Silent Words

The Two Detectives have been waiting for almost an hour now but still couldn't receive anything other than just silence. Lara Malore sat on the king-size bed with her silk dress which covered her well-sculpted figure. Her pensive eyes gazed at the outer world that lied behind those windows of the gloomy room. She was in her world – lost in her thoughts – with which she had grown accustomed to.

"She's been like this after the incident. Wouldn't eat, sleep nor come out of this place", Adriana said bitterly. "Although it's not my place to tell you what to do. Just make sure you don't exaggerate the interview"

"I won't", The reply came out as if Jeran knew she would ask her to be tolerant towards Lara. She could feel the emotion of Pain and Longing in her eyes when she sat in front of Lara. The regret in those Ocean Blue eyes – she seemed dead inside.

With a small smile plastered on her lips, Jeran spoke, "Mrs Malore, I'm Detective Jeran Vincent from the KPD. I'm sorry for your loss." The young woman bowed to show respect and then sat back down getting herself ready for the main reason why they were present in the Malore Mansion.

"Mrs Malore, I know it's not the right time to talk about the incident but we want to get to the bottom of the mystery. So, I hope you will cooperate with us"

No words came out from the elegant woman who simply stared at her, she sat like a statue – not moving an inch. When the sun rays kissed her petite body Lara's eyes shifted from Jeran to her feet. She bit her lower lip struggling to hold back the tears which were threatening to fall any second. She was emotionally damaged and to talk about those painful memories would be like a knife penetrating her heart. It pains her to even think about 'Him'. But does society knows about her grief? Even the Malore family was unaware of it.

"Jeran, I think it's better if you give her some time–"

"Would you mind to leave us alone for a moment? It won't take long", Scarlet tried to refuse but the pleading eyes of her friend stopped her. She nods with a sigh and left the three women. Adriana crossed her arms and glared at the poor lady with disgust. She then turned to Jeran.

"Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes to end your interrogation, Detective"


In a room, two women sat opposite to each other, spoke no words just sat in the silence that covered the room like a blanket. One was lost whilst the other was chasing the unknown. Two different persons with one common trait – Both were struggling to hold back their inner self. If they were to be born again then they would be sisters. The clock ticking echoed enabling them to be aware of the passing time. Lara remained in her straight posture – knees crossed – with her death stare.

"Did you killed Mr Philip Malore?"

The second she heard those words Lara became as stiff as a stick. Her eyes widened and she started to breathe heavily. Jeran watched her closely, the reaction was a mixture of sorrow and guilt. Did Lara Malore ended her husband's life?

"If you didn't then who is it, Mrs Malore? Does anyone know who did it?"

No answer.

"Was Mr Philip involved in any scandal?"

Still, No answer came out.

"Have he ever tried to or have caused you any harm? Emotionally or Physically"

Lara's hand gripped the pillow causing her knuckles to turn white. Her body began to tremble but she showed no emotion or whatsoever. She breathed slowly trying to calm her racing heart. Lara wasn't sad but the fact that her husband had been so brutally murdered had made her lose the will to continue living.

She couldn't tell the Detective that she was innocent nor could she ask for help. She felt useless, worthless to be called a wife. Her whole world had crumbled down like a glass shattering into pieces. If she picked it up she'll only further hurt herself.

"Mrs Malore, please stop restraining yourself from confessing. Your words are what will lead us to the truth. If you keep on silencing yourself then the case will never be solved"

Jeran's words fell on deaf ears. Lara didn't even react to her, all she did was sit still in her spot – not uttering a single phrase.

"During the last interrogation, you said that the death of your husband was for the best. Why would you say that, Mrs Malore? By any chance have you been in a state of mind where you wished for Mr Philip to stop breathing entirely?"

No response.

"Mr Philip was in love with Ms Fiona of the Derion Clan. Were you aware of this?", She noted on her diary and continued, "Have you ever seen or met Ms Fiona in person? Do you have any enmity with her, Mrs Malore?"

With no answers to her questions, Jeran heaved a deep sigh whilst pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. She wasted half of her day. Massaging her temples she groaned lowly, she was unable to control her temper so instead of ruining the whole situation she stood up and walked towards the door and held on the knob – twisting it open and walking out of the suffocating silence. Lara didn't even bother to glance at the leaving figure of Jeran. She averted her gaze towards the window again and let the world of thoughts swallow her wholely.


Scarlet saw the fuming woman approaching her way and shortly after she reached her, Jeran shook her head with a deep sigh. The latter knew the meaning behind the pale face and knitted brows so without further ado she pats her friend and smiled warmly at her. In the hope to lighten up the mood, she hugged the taller woman and whispered, "It's gonna be okay". Jeran knew it wasn't about the case but those words of encouragement were for her.

The drive back to the station was quiet. None of the two friends dared to disturb the silence until Jeran broke it, "It isn't the wife"

Scarlet faced her with a confused look, "How? You didn't even get any response from her. How are you so certain it's not her?"

"The way she reacted when I asked about Mr Philip's attitude towards her she began to hyperventilate and tried hard not to let out anything that she might regret later. And the fact that her husband was involved in that love scandal was enough to throw her off. Though she spoke not a single word, I'm certain it's not her"

"Then who? Who else would have the desire to end him?"

"That is what we need to find out by ourselves"


Lara watched the snowfall from the balcony and smiled lovingly. She spread her hand out and reached for the snowflakes attempting to catch it. Her gleeful moment was interrupted by the scream that came from the halls. She ignored the cries for help and continued to have her moment. Slowly the sound died out and all that was left was the stillness of the Mansion
