
Asher Eastwood 5 was Unaware of what his mother was getting him into, she hated her own son to the point of willingly putting Asher in to the retaliation project no questions asked, she just whated to get rid of him at any costs, the day thay were shipped out she only told Asher to behave and listen to the other adults no matter what(she told Asher it was going to be a fieldtrip), he took that to heart, after all she was his mother.

on the bus Asher was full of excitement and eager with Anticipation of what to come, but as he looked around the bus he saw nothing but Sorrow and terror from the other kids that were on the bus.

more then half of the kids were crying out for ther moms and others were having panic attacks, Asher was confused why, "why was everyone scared of a fieled trip" it never acrid that Susan lied to him. within 4 hours of riding the bus almost everyone fell asleep Asher was still awake after all he was to excited to sleep yet even so he soon fell asleep after a couple more hours.

the next day

Asher opens his eyes to a unfamiliar room and different clothes than before with the numbers 13 on it, he looks around again and it's a room with a bunch of beds around full with kids, they all have the same style of clothes on just like Asher but the only difference is the numbers on there shirts.