A Whole New Species

Waking up the next day I found myself outside in the firepit with a Kurama curled up on me. Despite having slept outside in a pit I felt amazing and warm. Stretching a bit woke Kurama up who looked at me with a head tilt.

Wait . . Damn why didn't I think of this earlier. Casting Speak with Animals I asked Kurama. "Kurama would you like for me to make you smarter and stronger?" *yip* "Okay well if I do this you will be charmed for a while is that okay buddy?" *Yip Yip* "Okay buddy hold on."

Taking my staff I put the tip on the crown of Kurama's head and cast Awaken on him. Once the spell had started changing him I watched as his eyes changed from that of a beast to that of one with intelligence and he filled out a little which is where it should have ended. Something else however hijacked my spell because as it was about to end I felt a massive amount of magical energy pulse from the earth into Kurama. His coat of fur slowly shifted to a spectral blue and his eyes began to emit a light glow. Finally his tail split into two tails.

At first I was worried then I was bewildered and finally my emotions ended in shock as I knew what Kurama had just become and it wasn't a Bijuu. If I'm right, based on my Druidic knowledge of animals Kurama is now a Blink Fox. That's a great thing for him and me if I'm honest but I'm super not okay with something hijacking MY spell and changing MY friend without MY permission.

I need to level Druid and figure out what the hell just happened before I start Awakening more creatures.

Kurama looked around then at himself and despite the major change to his entire being he seemed to be happy. So for now I would share his joy. It wasn't long before he was running around and jumping on rocks, being overly excited he looked my way and started running at me full speed before there was a *BAMF* and he was in my lap nuzzling my face and giving a big smile.

Kurama, opening his mouth spoke. "Thank you big brother, this is amazing, did you see how fast I ran and I can jump higher too, then I was like BAMF and I was here and now I'm talking . . . WOW I can talk big brother cool, You're the best brother ever."

Oh god I thought he was a quiet one but now I'm not sure I should have made him able to talk. Well at least my life is going to be filled with a big bundle of excitement although it's in a small package. Despite having been reformed as a bigger more magical fox species he is still a small pup for his species which is over thrice the size of before. Based on what my Druid knowledge is telling me, he is gonna be about the size of a car since Blink Foxes can grow up to 7-8 feet tall and up to 200-400 pounds.

"Your welcome Kurama, yes I saw, yup, definitely cool, thank you Kurama." I started replying to his rapid fire talking.

As Kurama kept talking I started heading to the place where the X-men and Brotherhood fought. After a bit we made it to the torn up clearing and I started to clean up the area and Mold Earthed the surrounding pits and gouges in the earth.

Taking the trees, beyond saving, I would either turn them into mushroom logs or I would turn them to firewood and use the ash to make some soap when I had the time.

Now I know my earlier list makes you think why am I trying to make everything if I plan to own a restaurant and the answer to that is . . . . . . Because I want to. That's it I just want to go survivor mode out here since I love the outdoors and I enjoy making stuff and learning how to be self-sufficient.

I know others in my position would think I should just power level myself and become as strong as fast as possible but if you don't enjoy the journey then what's the point. I not only intend to stop Thanos but I intend to do such while fully making the most of my life so that after all of this is over I have something to enjoy. Besides, if I ever get a hold of a wish that asshole is going to the plane of fire or something or maybe I will donjon his ass.

The sun was midway in the sky as we finished fixing the damage done by the fight. Once we looked everything over and planted a few acorns we just Druidcrafted some new trees to replace the old ones and we were good.

After having planted the last sapling I sat down and started trying to push myself further in my understanding of Druid Magic while Kurama started blinking everywhere.

An hour later I stopped and pulled out Klatch to ask him something. "Klatch how do I level the Druid class? Do I have to start hunting stuff or can I just use my spells until it happens or something."

"Master needs only to gain some experience of being a druid and Master will know when it is time to advance." Replied Klatch.

"Hmm well maybe after planting some new herbs and making a couple more treants would work but, what about the magic that messed with my own earlier?" I said to myself which I seem to be doing more of the longer I stay out here.

"That was the Elder Goddess Gaea, Master." Said Klatch responding to my mumbles.

Snapping my eyes back to Klatch I was stunned by what he said. Gaea as in Earth Mother the one who blessed Ororo is messing with me?

"She is the one who made you Grove Keeper, Master, she sensed your power and has rewarded you for bringing a lost magic back to her, especially one that can ward off Cthon." Klatch continued.

Say what now? My magic can ward off Cthon but the only thing that wards off Cthon is Earth because of the pact he made with Gaea. Is Druid magic that strong? Maybe because I'm in a different universe than DnD I'm using Gaea's power through my magic. I mean magic in dnd came from a spellcasting Deity and if I'm using Druidic magic maybe it latched onto the closest Druid like Deity which would be Gaea.

Well shit. Nothing I can do about that but at least I'm being rewarded and not punished for using her power as my own. In fact maybe I can start worshipping her. I mean she's a fairly nice goddess and is inline with my class.

