phase-001 (part 1)

Asher was trying to get his bearing when all of a sudden, a man walks into the dorm yelling

Solider "everyone gets up and get ready" almost instantly all of the children gemot up and stood at the front of their beds including Asher.

it was so quiet after that and then the Roaring of the Soldier Interrupted the silence once again

Solider "FORM A LINE OF TWO RIGHT IN OF ME" no one moved at first "NOW" he screamed, everyone formed a line out of fear almost 100 kids formed a line.

thay marched out of there dorm into the Embrace of sun light and a light breeze to Asher's surprise the place he was at was like a training base he's seen in the comic books he loved to read.

After a 2 minutes of marching thay come to a complete stop in front of a giant building with a Sign outside thats Says "mess hall", one after another the kids started to Funnel into the building, after everyone is in the Soldier told all the children, "grab the food you what and sit down at one of the tables and eat it with a little speed there are things that need to be done, eat a good amount you're going to need it" after 30 minutes of eating and all the children are done, the Soldier then yelled to everyone to form a line outside again after the line was made they then stared to march and but not back to there dorm but to the complete opposite way. On their way, the Soldier started to tell them where they were going, "we are now going to start your training with several tests that are hard and even dangerous for most of you". after even more marching they reach a take-off port with many types of planes, helicopters, and cargo carriers,

several helicopters were preparing for take off. a new Soldier is waiting for them to approach when thay do he immediately starts to tell everyone whats about to happen, "you will all be boarding these helicopters in groups of 6 then you will receive a map and Compass then you will be dropped off at one of the circled spots on your maps you will then have to make your way to the center of the map within 7 days fare warnings there are many different types of magic beasts in the froest, you will have to defend yourself at some point... that's all, now I will asin groups team-alpha, Jim, Sam, Mathew, Jesus,rain, and Timothy, team-rose Asher, Su, Asma, Chichi, Ben, Angela, team-bruno, Gill, Lisa, Shin, Mason, max, and woods, team-ride, suyun, Esma, atlas, brix, fischer, west, team-ash, Liam, Ava, Amelia, James, Lucas, Ethan, team-30, Harper, Sophia, Isabella, Olivia, Axel, Charlie, team-hip, Archer, Jayden, Nora, Violet, Cassius, Cleo, team-left, Margaret, Delilah, Eli, Aaron, Jude, Naomi, team-@5, Emily, Wyatt, Leo, Ottilie, Lily, Cordelia, and last team-night,Emily, Gemma, Arthur, Felix, Aarav, Theodore and with that you will go to your asined helicopter and prepare for your Voyage I wish you the best of luck you'll need it".

meanwhile somewhere elsewhere on the base, captain, "Dr.Ienhage are you shore of what we are doing here ?" Dr."yes, I suggested 5-year-olds for this reason, they are young, can learn at a higher rate the teens, and more adaptive to there surroundings..." captain, "you do know were all going to hell for this right"

Dr., "I'll note that down for next time"