... The sight as some of the [Slaughters] with their purple-edged and glowing swords found needle-shaped but forearm-long spikes of ice stabbing into them.

Slowly falling over with somewhat lifeless thuds as not a sound came from them... The 'Hero' adjusted and marched forward - Traveling onward to continue the fight whilst [Mokcreast] glanced at that figure.


Thinking to himself as he watched it's body squat before springing upward as it leaped high into the air before disappearing towards another section with a ground-shaking landing where screams and more fighting could be heard off in the distance.

'[Pastor. Muray] has to explain... Why such a thi-... Why wasn't I informed of such a creature... Beforehand.' As his mind tried to reach and find something that might've been connected to that mysterious being... One that had been powerful enough and seemed to not even be at full-power.


Turn around til the [Burns Sibling] looked forth and saw a noticeable horde of [Slaughters] whom looked at the young-man... Moving his hands as both hands gripped the handle of that blade; lifting it above his head as he coldly spoke underneath his breath.

[Elemental Magic - Ice Magic: Grade 1 - Cobalt Streaker.]

Softly swing it... As a flowing breeze became a turbulent blast of freezing air that blasted upon them - Muffling their would-be screams as [Mokcreast] continued forward with ease as he kept fighting.


Lastly and with impact as always; the 'Hero' landed upon the ground - Driving those feet into the earth... Only to suddenly be pummeled about by countless guns... These particular ones' were stronger - They must've been [Ringer Handguns] & [Deadman Longsnipes] which had been launched with their assault.

Causing for the 'Hero' to once more raise up his 'barrier' via [Combat Skill: Block] which was his currently most valued ability at the moment... Being absolutely pummeled and pushed backwards where it's eyes were looking at it's [Defensive/Block Gauge.]

[Defense/Blocking Gauge - Medium Low - Decreasing Rapidly!]


Interestingly enough; it seemed as if these bastards were concentrated their firepower on singular points - Spacing out their shots as to remove weak point being the limited amount of them alongside the reload process for these heavier, single-shot type guns. Yet... It had allowed for something.

For if one didn't realized... The [Command Input] for [Combat Skill: Block] had been the [Back] input which it was currently engage as the 'Hero' only for it to then tensed; that huge body appeared to ready to do something.

However... This didn't exclude the option of suddenly flicking the [Command Input] in the [Forward] motion!

[Command Input: Back - 4 then Forward - 6]

This action had enabled another of the various [Combat Skills] that had been valued which that iron-clad body had suddenly begun to get even tougher!

[Combat Skill: Armored Charge] which caused that mass of metal and muscle to exploded forward... Despite the numerous bits of gunfire and yelling men... The sound of a horrify squeak echoed upon the [Route.]

The pair of rodents were terrified to the point where the only reasonable option was to climb off the shoulders and traveling into a small crevice within the [L.O.T.B.] Disappearing from sight as they hid away whilst their 'master' met countless shots head-on.

"WHY GOD?! WHY THE HELL DOES THIS THING EXSIST?!" One of them screamed out; firing as fast as he could reload... Seeing as those once-damaged shots had done next-to-nothing... Arms swung back and forward; keeping it's balance despite it's abnormally sized gauntlets and the weight of the huge 'coffin' tightened to it - It came sprinting forward.


The engine located within the huge upper-arm of the left roared to life - Unlike beforehand as it gave a slight measly engine-rev... This was a full-blown roar of power!

Plumes of white-smoke blasted out of the multiple exhaust pipes connected with it and as it did so... The fist of that blocky, mechanical hand turned into a fist - Screaming that the metal rung out and it pushed through the air... Aiming forward as only one thing awaited for the poor bastards in it's wake...


{Command Input: {Annihilating/Hard Punch: Button - 3}]

And Destruction was what it cause - The air that was silenced by this powerful punch was enough to cause some of the men to be blown tens' of feet into the air or launched off their feet whilst those that been closer were smashed backwards within even making connect... It had been... That... Strong.

