Ma'Kala, Level 3, and an Owl.

Well since this is going to take a while I am going to survey my grove and see what kind of animals are in my grove and their territories.

I also need to cast Awaken on a few more animals and see what the result is. So I have a fairly filled out next couple of days to get my grove in order.

Casting Wild Cunning as a ritual so it doesn't use a spell slot the camp gets packed back up. Going into the storage room I grabbed one of the journals and started to map the area.

Walking around I met an assortment of animals and had them show me their territories while I noted down who lived where and drew a map showing off their areas.

Turns out some of the territories overlap but the ones that do don't seem to mind each other too much. So no real problems except for a couple of small disputes between a beaver and a bear.

Apparently the beaver didn't like all too much the bear leaving hair all over the base of the trees in the area they use and the bear needed somewhere to scratch his back.

After sorting through all of the territories and residents of my grove I started to make my way to Ma'kala's territory. Ma'kala is the cougar who first helped me, she has two cubs named Maki and Kali. Once I made it to Ma'kala's territory I only needed to take a step into it before she was before me jumping down from a nearby tree.

"How may I help you Grove Keeper." Ma'kala said as two cubs were rolling on the ground play fighting behind her.

"Well, Ma'kala, I will be offering a blessing to some of the animals in my grove and I thought as one who had helped me that I would make this offer to you first." I said. Looking at the cubs I added. "It shouldn't hurt and will only take a couple of seconds and I will offer the same blessing to your cubs should it work on you."

Ma'kala seemed to be thinking for quite a while while watching her cubs.

"You will take care of my cubs if it doesn't." Ma'kala said stating, rather than asking.

Although I knew nothing bad would happen, but I'm not sure Ma'kala would believe that so better to promise in case. "Of course Ma'kala I would not abandon your cubs." I replied.

Gazing at me with the ferocity that only mothers have, not that being a big cougar didn't help, she finally nodded after a minute and said. "Then I accept your blessing Grove Keeper and hope I serve you well."

Getting the go ahead from her I lifted my staff and as with Kurama I placed the head of the staff upon the top of her head and casted Awaken.

As the spell's magic enveloped Ma'kala she grew in size towering over me now at around 16 feet. Looks like Ma'kala is now a Dire Cougar.

Looking over her new form she seems to appreciate it and then speaks in my language and says. "Thank you Grove Keeper I shall do my best to protect and guard your grove for as long as I live."

Smiling at Ma'kala I replied. "I know you will Ma'kala and I welcome you and your cubs to my home at any time. Your cubs will have to wait until I have the time to cast that spell again until then I would not leave the grove since humans would probably try to capture you."

Giving a much more terrifying smile with razor sharp teeth and having bright red eyes Ma'kala says. "They would try Grove Keeper and they would face my wrath for the attempt, however I will heed your warning and stay within the grove for now."

"Thank you Ma'kala. I'm going to look around some more and then head home. Farewell friend." I said before leaving.

"Farewell friend I will be watching over you." Ma'kala said once I was no longer within range to hear her.

Going back to the cave I wondered what animal I should do next. With Gaea empowering my spells a bit I should be able to bring back or create creatures that no longer exist or never have.

All I knew for sure was that I needed to prevent people from accidentally getting into my grove and since I can't ward this place I think I will raise a wall of earth around the entire grove to prevent people from accidentally crossing into it.

Now that won't stop them from coming in on purpose but I have treants and various beasts to prevent them from doing anything and driving them off.

Once I arrived back at the cave I saw a sapling already growing out of the ground where I planted the seed. Walking over to it I reached out and lightly passed my hand over one of the oversized buds and cast Druidcraft. After I had done that the bud instantly bloomed and I felt an overwhelming power flood into me before abruptly stopping. Looking over at the over 3 buds I started casting Druidcraft on them one by one letting the power fill me and stop before continuing to the next one.

Once all the buds had bloomed into these big bright multicolored flowers the sapling shot up about 10 feet in height before stopping.

The power that rushed into me from that was bigger than the buds and once it stopped I still felt like I was bursting at the seams.

Yet just like Klatch had said I knew it was time. Whatever this energy is I have enough of it to level my druid class to level three and that's what I am gonna do.

Sitting down with my legs crossed I pulled Klatch off my back and put him infront of me. Klatch of course probably already knew what was going on, how he did that I have no idea, had the Druid Tome out and held it in front of me to take.

Grabbing the book and opening it I once again fell into a trance and begun absorbing the knowledge it was feeding me.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Edge of Grove >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Grindafall was watching the clearing from her rooted place. She wished she had been able to show off her form to the humans as well but knowing that she is her Grove Keepers last line of defense was a much better feeling to her.

Having the task of waiting for those her Keeper defined worthy and guarding against intruders. Grindafall was very alert and ready to spring into action. Now most treants are not very energetic or so pepped up but Grindafall was a young sapling compared to most other treants.

