Vol 0 - Chapter 4: Arcade Mode On Normal, Son! - Part 5


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)

(One thing of note - This chapter is multi-parted - This is meant to inform the Reader beforehand.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}

'...' Empty thoughts as everyone... Everyone's mind had gone completely blank... As they felt their bodies take them... Pushing them onward and forward... To meet their salvation... Or their doom.

'Would I die?' A simple thought... One that was summoned from the depths of one's mind as they felt instinctive levels of concern and worry come over themselves.


That thought... Wasn't exclusive... It was brought up when these men... These infamous and once-terrifying but now fearful men


That idea begun to develop within the edges of one's mind... Whose mind?




This very-last branch of the [Slaughters] who had stilled by facing off against the three - [The Burns Twins] which were once tormented but free of their binds had unleashed 'hell.' Their ally in this conflict had been a mechanical and flesh-wrapped being that was wordlessly dubbed as 'Hero.'

From this ruined landscape; the 'Hero' had slammed through the earth - Crawling through it only to arrive at the surface once with a violent reckoning; smashing through and standing afar from his foes.


These [Slaughters] had no other options... Only to fight... or... to flight... A response that had been embedded into creatures... Living things that had a semblance to live... Such response would arise given the circumstances.


But this situation... The [Slaughters] however didn't have the generosity of 'flight.'


It was far more simple... To fight or die... For if they attempted to flee... They shall only met death for their leader... The one to them known as the [The Boss] would kill them.


This factions' leader who was a [Half-Orcen] - The largest and strongest amongst them had let out a fiery command of authority; barking with a vigorous rage as he drew his weapons and command his men to charge.


And they answered.

Stomping those booted-feet down upon the ground where this last bastion of criminals run forward... They hadn't been able to fire off their guns which had been destroyed from their highly-augmented ammunition had caused immense strain on these firearms.


So they were abandoned... Thrown to the side and blades drawn... Hundreds upon Hundreds of them felt a nervous twitch; scrambling up within their digits as sweat bleed down their forms to every crevice that could be found on biped creature... Others sought after the fight... A last battle... Maybe.


As they all ran... The ground shook - The 'Hero's heavy steps had caused such an event to happened and it did; cracking the earth beneath those massive boots. All of that power... That might... It was solely focus upon placing harm against these men.

[Command Input: Back - 4 then Forward - 6]

Upon doing this; the 'Hero' broke from their stationary position - Breaking from that stoic stance and running forward after this [Command Input.] Arms swinging, feet chopping and muscles flexing as the [Combat Skill: Armored Charge] had begun.


*Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!*

Getting closer and closer as the ground shook more and more as one would be approaching the 'Hero' whom was running forward; a strong glint within those emerald 'eyes' founded within the helmet. [The Slaughters] kept on coming... Soon after the last men had broken out into the charge, the [Half-Orcen] snarled... Rather than running at the head... He simply walked from the back... Surprising


*Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!*

"DIE!/YOU'LL PAY!/SURVIVE THIS ONE!" Those very, very loud shouts came from the lines... Particularly the few who were at the lead; dashing forward in their own ways... Appearing as vanguards for the horde where the 'Hero' had been running as well.



The 'Hero' did not speak to them... Nor did it make a sound... The only sound that it produced... was those massive feet slamming and breaking the earth beneath as it ran with full-force - Garnering more rhythm as if not a single motion was wasted... Rather; it was sprinting faster!

"Graaaaaaagh!/Shaaaakakakaak!/Yurrrrrrrrah!" In a couple moments... Many of those men had let out warcries in droves... With the ground had splintered in several parts before the 'Hero' who was now face... to face... with [The Slaughters.] Some feet set them apart and this was followed by three sets of those men in tight-knit bundles leaping up into the air; weapons raised and bring them downward.

Streaks of purple flashing from those blades as they were suddenly brought with such force!

*Clang!* A rattling noise appeared as one of the 'Hero's gauntlets had been raised upward to block the attack but this was all in motion... Following this had been a striking... [Command Input.]


One more... One more of the mighty [Combat Skill] known as [Combat Skill: Annihilating/Hard Punch.] That massive hand was clenched up taut; throwing this attack with impactful force as flames bellowed from the exhaust ports and air parted for that huge fist.