For that had been the power of the [Combat Skill: Annihilating/Hard Punch] which was able to take out dozens upon dozens of men in a clear-stroke.

[Combat Skill Activated - Annihilating/Hard Punch: The hardest, hitting and unarguably - the one of the strongest attacks that can be used. 'Annihilating/Hard Punch' is capable of producing powerful shockwaves of wind-pressure capable of striking foes from longer ranges whilst the real-damage is locked within the fist actually making contact but it has the most recovery and is unsafe. Activated via inputting [Button - 3.] A colossal weapon capable of ending a fight if one catches another off guard or one is able to overwhelm their opponent then surprise them - This huge attack is able to offset.]

[The Slaughters] hadn't expected this as this tidal wave of force roared out... The 'Hero' adjusted to see that some still remained amongst this group; lifting up a leg that reached high above it's head - This creature proceed to follow up by perform an ground-splitting axe-kick.

{Command Input: {Annihilating/Hard Kick: Button - 6}]

Slamming that heel into the earth then carved it completely - Forcing it in twain as parts of the earth had been ripped apart cleanly for a distance from the impact point; many of those criminals were stunned as the ground split whilst two panels rouse upward.

Screaming suddenly as they seemed to fall into the darkness below whilst the huge panels of the spilt earth came crashing downward in a chaotic display - Cries from the pit in the earth were silenced by the countless smashing bits of rubble and stone that fell from above.


The power of an overwhelming attack... The [Combat Skill: Annihilating/Hard Kick.] Something that may be even superior to the [Combat Skill: Annihilating/Hard Punch] in terms of damage!

[Combat Skill Activated - Annihilating/Hard Kick: Surpass all of the 'Punches' or 'Kicks' comes with the 'Annihilating/Hard Kick' that is similar to the 'Annihilating/Hard Punch' as it has two points of impact. The difference being the amount of damage that is produce with both hits and how much of an area that they cover with the 'Annihilating/Hard Kick' if striking the ground producing a massive ground-fracture/splitting quake but also hitting absurdly hard with the limb as well. Activated via inputting [Button - 6.] Amongst the longest range in the arsenal of 'Normal Attacks' - The huge attack being 'Annihilating/Hard Kick' is very difficult to use but if master; an attack that could destroy plenty of things.]

Shuffling the now stuck-boot and ripping from the earth. This 'Hero' looked around itself... And saw death... Death to those wicked and evil men who were naught but defenseless against the likes of this hulking brute.


It must continue.


It must end this... Now.


And the only way...

Was via cutting off the head of the snake.


That [Half-Orcen.]


Walking forward; the 'Hero' took a glance at the many gauges and bars which were present for itself at the moment...

[Health Values: ?!?!?!?!?!?! - Still-Somewhat High]

[Stun Values: Extremely High - Unknown Number - Decreasing Slowly]

[Tenacity/Heart - Medium]

[Blast/Buster Gauge: 65% Full]

[Magical/Intense Attack Meter: 75/100% - 1 Full Bar]

[Scientific/Explosive Attack Meter: 45/75% - 1 Full Bar]

[Spirit/Supernatural Attack Meter: 25/50% - 1 Full Bar]

[Grade Powers Gauge: 55/100%]

[Overwhelmingly Charges/Power Charges: 0/12 Charges - Empty]


If anything... Some of the 'Hero's real abilities may be needed in order to handle this force... Hands extended forward til it touched against another mound of rubble.


As those huge gauntlets touched... That hulking beast began to pushing, shoveling and charging which this strange warrior seemed to create a somewhat decently-sized hole as it dug...and dug... and dug into the void.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





"MOVE, MOVE! WE HAVE TO MOVE OUT!" A grouping of [Slaughters] had gathered around one of the men - A [Daemon] that was a meeker appearance but seemed to be slightly more intelligent than the rest.

"Alright!/We can't fight those freaks!/Yeah, I wanna live!" Cheers came as the stomping feet came down as they begun to dash off towards the distance - Flee onward and heading towards [Route: 4311.]

