The day passed slowly. My mind was blurred by the worries about Mor, the chaos, Lucius, Drus…

Liliane was in the same mood. The news about Aurelius awakened in her a terrible mood. The house was teeming with the frenzy of sklavois who strolled from one side to the other arranging the house for the illustrious guest. Ilyada seemed tenser than usual. Phelps the party arrangements were too exhausting or because our special guest.

One hour before the party to begin Sasha brought me a black mermaid dress made of black crystals.

My skin was tied in a lot of elegant and despoiled jewelries. Earnings, necklaces and bracelets made in amethysts and black diamonds were on me.

I was powerful outside but my heart was afraid, nervous and the only thing that was echoing in my head was North.

- Pallaki Kristima? – A guard voice called me from the door of my room.

- Yes?

- My lord, Master Iudex Cael is requiring your presence! The party already started, all the pallakis are there!

- Okay…

I followed the command of the young man with red hair, green eyes and lean body.

We walked along the hall towards the ballroom. A happy song of music and many little talks came in my ears.

Some violins frantically dictated the rhythm of the song played. All these sounds were becoming more and more high as I approached the end of my pathway where I could see the lights of the saloon.

To all corners of the ballroom colored ribbons, spheres of colored lights that float beneath our heads.

That place was crawling with rich men dressing black tuxedos and long covers of ridiculously thick blue velvet.

The pallakis were dancing with some rich they danced with some men as they tried to show off their colorful dresses around the salon.

Ilyada and Cael were talking with a group of lords with their faces aged by the years.

- Finally! Cael was worried about you girl! – whispered Liliane behind me.

- I'm just five minutes late… whyge would be worried about me?

- This is a good question… I don't know but… I saw Yolanda and Fester asking this same question to our favorite Iudex… You must be careful tonight. Hey can do something!

- All right! But.

- So you are the new Cael's favorite? – An acid voice behind us asked.

- What do you want Yolanda? – Liliane asked.

Yolanda fixed her amber eyes on me. She was dressing a glamorous red dress.

Her beauty was delicate and innocent. Her long gray hair, white skin and red lips were the perfect combination of sweetness and piece. She was an angel outside.

- I'm not talking to you Liliane! Your worm of no importance… so your name is Kristma… you're popular here… everybody wants to know about the girl who is changing our Master…

- I'm not changing him…

- You are! Of course you are… how do you explain this sudden good mood? This party? Or why he came home so early and ignored his travel to Nekrós?

- An such coincidence?

- Coincidence… this is an excuse that fools like use to ignore the obvious. By the way… I need to warn you. Stop! Just stop what you are doing or I swear you'll regret it!

- Yolanda please! She's not doing nothing!

- Shut up Liliane! You're helping this slut! You gonna pay for this! You both!

- Yolanda we are not doing nothing!

- You are such a liar Liliane! And you Kristima…

- My old friends! - The Cael's voice he exclaimed to everyone in the hall forcing the music to slow down and the dances to stop - Today it's an important… a glorious day! Our Emperor the great Aurelius Magnum VIII showed us once again his benevolence to the Middle Lands and now. More one city is part of our Empire!

All people at salon. Pallakis, old men and employees applauded him.

- Thank you my friend… - Said a tall man next to Cael.

He was handsome. His beauty was like the beauty of a young and strong man with intense gray eyes and blond hair. His strong body it was covered by an elegant blue suit. The best part of him was the voice. So deep, mysterious and sexy. I never had seen a man like him.

- As my friend Cael said… we won my ladies and gentlemen! This is a small win for us but it's a big victory for our Empire. We are champions!

All were euphoric, happy, ecstasy and excited. The Emperor words, the victory, the music getting louder and the wine were caressed for the ears and soul of each one who was there.

- He forgot the part about the blood and screams of the people who were killed during his victory… - The Liliane voice snatched me away inadvertently.

- Sorry?

- It's nothing… I was thinking loud…

- Finally! Kris! – Cael's voice echoed behind me.

- I'm sorry for the delay Master Cael.