The momentum carried from the [Combat Skill: Armored Charge] had not only amplified this attack in several ways... One of them had been it's speed as it ripped forward, another had been it's range which a crackling force was behind and lastly... One had been it's destructive potential.


And it was insane... A [Slaughter] had been on the receiving end as that fist smashing into his form, causing him to instantly be knocked unconscious or worse yet the impact hadn't ended as he was sent flying forward like a rocket - Smashing in horde as that now-unconscious man if he was still awake to see his comrades knocked or slammed about like bowling pins.

But this attack hadn't finished... For the impactful burst of wind-pressure that would be unleashed... A wave of force was bursting forward which was a pulverizing wave which had forced plenty of these criminals to be knocked off their feet from the blast.

Some were out like a light which those now-limp bodies hit the ground in the dozens whilst the others were injured to the point that they could no longer move, this had taken out a portion.


A portion of the [Slaughters] whom were gathered and preparing to brawl with this foe had been batted aside by the powerful [Demi-Human.] Having been removed from the battle but more than some had been running to replace those defeated men which who were towards the 'Hero' as to meet this bold, statute of power who return to it's stance once more in tow to match the horde.

As these numbers began to swarm... So did the melee begin as well. Surrounding that hulking form had only found themselves meeting the imposing 'Hero' that hadn't changed their position in the slightest. Mountainous and sturdy, violent and brutish & All-Mighty.

[Combat Skill: Intense/Medium Punch]

An attack that fell a couple of these men where one of those massive gauntleted fist crashed against some of the [Slaughters] before pulling itself back into stance; seeing that attack take out a group leaving it's attention to go elsewhere.

[Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Kick]

A swing low-kick instantly snapped one of the attacking men's legs, causing him to spiraling out where the attack hadn't finished - The 'Hero' spun around and used the momentum of the attack to strike against another member of the [Slaughters] whose leg was equally broke.

[Combat Skill: Lesser/Weak Punch]

Darting one of those huge gauntlets which was met with meaty thwack as it engulfed the upper-body belonging to another; knocked backwards and rolling upon the ground like a pebble kicked down the ground - Seeing more and more of them gather and hearing...

"HIT HIM!/HE'S OPEN!/RIP HIS GUTS OUT!" Crying out - Several of them had anchored their feet and were located behind the 'Hero' who was busy returning back to his combat stance but noticed this; twisting his large frame but saw flashes of purple swing forward.


"Ugh!" A monotone and somewhat loud, grunt came out of the 'Hero' whose was slammed by the attacks which had managed to hit on his 'unarmored' torso; making him brace whilst it's feet dug into the ground as to not be pushed backwards. This caused the formation of faint-scratches on the 'flesh' as blood began to well up to the surface of the body; oozing gently out but not to a harmful degree. A two of the [Slaughters] moved to back up followed by the others... Except.


One... One of them hadn't been able free his weapon which had been held tight by those huge muscles clenched; keeping it absolutely locked in place... Scared at this... The [Slaughter] dumbly raised his head and looked... Only to see pure metal slammed into it; distort it and knocked him out completely.

[Combat Skill: Intense/Medium Punch]

As to smash this strike home; it was used to 'bury' that fool into the earth which it had done so as that fist pushed downward til it slammed into the ground below... Creating a crater whilst a pair of feet pointed up to the sky slackly.

Snapping one of it's eyes forward and locking onto another of the [Slaughters] - It perform a slightly hop; akin to a skip but cocking one of those huge legs backwards... It then drive the very tip of it's boot into the mid-section of a [Slaughter] who wasn't able to maneuver out of the way.

[Combat Skill: Intense/Medium Kick]

This athlete-styled ball-kicking move was doing as it should; smashing one of these [Slaughters] into the next... Then another... Then another - Like an airborne torpedo that collided with countless members of this horde before falling over into a heap of broken bodies and defeated weaklings.

"Graaaaaagh!" One cry was unlike the others... It was slight bit louder which the 'Hero' looked towards the one who had caused it; a stout and beard-man who had to be a [Small-Folk] leaped over his fellow [Slaughters] whilst wielding a multiple-pronged spear or trident that flashed in a glint of silvery light.