Now how would one worship Gaea? Before I could think about it any further I heard a large vehicle driving toward this clearing. Standing up and preparing myself I waited for what was either my new stuff or a fight both of which I'm ready for since some of the trees surrounding us were my friends Ironstump, Summerleaf, and Grindafall.

Rolling up into the clearing was a cargo truck. Driving the truck was Raven herself. Stopping not too far away Raven hopped out of the truck and sauntered on over to me before giving Kurama a fairly surprised look considering she keeps her emotions reigned in all the time.

"Mr. Hale, here are the goods we agreed on, let it be known the brotherhood keeps their word." She said emphasizing the word brotherhood specifically.

"Ah I never doubted you would Ms. Darkholme and if you or yours ever need help I would be willing to help you provided it's you asking." I replied.

Smiling Raven seemed quite pleased by that and said. "Then if we ever need help I will be sure to come to you. Would you like some help unloading and carrying your things?"

"Oh how could I have a guest in my grove carrying my things. Ironstump would you mind helping me move the items from the truck to my home?" I replied eager to see her reaction.

The moment I finished speaking Ironstump unrooted and stood tall towering over everyone present and started walking to the truck. Once he made it to the truck he seemed confused about how to get my things out and before I could tell him how he wrapped his branches around the entire truck and started walking back toward our cave.

*cough* *cough* "Well I will make sure the truck is returned to this clearing Ms. Darkholme. *sigh* I guess I might need to teach my friends some modern knowledge." I said, I was a bit embarrassed at Ironstumps lack of knowledge since it's my job to make sure they know these things.

Raven chuckled a little before responding. "Yes you just might Eric." Then she turned a bit serious and said. "Would it be possible for us to see your grove, Grove Keeper?"

Thinking about it I wasn't sure if I wanted people in my grove but I knew I would have to let people in eventually, plus this was a good chance to build up some trust with one of the most cunning and sneaky people in the mutant society. . . . Why do I think that's a good idea again?

Ah fuck it you only live twice. "I would not mind showing my grove to a trusted friend Raven and perhaps one other that friend trusts in. However be warned the trust I have can be burnt just as fast as the forest around us so choose your plus one carefully." I said with a grave tone towards the end.

Raven seemed surprised that I had agreed or even considered it and showed disbelief at me calling her a friend. 'Well you may not know me much but I know you well enough to know you're a good person.' I thought with a smile.

After staring at me as if trying to figure out a puzzle Raven said. "Thank you, Eric. I will carefully select a person to come along." Just as she had finished speaking the sound of a jet got closer. As the noise got louder we looked up to see a black jet become visible and start to descend until it was landed about forty feet away from us. The back of the jet lowered and a group of people descended the ramp.

The X-men are here it seems. Leading at the front was Charles Xavier himself being pushed by Hank McCoy. Behind them were Jean, Scott, Kurt, Bobby, Ororo, Logan, and Rogue. Wow they brought out all the big hitters. Wonder if they are expecting a fight.

Just as I was about to greet them a flat metal disc floated down next to Raven and turned into a bracelet wrapping around the man who was just on it. Magneto and his fellow mutants were now lined up near Raven with an impressive list of mutants as well such as Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Blob, Avalanche, and Sabertooth. Hmm no Pyro looks like Magneto is playing the Game and when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground

Looks like we got all the big mutants in one place. Let's see how this plays out.

"It's good to see you old friend." Said Charles.

"You as well Charles. I see you are still following that silly notion that humanity will accept us." Replied Magneto.

"They will one day Eric. I'm sure of it." Charles said with an almost hopeful look.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet both of you but may I ask what you all are doing in my grove?" I said interrupting their little reunion.

"Yes I apologize, we did not mean to cause harm to your forest and wanted to personally apologize to you and offer any assistance if needed." Said Charles with a slight smile. Once he finished speaking Jean floated quite a few large crates out of the jet and put them down to the side.

"Ah thank you for a moment I thought only the brotherhood was going to come but it seems I have been corrected." I said with a happy tone. Yay double resources and I didn't even have to watch an ad like those freemium games. "Summerleaf, would you be a dear and take these back to the base?"

"Of course Grove Keeper." Said Summerleaf as she unrooted from the ground and walked toward the crates. All of the X-men seemed surprised except Jean. The Brotherhood got into what I would guess is a combat formation when they saw Summerleaf except for Magneto and Raven those two didn't so much as flinch.

As Summerleaf left I continued talking. "Thank you for the resources and you have earned my forgiveness so I will offer you the same thing I offered Raven here. Ms. Monroe you may come to my forest and bring those who would need my help or shelter if I am able to provide it. You may also visit my grove with one other to look around as well. I would be pleased to have you as a guest."

"I see. Thank you." Storm replied.

Welp it's time to take my stuff and go cause I am really not good with this many people especially when I am the center of attention.

"Kurama come on we're going home." I yelled out.

Kurama of course yelled back. "AH don't leave me, I'm coming!" All I heard was a few BAMF noises and he was next to me.

"Then until we next meet. If you wish to check out my grove, come to this clearing and I will know." I said, passing my gaze across all of them before once again turning my back to all of them and walking into the forest.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Back at the Base >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Whew that was stressful. Next time I think about extorting some goods from someone, let's make sure they don't have powers." I mumbled to myself as I realized that had that gone another way I could be dead. I need more power and soon.

