black trousers

Cael threw me into the big wooden monster and with uncompromising and rude movement closed the door leaving me with that deranged figure at my side. He let go of my arm and took his hands to his sweaty hair.

- I'm sorry… I got a little out of hand, it's just...

- No problem.

I turned my eyes to my arm and his finger marks were still there, intact.

- I'm sorry about that too...

I turn to him and see Cael's eyes staring at my bruises with mixed shame and some traces of the anger felt minutes ago.

- I'm sorry... it won't happen again. I. If Ilyada hadn't run away, it wouldn't have happened. She and Liliane paid for it and for your bruises. I swear!

I could only agree with him but and my heart I wanted to scream and yell at him.

Who hurt me, pressed my arm and hurt me it was him! If Ilyada ran away or not it does not change anything. Maybe Liliane was right... Maybe Cael wasn't as good as I thought.

The hooves of the horses crushed the limestone remains of snow that had just been scraped off the path and which were now piled along the trail in the middle of the thick white blanket that envelops the field vegetation on the clear plains of the lands south of the castle.

- Kristma? Are you very hungry?

- No… I'm not hungry…

- Kristma are you all right?

- Yes! I'm!

Cael's anger and discontent were rekindled once more in the exact moment what my lips finished uttering that answer.

- Why are you so nervous with me? What did I do? It was Ilyada!

- Cael… - I tried to explain.

- It wasn't my fault that stupid and the other two pigs ran away! That's why I lost control! You must use those meaningless answers with them and not with me!

- Cael I'm not.

- You're! – He burst out - Your eyes, your posture, the tone of your voice... everything about you is accusing me of something that wasn't my fault!

- But.

- You know what?

- I'm not!

- Shut up! I'll do the talking!