Thrusting down - It was aimed for the head of the 'Hero' who took the strike head on, knocking it backwards as this mechanical creature was launched airborne.

Having suddenly been knocked away by the attack; this hulking creature was able to right itself before it landed on the ground... Particularly on it's back which it had flipped over and slammed it's feet into the earth - Driving itself to a halt whilst it's boot grinded a pair of tread marks in ground.

Looking upward and off into the distance... It then noticed that particular [Slaughter] had been laughing his ass off... Pointing off to the 'Hero' and raising a finger... Shifting it's right arm... It clenched the fist suddenly before the blade stored in the arm extended... and began to blaze as fire surrounded the metal.

"WHAT?!/OH NO!/WHY DID YOU TAUNT HIM?!/HE CAN'T DO NOTHI-" All was cut-off when the 'Hero' then swung his arm in an diagonal motion; aiming it towards the horde... But the area which

[Command Input: Down - 2 then Down-Forward - 3 then Forward - 6 + {Lesser/Weak Punch: Button - 1}]


This was odd... What was this, one may ask.


This was a [Command Input] which would unlock... A [Special Move]


Roaring aloud - As the bestial snarl run from the helm whilst that metallic bear-trap 'jaw' ripped out; a name was spoken aloud which said...

[Grade 1 - Kat's Klaw!]

The flames coating the 'knuckle-blade' which had popped out of the gauntlet had suddenly flickered for a moment during the mid-swing of the arm... Soon after it was swung... A streak of the flame was launched forth in a horizontal gust - As if a tunnel of wind came forth and carried the flames off.

It was a [Fireball] - An projectile that flew towards the [Slaughters] who weren't prepared for the 'Hero' to have such a long-range attack and it was even more destructive than the previous attacks unleashed by the 'Hero.'

[Combat Skill Activated: Grade 1 - Kat's Klaw: By extending a blade-located in the arm and focusing the power of [Science] within it; a super-charged flame was be lit - This was followed via a slash where [Magic] carried the flame over to a location before exploding into a raging ball of flame causing an area of effect damage. Activated by inputting a [Quarter-Circle Forward] Motion and inputting [Button - 1] together. The 'Grade 1 - Kat's Klaw' technique is a range-enhancing attack that can deal impressive damage if it isn't checked or prevent from going off; it's long startup doesn't allow for much pressure but it may recover quickly unlike other maneuvers.]

An explosion... One hell of an explosion was summoned that appeared even greater than one caused by the array of [Heavy Bombs] then went off with a mighty, earth-rattling boom. Causing the surrounding aura to shake endlessly as a orb of flame roared outward - Swallowing up countless [Slaughters] in the blast who screamed but that vanished... alongside them.


The maw of the 'Hero' had slammed shut as a burst of steam poured out through the cracks of it - It's eyes glanced at the numerous gauges to examine their current states...

[Health Values: ?!?!?!?!?!?! - High]

[Stun Values: Extremely High - Unknown Number - Empty]

[Tenacity/Heart - Medium-High]

[Blast/Buster Gauge: 81% Full]

[Magical/Intense Attack Meter: 100/100% - 2 Bars Full]

[Scientific/Explosive Attack Meter: 75/75% - 2 Bars Full]

[Spirit/Supernatural Attack Meter: 50/50% - 2 Bars Full]

[Grade Powers Gauge: 85/100%]

[Overwhelmingly Charges/Power Charges: 0/12 Charges - Empty]

Raising it's arms... It clenched those massive fists tightly... It wouldn't need anything too fancy for these whelps... Just to destroy them completely... And if a 'minor' attack could do that.... Then this won't be too long.

"AAAAAAARGH?!/I'M ON FIRE! I'M ON FIRRRRRRRRRE!/DROP AND ROLL, MORON!/IT'S COMING!" As the horde was attempting to handle the stress which befell; the 'Hero's only response was to approach.

*Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!* The rumbles of it's feet slammed and stomped down where it had once more entered into the [Combat Skill: Armored Charge] that had froze now-many [Slaughters] in their feet with pure fear, it was almost... Helplessly... What could they do?


That couldn't be answered by anyone... The only answer had to be watching as the 'Hero' suddenly stopped in it's tracks but carried the momentum into a jump... But rather than allow a merge leap... It was a bountiful one... Which took the 'Hero' high up.

