"where is the shikibukai?,are all of them already arive?" asked sengoku

"fleet admiral!!,the shikibukai all of them already at their post right now" said marine soldier behind him

"huh,you is the one want to start the war, right now you are the one that scared silly" said grap

"shut up grap!!,if you dare to help..." before sengoku can finish grap cut him

"if i can,i already do that!!" shouted grap as he turn around and exit the room

"sigh" sengoku shock his head

but then he heard someone running toward him

"FLEET ADMIRAL!!!!!!,THE ADVENTURER GUILD HAS ARIVE!!!!!" shouted the marine elite

"ALL MARINE STAY AT YOUR POST RIGHT NOW!!!" shouted sengoku as he use snail phone(yes ...i forgot again)

then sengoku quickly walk toward the execution platform

....time skip~

right After Sengoku revealed Ace's secret to the world

all marine begin to saw huge ship moving toward marine ford

"what is that?" said kizaru as he look at the skip,but then he feel fimiliar aura from the ship 'shit,that man also here?!?!'

as for sengoku and garp,two of them already turned serious as them strong enough to feel atleast 7 powerfull aura that maybe even stronger than any of 3 marine admiral

back to Re-guild~

looking at 8 giant that standing around few km from him,even Empoz begin to annoyed

"weakling,how dare them to stood proudly with those huge body but weak streangh!!" said Empoz as he turn hus hand dark blue colour(well luffy haki is dark red)

"Marineford!!!!,it time to start the war" shouted Empoz as he ordered Tobi

"Tobi,sink them all" said Empoz

"yes fleet admiral" answered Tobi,then he begin to swing his hand to control the sea water

then Tobi begin to create two extremely huge tsunami to sink the marineford but someone stop his attack

"FREEZE!!!!" shouted that man as the two tsunami turned into ice

"oh?,quite strong but still not enough" said Empoz as he already arive right infront all 8 giant(vice admiral)

then the nearest giant to empoz begin to attack.empoz

"Died" Empoz said with cold voice as he punch the giant with his bosushoku haki

the giant directly knocked out and fall to the ground

other giant also steped back from Empoz

the marines that was watching all of them begin to has cold sweet

"huh,a scum adventurer try to show hus streanght" said red dog as he begin to attack Empoz

"MAGMA RAIN!!!" shouted red dog as he begin to realese magma punch toward the sky

then the magma punch begin to fall to adventurer guild war ship

looking at the magma coming toward him from the sky, Empoz just sneered and disappear

while the red dog magma rain easily stopped by all re-admiral

then Empoz appeared right infront Red dog and he said "weak" then Empoz turn his hand to dark blue colour and punch red dog right on his stomache

"ARRRGHHH" shouted red dog as he was trowed straight towars sengoku on the top of execution platform

but sengoku manage to stop red dog

"Empoz..." muttured Sengoku as he already know he not even strong enough to defeat Empoz "grap!!,help me" said sengoku as he turn into golden buddha

hearing sengoku ask him for help,garp quickly stood and turn his hand pitch black "well this will be hard fight for the first time after all those peacefull years" said garp as he and sengoku jump form the execution platform and ran toward Empoz

well back to War ship

"okay now launch it now!!!" shouted hashu with a huge grin on his face

Then the Shade launcher begin to fire










there was endless shade that sent to the war

for marine elite that saw huge amount of shade army,them begin to has soft leg

but then them heard

"Attack them!!!,for justice!!!!" shouted red dog as he already stood but them can see red dog right now is very phathetic as red rog like now just look like a beggar

but the marine elite still moving foward to fight with shade army

well them just became cannon fodder as each of shade had streanght atleast same as pasafista(i forgot how to spell it)

looking at marine that was pushed back even with home advantage,akoiji begin to join the war but when he try to attack the shade he was stopped by a tree

"tree?" muttired akoiji as he saw a figure trying to punch him

akoiji quickly turn into ice but he still step back few step after taking the punch

"admiral akoiji,you will stop here" said hashi as he turn back his hand to normal

"admiral Hashi,your haki are quite strong" said akoiji as he wipe blood on his lip

"hahaha,i actually dont want to.fight with you,maybe we can just sit here are just watch the war?"said hashi with a smile

"i agraid i cant" answered akoiji as he create ice sword with his ability

"well i figured that you will say that" said hashi as he turn his hand black again

then the two of them begin to fight....


end of chapter

ahem ii

i want to ask you all something

after this novel i finish writing it(maybe around i finish it when chapter +200)

should i write fanfiction novel

1.irregular in magic highschool hero academy

3.sword art online


5.Harry Potter

maybe you all can help me chose one of it..


next chapter-------->