So i guess it's time to push the limit on my spells. I started by creating a storage room in my cave and organizing all of the supplies I have now. It would seem they gave me more than I thought they would.

List of stuff

1. 10 Herbalism Kits (B)

2. 10 Alchemy Kits (B)

3. 10 Sets of Standard Gardening Supplies. (X)

4. 100 Packets of Common vegetable and fruit seeds. (X)

5. 20 Packs of Rare Seeds. (B)

6. 5 50lb bags of Eco-friendly Fertilizer (X)

7. 5 Barrels of Manure. (B)

8. 10 Leather bound Journals (X)

9. 10 Leather bound Tomes (B)

10. 2 Mattress (X)

11. 50 Blankets and 50 Pillows of different shapes and sizes (B)

12. A Digital watch (X) and a Pocket Watch with a tree engraved on it (B)

13. A large amount of Camping supplies including canned food. (B)

X = X-men B = Brotherhood.

It seems when it comes to gift giving Raven knows how to pick them and although I know she's trying to buy some goodwill I will totally take this stuff. Of course I don't think any less of the X-men for not going over the top as I imagine it can't be financially profitable to run their school.

Once I had everything sorted I started to set up my place and get everything all squared away into its rightful place. Then I headed back outside to start setting up my garden.

Taking the more common seeds for vegetables and a few fruit seeds like watermelons I began planting them by dropping the seed on the plot I made for gardening and using Mold Earth to properly plant it before using Druidcraft to get the plants growing.

All that was left to do after I had planted all the seeds was to transport some water in my new watering cans and water them. By the time I was done the sun was setting and I was fairly tired. 7:23PM my new watch read. Thinking about it I decided I would mix in the fertilizer tomorrow as I was fairly tired and that was a crappy job.

Heading to the fire pit I cast Wild Cunning and had the spirits setup the campsite by which they set up a big tent placed blankets and pillows inside with a mattress and got some wood before starting the campfire up and placing some pots and pans on the fire to cook some canned food they poured into the pot.

'God magic is the best thing that has ever existed.' I thought to myself as I watched the eager little spirits setting up something that would take me at least 8-12 hours to set up by myself.

Once everything was set up the spirits darted off into the forest disappearing from my view in seconds, leaving only faint giggles in the air as they faded out of sight.

After cooking the food for a bit I served up some for me and some for Kurama as well as asking if Klatch could eat. He can't, which is a shame but he told me that the books he has taste quite well.

Anyways once i finished eating i decided to sleep in the tent with Kurama and start on the rest of the garden tomorrow.

If the X-men or the Brotherhood of Mutants show up tomorrow Grindafall will notify me. So I should rest and build up my grove until then.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Unknown >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Wake up child. *soft chuckle* Wake up little druid."

Sleeply opening my eyes I looked around and noticed I was not in my tent or my grove. Shifting my eyes to the one who woke me I saw an ethereal beauty with perfectly tanned skin and light earthy colored hair going down to her breast wearing an amazing dark green dress that entwined her arms and flowed down her body. It wasn't until I had taken in all of her visage that i heard the feminine melodious laughter that came from her lips.

Snapping my eyes up to hers I saw two bright green pupils staring at me that radiated power and divinity. "Gaea . . ." I whispered realizing who I was gazing upon.

"It is I, my little druid." Gaea said with a chuckle before continuing to talk. "I am sorry for not asking for your permission to MESS with YOUR spell and YOUR friend in YOUR forest. Next time I'll be sure to ask."

Not gonna lie for a second I thought she might smite me with the tone she used until she just chuckled again and then reached out and cupped the side of my face.

"Don't worry little druid I won't hurt you, not after all you have given to me. Now I know you wish to worship me. I can feel it and I will help you to do so. So here is what you need to do my child, go plant this seed near your cave and use your spell to help it grow and once it has been four days use your staff to cast Awaken upon it and then you will be able to worship me little druid." As she told me this she never stopped cupping my check or playing with some of my hair and her eyes stayed on mine the entire time. I was mesmerized by her eyes and I had to concentrate incredibly hard to remember what she had even said.

Once again i heard her divine laughter before she leaned forward and gave a chaste kiss to my left and right temple and then she was gone and so was the place I had been instead I was staring up at the ceiling of the tent and it was daytime.

Sitting up I felt something roll down into my lap and looking at it I saw it was a seed. A seed that was the size of my head. Whatever this grows into is gonna be really big.

While i probably should have investigated or been wary I just couldn't find it in me to disbelieve her, that's the feeling she gave me the entire time I was in her presence.

Well let's plant this sucker and see what happens worst come to worst I die. At least I hope that's the worst case. *shudder*

Hopping out of bed I made my way to an open space near my cave and used Mold Earth to move a five foot square of dirt out of the way and placed the seed inside and then covered it.

I was going to go and get water but then lightning cracked into the air and it started to rain.

In that one spot specifically.

Wow. Talk about localized rainfall.