Following this... The 'Hero' proceed to flip - A gentle one... But as soon as it made a full-rotation...It rocked down to the earth! One of it's legs was outstretched where it swung down in a perfect flow!

[Combat Skill: Annihilating/Hard Kick]

From an airborne position... And like a lightning bolt; struck the earth - Like beforehand... It had spilt it open... But this time... It was even greater!

A combination of the [Combat Skill: Armored Charge] & [Combat Skill: Annihilating/Hard Kick] had lead this event which turned the landscape into... An absolute 'shitshow' which had been demolished as the two huge plates which arouse and came against one and another - Causing utter havoc for the [Slaughters] had sadly gotten caught up in this whilst rumble had begun to come down from above from pebbles to small boulders was the following results. Shouts of pain and muffled yells came from the newly developed crater formed from the falling earth.


As it came down - A blast of stone was summoned when the 'Hero' exploded from the rubble, ripping it apart as small bits of dust clung to his form only to shake off a great portion of it. Fading off into the wind as it crawled itself out of the hole which it had caused in order to free itself before taking an examine glance at what surrounded it.


The numbers were still too high... [The Slaughters] may've broken off into a retreat... But the 'Hero' didn't allow this...

Whilst this was going on... [The Burns Twins] had finished off the remaining forces which were locked behind the massive walls and were currently watching the battle.

The ice-covered male had seemed to change... One of his eyes had become a pure-crimson whilst various parts belonging to his seemingly-ice riddled locks had enlarged slightly with jagged spikes of crimson... At the moment.... His hands grasped the handle of his 'Longsword' which was driven into the ground before... Freezing it as this frozen-effect reached around a distance... The ice-forged sword having been embedded into the earth may seem as it once was til it's wielder shifted and took the blade from the earth akin to unsheathe it from a scabbard.


The blade had been changed... Unexceptionally... One would expected to take a crystal white glow in the form of a 'simple' double-edged blade... But now... It took the appearance of a jagged, hulking mass of crimson ice which stretched out akin to an outstretched wing. Lifting it up before resting it on his shoulder to looked down with those piercing eyes.

[Mokcreast Burns] was staring down... Watching the battle continue with a blank face aside from his eyes narrowed hard at this.

He knew that the creature was strong... It was clear given the power that it was able to display Examine the tiniest details narrowed as his thoughts were masked by his seemingly unreflect look.

"Hey." An abnormally monotone, feminine voice was heard to [Mokcreast's] left causing to glance over and see the female-sibling... Who was even more embolden by flames.

Walking over as the entirety of her clothing had taken on a reddish-tint - Turning the darker colors crimson whilst the lighter colors in a burnt-orange... This was a result of her outward appearance melding with her powers like her brother yet there was a big difference from beforehand...

The flaming, curled hair which flowed like fire had softened; appearing as smoldering embers than the roaring flames from before but taking on a navy-blue color as it shifted whilst the girl walked up... One of her eyes had also changed color; become a sapphire blue as a form of opposite to her sibling.

[Malhkreast Burns] had then walked over... Then kneeling down below whilst she proceed to sit down; dangling her legs over the edge and adjusting her dress in the same motion as she was watching the battle occur.

"Hm." A soft grunt came out of [Mokcreast] who was examine this current situation in addition to his sister; the two knew that this battle was reaching it's climax... But how would it end... Would that 'creature' reveal everything that it could do?

"You're thinking about it?" She asked her brother where [Malhkreast Burns] glanced downward and managed to catch a glimpse of the 'Hero' who was tearing and ripping itself from the earth.

"Yes..." Giving off a one word reply to her which caused her face to form into a frown before [Malhkreast] sighed aloud...

"What is it?" She attempted to ask... Wondering if her brother knew... If he truly... Truly knew.

"I do not know..." He responded... But this time... He turned to her... And asked his sister...

"Do you know of it?" Asking... But she shook her head from one side to the next... That... was a no...

