Vol 1 - Chapter 1: New Game... Plus!


This series is not intend for those of a weaker constitution or those under age.

This series is Rated for Mature Audience = please make sure you are of age in your jurisdiction before reading. (This novel is for grown-folks.)

This series contains Mentions & Graphic Depictions of stated subject matter.

This Warning is provide before the story - If you are willing to read... You've agreed.

You have been warned.)





{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}

[{First's Persons' Point Of View}]



What do I say... What could I possible say about... This?


What do I even think about...



Well... How about taking a trip down... Memory Lane?

Shall we?

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





That'd be best.


To start; how about we speak on my 'First' Life... Yes... I had more than one.


The life that could be considered normal... Regular... Enjoyable... Not absolutely utterly fuckin' insane... Not off the rocker... Not absolutely, god-damn bonkers life.

Well... Killing time by complaining won't do shit all...

Just delay the inevitable of what should be told...


Once upon a time... I know; standard fairytale point...

I was a 'normal,' average guy in his late teens... Having not a singular desire to head over to a college; I had no career aspirations... Nothing appealed to me... I had no hobbies... I had next to nothing.


I simply spent my time sleep... or work many of the part-time jobs for minimum wage in order to pay for room & board... My parents were progressively getting older and older... I should've moved out... But I don't know if I could live on my own.


I felt so empty... I focused on working and working.


The only thing caught me was... My Manager for one of my jobs... A woman who liked... Games... In particular... Video-Games... I became somewhat jealous... Why would anything seem so fun?


Until I decided... To try it... Buying an up-to-date gaming system... Bring it home... Getting a spare T.V. in the home to my room... Hooking everything up... I was sold so weird game with two screaming men that were ready to punch each other.


My first moments... I begun... to play... Play a 'Video Game.'


Or rather... A 'Fighting Game.'

I had been utterly attach to it... And like a growing passion... I played more and more... Buying new games then playing them...

This like of 'Video Games' evolved... I began to love 'Video Games.' It gave me a thrill... A desire and passion unlike anything that I'd experienced... It was... eternal.

It consumed my free-time... My joy was obtained to the highest degree...

I played much... Developing favorites and genres' in which applied to be combat-based... The thrill was attracting... Action, Adventure & Fighting.


It was drawing me in... But the one that stuck with me like glue that dried finely and without leaving a mark?


It was 'Fighting Games.'


[Fighting Games] were my absolute... Something that I'd never get tired of.

In my mind... At the time...

Nothing could top a 'Fighting Game.'

Skill against Skill...

Will against Will...

Character against Character...

The small details which built it up and the massive things which could be seen... All of it... All of it appear so... Appealing... And I loved every bit of it.


It also kinda brought out an unknown competitive side to me... Playing online or against an computer...

However... I chose to dive... Deeper... Look closer at what I loved... Examine it.

How did this work?


I played 'Fighting Games' half-hearted... Missing out on some modes and features... I chose to fully experience them... Playing through the game's story or learn about the characters - Listening to the music, the uniqueness

All of it... I completely... And utterly fell in love...

As a result... I begun to focus... Learning the details of the characters' that I play.... Researching and becoming better...Better... And better... A desire as better player and fan.


It was absolutely amazing... The worlds that had been created from such games... Applied to me... It was brought back to simply 'Fighting.'


Maybe 'Fighting' was much, more than it seemed... As I learn and lived... It change my outlook slightly.

As my newfound passion drove me to play and experience... Competing far more than I had before... Striving for more... It became a cycle... A cycle which built me up as Player & A Person in one.

Some time later... My life was the same but an interesting thing happened... In my early-twenties... On my very birth-month... I decided to enter my first 'Fighting Game Tournament.'




I got the shit stomped out of me!

Every match that I was offered lead to my defeat.

I didn't even make a dent in the qualifiers!

It was crazy...

