Note to Self: Check Item Before Attuning

I ended up choosing what not to exchange rather than what to as there were just too many things to choose. I mainly just kept some legal cash from the agents, some not so legal cash and a pistol incase I needed one. As I watched the amount of rolls I could do rise to ten, cause anyone who chooses odd numbers is a madman, I saw a button appear over the roll button that said "High Roll" however it had a x1 next to it compared to the regular roll which had a x10.

Now that I had that done I decided to just High Roll since I would still have 3 rolls left over anyways just so I knew what it did.

Before I did however I started washing my clothes and bathing since I did not want to dirty whatever I got. Klatch has already told me I have no other set of clothes. After washing both me and my clothes I set them out to dry while I sat on the sunbathing rock and hit the High Roll option.

What popped into my vision was not the portal but instead a wheel with options. At first I was confused at least until I touched the wheel and a part of it lit up and doubled. The Categories I could choose were Armor, Potion, Ring, Rod, Scroll, Staff, Wand, Weapon, and Wondrous Item.

I had to choose six options but I could choose one twice. So I chose Armor twice, Ring, Weapon, Wonderous Item, and Wand. After choosing my six options the wheel started to spin, I waited about ten minutes for it to stop before getting irritated and tapping on it to make it work, apparently I had to touch it to stop it cause it immediately started slowing down until it stopped on Wondrous Item. Then I saw a slot machine-like window appear with one column that was spinning. Once it started to slow I noticed it had four options Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare.

I barely noticed I was holding my breath as it slowed to a stop almost stopping on Very Rare before ticking over to Rare. I felt conflicted since I was happy it was rare but sad that it was almost Very Rare. However I didn't have long to think about it since it changed into a portal and spat the item out.

Catching the item in my hand, I almost threw it away, as it was a little glass jar with an eyeball inside of it. I knew this was a wondrous item since that is what I rolled but I had no information on how to use it. I did know however that I might have to attune to it so I decided to try that.

And that was how I learned to not just attune myself to random magic items.

Taking the eye out of the jar I felt it twitch in my hand. I felt a little weirded out but with the possibility of having some kind of cool ability I continued to attune myself for 1 hour before I felt something overcome me taking control of my body. Reaching up my hand went in front of my face before it started to dig my own eyeball out. Blood began pouring out and I felt horrible pain as I not only dug into my own eye socket but ripped it from there. Once it was out I watched as my eye disintegrated and the eye I had attuned to formed little limbs from blood and crawled up my body and into my eye socket.

Having just screamed aloud I looked around for a moment and noted that I could still see with both eyes but I now knew what all this eye could do.

It was called the Eye of Dendallen and it was a cursed magic item, now the curse wasn't really bad per say just brutal. The curse would fill you with a sudden urge to see what it sees and I wasn't able to resist the curse, not that many could, it would make you forcefully tear out one of your own eyes and allow the Eye of Dendallen to crawl in. The beneficial properties of the item however were fairly nice, I would be able to see anything that was invisible and even into the Ethereal Plane. That wasn't all either, I would be capable of darkvision and I could look through magical darkness if I concentrated.

Now you would think that would be all but no, the biggest part of this magic item and what makes it Rare is most probably its last feature, Dendallen Familiar. Using this feature I could command the eye to crawl out of my eye socket and move independently of me and has all the benefits of the Find Familiar spell allowing me to see and hear through it or cast touch based spells through it. If someone was able to detect it and kill it the eye would reappear in my eye socket and turn pitch black and lose all benefits until the next dusk.

Despite the horrible curse and pain overall this item was amazing as I would be able to eavesdrop on people or even just not be blinded. The thought of throwing my eye at somebody and casting Shocking Grasp as they caught it was just too delightful of an idea to not appreciate.

Cleaning myself of the blood I went and got a small mirror from the camping kit and saw that I now had heterochromia with one eye being bright blue and the other being bright green. The green eye was the Eye of Dendallen of course. I would say it makes me look a little odd but charming, and if there was doubt before of an otherworldly look it's gone now. Now when I say otherworldly i'm not saying I am the most handsome thing to have ever lived, I just look unusual and like I don't exactly fit in modern earth but not in an off putting way, I just have above average looks face wise but the hair color mixed with my eyes and having nothing like freckles or acne marks or anything made me look like I took very good care of my looks when in reality its just that this body has only existed for a week.

I think I am gonna wait on rolling anymore for a little while, not because i'm traumatized or anything, nope not that at all just gonna wait for a bit is all . . . . . . . . . maybe till I can cast Identify.

Going over to the cave I grabbed a sheet in the storage room and made myself an improvised toga to wear until my clothes are dry. Stepping into the main room of my home I saw Skye was still out for the count, looking like she's a heavy sleeper.

Walking back out I went and cleaned up the blood from where I was sitting. Looking around I saw that the tree that Gaea had me plant is almost done growing. I hope so at least since the tree has grown tall enough to reach the clouds, clouds that never seem to leave the tree. Looking at it I imagined this is what Jack felt looking at the beanstalk. Kinda makes me wanna climb it.

