- Hi Kristma! Join us! - Welcomed Ilyada - Girls! Meet our new pallaki, Kristma from Douléia!
So then I noticed the fifteen ladies around the large white table of dinner. All that girls seemed to have the same age as me. They were enjoying the splendid banquet that it was in front on the table.
The girls stopped their meals for some seconds and started at me in scorn and silence.
- Great! More one dummy to compete for the Master Cael...
- Fester! The next time you say this 'll report your conduct to Cael!
- I'm sorry... - Fester replied with an acid smile.
- Kristma, I'm sorry for this poor reception... please, came here and take your sit with us!
I followed her orders and took my seat next to pallaki of blood hair and an aquiline nose.
A lady with small lips and eyes of intense but kindly brilliancy, helped me with a cup of black tea.
- So... Kristma... have you already seen the pornes wing? - A bored voice of a pallaki in front of me Asked.
- Suzan... please! - Ilyada alerted.
- Relax First Lady... she needs to know her new home... am I wrong?
The poison in her words was so clear that I could even smell it...
Ilyada ignored that subtle attack. Maybe she was sick of that situation...
- Kristma... - Called Suzan - I'm talking to you! Do you know the pornes wing?
- No...
- If you were a smart pallaki you'd have gone there... a good slut like...
- Suzan! Enough! - Ilyada cried.
- Okay my First Lady... I'm sorry...
- We are here to have a good breakfast now! Please ladies... let's have our breakfast in silence! Kristma after the breakfast you will wait me here. I'll explain to you how the things work here.
- All right.