"Then we will set up your vault and an established I.D. with a passport, stock options, and a full background going back 18 years, of course we will also make sure you're history is strong enough for any muggles." My new Vault Manager told me.
After talking to the banker about what I wanted he asked if I wanted a magical identity as well, I asked if that was possible and of course he told me anything is possible if you have the coin. So I decided that I did want an entire background magical or otherwise so I will be registered as a former student of Ilvermorny that dropped out to pursue a unique type of magic and decided to spread my new magic in the best school of wizardry Hogwarts. I was from a noble family in America and have moved my house to here which will be provided as part of the deal. Now they aren't paying me gold, however I will get a free custom wand as a certain wand maker apparently owes gringotts for some rare materials he bought a while ago and the goblins saw fit to let him forget about his payment in case they would need to use him.
Now you might be thinking what about the introduction I bartered for with Hogwarts, well they got a message about it and despite the grimace on his face he offered a whole 2% discount on vault fees. Not a lot but from a goblin it sounds great.
I asked for a goblin forged greatsword but that was an outright no, I was disappointed until he mentioned that he could sell me a goblin forged item but it would be returned to them upon my death. I was actually okay with that so I agreed, however I ended up with them forging me a rapier since that was what they offered me.
"Okay then sign here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here." He continued as he read me through the contracts. I read them of course and as far as I know it's legit.
My end of the deal is I would teach 5 goblins the script for Goblinspeak which is actually Dwarven Script which is why they want it so bad. Dwarven Script used in their forging and enchanting would improve their smithing tenfold.
Turns out they really didn't care where I got the money I had so I exchanged $50,000 for 7342 Gold of which I stored all but 200 in my Vault. Most wizarding families had around 30,000 in their vaults on average and the families of the Sacred Twenty-Eight had hundreds of thousands.
Having gotten everything solved I went shopping. The first place I headed to was actually a store that sold bags, trunks or purses. Heading in I talked with the salesmen to see how big these things can get and so I splurged for a fairly big trunk with a libral use of the Extension Charm, Shrinking Charm, and a Locking Charm keyed to me. Once I had ordered one I set off back to Gringotts cause I was going to need way more than 200 Galleons. Coming back out of Gringotts this time I had 1500 Galleons on me and so I set off to buy more stuff. It took me a couple hours of purchases and looking around before I decided I was done. So far I have ordered a Firebolt broom, a self stirring copper cauldron, 5 pairs of robes with hats, 3 cloaks, various magical tea plants, many herbs I could grow, and the Expanded Trunk.
When I went to get my robes I decided to go to the more upscale shop and I was glad I did as though they were a bit uptight their clothing was much better made and with better material as well. While there I was measured and met a very beautiful woman there. She was getting some robes done as well.
I wanted to talk to her but wasn't sure how. She managed to hit a lot of strike zones of mine. She was tall, slim, nice looking, and very pale, with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a clear, cold voice. As I left I looked back before shaking my head. She was probably from a big family anyways. I had gone and bought a ton of books after having everything being made to order.
Walking out of Flourish & Blotts I headed to a nearby Tavern so I could get some sleep and see if Skye was okay. Walking in I looked at the person behind the bar and saw they were cleaning a pair of spectacles, heading toward him I asked. "Excuse me I need a room for tonight."
Turning toward me the man grinned and nodded reaching over he passed me a set of keys and said. "Here you go, Lord, room number 13."
Seeing as he didn't ask for money I assumed I would pay tomorrow and went upstairs. Making my way down the hallway I got to room 13 and twisted the handle seeing if it was locked, it wasn't so I walked in and locked it behind me with the key.
Waking the Next morning I felt amazing and so I stretched a little before I left, going down stairs and over to the barkeep. I asked how much for the room while passing the keys back. Turning to me he bumped into a waiter and dropped his glasses, picking them up he started to clean them and asked what room. Telling him room 13 he grinned and said it was already paid for. I couldn't stop myself from being happy and excited about today.
Walking out of the tavern I headed over to the owl emporium so I had a messenger bird. Going inside I looked around before choosing a beautiful burgundy Eastern Screech Owl as my messenger.
Heading back out I ran into a young woman with frizzy hair and two boys following her, one with red hair and a dumb look on his face and the other with black hair and some glasses . . . . oh shit!