I had been so stunned by this... So utterly blown-away; I had felt like I was good... Like I was something at games... But I actually was a whale in a pond...

And take a dip into the world's vast sea of 'Fighting Games'


It made me realize... Realize that I had so much to learn... So utterly and absolutely to learn.

Those loses and that feeling of embarrassment drove me... Drove me to work harder...

This little hobby of my mine... Become an obsession which exceed any passion... I'd become addicted to it...

My thoughts were completely devoted to playing... Every 'Fighting Game' that I had... I studied before playing the hell out of them... I want to be unstoppable... Find what characters' fit depending on the game.


I was a Big-Brute-Guy - I loved huge damage, big games or big bodies... If the character was like that... I would most likely become my favorite.


And the next time that I chose to compete... I was a bit over-confident... I decided to join two different tournaments at the same time... For two different games.

But I didn't lose... Not a singular lose.


And every time that I won... I rushed over to the other-side where the other game was in order to get my other match... Finish my set before running back.

I was kind of thankful that I was an Arcade Event; I didn't have to run around so much on a day-off... But I did win...

Leading to me getting a total of 250$ that was directed to me in the form of a cheque - I was so stunned by this revelation... I was only desiring to compete as much as possible, I didn't realize that the prize was money.


My first thought had been...

'They have prizes for money?'


Money was a great motivator to compete... And so; I did that... Finding tournaments within my area for a money prize... Playing so damn much... Any tournament - No matter how small...

If It offer some money... I was there.

I struggled in the beginning...

Until I begun to win... And win... And win... And win... And win.

Plenty of times... This even got me something... A nickname... Which then became my username and title...


It was a goofy-little tale...

I was called that after winning a couple of tournaments during a big event - Back-to-Back where the organizers decided to give me the cheques' for the money at the end leading to everyone see me carrying four of them.

A small chant of 'Quad, Baby!' or 'Quad-Dub!' rang out from the audience who was present.

It was awesome...

Til I was forced to haul the cheques' back home... Which was a long walk... I didn't have money for the bus back... So I was forced to haul ass at night to avoid getting robbed.


A guy even asked me what I was doing... It even lead to some goofy, movie chase scene or some crap.


Now that I think about it... It actually isn't funny... That's not funny at all... It had actually sucked hard...

But that is beside the point.


My life had become as simple before everything had changed through [Fighting Games.]

It was still simple... Just... Much, Much, Much More Fun.

But my joys and enjoyment died fast...

Cause everything changed with my parents.


In a years' time... My parents' died...

It feels bitter and sour... To even remember such a thing... It ust hurts... It hurts so... Damn.. Much...

My mother was a nurse; a kind and sweet woman that hundreds of people knew and respected... Only to pass away some time after being diagnosed with Lung Cancer... It was awful...

My father... Had much horrible experience... He was an office worker but his pass with his executive had lead to him being screwed... Unable to get any bonus from retirement... He was forced to keep working in order to keep me and himself fed and housed; he was frequently overworked...

It went tot he point that he fell unconscious on the job whilst in the office by himself... One time... He was walking down the stairs... Before he took a tumble.


It was the day before his birthday as well.


As a result - I was left by myself... My parents were the youngest in their respective families; All of my supposed uncles or aunties had long since passed on before I was even born whilst my cousins had no contacted with me... They weren't very incline to help out a full-grown adult male who had just lost his parents and seemed to be a 'waste of space.'


So... I was stuck... Stuck by myself... As a result... I dropped my love of games for my survival... I went job hunting to the ninth degree; I managed to acquire plenty of jobs which paid somewhat.

And so... For the next bit of my life... It was work... Bumming with some mid-paying jobs as much as possible - Labor or detail work; I did it... My home was a quality space... But I was somewhat pricy; The jobs could pay off bills and the like but I had to work extra in order to keep everything all-right.

Doing these odds n' ends to keep the lights on & water running...

To put food on the plate & clothes on my back.