"Damn." Cursing to himself as [Mokcreast Burns] felt... Off by this... This 'anomaly'


"That thing can handle our revenge... We have to make sure that we can finish the job." Yank on her brothers' coat; [Malhkreast Burns] suddenly pulled her brother along. He didn't fight off her touch as he was brought along... The sizzling and popping as flames simmered out only to be relit and ice boiling before freeze occurred as the pair were currently in close proximity with one and another.


It'd seem as these two may've 'retired' from the battle.


Entrusting it all.




The 'Hero.'

As it tore itself free of the earth... It noticed that everything had become quiet... Nothing but the wind surrounded it but this hadn't caused it's guard to drop... If anything... It was far, more alert... The helmet-wearing head was on a swivel; looking towards something which caught one of it's 'eyes' before snapping a glance at something else.


It was prepared for...


"DIE!" Popping out of the earth - Several of the [Slaughters] were able to find cover and attempted to sneak attack the 'Hero.' They were only met with their respective blades striking against a orange-barrier which was summoned up.

[Combat Skill: Block]

From this barrier and defensive position; the 'Hero' noticed from their view that more and more of them were suddenly appearing... It crouched where one of it's legs flexed...


[Command Input: Down - 2 then Down-Back - 1 then Back - 4 + {Lesser/Weak Kick: Button - 4}]

A ratcheting-crunching noise echoed from the 'Hero' who had squatted down whom moved it's hands away from it's head revealed another open-maw visage of metal. Raising one of it's legs... It swung a huge, arching roundhouse kick - Causing a flash of light to appear; revealing in a huge blast of wind-pressure to launch forward.

[Grade 1 - Shockwave Scorpion!]

An echoing-crackle of force roared from the foot which had extended from the body and was met by countlessly bodies being smashed from the impactful blow but also... decimating the landscape as well. A blistering pulse of power had roared from the air-smashing attack which was a wide-spread maneuver - Not as large as the [Combat Skill: Grade 1 - Kat's Klaw] but it was much faster in comparison.

[Combat Skill Activated: Grade 1 - Shockwave Scorpion: A [Science] charged roundhouse-kick that extends slightly upward into an diagonal motion which can serve as a potent anti-air depending on the attack but it's main purpose to produce a concentrated wave of force that could possible disrupt one's movements alongside damaging them. Activated by inputting a [Quarter-Circle Back] Motion and inputting [Button - 4] together. As a [Special Move] - 'Grade 1 - Shockwave Scorpion' has higher property compared to most attacks which can enable smooth 'Counter-Hits' if one manages to catch a foe.]

"AAAAAAH!/NOOOOO!/THIS THING IS TOO TOUGH!/FUUUUCK!" Yelling out as many found themselves on the receiving end of the 'Hero's attack before fading off in the wordlessly void being an massive hole in the earth which had ripped open from the shockwave... Watching this before lowering it's massive leg before returning to it's stance.

The 'Hero' rolled it's neck as it's eyes were glancing about at what it had caused...

It knew that it was going overboard... But [The Slaughters] won't be getting off easy... They'll be dead soon enough... No a word could be heard all-over... As an eerie calm radiated from the surrounds... As the breeze came by... Blowing dust and rumble out of the way... But on the edge of the 'Hero's sight...

The [Half-Orcen.]

Walking through the rubble and ashe... The broken and damaged stone, components belonged to sharpen steel that no longer glowed or crumbled bullet cases & ignore the small balls of fire which appeared at certain spots.


Dragging ones' weapon through the ground without care... This man appeared to be fuming; the axe-like flail was raised - Using a hand to hold up the chain top and the other grasping the handle.


From afar... The 'Hero' responded... Entering a loose version of the combat stance it'd utilized throughout the battle.


It had gone.




All watched as a flash of light... came...

And then...


The utter, mother of all explosion had been made... With a mushroom cloud appearing as well.


In an unforgivable wafting blast... Of chaos... and destruction.


A fitting end.


But who was this...

Who was this 'Hero.'


It had a name... For 'He' - Yes; 'He' was not a machine that was built to look like a man.


'He' wasn't some mindless thing.


'He' was once a soul from another world.


[Reincarnated] into this world.


He was known as the [Quad-Winner.]


But in this life... He was given a name... A somewhat-fitting name with culture meaning that was attached to this place.


He was.


[Ruoy Vikycor]


He is the god-damn...

[Protagonist] of our story.

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}