looking at red dog that was kneeling on the ground Guts just sneered as he walk toward red dog to finish him

"weak" said Guts

then he quivkly swing his sword toward red dog neck


loud voice of metal hit each other make marine nearby with turn their head toward Red dog and Guts

Guts face became serious as he saw the person infornt of him

then the person said

"Guts?,i dont think i has heard anything about you?"

"who are you?" asked Guts as he dont bother to answer the man question

"hahahaha,who i am?,it look like i was forgotten" said the person

but then Guts begin to rember who is the one infront of him

purple hair

sea stone mechanical hand

strong haki

"you are former admiral Zephyr...." said Guts as he quickly use his shadow abikity to the peak level

even Zephyr can feel Guts ability became even stronger

"although i support your for cleaning those corrupted marine...i still ex admiral...and i will bring justice to you" said Zephyr as he use his robotic hand(well this is easy to use than mechanical hand) to punch Gut


loyd voice can being heared as Zephyr punch was stopped by Guts Great sword

"no why i will let you hand touch me" said Guts as he begin to swing his sword toward Zephyr

meanwhile,red dog already saved by nearby marines

on the other side of marine ford spade pirate has started their fight with doflamingo

"Sabo the thunder prince?" muttured Doffy as he look sabo that run toward him in a very fast speed

Thunder Bullet!!!!

shouted Sabo as he shoot thunder from his finger toward doffy (well just like how hades shoot natsu and the gang in tenro islan arc)

"huh,do you think you can hit me with those attack" mocked Doffy as he raise his hand and use string to create defend again sabo thunder bullet

"well you should not look down at us" said sweet voice right infront doffy string shield

"who!?!" shouted doffy as he dont even knew there was someone infornt his string shield

One sword style: Straight Slash!!!!

muttured kuina as she turn her katana pitch black and she rise her katana and swing it straight toward the string shield

the string was cutted with ease

"bosushoku haki?!?!" shouted doffy but the he was hitted by Sabo thunder bullet and was sent few step behind

but sabo and kuina dont give doffy to react as them use their skill again

Thunder hawk!!!!(well same as luffy red hawk skill but in thunder version)

One Sword Style:Sky Slash!!!!( well just imagine the sword was swing from above but when it move toward the enemy it became very fast as though it has a wing)

Doffy who just begin to return him sense once again was knocked down to the ground with long scar on his chest and while body was paralys(he cant move...damn i cant spell the word)

"fuck" doffy can only cursed as kuina directly use her katana to kill him

"argh" shouted doffy as he directly turned into corpse

only after doffy truly dead, did sabo and kuina relax

"i dont think underworld king was this weak" said sabo as he feel doffy was to weak

"hei!!,we able to finish him only because he was unprepared" said kuina as she though 'no way doflamingi can died with ease if he on his guard,well you need to paid for your arrogant doflamingo'

"yeah, yeah, now it time for us to settle those stupid marine" said sabo as he saw them was surrounded by marines

"hemm,sabo!!,you take behind and i will take the front" said kuina as she rush toward the marine

sabo can just shock his head helplesly as he turn into thunder and move toeard the marines


Shin and Mihawk battle was begin to reach the peak

it can being seen that the sky turned orange and green when shin deflect Mihawk attack to the sky and mihawk also deflect shin attack to the sky

even Hashu and akoiji that was wacthing from thw corner of marineford can fewl those two power

"hei Hashi,you dont tell there was someone as strong as that in your team" said akoiji as he glad that he dont fight with shin

"huh,you also dont tell me that mihawk was that strong" said Hashi as he was shocked that Mihawk can fight evenly with shin.

as for shin and mihawk

their are prepaired to fight in second round, but this time with full power..



the choise is your

1.irregular in magic high school(9)(this is one of the hardest to write as the anime not over there will be season 3 in few more years in the future)

2.My Hero Academia(12)(well MHA is one of my fav anime ever....)

3.Marvel (MCU) (7)(well it was easy to write marvek fanfiction novel....but i need to watch all the movies first)

4.HARRY POTTER (5)(here was most easiest even if i want to writw...but then...i dont realy like harry potter movie as there were character like ron and dumbel door in the movie,damn i hate thise two person)

5.SAO (0)(yeah all of you hate sao,but why dude...i more incline to create sao fanfiction novel..but no one vote it...)

here the result for now...but i will keep this poll until From fairy tail to multiverse novel finished

so keep chosing guys


next chapter------>