It was so damn stressful... And It made me so empty.

This period of my life was like a prison...

I couldn't play games... So I had method of relaxing... I just worked... Ate... Washed... And Lived... This strange and bizarre life was taking me to someplace that I didn't want....

A direction... Similar to my father... Possibly to my death in a way.

I knew.... And... My small realization developed into me... Breaking...

On my shift... I had a manager who gave me shit... He was an absolute ass... He was a small, tubby, old-fart who bitch about the smallest things, complained whenever the men didn't do some that he didn't like and flirt with the women like a pig.


He called me into his office... And I snapped... I scream at him for so long and so loud that he didn't move... He was stunned by this...

After I was done... I walked out of the building...

Plenty of the jobs where I had managers who didn't seem alright or they had shady practices.. I quit them.

I lost alot of jobs... A ton of them...

As soon as I got home...

My body found itself in my room...

I dusted off the old system... Cleaning it off... Before I played the first game... The second game.


A reminder of better times... And I played.


I played.


Just playing... Playing... Til I found my love... My passion.


'Fighting Games.'


God-Damn 'Fighting Games.'

It was like a dream or something that you'd hear online.

Playing til you fel unconscious... Dreaming about what you did then playing more when you woke up.

This figurative flame grew within myself - To do everything... So... I joined the 'FGC' - The massive community known as the 'Fighting Game Community.'

I dedicated myself to being a player but also a content creator... Resulting in me purchasing recording equipment before I started online streaming... Garner something of a small fanbase via my niche usage of particular characters in some games alongside my overall high skill level & knowledge.

This continued as I became something of a cult figure in the NA (North American} Region; my infamy continued when i was shown beating other players online during their own streams.

The legend of [Quad] had begun.


But life had gotten even crazier... And crazier.

The area where my parent's home was had gotten more and more pricier; my streaming wasn't bring in the big bucks and the tournaments in my area weren't big but small time things.


So... I took a gamble.

I joined up for the biggest gaming event... The 'International Fighting Game Shows.'

All sources were there... Fans, Players, Pros... Even developers.

Checking times.... I registered for...

Multiple tournaments... The biggest ones' with games that I knew I could win.


Which ended up delivering the the biggest, largest prize...

Huge money draws for the top 8 where number 1 got the most amongst them.


The games happened to be...

[Island Crashers] - A six-button fighting game with an interesting cast of martial artist whom take center-stage. It was reminiscent of the classic and 'original' fighting game which blew up under control of 'Dapcam' as It appeared to be a fresh start. It was even debated that the two shared the same universe because of their remote similarities in art-styles and design philosophies but mentions of the previous 'Dapcam' games.

[Requiem Of Chaos: Ultimate Core - Bronze Edition] - The action-packed, fasted-pace and ultra-intense 'Anime Fighter' built around the themes of the supernatural & grim-dark blended with science/modern day descriptions which influenced the characters. Such a game had grown a dedicated fanbase around such themes; it's usage of horror and mythical ideas alongside ghosts stories which expanded via future installments. The latest was even considered to be a 'Game of the Year' candidate with it's in-depth combo system, graphical-detail & top-tier story despite how weird it is.

[Battle: III] - The sole and only 3.D. Fighting Game that could be found with a blend of rustic cage-fighting with traditional martial arts with all kinds of stuff twist-and-turns in environment for some interesting matches. The game is meant to be a generational successor to various 3.D. based Fighting Games with it's odd cast be homages' to such character archetypes from various brands.

[Magical Might - The Absolute Worst Tournament] - A 'parody' game which blew up - Meant to be taking character tropes then flipping on their heads which leads to a cast of assholes, bitches and villains' who team up to fight. Considered to be the most difficult game with the customization for player settings, character settings, various teams then the actual fighting game itself being difficult.

All of these 'Fighting Games' were the draws... The main shows and attractions for this utterly huge event.


