- Cael and the Emperor Aurelius have a strong friendship, the Emperor loves visiting Cael in his parties. When these parties happens Aurelius spent the night with one of Cael's pallakis. So if he chooses someone, the lady chosen must stay with he Emperor for twenty-four hours... I'm sorry for this... Kristma... I tried to convince Cael do not this but the Emperor is the Emperor and Cael is the Cael.

- No problem... I've gotten used to other telling me what I have to do...

- I hear you...

For a couple of seconds Ilyada seemed disgusted and mad by that situation. But that feeling disappeared as fast as it appeared on her face.

- I'll show you your room...

We moved our feet toward a big double door ornamented with soft golden blossom entangled.

A long hallway swallowed us completely. sequence of doors and portraits of many old men next to young ladies.

All that environment was morbid and full of happy men with sad girls.

- This's your room... don't forget if you need some help please... call me...

- Okay Ilyada... thank you for everything...

- It's nothing kid...you're Welcome...

We taxed each other for little smile and after this I came in my room.

The big chamber decoration was white with small details in gold and ivory. The ground was a marble stone in shades of pink, black and white.

My bed was in front of a majestic glass window that allowed me to appreciate the castle gardens.

- Pallaki Kristma? - Unexpectedly a delicate voice of a skinny lady, with big blue eyes and dark hair called me to the reality.

- Hi!

- I'm Sasha, your sklavoi.

- Hi! I'm an...

- My lady, it's time your first meeting in the internal gardens! I need to dress you up! You need spend a good time with your sisters!

- Whose sisters?

- The other pallakis... they're your family now...

- Family...

- I'll prepare your bath my lady... excuse me...

- All right.

The little girl disappeared between the curtains of the bathroom. I was tired, last night was very intense, my head was full of information, memories and loneliness.

I sat on the bed, trying to organize my thoughts and thinking about that word... family...

Those pallakis are not my family or my friends, Drus is! She is my sister, my friend, my only family.

How I miss her...

I remember when we were kids. We used to play at being prityans. People with magic powers, who only exist in the legends of our memories.

Like Drus, my mom believed that the prityans existed, that in Tecnus if someone getting problems a prityan will help and solve all the problems.

How I wanted to go back to being a kid. No problems, no responsibilities, no dummy pallakis... just studying and playing...

- My lady... your bath is ready.

The Sasha's voice enunciated my next action. Without much option I followed her to the bathroom.

It was a cautious bath and Sasha was in silence during all the process. While I was in that silence and the bobbles that was getting out in the bathtub my mind came back to last night. That man, eyes, muscles, his perfume... I could remember that perfume.

Maybe I would wish more one night like that but still had Ilyada, she is so sweet on me... I felt bad with myself in wishing Cael...

But I'm his pallaki! To wishing him is my obligation. Besides they don't love each other. Ilyada seemed very decided when she tells me that... But this situation makes me feel bad, like a traitor or a liar.


Thirty minutes went by and with them the water bath became the blue of my fluid dress.

Sasha was a professional. My dress looked the clouds and the blue morning sky.

My black hair was loose with a fine and elegant silver crown in my head that interwove between my hair.

- My lady... I will take you to your meeting..

Sasha led me to the fancy garden. It was a beautiful morning. The glass roof revealed the blue and shining sky above our heads. Many flowers and bushes decorated all the place. Some garden tables made of white iron twisted spread among the large garden.

I took my seat next to a brown skin girl. She looked the summer with her amber yes, her face was kind and her smile was inviting.

Surrounding the big iron doors opened and Ilyada and Cael raided in the garden. They seemed happy and in love each other, acting... that's call acting...

They were happy but their bodies and hands were far away from each other.

He was most handsome than I could remember. He was wearing black button-down shirt that gave to him an air of elegance and sophistication. His biceps were visible, his eyes and skin were more glorious and his perfume ignited the whole place.

-Morning my ladies...I know... I shouldn't be here but today it's a big day! Our emperor and my old friend Aurelius won another victory for us! More one territory was conquered for our Empire!

A thunderous rain of applause roared by the garden. All pallakis were happy with the news. In exception to Ilyada and the girl next to me, they were uncomfortable with that situation.

Cael motioned with his hand to the ladies and after that the silence came back to amongst us and he spoke again.

- Like most of you know it... on these especial occasions we need to celebrate and because this our emperor will come visit. You all are invited and in the middle of night one of you will be chosen to spent one night with him! So... good luck ladies and may the best girl wins!

- Your sklavois already know that, your dresses are being done right now. - Ilyada said giving us more informations about that statement.

- So let's have fun ladies er... Joanne? - A lady with golden skin and a long curly hair stood up - Can you can use the main room tonight...

- All right my lord.

- Do you know what this line means? - Asked the girl who was sharing her table with me.

- No...

- It's mean " We gonna have sex girl!"

- Wow!

- Hell yeah kristma! That's a code...

- How do you know my nam... oh I remembered! The breakfast...

- Yep... Fester and Suzan were too mad with you...

- Yes...

- Don't worry about them. They can to insult you sometimes but they can't do much more than that. If I were you I'd must take care with Yolanda... She's the evil! She always acts hidden. Two pallaki were out for her lies and deceits! Ilyada tried to avoid expulsion but Master Cael wasn't in the mood for her goodness so... You know...

- They were expelled...

- Exactly!

- I know that one pallaki who tried to tell Master Cael what she was doing with us but Yolanda managed to demote her to the pornes wing. Like I said Yolanda is not a pallaki she is the devil!

- What happens when a pallaki is demoted to the pornes wing?

I knew about that, about the pornes life... they were just sexual slaves. With no comfort, no access to doctors, a luxury life or three meals a day. They frequently are selling their bodies in fancy houses or in dark corners.

Before to become in this new life as a pallaki I helped two pornes.

Grizelia and Libria, they were working next to my colony and frequently asked food. Drusilia and I helped them with some fruits and old breads... that was the best we could do for them...

Griselia and Libria in return told us everything they knew about the Mor Empire and even more.

- Wow girl! When a pallaki is demoted to the pornes wing she is sent to the public pleasure wing. That's where Master Cael employees have "fun". They are pigs girl! Master Cael and Ilyada do not allow us to came in the guests house because of them... They are pigs, dirty animals!

- Liliane, my name is Liliane! The only pallaki who feels blessed by the old gods because I don't sleep with Master Cael.

She said raising the glass of champagne served on some moment while we were talking.

- Why? He is so...

- Attractive?

- He is! But is not my type... I prefer more a pretty heart than a pretty face...

- What do mean?

- I mean... Sometimes someone's flaws are heavier than his or hers qualities.

- That's was an important information... Master Cael was not so perfect... But why? What did she see in him? What happened between them?

- My ladies! - Cael stared once again - Pay attention... you all know that we have a new pallaki! Welcome Kristma! I see you are already making friends. Ladies please be kind with her and Liliane, please... don't start filling her head with your lies!

Everyone laughed at her, Liliane looked really embarrassed. Fester was the one who laughed the most, laughing at her seemed like a diversion to Fester.

- Here's one of his flaws... I really hate that! Tell me about you... I head that you came from Douléia, what's like there?