- A rude prison but we can survive sometimes. Where are you from?

-I'm from Anesi... or as I love to say... jailnesi!

-I knew some pornes from Anesi, they told me some horrible things what happens there...

- Yeah! These horrible things it's the Yellow Day. Before a pallaki becomes your life in this... you know... masters etc. The pallaki needs prove her potential worshiping the lower god.

- The Caus? - I asked unbelieving.

- Yes... five years ago there wasn't this ritual in my old room. After the new Dioketi took his place the things have changed a little bit. - She told me showing her scar shaped like a triangle on her left arm. - I managed to escape the ritual but the scar still insists on staying...

- I'm sorry...

- Ilyada helped me to get over this.

- She is very kind.

- She is kind and nice with everyone! I guess Fester and Suzan hate her because this!

- I thought they were supposed to be jealous of her...

- Yes but sometimes... they look sad... as if they had low self-esteem or something like that...

- Perhaps you're right...

Ilyada and Cael were in separate tables and continued to do it so for the two hours that followed the meeting.

The sklavois strolled between the tables with black and bulky dresses. All I could do it was thinking about the information about the Yellow Day.

There were chaos worshipers in Mor... the Yellow Day it's the proof of that! The chaos worshipers is the most feared group in the continent! They ignore the silence laws conjuring the chaos bestd to destroy everything! I'm terrified...

- Kristma? Hey Kristma! - Called Liliane while I was coming back to my room.

- Hi Liliane... where are you going?

- I'm going to my room... I'm tired. I'm hungry, we didn't eat anything in that meeting and we have one hour to gonna lunch so... I really need to relax!

- Liliane... can I ask you a question?

- Yeah! Go head!

- The chaos worshipers... Are they here?

- Well... - She was afraid with my question - They are not here but they are coming... I guess so...

- Pardon? I'm confused now... They are here or not?

- Okay... this information it's a secret! far as I know Aurelius sealed some agreements with the North kingdom... But I'm not sure, it's a rumor...

- The North? Are you sure? Aurelius working with Lucius?

- It's a rumor. I heard that! I think this is the reason for the colonies of Anesi, Agnóia and the city capital Nekrós are receiving some chaos worshipers to work.

- But this is... is... is too dangerous! You know that the North uses the chaos magic! Lucius is famous for breaking agreements. We can be destroyed!

I was in shock... everyone knows what the caus magic can to do!

For centuries there occult practices were banished from all realms. Since the last king went crazy. He started the Red War.

He tried to conjure the forbidden magic to find the center of the all realities. The last king tried to consume everything in and to banish the silence from the all worlds in all the realities.

For our lucky the first king sealed the Big agreement with the silence. He us the silence power to stop the last king and lock all the beasts in the Dark Forest. Since this day the silence laws are being used in our world.

- Yes... but as you know. Since Lucius and his court broke the deal he swore that the North would take revenge on behalf of the last king. So I guess Lucius has been looking for new allies....

- But Liliane this doesn't makes any sense. Aurelius knows the Red War and wants dominate the continent why would him ask for help to a kingdom like the North?

- I don't know Kris... this is why I told. That it's just rumors! No one understood this...

- Yep! But the point is ... the chaos worshipers wouldn't came to Mor for nothing! They wouldn't leave the Dark Forest to work so far away from their gods...

- You're right. In another hand the situation between the low colonies and the Empire it's complicate! The uprisings have intensified... maybe this's would be a reason to Aurelius to ask help to North...

- Will the amazons reappear?

- I don't know... Ever since the Big Fire they disappeared.

- Do you remember who they released all those girls who would be beheaded for refusing to continue the Pallaki ritual?

- Yes... they were our hope!

- Sure! Now the only thing that comforts me it's that here and in Douléia we're safe...

- If I were you I wouldn't be so sure about it... Aurelius is Cael's closest friend! Namely he has the full control here. He's the Emperor! I bet Cael could do anything to please him and in case of Douléia... if in five years the chaos worshipers took the control of the low colonies. How long do you think that they would take control of the most fancy colony of Mor?

Liliane words made perfect sense. Drusilia was in danger... I was in danger! All the people of Mor was in danger!

Why did Aurelius do it? Of all emperors he was the most intelligent. He is known as the Big Fox or the Great Viper.

Now this Big Fox is being cheating by a bigger fox called the North. The fallen Kingdom.

In the past. When there were more summers than springs, winters or falls the Great Kingdoms divided us into four countries: the East, West, South and the North.

The East was known for their mountains, canyons, rain forests, rare flowers and by their volcanoes. It always unpredictable and fierce.

The people from East were strong and resourceful. hey were, and still are, the finest engineers in this world. Their castles what float above canyons and seas they challenge us all to this day.

The only West, as the westerns usually call themselves are a heap of old towns. The cobbled streets with smooth stones squeeze between houses routed by the chimes of time.

Markets, sewers running down sidewalks. Women in their dirt dresses and rats savoring a lot of garbage bags are part of everyday life at west.

The South. The most mysterious of all. It's where the power of the silence materializes its presence in all possible forms.

All the floating fortress, stone doors and the glass soils. The lands where the reflection of the aurora colors illuminating the four ice catwalks.

The magic, the peace of the creation made by the silence... the South it's a mixing of dream and mystery. The complete opposite of North.

The North... in the past the North was a such good place to live. The specters of Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall built their castle there.

Although the cold was sharp in their hearts of all boil in sweetness and compassion. By whatever tribe that a pilgrim meets, he or she would find refuge for the cold night and a plate of hot food for his or hers noisy stomach.

Unfortunately all this changed when Mastrus Lucius arrived at that lands.

He arrived there promising unity, strength and a love that could transcend everything and everyone. A love that could take them to unexplored places. No rules, no limits. Since that day all the tribes were together in one nation. The North. The nation that will show to the world the true love.

Mastrus Lucius was once an exiled lord of the southern court. Came back as a king. With a people, an army and ready to dominate the South, East and West in the name of love.

After that, the white and pure snow give way to the scorching lava. The black and fertile soil was replaced by gray rocks and the rustic simple camps were transformed into cold iron cities carved amid the rocks.

Dense fogs, indomitable crows and glowing green lakes of lava surround the ancient tribes.

The people who managed to escape gathered in the regions between the South and the North. They are known as the Middle Lands.

After that, it was a matter of days for Lucius even more involved with the philosophy of chaos and to ally with the chaos worshipers introducing the cults to chaos and the new gods in his kingdom.

Even the cult of the forbidden or as Liliane prefer to call the Yellow Day was accepted in the North lands. The same cult where a poor soul is offered to the chaos that in return transferred this person into something higher. In another words one of the bests from the Dark Forest.

Many men, women and children dead at this ritual with your body disfigured or partially transformed into monsters.

My mind was confused with the last night memories, flavors and the sensations that was stoked on me.

- Good morning Kristma! - Welcomed a tall and elegant woman.

She was beautiful like the fall. Her body was slender and delicate, her face was strong and sophisticated.

Her dress silk skirts were light and fluid in colors of wheat fields and the sunlight at

the end of day and were sustained by a dark leather belt.

- You must be the new pallaki... My name is Ilyada, I'm the first lady. Cael went to Sanhedrin at Nekrós... - Ilyada was sweet and smart. Perhaps to materialize her elegant aura she sat down right next to me. - Did he warn you about the houses and the harem?

- Yes...

- So... Did you decide where will you live by now?

- I don't know yet... Like... He explained it but I'm still confused...

- All right. No problem... You can stay here in the main house while you think about it... I will show you your room and when you decide it just tell me, okay?