But it was loaded... Talented competitors ranged in the thousands... Some must've been like me even... But I had to win...

In a way... It felt like a bit of luck was on my side.


Having to compete with the best of the best... Against characters that were either overpower/top-tier to the ninth degree or players that might've been better than me who were knew the game like the back of their hand.

I played against them... But I managed to win...

This became a cycle... Of competition against the best Before I snatched victory.

I won.


I won.


On the final day however... I won... The big one...




I won!

My final games... The crowd was screaming.

It took me a moment to realize every time.











It was still in my head... People were screaming... Cheering my user name...

[Quad!] [Quad!] [Quad!]

They were overjoyed and happy for me... It was actually bigger than expected as a small-time video channel made a documentary series over the event's time frame; speaking with all kinds of people... Myself was included.


And alot of it became based around me... I was actually a fan-favorite!


At the end... The ceremonies... I was call up for the games... People clapped as I was called up.


I got these fancy old-trophies alongside a big cheque of course!


But my last trophy and cheque... I shook the hand of [Island Crasher] Head-Developer; she was so cool and I happened to shake the tournament organizers' hand as well - He was alright... I think that he was gambling against me or something... He was little bit pissed when he saw me.

But... My life... stopped.


Cause I...




An awful and bad malfunction lead to a fire within the stadium... Which expanded into a big-ass explosion... A Ka-boom.

With a flash... I was gone... Just snapped away.


It was painful... It was so much pain.


Til it calmed... Cause... Man... It didn't just stop... It didn't stop there.


It wasn't over yet... Atleast... Not for me.


Here is some neat-bits of information...

A two things about dying....


1. Dying is like changing the channel for a T.V. - You get nothing but white-noise for a while... I mean a long... long time.

2. The white noise doesn't stop and you are bored... Until you figure out how to change the 'channel.' The best thing... You can watch anything; It could be whatever you wanted... From your own mind or from your previous life. A show that you were watching; boom. Reading a manga; you got that... Video-Games? Free games that can be played without a time-limit or your body saying stop.


Dying... Was



I mean... A body... It was cool... Talking was cool... Having stupid-emotions... Those were cool.


I missed it all... I missed alot.


Til I felt something... Something smash my head-in whilst I was busy watching an animation for a game that I was playing.


Til I woke up.


I could breath...

And as I opened my eyes... I could breath.. I could see...

I was in my body again... I woke up in my own body.

Where I was however...

It was like... A throne room for one of those Isekai manga - Fancy and large... But... Very, very dark.. Extremely grim... It didn't have anything that seemed... Good... Like... Was in the villain's castle or something?

Looking around... I saw someone looking down on me.


Rubbing my eyes... Some scary and weird as hell person... An absolute, annoying broad who was seemed to be one special kind of a bitch.


I still don't like her but I respect...

She is... [Gilra] - She is a [Goddess] who had summoned me to be a 'Hero.'

She looked like an anime-girl in real-life... Like absurdly good cosplay, appearing as a teenager dressed like a super-maid with her dumb lolita outfit alongside a big-'ole top hat, weird kiddy badges and having plenty of bunny-like images as her motif.

I was confused... Very, Very, Very confused... Somewhat scared to.


She didn't explain jack-shit but she took a look at me... Realize something was off... Before deciding that she perform something... A [Reincarnation Spell.]

I remember that clearly...

I forgot much of what she had done... Or what she said... Just that detail launched onto my head.


In a simple moment... My body... Melted?


Feeling like I was getting ripped apart, twisted and throw aside... At once... But also... Put together at the same time.



I was suddenly freefalling... Like falling through the clouds... TIl I slammed into water... It felt like I hit a brick wall...

That shit stung alot.

All of it was beyond weird.

But I found something... I found a 'new-home.'

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}





I had been [Reincarnated.]

Now; there is a process to [Reincarnation.] It isn't simple; you die then you are in a new body.

