The Uninvited Guests

"What makes you think it's the wife, Detective?", asked Officer Dilan with a small smirk. He had a rough look – with blue eyes and sharp features — which complemented his 60's style. Jeran had seen him before at the Royal Court – only a few were invited that day – she knew how much of a headache he was.

" If you think it's Lady Lara then, you must provide some definite proof. Not to mention some of those stories you've heard of the families it's not all just talks but as I've already said, Detective, it's not your usual case where you chase some thieves down the alleys of the Great Lake"

The insult wasn't what affected Scarlet but the way he spoke of the KPD with great loathing made her feel that she need to give him a high-five to his face with a chair.

"What makes you feel like the KPD are incapable of doing something you Criminologist can not handle, Officer Dilan? Are you perhaps afraid that our Bureau chief would take over your Council?"

"Talk as much as you like, Detective. But remember this – you will never be able to solve a case like us"

Officer Dilan puff the smoke from his cigarette before throwing it on the ground and crushing it with his feet. He managed to give both the Detectives a glare and then proceeded to enter the taxi which drove away from their sights only leaving his harsh words to echo in Scarlet's ears.

"Tell me again why did he call us here for?"

"Isn't it obvious? He just wanted to give us a speech of his useless Council! What a jerk!"

Jeran sighed and opened the car door for her friend and said, "It's his nature to make others feel insecure when instead he is the one who hates himself. Just ignore his hypocrisy, Scarlet. We have a job to do"


The Malore mansion was like a fortress in the middle of the wilderness. An enormous garden consisting of a variety of flowers added to the beauty of the castle-like home. Scarlet gasped like an infant — with sparkles in her eyes — she was in love with the delightful scene. Jeran took a step forward and rang the doorbell, she wasn't expecting a high-class man to open it but when the door opened her eyes met the old man's brown orbs staring at her with curiosity and somewhat Fear in them. It made the latter a little curious.

"Detective Jeran Vincent and Detective Scarlet Raychell from Kingslaiv Police Department. May I know if Mrs Malore is at home?"

"I.. me... Y-yes", he stammered and gave space to let the two women enter the enormous mansion of one of the most famous Families of the city. A red carpet stretched from the entrance to the staircase. Paintings of different sorts gave the walls a lovely finish, a picture of Mr Philip Malore hung in the middle of the hallways -- his golden scroll in his right hand -- He looked like an ancient Greek God in his Royal Attire.

" Please wait here for a moment, Detectives. I'll call Lady Lara", the old man bowed and left them in one of the study rooms.

"Don't you think it's a bit more like those times?", Scarlet spoke as she went through the books that were arranged in the shelves. " Look at the case we're going to involve ourselves on. Doesn't it take you back to the days when w—"

"There are over twelve rooms and each of them are identical. Don't you think it's more important to have an interest in the case rather than recalling the history that has been long gone and forgotten?", Jeran didn't want to have another word of that night. " Please for the last time, Scarlet. I want you to have at least a little bit of interest in this one. After this, you can do whatever you want and the world won't spare a glance for that"

Scarlet felt the pain in her tone and chose to silence herself instead of dragging out the unwanted memories. "Maybe it's better that way though", she shrugged and sat on the couch with her arms spreading like an old man sitting in his favourite chair. Jeran couldn't help but sigh at the sight whilst shaking her head in disbelief.

'Can't believe she's my friend', she mumbled under her breath and kept staring at the books with longing. Her golden eyes added beauty to her shoulder-length black hair. She was tall with a pointy nose and a visual like a Greek Goddess. Her fingers trailed down the wooden shelf -- she seemed to be in her world. Scarlet watched her with a small smile on her face -- she was proud to be able to work with such an amazing person. Although Jeran seemed cold and doesn't smile often like a normal person, Scarlet knew it was just how she was.

Unlike Jeran, Scarlet had long brown hair with brown eyes and sharp features. She was always the cheerful one everywhere she went. She glanced at her golden watch and pursed her lips. It was given by her father on her eighteenth birthday and since then she's been wearing it as a lucky charm.

" What's taking them so long?", she played with her necktie and looked around with a bored face.

Not long after she said that the door slammed opened startling the two women who almost jumped out of their places. There was a woman in her sleeveless maroon dress holding a glass of wine in her hand and a cigarette on the other. She looked like she was in her early twenties. Her ashen hair and blue eyes made her appear more alluring. Her eyes scanned the two Detectives in the room and with a small chuckle, she said, "What an unpleasant surprise! Guess the whole city is having the best days of their lives"

She emptied the glass and licked her lips as she maintained her lustful gaze with Jeran. The latter just stared coldly at her. It made her smirk knowing that there was more fun on the way.

"Detective Jeran Vincent from the KPD, am I correct?", she wasn't asking it for confirmation but the latter to introduce herself as she had seen her before or rather knew her very well.

" Adriana Malore, what a great entrance. I must say it intrigued me for a moment there"

Scarlet didn't say a word and just kept on looking between the two ladies who were somewhat having a conversation in their minds. It was like they were on a battlefield and both the parties had one bullet left. One-shot and it ends.

Adriana was the first one to break the intense staring contest with a soft chuckle but it sounded like a mock to Jeran for she was aware of how the young heiress was and Damn was she irritated by her mischievous smirk.

"My sister-in-law awaits you, Detectives. You don't want to keep her waiting now, do you?"

"Yes, indeed"