Icy conditions

The breakfast was a tense and uncomfortable bunch of minutes. My every move was monitored by many arrogant eyes as if I were an outsider or a big nuisance.

Gradually the sound of the dishes were ending. One by one my new colleagues were saying goodbye and returning to their proper rooms.

- Kristma? Could you come along me?

- Sure first lady!

- Please, call me Ilyada... the other pallakis use this name to insult me.

- Wow... I'm sorry Ilyada I didn't know...

- Don't worry about it. They're expressing their insecurity and fears Ignore them... You will survive..

Ilyada led me into off the central part of the palace. In a complex web of tulips and roses spreading in a large hanging garden carved out of one giant block of white rock.

- About your question... My relationship with Cael...we. Our lives and purposes are different now. In the begin, when I was a young pallaki our relationship it was a fireplace! Incandescent, powerful, strong but now it just ashes...

- But what happened with...

- I don't know... Maybe the day-to-day activities, the obligations that I have been accepting. The responsibilities he has been demanding on me. Our love smothered and I was being put more in the position of trophy than the love of his life. As his first lady, he pretend to love me. When we are close his pallakis, his friends or porns but the true it's there's no love in our life...Just appearances.

- Do you really don't love him?

- No my kid. No more... but changing the topic. As pallaki you must be in perfect conditions to have sex with him every time Cael calls you to his room. You can't say no, he can be a monster when he hears this word...

- Okay.

- You will have a full night with him twice on a month and you can choice when you will have these nights. You have one sklavoi in your room who will will help you with your clothes, makeup etc... and the most important... if something wrong happens you can ask me help! Some pallakis can be the devil sometimes! Our meals are served in the dinner room. There are many dinning rooms but we can't use, just the Cael's guests can use it.

- Okay, I got it!