Nope; it isn't that easy.


First of all - It's weird... Like very, very, very weird... Like a food that only a certain people like; you can call them weird but they just work in their own way.

First - There are three different variants to [Reincarnation]

The first is a [Spirit Reincarnation] where ones who is being [Reincarnated] has their soul transferred into a similar body to the previous one - This new being may act or seem very different compared to before but they are physically identical to their previous incarnation in almost every way.

The second is a [Physical Reincarnation] where the one whom is being [Reincarnated] is within a completely different body - This appears to be the opposite of the first type where one may act the exact same but only being drastically different on the physical side.

The last is a [Complete Reincarnation] where the [Reincarnated] has their soul and physical form being completely different to their previous incarnation - This means that the one whom comes forth is a completely new creation; entirely different to what their previous incarnation was.

Now; those are the cases' of being [Reincarnated.]

Originally; you are not suppose to have any memories or anything of what you were before; you just live a new life.

However... I was a special case - I had been [Reincarnated] via the [Reincarnation Spell] meaning that my soul would retain the information and details from my previous incarnation - I wouldn't have forgotten who I once was.

In addition; A pair of interlocked details fueled me. One; a [Goddess] was the one who had performed the [Reincarnation Spell] meaning that I got a 'power boost' that came in a dozen ways. Second; I am a 'Hero' meaning that I was meant to be abnormally strong or proficient in something... It basically meant that I was supposed to be strong.

Now - Why would such things be important?


Well; I was [Reincarnated] onto a different world... Or a different reality?


Regardless; I was on a world which was a mixture of mythical fantasy & sci-fi science - Think of a setting for a surprisingly good but super-slow updating manga or a Super-Intense but very niche video game.

Now... The biggest reason that I was [Reincarnated] had been my weakness... See; my previous body wouldn't have been able to handle the craziness or strain for this 'realities' logic.

I mean; you can't just throw a normal guy into a Shonen Battle-Anime and expect them to not end up dead within the first couple of seconds of their introduction.

I wouldn't have lasted a singular second in such a circumstance.

A 'Cheat' or something like in those world-transfer novels or whatever wouldn't have helped me out much considered that my body would hold me back... Let's just say that this world is absolutely and utterly screw to be blunt.


I was [Reincarnated.]


My [Reincarnation] however was a [Complete Reincarnation] - Meaning alot of things were different inside of me... I mean... Alot...

At the time; everything had been muddled like paste... Like mud-water or something along those lines. My memories were scramble for some time... Alongside new bits of information; Combining and shifting til they formed something.


My first response was to move... To move anything... Virtually anything... The only thing happened to be my hands... I was able to clench my index and middle fingers for both hands...

The next trick... Was attempting to open my eyes which was a struggle cause they felt so damn heavy... I however was determined... Determine to see.


I had... But noticed that everything looked odd... Like night-visor goggles... I could see strange objects but everything had been blurry.

It was at that moment... I realized... I was actually in a different body... Completely different... In new surrounds... That felt odd.


To be accurate... It was an infant child... I was [Reincarnated] as an infant... Well... To be blunt... I was [Reincarnated] as an infant male.


As I trying look... And see... I noticed that my body was weird... Not weird like I had a strange spot or something... More like...

I had fur... I had claws... I had horns... I had fangs... I had a full-on tail.


For you see... I was [Reincarnated] as a different creature...

Something that wasn't exactly [Human.] It was easy to tell give my odd appearance at this current stage of life... My size was a tell-tale sight as well where I was slight, tad larger than your average newborn male.

In this world... There are different [Races] like in a Fantasy, Role-Playing Game... My [Race] was that of a [Demi-Human.]

Beings who appear as a chimeric combination of humans and animals. In a way; Anthropomorphic in nature where [Demi-Humans] could appear as [Humans] with 'animal' traits or [Animals] with 'human' traits.