This has the benefit of making her a lot faster and quicker to react but it also makes her a little rash and eager to impress others. So when two people stepped into the clearing she noted that one of them was Raven and another young human with bones growing from her body she stepped into the clearing.

"Raven and the young one." She said greeting them. "The Grove Keeper was expecting you." That's why she was here after all.

"That's not creepy at all." The younger human mumbled. Raven, giving an admonishing look to the younger girl, said. "Thank you for guiding us. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"

"I am Grindafall named by the maker of all treants, the Grove Keeper." Replied Grindafall with a happy smile and a reverence in her voice. Though Grindafall may be young she understood that her Keeper probably did not understand how much it meant to her and the others that he was bringing back their race from extinction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Grindafall. I am Raven Darkholme and this is Sarah Rushman." Said Raven introducing herself and the young human.

"Good. Now follow me and do not damage any plants or trees. The animals will not bother us as long as you do not wander off from me." Replied Grindafall eager to get to the cave the Keeper was at so she could both receive his praise and be beside their maker again. His presence was soothing almost like water or the sun and like them she felt a need to be surrounded by it.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Raven's POV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Following behind the treant Raven noticed that the forest did not seem any different from a normal forest on the surface but her instincts told her there was a great power over the land and that she was walking on the edge of a blade.

Having followed her instincts her whole life she knew that whatever happened while she was here she could not afford to offend Eric. Speaking of him Raven thought back to when she first saw him. He was a beautiful man that in a few years would become handsome but as he was his looks gave an almost feminine ethereal feeling similar to what a fairy tale book might describe an elf.

For all she knew he was an elf druid and while she has never met an elf, she had met a druid before however he was very old and not that sane anymore however his magic was terrifying even to her. The same magic that the young Eric wielded, of that she was sure. So she would be on her best behavior especially since unlike many before he did not run into the arms of the coddling X-men the moment Magneto started talking of supremacy.

That is why she brought Marrow with her as she was calmest for the most part due to having just been recruited recently. Callisto would have been a good choice as well but she was still depressed from her looks being ruined, luckily Raven found her before she went underground and hid away like many other mutants.

After having followed Grindafall for about twenty minutes Raven and Marrow stepped out of the tree line in front of the cave, they were treated to the sight of a tall shimmering tree with bloomed flowers the size of a person and next to the tree was a sphere of vines shaped like a pod pulsing like a heart with green light pouring out through the vines.

Watching the pod just pulse for a moment, Raven looked around and only saw Grindafall and Kurama. Just as she was wondering where Eric was, the pod suddenly popped like a balloon and as the vines melted back into the ground Eric was floating in the air in a meditative state with an ancient looking book made of bark floating in front of him. Once she looked at the book it snapped shut and Eric grabbed it and tossed it behind him and it disappeared.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Eric's POV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

One moment I was reading, then the next I was water floating in the sea, the river, the pond, and even circulating through the body. Then I was the earth I got bigger, smaller, cracked in half, rose, and sunk. Next I was air itself whipping around flowing through the sky, filling the sky with life, and both allowing those in my domain to live or casting them back to the earth as I wished. Finally I was fire and I burned hotter than anything i've ever known, I was the sun, I gave warmth, I am the creation and destruction, I am power.

While I had felt all of this I also had felt mentally different. With water I was calm and clear headed and once I set my mind to something I did it no matter how long it took. With earth I was confident and patient I could wait as long as needed to strike and when I did I would give it everything I could. With air I was free and I had no worries I knew that just as the winds could change so could my fate so I lived in the moment and enjoyed myself. With fire I was compassionate with my friends and loved ones but I was wrathful to those who were my enemies or had betrayed me, I was creative but also destructive and I was powerful and I showed it in not arrogance but in might.

While to me it had felt like years, once I had emerged glancing at my watch told me it has only been about thirty-four minutes since I had started reading.

What I had gained was tremendous and it should be since I was a level three druid now and had taken upon myself the Circle of the Prime Elements.

What this meant was that I now had access to Wild Shape: The ability to magically assume the shape of a beast that I have seen before and I can do this twice before needing to rest and only into creatures weaker than me at the moment.

I also gained Nature's Boon: By protecting nature, nature protects you leaving you untouched by natural hazards. So I am now naturally acclimated to high altitude and adapted to warm and cold climates.

Most importantly I gained my Druid Circle the Circle of Prime Elements: This Circle is made up of wanderers and sages who keep the connection between the elemental planes and the material plane safe and under control. These druids are often rumored to be destructive and dangerous, which is true, but only when they need to be. For now I gain three things from this circle.

Elemental Attunement: This allows me to choose between air, earth, fire, or water once every eight hours. Whatever element I choose is the element I become attuned to; gaining me an Elemental Shape and Circle Spells associated with it. This also allows me to speak, read, and write Primordial which is the language of the Elementals.

Circle Spells: These are the spells I will gain depending on the element I have attuned myself to.