- It's okay Kris… could you dance this next dance with me?

- All right! Let's go…

- I'm leaving… - Said Liliane far away from us.

Cael wrapped my waist and we went together to the middle of the dance room.

The song was slow and romantic. There couples of old men and your first ladies were dancing the same waltz that the little lights was dancing while they were flowing in the golden fancy room.

Aurelius was talking to some men. It's the custom dictate an Emperor announces the most general part of a statement to all and then explains the details only to men of higher office.

- Did you sleep well?

- Yep… so… I'm sorry for my…

- No problem Kris… it's okay, don't worry about it! How was your day?

Immediately I was distressed. I had forgotten about my worries with the chaos, Lucius, the Emperor and Drus... since I arrived in that party.

My lips were dry and my saliva scratched my throat, I couldn't tell him what I knew, what I was thinking.

- It was… normal! How about yours? -

Cael didn't seem convinced by my answer but ignored my dishonest answer.

- My day it was good… I had fun after lunch… tomorrow I will to Nekrós… do you wanna travel at Nekrós with me?

- Me? Why? And what about Ilyada?

- She is busy… I need someone who can do somethings to me… beside Ilyada is who head this house…

- Okay… er… are you sure?

- Yes Kristma! I love your company!

- Okay! Okay! I'll go with you at Nekrós!

- You gonna love that city! After work we gonna go to central market! You can choice everything you want! All the diamonds rings! I'll pay it!

- Thanks! Why are you being so nice to me? The other pallakis will be in jealous…

- I'm not being nice to you Kris… I just like to see a smile in your face… you look sad… are you okay?

- Yes! I'm okay! I'm… I miss my old house, my friends…

- Douléia? After the travel you can visit your old friends.

- Really?

- Yeah! Of course! As I said… I wanna see a smile in your face…

He was so nice… I just couldn't see the monster that Liliane described to me.

Under the gaze of all pallakis we danced for a couple of hours until the Emperor called him. It was time for the great banquet of celebration.

While we were eating and celebrating Aurelius would chose his pallaki.

Cael gave some orders to his servants and then the glass door opened to us. Showing where the celebration banquet would happen.

The outside gardens were covered by white night snow but the cold not reached our skin. As if a magic shield encircling the entire place.

- This is magic… it's smells like magic. It's looks like magic. That's magic! - I whispered to Ilyada.

- I know it Kris… - Ilyada replied next to me.

- Maybe the silence magic?

- Or the chaos magic… - Liliane was listening our talk.

- For the old gods! It must be the silence magic…

- For the old gods I hope you're right Kris… - Ilyada murmured back to me.

The citrus smell of the magic it was all over the place. In front of us the big table was waiting for us.

A thousand of circles of light were flying by the vast garden. The moon light gave the snow resting in the bushes a blue light glow. Making us remember the cold wind that should be around us.

All those presents were uncomfortable. Liliane and Ilyada were looking around, they were more uncomfortable than the other.

Everybody realized the magic that lay in that place in exception Cael and Aurelius. They were happy and relaxed with that moment.

The citrus smell, the warmth that embraced us. All those indications of the magic.

For the old gods… this is just the silence magic… the silence magic…


Before the banquet we came back to our rooms. Aurelius had already chosen your company for his night. So our presence no longer made sense in that party.

I went alone to my room. My sklavoi was waiting for me to help me to change my clothes and to sleep.

I was scary and my mind filled with worries. Above all I was completely tired so after Sasha turned down the lights I slept.


- Kristma! Kristma wake up! – Someone whispered in the darkness of my room. It was the Liliane's voice but it was so dark and I was so sleepy that I wasn't sure.

- Liliane? Are you there?

- Yes! Wake up girl! We need your help, Ilyada is waiting you!

- I'm… I'm going…

I was dizzy and sleepy but still I got up and followed Liliane until the room a little far from my room.

A timid candle drove away the darkness of that place. I came in the room with Liliane and I saw a young pallaki laying on the bed.

She was a sweet fairy with a long white hair and a skin as pale as the moon light. Her face was very exhaust and frightened.