hearing fimilar roar,marineford suddenly became quite

"damn,how can that man is here?" muttured Sengoku

"huh,what will we do now fleet admiral?" said grap mockingly with a smile

"shut up garp!!" replyed sengoku

looking at huge dragon in the sky,Empoz just say

"well,it was better for me to play with that little dragon,as you two cant even make me became serious" then Empoz jump directly to the sky toward Kaido

the ground below him already turned into spider web crack

Sengoku and garp can only slowly walk toward exucution platform

"well,that was good there are maniac stopping him" said garp as he walk away carefreely

"...." sengoku just silently walk away with black face but then he heard

puru puru puru puru puru

sengoku put out comunication snail from his pocket and said

"What is it?" said sengoku with tired voice

"Fleet Admiral!!,The Big Mom pirate are moving toward Re-Island!!"

"What!!!" shouted Sengoku as he thought 'maybe we has a oppurnity to win this war' then sengoku quickly run toward execution platform

garp just look at Sengoku blankly as je dont know anything but he just walk away with slow pace

back to Guts

"old man!!,you should has retired long time ago" said guts mockingly

"huh kid,whatever you say i will still stop you here" reply Zephyr as he punch his mecha arm straight to Guts face

Gut turned his greatsword directly into pitch black at stop zehpyr punch


(well can you all tell me what the sound went metal hit metal?)

even with haki, Guts still take few step backway

"urgh...." groaned Guts as he spit mouthfull of blood from his mouth

"Kid,you need more than 100 years to fight me with haki" said Zehpyr as he punch unarmed Guts on his stomache

Guts was trowned few meter form Zehpyr and directly crushed on the ice

and Guts directly knocked out

{well i going say that Akoiji ice was super it cant melted by akainu who was always turned into full magma when fighting just like in the canon}

looking at fainted Guts, Zehpyr suddenly kneeled on the ground

"well,even with disadvantage...he still make be use all my streanght just to defeat him" muttured Zehpyr with a shocked look on his face, as his bosuhoku haki are a little weaker than garp and also with mecha arm,he can even fight on par with sengoku,although he still lose the fight..

then Zehpyr stood up and walk toward Guts slowly as he want to take him to the jail...but when he only few step infornt guts...

he suddenly surrounded by Huge amount of shade army

"well,he is not admiral for nothing" muttured Zehpyr as he directly change his arm into moving machine gun






meanwhile at the sky

Empoz are standing on top of Kaido(in dragon form)

Kaido try to struggle but Empoz just punch his head and That make Kaido stop his struggle

"Stop moving around Little dragon" said Empoz with a cold voice as he look at the battle field calmly

kaido just nodded but in his head he was thinking 'what the fuck did i came here for!??!?!'

but then Empoz heared

puru puru puru puru puru puru

so Empiz just take out snail phone and say

"what happen that make you call me Mystos" said Empoz with cold voice

"oh,Empoz..hemmm i ....want to tell you that.....Big mom pirate are going to attack the island" said mystos

"so?" replyed Empoz calmly

"can....i...kill her?" asked Mystos as he know big mom has extremely hard defend so maybe if he make skeleton from big mom...he will create another monster under his rule

"dont kill her,that was not your job,but you can cut her hand or leg" said Empoz

Kaido tha was hearing the talk begin to shoked his dragon body 'damn,big mom is monster to people,even for me,she was not that ewsy to defeat and here them are talking like her just some cannon fodder!!'

"Hemmm" then Mystos directly turn off snail phone

Empoz just snorted at Mystos act but then Empoz and Kaido saw a ship fall from the sky straight toward the battle field

"why did them came so late" muttured Empoz as he also jump from kaido head straight toward the ground

as for the people below,them can only hear immature voice from the sky



{maybe reader was thinking why did Guts lose to Zehpyr...well there was a reason,

1.Zehpyr right now is not like Zehpyr in Z movie(who is severed weakened because of old age)...Zehpyr right now has streaght only below garp and sengoku

2.Guts maybe strong as he can defeat akainu effortless,but still that because akainu haki are very weak compared with Guts haki

3.Zehpyr mecha arm(made of sea stone),severed weakened Guts Devil fruit shadow Guts can being said was atleast can even use more than 50% of his full power



the choise is your

1.irregular in magic high school(19)(this is one of the hardest to write as the anime not over there will be season 3 in few more years in the future)

2.My Hero Academia(24)(well MHA is one of my fav anime ever....)

3.Marvel (MCU) (23)(well it was easy to write marvek fanfiction novel....but i need to watch all the movies first)

4.HARRY POTTER (10)(here was most easiest even if i want to writw...but then...i dont realy like harry potter movie as there were character like ron and dumbel door in the movie,damn i hate thise two person)

5.SAO (7)(yeah all of you hate sao,but why dude...i more incline to create sao fanfiction novel..but no one vote it...)

here the result for now...but i will keep this poll until From fairy tail to multiverse novel finished

so keep chosing guys

well guys why did you all like mha and mcu so much!??!


next chapter------>