1. Air Spells: Thunderwave, Gust of Wind

2. Earth Spells: Earth Tremor, Earthen Grasp

3. Fire Spells: Burning Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher

4. Water Spells: Ocean Pulse, Waterspout

Elemental Shape: This is one of the biggest abilities of this Circle. I can magically assume the shape of an elemental. Much like Wild Shape I can use this ability twice before resting. I can stay in my Elemental Shape for ten minutes of each use. Best of all any damage I take in my Elemental form is taken away when I change back.

All in all I would say this has been a fairly big boost to my defense and attack. Each elemental form I can take has an ability called [Touch of (Element)] that allows me to cast two cantrips specific to that element. So I also have access through my forms to cast Stonefist, Mold Earth, Shocking Grasp, Gust, Control Fire, Fire Bolt, Douse, and Shape Water Cantrips.

With these spells and forms and the boost in my physical health that leveling does I can start to make some ventures into a nearby city to fight crime and "liberate criminal funds" to get a forged license and maybe enough to buy a restaurant/apartment building.

Finally now that I am a level three druid I have access to second level spells for druids and have the ability to prepare two more spells.

Getting back to reality I look up and see Grindafall with Raven and Marrow next to her. Marrow shouldn't exist yet so somethings are going to be different than what I know. How exciting.

Throwing the tome to Klatch on my back I say. "Well Raven. Welcome to the center of my grove and home. Here let me set up some comforts for us." Slamming my staff on the ground I cast Wild Cunning and a bunch of little spirits started setting up camp for us.

Walking over to the pit I sat down and enjoyed the flames. Raven and Marrow walked over and sat shortly after I did. Once we were seated I offered some refreshments to them which Marrow took some jerky and Raven some fruit juice.

Then we began talking about various things and mostly just relaxed. I casted a spell at Raven's insistence. Druidcraft revealed that it would be bright out with no clouds. Raven seemed amused but not impressed. So I casted Flame Blade summoning a scimitar made of flames into my hand the heat billowing off of it showing just how powerful it was and now she was impressed.

I will talk of what we spoke of later.

After a few more parlors tricks with cantrips. I bid them farewell and walked them to the edge of the grove. Looking at Raven before she left I winked and turned into an Earth Elemental and sank into the dirt burrowing through the ground back to my cave.

Once I made it to my cavern I was about to walk in before an owl swooped down in front of me and landed on one of the earthen benches I had made outside. As the owl had landed it put a letter down in front me and looked at me intensely.

Walking over I picked up the letter and was stunned. 'What the hell is this thing doing here!' I thought as I looked at the red wax seal with a gold imprint that showed a shield with a lion, snake, badger, and raven. At the bottom it read "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" which means Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon.

Looking at the front of the letter their was my address which read:

Mr. Eric Hale

Cave in the Southwest of Buttermilk Falls


New york.

Well at least I know where I am now. Even if I knew we were located near New York because of the X-men they live more toward Salem, New York.

Opening the letter I began to wonder why they would send me an owl as I am not eleven nor am I a Wizard and I should know since I don't have prestidigitation. Damn Wizards.

Once I got the letter out I began to read it and this is what it said.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf, Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Eric Hale

(Grove Keeper)

We are pleased to inform you that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is looking for someone of your caliber to fill a needed and new position of Teacher of Nature and Arts. While we have classes for Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures we do not have a class on how to apply such knowledge, nor do we have a class on the spells that could benefit such knowledge. As such we would be very pleased if you could find the time to teach some students who would be willing to sign up to such a class. Please find an enclosed list of which to fill out the necessary books and equipment that your class would require. Term begins on February 25th 2010. We await your owl by no later than December 1st. We look forward to having you at our school.

Yours Sincerely

Minerva McGonall

Deputy Headmistress

After having read the letter I was flummoxed. They want me as a teacher for hogwarts. Better yet how do they even know of me. Now the real question is do I accept the postion?

Hmm. Looking back at the owl I cast goodberry and fed him one which made him quite happy. After telling the owl to wait here I go into my cave and get my journal and start writing a letter in return for the owl to carry back.

Going outside once I was done writing I handed the letter to the owl and scratched under his beak before letting him fly off.

Looking around my grove I remembered my earlier plans of hiding it away and it would seem I need to do this now rather than later as things are coming to a head. So I set off into the forest changing into a Earth Elemental to start lowering the entire grove about thirty feet and raising the edges about forty feet creating a crater similar to Un'goro Crater or Sholazar Basin in World of Warcraft. Those two places are what I would model my grove after since they were the work of titans who were meant to create perfect zones.

It took me about six hours to finish mainly because I had to do twenty minutes of work and then rest for one hour then another twenty minutes of work.

The finished product still needed some tender love and care but overall it looks fairly good and the only way in or out is either by flying which the people allowed here can do or by treant.

Now that my grove is protected from the mundane it's time to head into New York and earn some cas- I mean stop some crimes and save people. Cause I'm a Hero . . . . who's broke and needs money.