The trunk of the tree has expanded to almost the width of a medium sized building. Walking around it would take over ten minutes.

I honestly just stared at it for a while, I mean I noticed it when we first got here but I kinda ignored it because at the moment I didn't want to deal with it but . . . . this is a fucking world tree isn't it?

I mean it's probably a sapling compared to Yggdrasil but still. Does this mean I will be growing new dimensions? From my druidic knowledge lore of the world tree says that each of its branches will connect to an existing dimension or create new ones to breath life into, hence the title Tree of Life.

Looking at the tree I could tell it wasn't an ash tree similar to Yggdrasil nor was it a brobding nagian tree from Dungeons and Dragons, instead the tree was an elder tree.

Sitting under the tree and just resting I waited for dawn so my staff could recharge and I could cast awaken upon the tree. Thinking of the tree I decided to name it, as it was unique much like Yggdrasil I felt it would need a name.

Dawn came quickly as I thought of names for the Elder Tree. Once I felt my staff charge I was back to 8 charges, the 2 left over from today and the staff had recharged 6 once dawn came.

Getting ready to cast Awaken on the tree I decided what to name them.

"Elladorsah, that's what I will call you." I said before casting awaken on the giant tree.

Elladorsah reacted immediately doubling in size yet the ground did not move at all, as if the space it was in just expanded rather than actually grow. Then I watched as the clouds above cleared and in the sky I saw thousands of branches filled with leaves and flowers of amazing size. I was worried that they would be seen or sensed by others but as I had that worry I heard something in my mind.

'Do not worry little druid they can not be seen by those outside my realm and is hidden to those within. They will be a great help to you and your destiny. When you wish to speak to me pray in my name and I will respond. Now receive my Blessing and always know I watch over you and your grove.' Once the voice of Gaea stopped I felt the same foreign power that I had detected when I awakened Kurama, push its way into me without resistance.

Feeling the energy within me condense it's form into a 20 sided dice in the pit of my stomach. Despite being inside of me I knew exactly what it looked like and what it was. It was a green dice with leaves and branches inside of it and the four elements swirling around inside of it, this was obviously a representation of not only my class Druid but also my Circle.

However what caught my attention the most was that I felt that I could now access the 4th level of druid and with that came the knowledge that I could obtain a new class as well.

When I heard a loud creaking noise coming from Elladorsah I decided to choose those things in a minute for now I would concentrate on what's happening before me.

Looking up at Ella I watched as they started forming a face on their trunk. The face was inhuman but also slightly feminine with angular facial structure, soft eyes, and puffy lips. Opening their eyes Ella stared down at me and I heard a soft deep voice in a melodious tone as she spoke.

"Druid as you have given me life, Gaea has given us bond, I give to you my gift."

As they finished speaking a green teardrop fell from one of their eyes and as it fell shrunk down to the size of a thumb, it was a swirling bright green that darkened before it dulled slightly to look like just a green stone in the shape of half a yin-yang symbol.

Before it hit the ground it just stopped and floated before me, taking it I replied back to Ella. "Thank you, Elladorsah."

Once I had said that they smiled and then closed their eyes and went dormant. Grabbing a simple chain necklace from Klatch I looped it through the green stone and wore it on my neck. Looking around the area I noticed that life had bloomed all around me, the grove itself looked more lively and vibrant, I also noticed I was capable of feeling it. I could feel the plants, animals, and elements in my grove, and I felt where they were as well as how they were, it was a connection stronger than I had ever felt before.

I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with Skye as she still hasn't woken up from this commotion until Gaea informed me she had put her to sleep so as to not frighten her.

Deciding to make use of the time I had before she would wake up I pulled out the Druid Tome and got to reading. Leveling up to 4th level was fairly easy since I was just getting a small boost to wild shape, a feat, and another cantrip. Going through the feats I ended up choosing Alert which made it to where I could not be ambushed or surprise attacked as well as allowing me to react faster than my enemies. As for the cantrip I chose Mending and switched Mold Earth to Primal Savagery.

Primal Savagery grows my nails or teeth and adds a corrosive property to them. Mending was a good choice as well allowing me to fix various things.

Now that I was finished improving what I knew, it was time to add something I didn't. Picking up another class tome I started to read from it.

I awoke from my trance filled with knowledge of new spells and information. Having chosen another spellcasting class I needed to choose three new cantrips and six 1st level spells of which I chose: Message, Ray of Frost, and Prestidigitation for my cantrips and Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Healing Elixir, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield, and Unseen Servant.

If you haven't guessed already I chose Wizard as my second class to get more out of magic. Having chosen my spells I was prepared to put the Wizard Tome away, however before I could it changed into a Wizards Spellbook instead.