The finer details of my new bodies' functions and appearance could be explained later on - At the time... I was focused on my surroundings.


So imagine this baby with a somewhat animal-like features - Trying to wipe the sleep from their eyes... That was my goal at the moment.

My little arms was trying to flex... My little legs were kicking about... My little neck was trying to turn and look around... Holding up my big-ass head... This new-body was one of those big, fat head babies.

But... I managed to finally get everything work...

I looked one way... Then the next... Before my eyes went wide.


This body was somewhat... Wet... It may've just been born... But it hadn't been born in conventional sense... How was it born?


It was born from someone... The person who had birthed it had been this giant woman... This muscle-bound behemoth of a person... And they were dead... As I noticed that there was a sizable hole... Located at their belly... Was a bloody, mess hole... The flesh was torn asunder... As if something... Was eating it.


'D-Did I... W-W-What am I?'

I thought that...

Those words... They just came up in my head at the moment...

Looking down... I noticed that... I was surrounded by bones... By fur and scales... By broken horns and shattered tusks... I didn't realize at the time.


But before my soul had merged with this body... It had gone into shock... This state had caused it to instinctively think of it's own survival... Whether through fighting... or fleeing...

It chose... To fight... It clawed... It bashed... It bite and ripped... Slammed and smashed... Til it was free.


It had openly ripped itself from it's mother's womb... Possibly kill it... But what was the cause?


I couldn't get my answer as my body acted on it's own accord as tears began to fall from my new face...

It was beyond my control as my body wasn't fully under my control; Falling over on my infant-sized side...

I begun to cry... Crying loud... Very, Very loud.

It might've been a cry of life...

I have no idea why... As I... or... It cried out...

'We' cried out... For her... For its'... or... 'Our' mother...

"I hear something from within... It sounds like a monster..." At the time; I was far too busy crying myself into a miserable puddle...

Not noticing or hearing a soft, feminine voice speak which had echoed within the corridor that I was within... I hadn't realize but it must've been a cavern of some kind.

Speaking in a mutter whisper towards someone else as people were walking further in.


"It is not, My Dear. That is a [Demi-Human.]" A heavy, bold voice that had been masculine in nature replied as footsteps with two different rhythms and rhymes sets could be heard.

*Ka-lick... Ka-lick.*

*Boof... Boof.*

"It sounds... In pain..." The woman replied as they continued onward.


"We shall go..." Speaking as the man had respond; not falter in the slightest.

"N-No... W-What if it is dangerous!" Attempting to dissuade her partner; the two kept on walking further in... Until they came upon me... And my 'Mother.'

Noticing their forms in the corner of my somewhat developed eye; I tilted over and looked... Tears pooling down my face as I sniffled about... Wonder what they were.

They appeared... 'Normal?'

Well... As normal as people could be in this world could've been.

They looked like a pair of travelers that you find as hikers or the like... Only to be combined with Church Workers' like a Priest & A Nun. Carrying somewhat large bags on their backs - With all kinds of little things as well... Nothing to complex... But I did notice something...

On the woman's wrist... Appeared to be a rosery... But... It didn't have a cross or something as it's marker... No... It had a rabbit... A cartoon-like rabbit as the symbol.


Thinking back... That [Goddess] had the exact same symbol... It caused me to growl... My new bodies' instincts' made me display aggression in a bestial manner.

"It's enraged; we must leave - Sir!" The Nun beckoned for her partner; grabbing at his arm and attempting to pull him away... But... He stood over me... Well... From afar...

Walking forward despite the woman's attempts to pull him away... The two were stood above me... Looming over me as I didn't know how to react... Shifting backwards as I was barely able to move... Properly but my body was acting on it's own!


"You are frighten, young one?" He spoke to me... I... Was... I had no one to protect me & these strangers had an odd smell to them.