Standing there and gawking at three 18yr olds is not the best first impression. Especially if Ron Stoppable is involved.
"Blimey, mate watch out where your going!"
I had an urge to slap the shit out of him but I managed to hold back since I don't want my first thing I help a student with is rearranging his face.
"I apologize for my carelessness and I do hope you are alright." I said in the nicest voice I could.
Hermonie just stared at me and I couldn't tell if I had confused her or just pissed her off. Her face doesn't change that much from know-it-all to anything else.
Harry looked at me then Hermonie then back to me and decided to help her and gave her a slight nudge. Instead of snap out of it though she yelped and jumped toward me, which was away from Harry. She ended up slamming her face against mine. Luckily she didn't break my nose but she did jerk back and go red in the face. I decided to high tail it out of here so I apologized again and power walked off into the crowd.
Heading back to the Inn, I booked the room for another night, apparently room 13 isn't available anymore so I settled with room 9. At least the barkeep managed to keep his glasses on, although he was a little rude this time asking for payment beforehand, must have had a customer not pay.
Going up to my room I sat down and started meditating and changing some of my prepared spells. I also communicated with Ella, who said the grove is fine. I called Skye to make sure she was okay as well, she was actually loving the break and knowing she was safe since Grindafall has made that her misson until I come back. She started talking about everything she was doing and I listened to her for a few hours until I nodded off falling asleep with the phone to my ear and her chattering non-stop about every little thing.
Suddenly I woke back up and looked around. I was still in my room, hearing a noise at the window I went over and opened it. Flying in to the room was a barn owl with a letter in its grip. Going to the desk in the room it lands and drops a letterwith the Hogwarts seal.
Grabbing a owl treat I toss it one before opening the letter.
Dear Mr. Eric Hale
We have recieved news that you have made it to London and have been to Gringotts. Seeing as you are in town early Hogwarts would like to invite you to a tour of the school grounds and a meeting with the other professors.
Minerva McGonall
Deputy Headmaster
Hmm I suppose I should go check it out. Writing back I told them I would need someone to pick me up and where I was staying. Sending the owl off I made sure I had everything arranged and then waited. No more than 30 minutes had passed before I heard a popping sound outside of my room and then a knock. Going to my door I opened it to be greeted to a very charming woman in black robes that exposed her shoulders and a pointed hat that actually didn't look ridiculous on her.
"Good evening, please come in. I assume you are from hogwarts?"
"Yes its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Hale." She said with a slight nod of her head. "I am Minerva McGonagall, Professor and Deputy Headmaster, and I am here to pick you up as requested."
I was floored! She looked nothing like her movie counterpart, instead she looked like she was in her early thirties, and she was quite beautiful. Taking control of myself I Nod and say. "Ah thank you Miss McGonagall, I am all ready to go if you are."
Giving me a slight smile she held out her hand. Grabbing it I felt a twisting feeling and then we were pulled through a small tear in space the size of a straw before being spit out the other end.
I could see why a lot of people don't like apparating, I felt nauseous and was close to throwing up but I just swallowed it back down instead, Yuck. Looking around I saw we were in a little village near a castle, I assume thats Hogwarts since you can't apparate inside the school grounds we must be in Hogsmeade.
Minerva let me get my bearings before calling out. "Come along Mr. Hale the other professors are waiting." Standing up straight, I jumped in line beside her and let her lead the way.
A short walk later and we were walking in the halls of the castle. The school was much more magnificent in person than on the tv, there was just a certain atmosphere that made you feel cozy. After a bit we made it to the stairwell with a Gargoyle in it. Stepping forward Minerva said "Flubberwits" and the statue started to rotate giving access to the stairs behind it.
Heading up the stairs we entered a hallway, at the end of which I saw the door leading to Dumbledores office, turning before we reached the end we entered a meeting room and already situated was the professors that I knew. At least I think they are, all of them looked much different to their counterparts. Snape looked the same if a little better, Professor Trelawney still looked kinda crazy, Mad-eye Moody was twitchy, and Professor Flitwick looked a bit more sharp than before. Sitting at the head of the table Albus Dumbledore watched me as stepped up and sat down, Minerva went to her seat and then Albus spoke.
"Welcome Mr. Hale, its a pleasure to be able to meet you so early."