Seeking to head off towards the town in the distant and disappear... But all of them paused when they heard it...

"DON'T YOU FUCKIN' MOVE!" That screaming shout forced them all... All of the [Slaughters] to pause in their steps... And look off - Eyes glued upon the one who had commanded them.

The [Half-Orcen...] That scar-faced, burned and angry bastard who was an evil speck of filth... An utterly vile thing that shouldn't be alive... But his heart was still pumping blood, his lungs breathed in the air and his brain was still functional.

His clothes were in tatters and nearly ruined completely but he was still kicking despite all of the cuts, bruises and scratches on his skin that was revealed... This would came as his muscled form stomped forth; is boot-steps had caused flinches in the lads' whom had suddenly separated.

Parting ways for this beast of male was looking down at his subordinate - Staring directly at them like a predator looking at prey... This continued til the two were face to face. Gazing at the smaller man as if he was nothing.

"Commanding... My men? ... Running away from... a fight? ..." Speaking aloud as he began to circle around this fellow... This [Half-Orcen] was completely and utterly enraged to the point that he was shaking...

This [Daemon] man who had taken temporary control over [The Slaughters'] that were still remain... Turning his head over to look off into the distance... See flurries of flame, tornados of ice & rumbling bursts of stone flying only to come down to the ground.

"... We have to leave... We'll die if we stay!" Beckoning to the man... Pleading to this prideful [Half-Orcen] who had only huffed before slamming his forehead against the [Daemon] who grimacing... Falling to the ground beneath them as this fellow felt as if their vision had become a blur.

"NO! NO! NOOOOOO! WE; THE FUCKING [SLAUGHTERS] DO NOT RUN AWAY AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF I START NOW!" Bellowing which the green-skinned reached down and grasped the throat of the currently-down man who suddenly groan before his breath was halted; starting to gag as this [Half-Orcen] begun to squeeze violently.

"P-P-Please! W-W-We-" Stopped only by the grip around his neck tightening to vice-like degrees... Painfully digging in as the [Daemon] felt bits of blood drip from his next... Pained cries escaped him before being thrown aside like he was nothing...

And at the moment; he felt like nothing.


"IF YOU WANT TO LIVE... FIGHT... If we live... [The Boss] will murder us for this." Explaining to the countless men around him as he shuffled an arm over behind his back and grasped a hold of a strange handle.


Mostly for his weapon of choice but he stopped...

*BOOM! ... BOOM! ... BOOM!*

From afar... The numerous ground-shaking bangs came closer... Before a large gauntlet smashed through the earth... Pulling itself appeared to be the 'Hero' who had been covered in dirt and grim... Only to ignore such things when it's 'eyes' locked with one figure.

The [Half-Orcen.]


Slowly beginning to climb oneself upward and out of the hole that it had made - Those massive legs allowed for it to hold up it's colossal weight before shaking from one side to the next. Akin to a mangy dog shaking off excessive amounts of wet from it's fur before it huffed heavily; blasts of steam once more had launched out of it's strangely-built helmet at any openings.

"SO?! LET'S END THIS SHITE!" The [Half-Orcen] beckoned - Swinging the weapon over his shoulder as a large axe-head flail then came down; breaking the earth beneath it which [The Slaughters] had no longer held any functioning range-weapons and responded by unsheathing their blades.


It then muttered off to itself... It's voice came out softly in a robotic, masculine monotone voice which then said.

"[My Goddess,] Grant Me Strength." Shifting it's arm before it formed an 'X' over it's heart only to return into it's combat stance.


A tension built...

And... Then... And... Then!

"LET'S GO!" [The Slaughters] broke out into a charge; sprinting off as they seemed to be wildmen; shouting curses or screaming as they were preparing themselves to go out with one final bang.


Concentrated ones' posture - Fixing themselves as the 'Hero' slowly adjusted and took on a broad position - A slight alteration as they kept in constant moment unlike before whilst they were bouncing on their feet.


Preparing to launch at these men.




The 'Hero' took a step forward... Shaking the earth.


And then!


{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}