After a bit of messing around with my new cantrips I went inside the cave to check on Skye. Walking over to where I laid her down I saw that she was sitting up and looking around.

"Morning." I called out.

"Where are we?"

"We're in my grove."


She went quiet for a bit.

"So can I leave this cave or am I not allowed?"

"Oh you can walk around, go wherever you want inside my grove but beware that any animals and plants will defend themselves should you harm them."

"Thank you."

Nodding to her, I walked back outside and she followed. I needed to get to London and find out if they have made a decision yet since they should have received the letter already and I'm a bit impatient. Deciding that I was gonna look for an airport I turned back to Skye.

"I am going to be going on a trip for a short while. I will be back in about a week. If you need me just call me." Having given her a phone and a heads up I started toward Ithaca to see if they had an airport there.

"What do you mean call me? Where are you going? You're just going to leave me here? What about my stuff or my van, and my laptop."

"The phone has my number so call if you need me, I am going on a short business trip, and I will get your stuff back after I return."

Shifting into an air elemental I flew through the air toward the city. I made it to the city's airport at around 10am, once there I began looking for flights and found I would have to make 2 stops before I made it to London.

Of course I was not going to shell out the $2000+ to get a ticket instead I found out where the plane would be and changed into a spider before making my way toward it. Rather than board the passenger area I went into the Cargo Bay and hid myself.

23 hours. That was how long it took for the flight and the 2 stops. I had to wild shape at each stop back into a spider so I could board the next airplane, and once during the flight as a flight attendant and a passenger snuck down here to join the mile high club, luckily the guy finishes quickly and was gone before the ten minutes for Wild Shape was up, kinda sucks for the flight attendant though.

After I had made my way out of the airport I changed in an alleyway and walked out to a newspaper kiosk and got a map so I could find the Leaky Cauldron. Luckily it was on the map and wasn't hidden from the public or maybe it was just my connection to magic.

Making my way there sucked since I didn't have any pounds yet and I wasn't sure if I could exchange the money I had without an I.D. or Passport.

Thankfully the levels that came with the classes I had chosen made me much tougher than an ordinary human. Nothing really happened on my way to the pub, once I made it there however I noticed that many strange people walked in and out of the pub. A lot of wizards wore very dated or odd looking clothes or robes.

Going into the pub I noticed the patrons of the pub turn toward me and go silent for a moment before they just went back to what they were doing. Walking up to the bar I saw a man behind it cleaning the counters.

"What can I do for you, Sir." He said.

"Ah yes I need to enter Diagon Alley and I don't have my wand anymore, would you mind?"

"Riley, need passage for one." He yelled.

A man standing by an empty wall nodded and took out his wand and tapped the brick wall causing it to fold inward and open to a bustling alleyway. Walking over I was about to go in before I noticed the Tip cup next to Riley on a stool. Grabbing a gold from my pouch I tossed it in the cup. Looking at me Riley smiled and said to me "thank you sir", he was a bit hard to understand as it seemed he had no tongue.

Nodding toward him I stepped through the opening making my way into one of the top three most famous spots in the Harry Potter series, the other two being Hogwarts and Platform 9 ¾.

Stopping myself from just gawking at everything I set off for Gringotts first. Bypassing many of the shops lining the street I finally made it to the front of the Gringotts Bank and walked inside. Walking in I saw a big sign hanging over the door leading to the main hall that read.

Gringotts Bank

The Safest Place for Gold, Jewels, Magical Artefacts Since 1474 [Secure a Vault Today!]

Of course I saw the doors with the poem engraved on it as well but i'm sure you've heard it before, so I won't repeat it.

Heading further inside I was greeted to the sight of many goblins working hard. It was honestly an amazing sight to see so many of a magical race in one place. Looking at the signs above them there were specific locations for different things. Getting in line under the one that said Accounting I waited in line until it was my time to step forward.

Stepping up to the podium the goblin said. "Yes, what do you need?"

I responded in goblin to see if he understood it. "I would like to open a Vault and if possible know if you are capable of crafting me an identity in the muggle world?"

The goblin stopped what he was doing and looked up from his desk peering down at me and it seems he wasn't the only one as every goblin had stopped what they were doing, staring at me instead.

The goblin cleared his throat and the others returned to their work. Looking back at me he replied. "Follow me."

Not knowing if this was normal or not, I cursed the movies and books for not expanding on this before following the goblin through some hallways and into a room.

Once I was in the room the doors slammed shut and the goblin looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"How do you know the tongue of our ancestors?" He said looking like he was ready to slay me should my answer not be to his liking.

"I know of various languages not used much anymore one of them just happens to be yours."

"So you know the written language too?"

? why would he ask that . . . does he not or is he confirming that I do.

"Yes I know the script to Goblinspeak." The moment I finished saying that I could see him become excited which for a goblin was almost a bloodthirsty look.

"I think we just might be able to work out a deal Mr. . . ."

"Hale, Eric Hale, and that would be most delightful if we could."