"S-Sir?" As the Nun spoke; I poked my head over to look at her causing her to squeak like a mouse and hid behind the man... She was a grown woman and she was frighten by a newborn... I didn't know why at the moment but I thought that she was stupid or even more odd than me.

"It's a smart one... It responses to my voice... I will go closer." Who was he informing? Me or the lady; it didn't matter when he shuffled onto his knees before crawling over... We were face to face... I could see the details on his face... And noticed...

He just looked like... A simple, middle-age [Human.]

If anything... He seemed like a middle-age guy who likes the outdoors... Look at the small lines... Those eyes... The tiny, knicks and full yet trimmed beard on his face... His smile... A pure yet flashy smile... That show his... 'Innocence?'


It was an odd thing to describe...

"Take my hand... Come on..." One of his hands; gloved up in leather and such with a strange metal-bar on the back of it... It extended out... Pointed towards me where the action made me crawl back with foxlike behaviors - Skipping back whilst my fur spiked up at this; drooling pooled from the corner of my mouth as my tail swayed.

"Sir! It doesn't want us... We must le-" The Nun spoke only to gasp at something... Where the Man looked over at something where his eyes went wide and his face became blank; stunned by something...

This caused me to look back... Look at what caused them to do such...

Only for me to see that giant... Looming over me... With her own claws at the ready and growling at us... It felt as if she was growling at me...

I did notice one thing... She spoke...

"'Followers Of The Blacken Queen.'" Her voice was so big... Yet so weak... What had I done?


A cold sense of regret came over me... This stupid body was a savage and It had done this.


"Save... My... Children..." 'Children' but I was the only one... D-Did I have siblings... What happened to them?


A small chuckle came out... Looking over; I noticed that the Man laughed at this... Standing up and walking closer... He took the woman's huge hand... Clenching some of her fingers tightly and replied to her.

"I shall." He commanded... It felt so powerful... To be honest... I really shouldn't be in such a situation... I wish I born in a normal place, god damnit!

Whatever complaints that develop in my weird-ass mind ended... As I felt my form lifted... Raised upward... I was lifted and facing my 'Mother.'

I couldn't make out her face... Aside from a pair of eyes... Burning... Powerful... Eyes.

She scared me... I felt as if she would kill me...

But those eyes closed... And I felt as if she came closer...

*Chu.* A pair of soft... gentle... lips came upon my forehead... As she kissed me and held me close... Whispering to me...

"I wish... This hadn't happened... My child." Hold me close... Only to feel faint as she began to collapsed... She was dying... And It was my fault...

I didn't hit the ground like the large woman... Instead... The Man had taken me and held me in his arms... Hold me up as I watch this woman fall down...

"Take... These..." Placed before her... Appeared to be a silvery, necklace with an ornate gem-stone... And a tapestry that was the large in size but rolled up tightly with a bind which was tied up securely.

The Man wordlessly motioned for the Nun to take such things... As she did... She heard my 'Mother's growl causing her to quicken in speed before this little, lady had picked up these things.

"... Those two... Belong to my child... They are his birth-right..." She informed the pair as her breath became hoarse.... As if she was struggle to let out a pinch of air... The light in her eyes was fading.


"I understand." The Man informed her where a sigh of relief was heard some time afterwards from my 'Mother' who shifted as she was laying on her back.

"Thank... You." And with that... Her breath escaped her.


She had died... And her body changed... Shrinking in size as sweat, blood & other things fell off... Til the huge, giant of a woman was more... naturally sized... Those monstrous traits had vanished... And she appeared beautiful.


Man... Why was I born here?!

"Well... 'Little One.' Let's honor your mother." He spoke towards me but made a symbol with his hand... Bowing his head in respect before he left... The Nun had done so as well but she held no smile like the Man.


Wordlessly... I left the place that I was 'Born.'

And this was my start.


My start as a 'Hero.'


The Start as... [Ruoy Vikycor]

{I'm A Fighting Game Character In A Fantasy World...Life Or Death!}